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Power of Mantra

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Hare Krishna.

For a change I wish to say something about Mantra Japa which performed in right earnestness lift the devotees to great heights in both material and spiritual realms as the same is generating the power lying dormant in every individual.

A mantra is mystical energy encased in a sound structure.Every mantra contains within its vibrations a certain power.Upon concentration and repetition of a given mantra,its energy is elicited and takes form.Japa or Mantra yoga is the practice by which the power contained within mantras is applied for specific purposes.Each mantra is constructed from a combination of sounds derived from sanskrit as it was the language whose age is not known.The ancient sages ,who were intuned to higher levels of consciousness ,were well aware of the inherent power contained in sound,and they utilised combinations of sounds to set up specific vibrations.These vibrations applied systematically could literally move mountains.In fact one theory on the building of Pyramids suggests that it was the highly developed science of manipulating sound vibrations that enabled the early Egyptians to sculpt and move stones of such enormous proportion.


Whether such feats can be attributed to the control of sound is a question modern science has not yet covered.Yet there is no doubt that sound does have a definite and predictable effect on the human psyche and body.An example a very obvious one is the difference between classical and rock music.The first tends to be relaxing while the other is inclined to excite the senses.On a more subtle level,various mantras are applied for certain purposes.Most specifically they turn the mind toward concentration on the Supreme and release spiritual energy in the body.Though there are mantras called bhija or seed mantras more common,however is the deity Mantra in which specific form with attributes is visualised along with repetition of the sound.It can be any mantra of one's Ishta Devata and it is not necessary to say different mantras to different deities as in that case the spiritual energy accumulated by repeating a particular mantra gets dissipated due to lack of concentration

when so many deities cloud the mind.Always it must be understood that God is formless and only form is given to various deities by the sages of the yore which we follow.So according to one's choice any form can be given to the formless Supreme and all the mantras enunciated can be said to that deity or reversely take one mantra and dedicate the same to the various deities as Lord has said all forms are that of Mine and it is only the aspirant who is not able to understand and try to distinguish different forms in his mind.So in this one need not grope in the dark.Simple solution is if one likes Rama,Krishna,Siva ,Sakthy etc keep in his mind the Deity that captures his mind and repeat the mantras of that deity continuously instead of saying so any mantras to please so many deities.That thought is obnoxious and preposterous especially when one thinks that God is One and formless and we alone give the forms.Mantra is nothing but the form of that particular deity.Of course it is a hard

task to begin with but when one understands the basics of the principle then there wont be any confusion.


Meditation on the image of the chosen deity while the mantra is being repeated adds tremendously to the efficacy of japa.Sound and form correspond and reinforce each other.Sound vibrations alone,if made with care and devotion are capable of producing the form in the consciousness of the aspirant.The process can be greatly facilitated by visualising the deity in the heart area or the space between the eyebrows.With the visualisation,there shuld be an awareness of the various attributes of the deity.Feel always that the Lord is seated within,emanating purity to the heart and mind,and manifesting His presence by the power of the mantra.Repetition of the Mantra has a cumulative effect ,and with continued practice gains in power.It shuld be evident that japa meditation is far more than a formal exercise.It is a state of complete absorption.After the japa is done some rest must be given so that the spirtual energy generated will remain in tact.This current shuld be maintained at

all times,no matter what one is engaged in.

In doing manual work,give the hands to work but give the mind to God.Like a woman who continues knitting while talking to her friends,one can sustain mental japa.With practice manual work will become automatic.When the Mantra can be repeated throughout the day, God consciousness will permeate ones'life.


There are so many examples in puranas and in the modern life that mantra japa has done great wonders.A true aspirant will always be protected by the Deity whose mantra he/she recites always with absolute devotion and surrender from all calamities as the chosen Deity is pleased to be the Guardian Angel always for the sincere devotee.There need be no doubt about it.Instances are galore even now abt this.Only requirement is control of mind and concentration.As I hv said mind is like a monkey always restless and when one wants to do japa it jumps to so many other factors but thru practice the mind can be controlled over a period of time and the devotee if he succeeds in making his mind his /her servant instead of himself/herself its servant then success is achieved.One shuld strive for this.When once the Deity he/she worships shows the form in his/her mind then he/she can do wonders in mental.physical and spiritual domains as he is guided not by his mind but by the Supreme.Of

course to concentrate on one Deity is always difficult as I hv already covered Hindu pantheism has defined deities galore and mantras innumerable for each deity and it is well nigh impossible to shed the practice overnight.But brooding over this aspect for some time and a final decision is taken one shuld choose the Deity who has a liking in his/her mind then the problems are almost solved.Then choosing a mantra for that deity.That is not a problem.Any name of that Deity will suit the purpose.Only thing is when the Deity is chosen one shuld stick to that form and see the same in all other deities and in course one will find one's ishta devata in all deities.There is no necessity for dilly dallying on this and the fact will get manifested to the devotee over a period of time.Consistency is very very important in this.Viswamithra was able to acquire so much powers by worshipping Gayatry that he was able to create separate heavens thru his ardent devotion to Gayatry.Anjaneya always

recites the name of Rama and got himself immersed in the form of Rama and this made him to do wonderful feats thru the Grace of Sri Rama,the Supreme Being.That is puranas.We hv seen so many people of the present age by worshipping their chosen deities hv been able to achieve dizzy heights in the mundane and spirtual world.


So there need be no vacillation on this aspect of Bakti.An attempt can be made by ardent devotees in this respect and can see the effects in due course by the Grace of God.As the merciful Lord whether masculine or feminine will always protect the devotee as the Supreme is only the dasa of the devotee.


Hare Krishna



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