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Bhakti and Jnana

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This article brought to my mind the following story of Rama




One day, Rama was holding court and discussing the state of the

kingdom with his ministers, when the arrival of Vishwamitra was

announced. Rama paid his obeisance to the sage and took him to a

seat. As soon as he sat down, the sage said, " Rama, the king of


Yayati is arrogant. He has insulted me. You must kill him. You may

take this as my command! "


Rama was aware that Yayati was a righteous king and he would not be

unfair or unjust to anyone. But, the orders have come from none else

than his Guru. He could not possibly refuse to obey his revered

teacher. At the same time, he would lose an ally in Yayati, a king

who did everything for the welfare of his people. How could he go and

kill such a person? Rama was in a dilemma.


Vishwamitra was angry with Yayati because the king has failed to pay

his due respect. It so happened that his subjects had gone to the

king to complain about a herd of elephants that was destroying the

crops and terrifying both the cattle and the villagers. As a king, it

was his duty to ensure the welfare of his subjects, so Yayati decided

to hunt down the elephants. He was driving them away into the forest

when Vishwamitra came that way. Yayati did not notice the presence of

the sage, who took it as an insult. Hence his command to Rama to take

revenge on Yayati.


The king came to know that Rama was getting ready for a war with him.

He was shocked. Queen Yashodhara and their children, Prince

Chandrangad and Princess Chandramukhi were all devotees of Rama; they

could not believe their ears when they heard the threat of a war from

Rama himself.


Yayati wondered what crime he had committed to provoke Rama's

anger. " Rama does not forsake anyone if he were to seek refuge in

him " said Yayati. " I shall go and fall at his feet and ask

him to

pardon me! " He was getting ready for his journey to Ayodhya, with


family when sage Narada reached there. Yayati told him what had



" Are you out of your senses, O King? " remarked Narada.

" Don't you

know that Rama will keep a promise once he gives it? If you go to him

now, he'll surely kill you, as he is angry with you. So, it would


better if you approach Anjana Devi and appeal to her. Her son,

Hanuman, is with her now. So, go to them straight away. "


Yayati thought that the sage had given him the right advice. So, he

started for the ashram of Anjana Devi, where he found her in deep

meditation. " Devi! " he wailed before her. " I have sought

refuge here,

please save me! "


The king's wailing disturbed Anjana Devi. She suddenly woke up


her meditation and stood up. When she saw Yayati in front of her, she

comforted him, " Son, don't be afraid, I assure you, that, on


strength and power of my son, that no harm will come to you! "


Hanuman reached there in search of his mother. Yayati bowed before

him. " I'm Yayati, the king of Kasi. I'm a devotee of

Rama. You alone

will be able to save me from danger I'm facing now. I entirely


on you. "


" Don't worry on any count! " Hanuman assured the king.

" My mother has

already given her promise. I'm her son, and its my duty to carry


her promise. Don't have any doubt. I shall save you from


danger you're facing. "


" Now that Hanuman has also given his assurance, " said Anjana

Devi, " please tell us what kind of danger is threatening you. "


" How can I describe it! " said Yayati with a sigh. " Rama,

whom I

worship, wants to kill me! I've no idea what crime I've

committed to

earn his displeasure and wrath. I haven't done anything

deliberate. "


" Is it true that Rama himself wants to kill you? " said Anjana


unbelievingly. " I wonder whether I've been too hasty in

giving you a

promise. How can my son fight Rama on your behalf? What shall I do

now? " She wrung her hands in despair.


Hanuman saw his mother facing a dilemma. " Mother! You should not


back on your word. It's our duty to protect whoever seeks our


I shall not allow any harm come to king Yayati. We must face whoever

happens to be his enemy. "


Soon word spread that Hanuman would fight on behalf of Yayati. The

news reached Ayodhya as well, and both Rama and Sita heard it. She

fell into a long silence. Yayati's wife Yashodhara, along with


two children, came to meet Sita. " Devi, please save my husband.

Please ensure that I am not widowed. "


" Yashodhara! Please do not worry. " Sita consoled her.

" Its certain

that Hanuman will protect your husband. He is right now with Hanuman

and so he is safe, till he comes back, you may stay in Ayodhya with

your children. " She then made arrangements for their stay in the



In the meantime, Rama went in search of Yayati, taking his bows and

arrows with him. His three brothers, ministers and an army

accompanied him. Hanuman accosted them. He fell at the feet of

Rama, " My lord! Please be kind to Yayati. Don't kill him. He


innocent. Let him go free. "


But Rama was not willing to forgive Yayati. " I must kill him.


a promise I gave to my guru, and I must carry out that promise. "


then pushed Hanuman with his foot to make way for himself.


Hanuman got up and stood before Rama with folded hands. " Ah!

I've now

been blessed by the touch of your feet. Just as Ahalya Devi got

redemption when you kicked the stone she was cursed into. I'm


by new strength and vigour! "


" Stop flattering me, Hanuman! " Rama pulled him up.

" You'd better turn

over Yayati to me! My guru has commanded me to kill him. "


" I can understand your devotion and loyalty to your guru, "


Hanuman. " But your guru's orders are unfair. Yayati is

innocent. And

my mother has given him a promise that she'll protect him.

I'm duty

bound to keep that promise. So, if you wish to kill Yayati, then you

must first kill me! As long as I am left with a breath of life, I

shall not allow Yayati to be killed. " He then enlarged his figure


stood before Rama like a mountain.


" Are you terrifying me with your prowess? " asked Rama.


" No, my lord! " replied Hanuman calmly. " Its all your

blessing! "


Rama sent a shower of arrows at Hanuman. He warded them off with his

tail. Rama sent more arrows at him. Hanuman evaded all of them,

Hanuman did not have to offer any fight, and the encounter lasted a

long time. Just then Vishwamitra came there. Before Rama could see

him, Hanuman had noticed the sage. " My lord! Your guru has

arrived. "


" I'm not bothered! " Rama countered. " Beware! I'm

going to use the

Rama-ban arrow. "


" Rama! Hold on! " shouted Vishwamitra. " Stop your fight!

It was all

due to my false pride. Yayati is innocent. You let him go free! "


" That's impossible, O guru! " said Rama. " I've

already strung the

arrow. Now, I must use it. I must carry out your orders. Please


put obstacles! " He saw Yayati taking cover behind Hanuman.

" Hanuman!

This arrow will pierce your heart! Before that, you would be well

advised to hand over Yayati. "


" The name of Rama is always on my lips! " said Hanuman,

coolly. " So,

I'm not afraid of anything or anyone. It's my duty to protect


comes to me seeking refuge. So, I've decided to protect and save

Yayati by even sacrificing my life. If you're keen on sending the

arrow, I shall not prevent you from doing so. "


He then bared his chest, ready to receive the arrow. The arrow

pierced his chest and went deep inside and disappeared. But nothing

happened to Hanuman.


Everybody was able to see the brilliant image of Rama on


chest. They were all wonderstruck. Rama let go his bow from his

hand. " Hanuman! You've won the fight. You've overcome me

with your

devotion. "


" My lord! This fight had no winner, nor any loser, " said

Hanuman. " Your arrow had pierced my chest, but it has not


there. It has gone back to you. That is your greatness. I don't


any credit for that. "


" In protecting those who seek refuge, " remarked Vishwamitra,

you and

Rama are equal. You both will not disappoint them. You, Hanuman, have

proved your ability and shown your strength. It's not an easy


to fight Rama. You've proved that you're not mere Hanuman but


Hanuman! Your name and fame will remain till the world exists. "


sage then blessed Hanuman and expressed his repentance that he was

the cause of a misunderstanding between Rama and Hanuman.


Hanuman took leave of Rama and all others and returned to

Gandhamadana for his tapas.

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