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Significance of 108

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This article is published and copyrighted by the Jyotish Digest, Volume 4 Issue

2, New Delhi, 2005.

The unquoted information in the main part of this article comes from the

Parampara of Sri Achyuta Das of Orissa.




There are 12 rasi (sun signs) of 30 degrees each in the zodiac. These rasi are

connected to the Adityas (12 Sun gods) and the rasi are said to give the results

of the Sun. The Sun is karaka (significator) for the 1st and the houses 9th

houses. When you take each rasi and divide it into nine amsas (divisions) it

creates the Navamsa (9th divisional chart). 30 degrees divided by nine gives 9

signs of 3 degrees and 20 minutes each. With each of the 12 signs containing 9

amsas there is 108 amsas. This Navamsa shows the inherent qualities of the soul,

a native's dharma (purpose), bhagya (luck), and one's spouse. The Navamsa is the

108 sign chart held in high esteem in Vedic astrology and a Vedic astrologer

doesn't read a birth chart without the navamsa sitting next to it.


The Moon goes through the zodiac in approximately 27 days which creates the

lunar zodiac called the nakshatras. The Moon is karaka (significator) for the

4th house. Each of these 27 lunar signs are divided into 4 amsas (divisions)

called padas (feet/footsteps). The nakshatras (lunar signs) are 13-20 degrees

and divided by four become 3-20 degrees. 27 nakshatras multiplied by 4 padas is

108. The four pada relate to the four ayana: karma (career), artha (sustenance),

kama (pleasure/family), moksa (spirituality/liberation). Each pada has a tone,

using which can activate a planet within the tone. The Moon has a 108 padas and

108 tones.


The 3-20 division reveals itself as the most crucial division. The Moon sign's

padas and the Sun sign's navamsas line up with the number 108. 108 is the number

where the Moon (manas) and Sun (atman/ahamkar) line up. It is where the Moon's

cycle can be aligned with the Sun's cycle. 108 is a number that aligns the mind

and the soul.


The 3-20 division aligns the Sun and the Moon, which also shows the alignment of

Shiva and Parvati or the Purusha and Prakritti. The 108 division is the coming

together of Purusha and Prakritti, it is the creation of the world.


The Sun and the Moon are connected to the earth by approximately 108 times their

own diameters. When you look at the Sun and the Moon from earth they are

perceived as the same size, this same size appears because of their distance. In

the zodiac the large solar signs (rasis) find the same size as the smaller lunar

signs (nakshatras) with the number 108. Even though the Sun (1,392,000 km ) is

400 times smaller than the Moon (3,474.8 km), they are perceived the same by

their division of 108 times their own diameter. This just physically reveals

that the Purusha (Sun) and Prakritti (Moon) are using the vibration of 108 to

create and maintain life as it is on this earth. 108 is not sacred because of

this distance, this distance (of a 108 the luminaries own diameter) are existing

because it is the vibration in which all life as we know it is brought into



It is the vibration of the Purusha and Prakritti that has put us into existence

and it is the secret key that will allow us to awaken in our existence,

manipulate our existence, or transcend our existence. It is a powerful force

that can do anything, tantra (both positive and negative) taps into this force.

There are a 108 beads upon a mala to tap into this vibration of the supreme

creative force of the god and goddess, Purusha and Prakritti.


All other lists of 108 unfold from Purusha (Sun) and Prakritti (Moon). For

example, in Ayurveda there are a 108 marmas in the body. They are points that

can heal or kill a living being. They are considered the points where

consciousness connects to the body, where Purusha (consciousness) is brought

into Prakritti (body) to give life to the living being (both humans and animals

have these points). The 108 intersections on the Sri Chakra again relate to this

numbers ability invoke the balance of Purusha and Prakritti and the primordial

ability of the rishi to see both clearly.


In linear time Prakritti (manifest creation) came forth from the Purusha (the

absolute beyond anything created). It is a point from which all came into being.

In non-linear time, this point is always present where the 'nothing' and the

'something' connect beyond words. This space is 108.



Additional points:


I read about the distance between planetary bodies being connected to108 being

mentioned a few times and I questioned it and decided to really do a little

research to find out where these numbers were coming from and how accurate they



Here is the statement made:

1- Distance between earth and sun = 108 times sun-diameter,

2- Distance between earth and moon = 108 times moon-diameter,

3- Diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth diameter.


My research:

1 . Distance between earth and sun = 108 times sun-diameter


The diameter of the Sun has not been easy for scientists to measure. These are

the numbers I was able to find.

-1,392,000 km ( " Sun " Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 6th ed. Columbia

University Press, 2003)

- 1,400,000 km (Namowitz, Samuel N. and Spaulding, Nancy E. Earth Science.

Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell Company, 1999)

- 1,390,000 km (The Amazing Structure of the Sun. National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA), 2003)

- 1,380,000 km (Namowitz, Samuel N., and Nancy E. Spaulding. Heath Earth

Science. Lexington, MA: Heath, 1994: 398.)


The distance between the earth and the Sun is called an Astrological Unit (AU).

1 AU = 149,597,870.691 kilometers

Even though this is the number given there are multiple places where variability

gets into the numbers. One way is the elliptical orbit of the earth around the


Perihelion: 147.5 million km, about January 4th

Aphelion 152.6 million km, about July 4th




Taking the mean distance between the earth and the Sun ( 149,597,870.691 km) and

dividing it by the most commonly used diameter of the Sun (1,392,000 km) the

result is 107.46973469181034482758620689655.


2. Distance between earth and moon = 108 times moon-diameter


Moon's diameter is: 3,474.8 km (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth)


Distance from earth to the Moon:

Again the Moon's rotation is elliptical and not an exact circle. But Apollo 11

astronauts put mirrors on the Moon and lasers measure the amount of time it

takes for the light to reflect, this gives measurements with accuracy up to a

few inches at any given time.

Perigree 363,300 km

Apogee 405,500 km

Mean Distance 384,400 km (http://www.freemars.org/jeff/planets/Luna/Luna.htm)



Taking the mean distance from the Moon to the Earth (384,400 km) and dividing it

by the Moon's diameter (3,474.8 km) results in



3. Diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth diameter


The diameter of the earth is:

Equatorial diameter 12,756.28 km

Polar diameter 12,713.56 km

Mean diameter 12,742.02 km (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth)


Note: The Bhagavad Purana Canto 5, verse 2 says " The sun globe, which is a

source of heat, has a width (vistaratah) of 10,000 yojanas. The moon has a width

of 20,000 yojanas "

Sun 10,000 yojanas = 72,000 km, actual diameter 1,392,000 km

Moon 20,000 yojanas = 144,000 km, actual diameter 3,474.8 km

So even though the eclipse information that followed is correct the basic

diameter is not correct in Purana. Brahmagupta in the 7 th century calculated

the earth to be 5,000 yojanas which is 36,000 km (@7.2km per yojana). It was

close; the actual circumference at the equator is 40,076km.



Taking the most used diameter of the Sun (1,392,000 km) divided by the mean

diameter of the earth ( 12,742.02 km) results in




It is nice to see the relative closeness to the number 108 in these

measurements, but the numbers really cannot stand out too much under scientific

scrutiny. One would not look back and calculate the number 108 as sacred from

such computations. Stating this factual information also doesn't really give any

deeper understanding of 108. But understanding why 108 is sacred reveals why

these numbers and distances are very important.




Additional points:


1 + 0 + 8 = 9. Nine is the number of completion. As zero is the first number and

after 9 the numbers start to repeat themselves. The 9 substantial numbers are

representing the 9 archetypes of human existence (the navagraha). Nine is

sometimes connected to Ketu, the moksa Karaka (significator of liberation), the

planet that brings higher awareness, expanded vision and moksha (liberation).

Ketu is connected to the deity Ganesh who guards the door to the Mother

Kundalini who gives us Moksha.


In the Durga Saptasati, the goddess Durga has nine forms known as the Navadurga.

The number 9 is connected to the goddess Durga whose yantra (geometric symbol)

contains the 9 pointed star and who is celebrated on Navratri (the nine nights

of the goddess). In Hindu Kalachakra astrology it is Durga who guards the prana

of the body, she guards our core vitality.


1 + 0 + 8 = 9. Numerologically, nine is a very special number, it always returns

to itself. Look how it behaves with other numbers:

9 x 1 = 9

9 x 2 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9

9 x 3 = 27, 2 + 7 = 9

9 x 4 = 36, 3 + 6 = 9

9 x 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9

9 x 6 = 54, 5 + 4 = 9

9 x 7 = 63, 6 + 3 = 9

9 x 8 = 72, 7 + 2 = 9

9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9

9 x 10=90, 9 + 0 = 9

9 x 11=99, 9 + 9 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9

9 x 12 = 108


There are 108 Marmas in the body, junction points where Consciousness is tied

into the the flesh. When we say 108 mantras it acts as a Kavach (protection) to

each point.


There are 108 spokes coming from the Hridaya (heart center) energizing the body.

And when we do our mantras 108 times it allows the mantra to flow through each

of these channels (as well as each of the 108 navamsas that a planet could be

placed in).


When the ocean of milk was churned in the beginning of time, it could only be

done with the working unity of the devas (gods) and asuras (demons). They used a

great snake to churn the ocean of milk (the milky way) there were 54 devas on

the side of the tail and 54 asuras on the side of the heads. They churned the

ocean searching for the amrita (the nectar of immortality). Before it arose from

the ocean many poisons and blessing arose. These represent our 54 negative

qualities that churn with the 54 positive qualities in the spiritual work of

looking for the amrita within. This churning allows the kundalini to rise on the

mountain axis of our spine with the turtle of the root chakra below.


The 108 navamsa/padas are permanently charted into the zodiac. The Sun traverses

these through out the year. The 54 demons are the Sun's Southern Course

(Dakshina Ayana) where there is more darkness on the northern hemisphere. The 54

devas are the Northern Course of the Sun (Uttara Ayana). It is the time of the

devas, where light is more prevelant.


Namah Sivaya


Thank You.




Source - http://www.shrifreedom.com/yoga108.shtml

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Guest guest

that was a wonderful piece mr.vinod.-

can anyone advice me how one can do bhajanam in guruvayoor? the

duration- the rules etc





> This article is published and copyrighted by the Jyotish Digest,

Volume 4 Issue 2, New Delhi, 2005.

> The unquoted information in the main part of this article comes

from the Parampara of Sri Achyuta Das of Orissa.

> --



> There are 12 rasi (sun signs) of 30 degrees each in the zodiac.

These rasi are connected to the Adityas (12 Sun gods) and the rasi

are said to give the results of the Sun. The Sun is karaka

(significator) for the 1st and the houses 9th houses. When you take

each rasi and divide it into nine amsas (divisions) it creates the

Navamsa (9th divisional chart). 30 degrees divided by nine gives 9

signs of 3 degrees and 20 minutes each. With each of the 12 signs

containing 9 amsas there is 108 amsas. This Navamsa shows the

inherent qualities of the soul, a native's dharma (purpose), bhagya

(luck), and one's spouse. The Navamsa is the 108 sign chart held in

high esteem in Vedic astrology and a Vedic astrologer doesn't read a

birth chart without the navamsa sitting next to it.


> The Moon goes through the zodiac in approximately 27 days which

creates the lunar zodiac called the nakshatras. The Moon is karaka

(significator) for the 4th house. Each of these 27 lunar signs are

divided into 4 amsas (divisions) called padas (feet/footsteps). The

nakshatras (lunar signs) are 13-20 degrees and divided by four become

3-20 degrees. 27 nakshatras multiplied by 4 padas is 108. The four

pada relate to the four ayana: karma (career), artha (sustenance),

kama (pleasure/family), moksa (spirituality/liberation). Each pada

has a tone, using which can activate a planet within the tone. The

Moon has a 108 padas and 108 tones.


> The 3-20 division reveals itself as the most crucial division. The

Moon sign's padas and the Sun sign's navamsas line up with the number

108. 108 is the number where the Moon (manas) and Sun (atman/ahamkar)

line up. It is where the Moon's cycle can be aligned with the Sun's

cycle. 108 is a number that aligns the mind and the soul.


> The 3-20 division aligns the Sun and the Moon, which also shows the

alignment of Shiva and Parvati or the Purusha and Prakritti. The 108

division is the coming together of Purusha and Prakritti, it is the

creation of the world.


> The Sun and the Moon are connected to the earth by approximately

108 times their own diameters. When you look at the Sun and the Moon

from earth they are perceived as the same size, this same size

appears because of their distance. In the zodiac the large solar

signs (rasis) find the same size as the smaller lunar signs

(nakshatras) with the number 108. Even though the Sun (1,392,000 km )

is 400 times smaller than the Moon (3,474.8 km), they are perceived

the same by their division of 108 times their own diameter. This just

physically reveals that the Purusha (Sun) and Prakritti (Moon) are

using the vibration of 108 to create and maintain life as it is on

this earth. 108 is not sacred because of this distance, this distance

(of a 108 the luminaries own diameter) are existing because it is the

vibration in which all life as we know it is brought into existence.


> It is the vibration of the Purusha and Prakritti that has put us

into existence and it is the secret key that will allow us to awaken

in our existence, manipulate our existence, or transcend our

existence. It is a powerful force that can do anything, tantra (both

positive and negative) taps into this force. There are a 108 beads

upon a mala to tap into this vibration of the supreme creative force

of the god and goddess, Purusha and Prakritti.


> All other lists of 108 unfold from Purusha (Sun) and Prakritti

(Moon). For example, in Ayurveda there are a 108 marmas in the body.

They are points that can heal or kill a living being. They are

considered the points where consciousness connects to the body, where

Purusha (consciousness) is brought into Prakritti (body) to give life

to the living being (both humans and animals have these points). The

108 intersections on the Sri Chakra again relate to this numbers

ability invoke the balance of Purusha and Prakritti and the

primordial ability of the rishi to see both clearly.


> In linear time Prakritti (manifest creation) came forth from the

Purusha (the absolute beyond anything created). It is a point from

which all came into being. In non-linear time, this point is always

present where the 'nothing' and the 'something' connect beyond words.

This space is 108.



> Additional points:


> I read about the distance between planetary bodies being connected

to108 being mentioned a few times and I questioned it and decided to

really do a little research to find out where these numbers were

coming from and how accurate they were.


> Here is the statement made:

> 1- Distance between earth and sun = 108 times sun-diameter,

> 2- Distance between earth and moon = 108 times moon-diameter,

> 3- Diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth diameter.


> My research:

> 1 . Distance between earth and sun = 108 times sun-diameter


> The diameter of the Sun has not been easy for scientists to

measure. These are the numbers I was able to find.

> -1,392,000 km ( " Sun " Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 6th ed.

Columbia University Press, 2003)

> - 1,400,000 km (Namowitz, Samuel N. and Spaulding, Nancy E. Earth

Science. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell Company, 1999)

> - 1,390,000 km (The Amazing Structure of the Sun. National

Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 2003)

> - 1,380,000 km (Namowitz, Samuel N., and Nancy E. Spaulding. Heath

Earth Science. Lexington, MA: Heath, 1994: 398.)


> The distance between the earth and the Sun is called an

Astrological Unit (AU).

> 1 AU = 149,597,870.691 kilometers

> Even though this is the number given there are multiple places

where variability gets into the numbers. One way is the elliptical

orbit of the earth around the Sun.

> Perihelion: 147.5 million km, about January 4th

> Aphelion 152.6 million km, about July 4th



> Findings:

> Taking the mean distance between the earth and the Sun (

149,597,870.691 km) and dividing it by the most commonly used

diameter of the Sun (1,392,000 km) the result is



> 2. Distance between earth and moon = 108 times moon-diameter


> Moon's diameter is: 3,474.8 km (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth)


> Distance from earth to the Moon:

> Again the Moon's rotation is elliptical and not an exact circle.

But Apollo 11 astronauts put mirrors on the Moon and lasers measure

the amount of time it takes for the light to reflect, this gives

measurements with accuracy up to a few inches at any given time.

> Perigree 363,300 km

> Apogee 405,500 km

> Mean Distance 384,400 km



> Findings:

> Taking the mean distance from the Moon to the Earth (384,400 km)

and dividing it by the Moon's diameter (3,474.8 km) results in



> 3. Diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth diameter


> The diameter of the earth is:

> Equatorial diameter 12,756.28 km

> Polar diameter 12,713.56 km

> Mean diameter 12,742.02 km (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth)


> Note: The Bhagavad Purana Canto 5, verse 2 says " The sun globe,

which is a source of heat, has a width (vistaratah) of 10,000

yojanas. The moon has a width of 20,000 yojanas "

> Sun 10,000 yojanas = 72,000 km, actual diameter 1,392,000 km

> Moon 20,000 yojanas = 144,000 km, actual diameter 3,474.8 km

> So even though the eclipse information that followed is correct the

basic diameter is not correct in Purana. Brahmagupta in the 7 th

century calculated the earth to be 5,000 yojanas which is 36,000 km

(@7.2km per yojana). It was close; the actual circumference at the

equator is 40,076km.


> Findings:

> Taking the most used diameter of the Sun (1,392,000 km) divided by

the mean diameter of the earth ( 12,742.02 km) results in



> Conclusion:

> It is nice to see the relative closeness to the number 108 in these

measurements, but the numbers really cannot stand out too much under

scientific scrutiny. One would not look back and calculate the number

108 as sacred from such computations. Stating this factual

information also doesn't really give any deeper understanding of 108.

But understanding why 108 is sacred reveals why these numbers and

distances are very important.




> Additional points:


> 1 + 0 + 8 = 9. Nine is the number of completion. As zero is the

first number and after 9 the numbers start to repeat themselves. The

9 substantial numbers are representing the 9 archetypes of human

existence (the navagraha). Nine is sometimes connected to Ketu, the

moksa Karaka (significator of liberation), the planet that brings

higher awareness, expanded vision and moksha (liberation). Ketu is

connected to the deity Ganesh who guards the door to the Mother

Kundalini who gives us Moksha.


> In the Durga Saptasati, the goddess Durga has nine forms known as

the Navadurga. The number 9 is connected to the goddess Durga whose

yantra (geometric symbol) contains the 9 pointed star and who is

celebrated on Navratri (the nine nights of the goddess). In Hindu

Kalachakra astrology it is Durga who guards the prana of the body,

she guards our core vitality.


> 1 + 0 + 8 = 9. Numerologically, nine is a very special number, it

always returns to itself. Look how it behaves with other numbers:

> 9 x 1 = 9

> 9 x 2 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9

> 9 x 3 = 27, 2 + 7 = 9

> 9 x 4 = 36, 3 + 6 = 9

> 9 x 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9

> 9 x 6 = 54, 5 + 4 = 9

> 9 x 7 = 63, 6 + 3 = 9

> 9 x 8 = 72, 7 + 2 = 9

> 9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9

> 9 x 10=90, 9 + 0 = 9

> 9 x 11=99, 9 + 9 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9

> 9 x 12 = 108


> There are 108 Marmas in the body, junction points where

Consciousness is tied into the the flesh. When we say 108 mantras it

acts as a Kavach (protection) to each point.


> There are 108 spokes coming from the Hridaya (heart center)

energizing the body. And when we do our mantras 108 times it allows

the mantra to flow through each of these channels (as well as each of

the 108 navamsas that a planet could be placed in).


> When the ocean of milk was churned in the beginning of time, it

could only be done with the working unity of the devas (gods) and

asuras (demons). They used a great snake to churn the ocean of milk

(the milky way) there were 54 devas on the side of the tail and 54

asuras on the side of the heads. They churned the ocean searching for

the amrita (the nectar of immortality). Before it arose from the

ocean many poisons and blessing arose. These represent our 54

negative qualities that churn with the 54 positive qualities in the

spiritual work of looking for the amrita within. This churning allows

the kundalini to rise on the mountain axis of our spine with the

turtle of the root chakra below.


> The 108 navamsa/padas are permanently charted into the zodiac. The

Sun traverses these through out the year. The 54 demons are the Sun's

Southern Course (Dakshina Ayana) where there is more darkness on the

northern hemisphere. The 54 devas are the Northern Course of the Sun

(Uttara Ayana). It is the time of the devas, where light is more



> Namah Sivaya


> Thank You.

> -



> Source - http://www.shrifreedom.com/yoga108.shtml

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