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Thuravur Sri Narasimhaswamy Kshetram

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It is not out of context if I say that Bharat is the only country perhaps in the world where we find many religious concepts and their symbols in the form of temples,churches,mosques,gurudvaras etc which cluster everywhere and despite such divergent views of the religions there is an underlying unity which is the reason that this country of a billion and more still survive despite the onslaught of various invasions over several centuries,bickerings of the Rulers of the yonder years and the present day rulers,people speaking several languages,having several types of cultures all these make our country a jewel in this world.How is this possible?It is all due to the devotional aspects of the rishis of yore,their penance for the uplift of humanity as a whole and the vibrations they hv created still permeates in the atmosphere that make the country despite its severe poverty and other constraints a place to live in and be proud of.


In the galaxy of temples famous and not so famous there is a temple dedicated to Sri Narasimha at Thuravur abt 30 Kms south of Cochin on the NH to Alapuzha.The temple complex is situated on the road side and can be seen while passing thru the NH.In fact thre are two temples dedicated to Sri Narasimhaswamy and Sri Sudarsanamoorthy.The two temples in close proximity within the same compound represents the synthesis of a unique and mysterious divine power.The idol of Sri Narasimhamoorthy is said to hv originated in the holy city of Kashi(varanasi).Swamy Padmapada, the principal disciple of Adi Sankara who was an ardent devotee of Sri Narasimha worshipped the same very idol at Kashi.Of course it is not known how the idol came from Kashy to Thuravur.In our mythology such things are common and the best way is to avoid to ask such questions and only take the essence of what is imported in the sthalapuranas or even puranas and asking any question on those things will lead only to

confusion and disbelief as everything depends on faith only.There is a saying that we shuld never ask the origin of Rishis and Rivers as their background stories and whims and fancies may not be palatable and so we shuld take those things as they are and never tried to change the status quo.


The twin Sree Kovils, a single Nalambalam,two gold plated flagmasts that tower into the skies,a majestically tall Anapandhal(elephants rostrum- the biggest in Kerala),a strict regimen of observance of vrathas for the priests,days after days of rituals and festivals,chanting of vedas and hymns etc throught the year all these create some spirtual magnetism and devotees from far and near flock to the temple.Great seers of all Mutts- Sringeri,Kanchi,Puri,Udipi,Ahobila mutt etc hv visited the temple and prayed and that increses the power of the deities and creates a spirtual environment.

Of the two temples one dedicated to Sri Sudarsanamoorthy was the first to come into existence.It is a belief that the temple is estimated to be over 1300 yeras old..As for Sri Narasimhamoorthy it came into being in the 7th century AD during the regime of Chera King named -Keralandran.His Guru was the great Muringattu Adigal a well known Tulu brahmin priest and a scholar.


Geographyically the temple site belongs to the former Cochin State.However it subsequently came under the control of Travancore due to certain political reasons.But this transition was subject to an important proviso.If a Travancore King ever set his foot on the kshethra soil then the temple would be immedly restored to Cochin.Therefore for a long time no Travancore King visited the temple.In 1951 on the merger of Travancore and Cochin and Coronation of Sri Chitrathirunal ,the Maharaja visited the temple-the first time for a Travancore King to do so.He walked to the temple over a carpet to avoid stepping directly on the ground thus fulfilling the condition.Within the Nalambalam there is a small shrine dedicated to Ganapathy.Outside the Sreekovils but within the same temple premises are the idols of Sastha,Bhagawathy,Nagadevas,Brahmarakshasu.The roles of Melsanthy(chief priest) and Keezh santhy(assistant priest)are reversed every year.So long as the Melsanthy continues in his

postion he has to maintain absolute celibacy,he must not leave the temple compound and has to follow an austere lifestyle and observe stringent daily regimen.


The temples hv their own architectural beauty.The sculptures and murals on the outer walls of the SreeKovils are very much impressive.Kerala's age old tradition in temple architecture are reflected in them.Generally Narasimha idols can be seen on sitting posture.But here the idol is on its feet.One may assume that originally this idol must be that of Maha Vishnu and as a result of poojas and other ritualsof Narasimha that are sacred it is being perceived as Ugranarasimha.On the extreme eastern side in the direct vision of the Narasimha shrine is a massive temple tank.It is believed that the cool,clean,serene waters of the tank provide a calming effect on the Lords fierce frame of mind.

There is an interesting anecdote that during the pilgrimage to Varanasi a Nambudhiri priest from Angamally (abt 30 Kms from Cochin towards Trichur side) had a supernatural vision.He saw a beautiful beam of light descending towards the earth and travelling in a southwesterly direction.The priest followed the beam closely.At a pre-ordained point in a village called Poothanilam in Central Kerala the light hit the earth and disappeared into the ground.The priest dugged the earth at the spot and saw an extraordinarily beautiful idol of MahaVishnu in Anjanakallu(a rare kind of black stone) buried underneath.While the idol was salvaged ,the heavens opened up and blessed the event with showers of fireworks which lit up the sky and shook the earth with a thunderous sound.The Vishnu idol was later to become famous as Sri Narasimhamoorthy.The priest enshrined the idol in the Sreekovil of its own near the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Sudarsanamoorthy.It is said that the idol occupies a site

which was originally the abode of Bhagavathy.The Bhagavathy idol was relocated at a place a little towards west as per Hindu ideology.Reinforcing this belief is the fact that the multi-tired bronze lamp in front of the Sri Narasimha temple bears the image of a lion-the carrier of Bhagavathy.The place also came to be called Surapuri- probably becoz of the presence of all gods and goddesses.


In April a Somayaga was conducted with aplomb near the temple premises.Somayaga is a Yagna evolved by the great Indian saints in the Treta Yuga for the prosperity of all living beings in the entire Universe.It has more relevance in the present day world of chaos,disorderliness,lack of harmony,,ecological disturbances etc. which make living an awesome struggle.It is believed in the puranic period , Somarasa was offered to Devas to enable them to lead a nectar-like life.When we suffer even to get drinking water because of bad water management by the powers that hv been ruling us for over five decades this is naturally a wonderful thing to digest.Paavam Bharatha Matha and Her unfortunate children.


Both the Swamis are worshipped with equal reverence.It is the firm belief that those who worship Sri Narasimha here will earn the blessings of the entire galaxy of Gods.Goddess Mahalakshmy also will bless them with every happiness and wealth.

Gayatry of Sri Narasimha goes like this:


Om Vajranakhaya Vidmahe Theekshna damshtraya dheemahi

Thanno Narasimha prachodayat


Gayatry of Sudarsana:

Om Sudarsanaya Vidmahe Mahajwalaya dheemahi

Thanno Chakra prachodayat

Worship of Lord Vishnu in his manifestation of Sudarsanamoorthy will ensure that they are protected against all obstructions and sins and are blessed with a long,successful and purposeful life.Conducting Sudarsana Homa is a common practice everywhere as the same wards off all ill effects,destroys enemies and bestows prosperity.


So in this age worshipping the Gora roopa of Godhead has more potential effect than the santha roopa.Though Sri Narasimha has a fiery roopa His mind is so kind hearted and always at the beck and call of His earnest devotees.Those who worship Sri Narasimha and Sudarsana (Vaishnavites call as Chakrathalwar) are relieved of their diffculties whatever the same may be.God in the fiery roopa is always merciful but the devotees also shuld also be the same towards Him by worshipping Him without fear,with dedication,discipline and devotion.After all Godhead takes the form in which the same is worshipped as He is formless and for that Krishna is the witness and authority.In this you might hv noticed that there are two versions of the idol of Narasimha one say it is from Padmapada and another belief is it is from a Nambudhiri.As I hv already stated such controversies are always there in all our puranic stories and nobody can vouchsafe and the safest method is to adopt and assimilate the

essence of the msge forgetting such frivolous beliefs which will lead us nowhere.Afterall the cocept of God itself is belief and faith of the devotee.So in faith there shuld be no wavering and one shuld be steadfast in whatever form he worships to attain results.


Hare Krishna,












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