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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Mechanics of the Mind

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Dear Sri.Narasimhan,

Thanks a lot for the verses carved out from Rajajis Bhagawat Gita to emphasise the inner working of the mind.The main topic Gita and Krishna as Jagatguru are not over or complete.All the present postings are only a prelude to get more responses from the members who fortunately are taking more interest by their contributions to the forum on the various subjects.The main topic will be taken up by Veena and she will post slokas from Gita and all can adduce their opinions and discuss from their angles whether for or against so as to define the ultimate truth as enunciated in the various slokas.In that way the contributions of members and that of Veena will go together to make the forum more lively.I am confident that most of the members will come out and do their bit in this great Yagna.By the Grace of God all will go well and the Group will become stronger as days go by.


Hare Krishna,

agramanNarasimhan <athenawala wrote:

Dear Sri Raman:Sarvatra Govinda Naama Sankeertanam, Govinda Govinda!Your piece of the "mechanics of mind" was very nicely worded and I am sure it struck a cord in each of our minds. This topic can easily follow through into the ongoing discussion of Gita. However, I am not sure if this will amount to getting ahead of myself since I am not sure if the discussion(s) on the Gita Mahatmyam and Krishna as a Jagadguru are being considered as complete for the present. I would like to mention that the following slokas in the Gita aptly summarize the aspects of the "practice of mind control" succintly described by you in the email below. Adhyaya II-Slokas 60-63 and 67Adhyaya III-Slokas 36-41Adhyaya XVI-Slokas 21,22Adhyaya XVIII-Sokas 36,37Reference: Bhagavad Gita by C. RajaGopalachari, Bhavan's Book

University, pages 58-63. I shall begin by reciting the first four (slokas 60-63 and 67, Adhyaya II).II-60Yatato Hrdyaapi Kounteyam Purushasya VipashchitahaIndriyani Pramaatheeni Haranti Prasabham ManahaThe rebellious nature of the senses is such that even in a man who knows and who is sincerely striving, they are apt violently to carry away his mind.II-61Taani Sarvaani Samyasya Yukta Aaaseeta MatparahaVashe hi yasyendriyani Tasya Pragya PratishtathaRestraining them all, he should sit with his mind composed and bent on Me. He whose senses are mastered has his understanding firmly fixed.II-62Dhyaayato Vishayaanpunsaha SangasteshoopajaayateSangaatsanjaayate kaamaha kaamatkrodhobhijaayateWhen a man allows his mind to muse on the objects of sense-enjoyments, an attraction for them is created. Attraction develops into craving and from craving follow causes for

anger.II-63Krodhaadbhavati Sammohaha SammohatsmritivibhramahaSmrtibrhamshaad Buddhinaasho Buddhinaashat PranashyatiAnger produces delusion. Delusion confuses memory and understanding of things; from this confusion of understanding follows the disintegration of the power of discrimination; with discrimination gone, the man perishes.I pray that this initiates another interesting dialogue amongst our family members.Guruvayoorappa Sharanam!Narasimhanguruvayur , GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62> wrote:> Hare Krishna> > In man's search for happiness,he invariably turns to external objects and events for satisfaction.He thinks "if I can just hv that car". or if I were able to get that job" etc then I would be happy.The mind may be stilled and at peace for a short time on attaining the desired objects,but eventually it tires of its new

joy and seeks pleasure elsewhere.However,each time the external objects fail to bring happiness.One may acquire new materials possessions, a position with more responsibility,and a new home, but there always remains the mind.Contentment is derived from the approach and attitude towards the external world,not from the objects themselves.Every person passes thru easier and more difficult times in his life.When the obstacles in life are confronted with a serene mind,then one lives more happily.> > The challenge,then is to gain control of the inner world.The mind is constantly conversing with itself-replaying past events,rearranging them into a better drama,planning for the future,discussing the pros and cons of this and that.By methodically slowing down its continuous ramblings,the internal dialogue,and focussing on positive and uplifting objects,it is possible to begin to understand the mechanics of the psyche

and bring about a more effective life.> > But the mind is an elusive animal to tame.So many theories exist as to how it works,yet the human mental process seems to remain intangible.Why does one so often find himself caught in the same frustrations,the same problems?Free will does exist but only when it is used to break out the habits that hv been developed in life.It is said that this is a free society,but in truth,it is each person's own desires and emotions that bind him.Consider the friend who smokes cigarettes,daily disclaiming them,determined to stop"tomorrow".How many years has he been caught in this charade?He truly wants to be free from the habit,but lacks the necessary control of his own mind.> > In a sense,the mind is like a record.It contains grooves or impressions,called samskaras.These are formed when certain waves, or vrittis ,become habitual.For example a man passes a bakery and

sees a chocolate eclair in the window.The vritti arises in his mind."How delicious,I will buy that eclair'.If he ignores that vritti and turns the mind to something else,then no pattern is formed.But if he identifies wit the thought,he gives life to it.He buys the eclair,looking forward to enjoying as dessert that evening.Now suppose he finds he must pass that same bakery every tuesday and thursday.Each time he goes by,he recalls that wonderful eclair,and purchases another.Now what was originally a flash in the mind has become a force in his life, and a samskara has been formed.> > Samskaras are not necessarily negative.There can be grooves in the mind which are uplifting and those which bring one down.It is the express purpose of meditation to create new,positive channels in the mind and to eradicate those which are destructive.It is an absolutely scientific process,but at the same time,the goal is

spiritual.It is not sufficient to eliminate the negative.There must be a striving to develop love,compassion,a sense of service,cheerfulness,kindness, and many other qualities which not only make ones' own life happy,but which radiate to others.> > Every one wants to be his best.Each person would like to think that he is perfect.Yet despite repeated resolutions,every person finds himself so many times being less than what he would like to be.The cause for the same is the ego.Sri Sankara stated in the Vivekachudamani,"Calamity is due to being subject to ego,bad agonies are due to ego,desire is due to subjection to ego,there is no greater enemy than ego".This ego is the cause of all bondage and is the chief barrier to the experience of inner Reality.> Ego is the self-arrogating aspect of the mind.It is the ego which separates the individual from unity with others and within himself,for the ego asserts

I-ness.Ego is the greatest obstacle to tranquility,for it is that which occupies the mind with whether we are better or worse,possess more or less,and hv greater or lesser power than others.It is attended by desire,pride,anger,delusion,greed,jealousy,lust and hatred.The ego is the most difficult aspect of the mind to control,for its nature is such that it eludes even while one is striving to overcome it.It is that part of the being that would not be controlled.When the ego is subdued thru meditation,energies can then be utilised constructively for personal growth and the service of others.> > Good and evil,friend and enemy are in the mind only.Every man creates a world of virtues and vices,pleasures and pains out of his own imagination.These qualities do not proceed from the objects themselves,they belong to the attitude of the mind.One man's joy is another man's burden.Thoughts control one's life,mould one's

character,shape one's destiny, and affect all other people.When the potential contained in the power of thought is realised,it is the beginning of great spititual growth in the individual and all of humanity.> It is worthwhile to remember what Patanjali Maharishi says:> Drastr-drsyayoh samyogo heya-hetuh> (The cause of future Karma is the identification of the experiencer with the object that is being experienced)> When a person is identifying with this illusory world,the ego predominates,and he acts without wisdom,incurring new Karma for himself.Through constant purification and balancing of the mind all the three gunas are brought into equilibrium,and man returns to the Source that is beyond the manifest world.> > Hare Krishna.> agraman> > India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.Om Namo Narayanaya:



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