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Mount Kailash - A union of multibeliefs

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!! Sri Rama Jayam !!




The sacred Mount Kailash is located in the western part of Tibet known as Ngari

at an altitude of 6,638 meters. This region is known as " the ridge of the world

roof " because the Kailash region is the highest part of Tibet. The average

height of Tibet is 4,000 meters above sea level. It is " the roof of the world "

because it is the highest country in the world.


The sacred Mount Kailash plays an important role in Bon, Buddhism, Jainism and

Hinduism. Each of these religions have their own belief about it and see the

mountain as an embodiment of their gods. It is certain, therefore, that the

sacredness of Mount Kailash originated in its religious significance and the

majority of the followers of these religions live in India and Asia.


According to the indigenous Tibetan Swastika Bon religion, Mount Kailash and

Manasarovar are the holy lands, which are consecrated by its founder Thonpa

Shenrab Miwo and where he lived, taught and disseminated the religion. Shenrab

Miwo predicted that there would be established nine orders of Bon schools near

Mount Kailash and Manasarovar. Ever since, Bon believers have considered Mount

Kailash and Manasarovar to be the foundation of their religion. The prehistoric

Bon is believed to have flourished all over the country during the period of the

Shang Shung kingdom of Tibet. Eventually, Bon practitioners established

monasteries and retreat centers, so the teachings of Thonpa Shenrab Miwo have

been transmitted down through the Bon lineage.


Buddhists have several stories of how Mount Kailash came to be the most sacred

mountain on the earth. In 5th century, the historical Buddha Shakyamuni and five

hundred Arhats miraculously traveled there to stop the cannibal demon Ravan

taking away Mount Kailash. Today, there are four footprints of the Buddha in

each direction around Mount Kailash and a rope's mark behind Mount Kailash left

by Ravan trying to remove it magically. Secondly, according to the Buddhist

cosmology, Mount Kailash as the mythical image of the King of Mountains at the

centre of the universe known as " Mt Meru " . However, more popularly, Mount

Kailash is seen as the sacred fortress of the most wrathful tantric deity

Chakrasamvara (Tib. Palkhorlo Dompa), the deity with four with faces and twelve

hands. Tantric practitioners of Buddhism believe Buddha Shakyamuni manifested in

the form of Chakrasamvara in order to benefit of all beings. Chakrasamvara is

considered the source of the highest tantra. Another term for Chakrasamvara is

Heruka. The three syllables of Heruka mean: " He " means the nature of emptiness

of dharma or phenomena, " Ru " means the nature of emptiness of beings. " Ka " means

the union of bliss and emptiness. Realizing the nature of emptiness of phenomena

and beings is known as the mind of great bliss. " Chakra " means wheal and

" Samvara " means the supreme bliss. It is also translated as " the spontaneous

great bliss " . By practicing Chakrasamvara tantra, Buddhists try to gain the

profound realization of the emptiness of all phenomena and being. This is

described as the supreme bliss of mind. The sexual union of Chakrasamvara and

his consort Vajrayogini (Tib. Dorjee Pegmo) symbolizes the ultimate wisdom and

compassion to achieve the state of enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient

beings. Mount Kailash is also the retreat centre of Kagyupa Order started by the

great Tibetan yogi Milarepa.


In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is the 'creator/maintainer/destroyer' of the universe

and Mount Kailash is his throne. Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu were the three

principle gods. A Hindu legend says that they stirred the vast ocean creating

the sun, moon, stars and earth. As they continued stirring, they found various

precious objects and a pot filled with poison. The great god Shiva knew that the

earth would be destroyed if he placed the poisonous pot on the ground. He found

nowhere else to get rid of it. So, the god Vishnu swallowed the pot, intending

to store it somewhere in his body. Unfortunately, he became unconscious. Then,

Shiva took the pot from Vishnu and kept it in his own throat. The poison not

only made his neck turn blue but also caused him to experience immeasurable

pain. To avoid the suffering, Shiva was desperate to find a cool land.

Therefore, he chose to travel to Mount Kailash, because it was the coldest and

the highest on the earth. In the Hindu creation story, snakes are water element

and the moon is cool, so he placed a snake around his neck and the moon at the

side of his head.


Manasarovar (Tib. Tso Mapam) and Rakshastal (Tib. La Ngag Tso) are the two

lakes, which lie southeast of Mt Kailash at a distance of 18 miles. The holy

Manasarovar covers 412 square kilometers and its altitude is 4588. Because of

the climate in western Tibet, the lake reflects beautifully the surrounding snow

capped mountains including sacred Mount Kailash. Coming from the south, there is

a mountain pass known as Gurla (16,200 foot), where pilgrims have a first view

of the turquoise Manasarovar lake on the right and Rakshastal on the left. One

of the factual difference between the lakes is that the water in Rakshastal is

salty whereas Manasarovar is fresh. Some believe that a cannibal demon known as

Ravan lives in Rakshastal lake. Therefore, the lake is called " ghost lake " .


The holy lake of Manasarovar is as important as Mount Kailash for Bon,

Buddhists, and Hindus. Each faith speaks differently. According to Bon religion,

Kailash is like a crystal stupa which possess the power to fulfil a devotees

faith. Manasarovar is like a turquoise morrow lake, which contains all precious

objects ever wished for. The four great rivers - Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and

Karnali are like a nectar flowing from the lake, on which all sentient beings

are depend. Sacred Mt Kailash and the holy Manasarovar lake are the object of

prayer. Buddhists say Manasarovar is the lake where the kingdom of Nagas is

found. Its water has eight qualities to satisfy all living beings thirst.

According to the Tantric tradition of Buddhism, Manasarovar is believed as the

palace of the four tantra. Which are; Action Tantra, Performance Tantra, Yoga

Tantra, and Unsurpassed Yoga Tantra. Hindus believe that Manasarovar was born

from the mind of Brahma. Brahma created the lake for the daily prayers of his

devotees. Washing is an absolute requirement to worship their divine Lord Shiva

and his consort Pravite. Still today, Hindu prefer to spend more time near

Manasarovar to perform their ritual practices.




Hare Krishna


Hare Rama



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