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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Japam

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!!! HARI AUM !!!


A good one.


So tell us more about it, like:


What is 'Japam'???

How it is to be done? Types of Japam , and when to be

done ?

Who can do it and where it can be done ?


Loking forward to some good info






Narayana Narayana Narayana




--- Krishnan <valluvanadan wrote:




> Japam


> Purifies the heart


> Japam


> Steadies the mind


> Japam


> Destroys the shad ripoos (Six enemies)


> Japam


> Destroys birth and death


> Japam


> Burns sins


> Japam


> Scorches samskàras


> Japam


> Annihilates attachment


> Japam


> Induces vairàgyam


> Japam


> Roots out all desires


> Japam


> Makes one fearless


> Japam


> Removes delusion


> Japam


> Gives supreme peace


> Japam


> Develops prèmam


> Japam


> Unites the devotee with the Lord


> Japam


> Gives health, wealth, strength and long life


> Japam


> Brings God – consciousness


> Japam


> Bestows internal bliss


> Japam


> Awakens the Kuñdalini






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Om Namo Narayanaya


Japam is the recitation of a Mantra. Mantra is derived from "Man" which means Mind and "tra" which means tool. Mantra therefore means a tool to control the Mind.

There are two categories of mantras delineated in the shastras. One is the vaidika-mantra, or mantras of the Vedas (such as Gayatri, etc.), and the other is the nama-mantra, or mantras composed of the Lord's names. By definition a vaidika-mantra will possess three aspects, namely a seed letter (such as 'om', 'srim', 'hrim', etc.) which invokes the divinity, a deity to whom the mantra is directed, and a function or offering to the deity (such as 'namah', 'svaha',etc.). Such vaidika-mantras must be received directly from the guru through the process of upadesha, or initiation. This category of mantra has many rules and regulations associated with the chanting of the mantra. It is not that one may chant the mantra at any time or at any place. Prior to the chanting of the mantra one must undergo purification both externally and internally. This involves bathing (and other procedures from

the 'yama' and 'niyama'), meditational postures (asana), breath control to make the mind peaceful (pranayama), withdrawal of the senses from the sense objects (pratyahara), and absorption on the deity (dharana). These six steps of yoga help one to purify oneself, first externally, and then internally. Once situated in purity one may then begin one's mantra sadhana, provided one finds a suitably pure and peaceful location.Such mantras require one to be completely dedicated to their sadhana under the guidance of a qualified guru. These mantras should not be chanted whimsically, as there is all chance of committing mistakes in our sadhana, resulting in us incuring negative reactions.Nama-mantras are quite different from the vaidika-mantras, as they are composed only of the Lord's name. Such mantras carry the exact same potency as the vaidika mantras, but in a manner accessable to all. When we analyse the power source of all mantras, we will come to understand it is the name

alone which empowers the mantra. For example, one may take a mantra such as 'om namo bhagavate vasudevaya'. If one were to just chant 'om namo, om namo, om namo', one will not receive the effect of the mantra. On the other hand, if one were to just chant 'vasudeva, vasudeva, vasudeva', one would receive the benefit of the mantra, for it is Vasudeva's name which empowers the mantra. We find countless examples in the Puranas o people calling out the name of the Lord and receiving His full anugraha, His merciful glance, despite not being trained in Vedic mantras. Draupadi was saved by Lord Krishna in the assembly of the Kurus simply by invoking His divine name. Similarly, Ajamila was saved from the messengers of Yama simply by calling Narayana at the time of death. The great rishi, Valmiki, was previously a sinful hunter, but by chanting the name of Rama he was transformed into a great saint. The power of the Lord's name has been demonstrated through countless histories as recorded in

the ancient Puranas. The full potency of the Lord is present within His holy name:There are no restrictions (niyamas) for chanting the Lord's name; neither must one take consideration of the time or circumstances."The nama-mantras are the Lord's special mercy to the fallen souls of the Kali-yuga. Those of us with no proper spiritual qualification can still attain the Lord and associate with Him through His divine name. Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Vishnu,in Treta-yuga by performing sacrifices, and in Dvapara-yuga by serving the Lord's lotus feet can be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the names of Sri Hari.

There are three ways by which one can do Japam

Ucchahi - loud recitation - less effective

Upamshu - soft recitation - more effective

Manasikam - within the mind - most effective.

Benefits of Japam

Physical - to energize the system (to tone up the system)

Mental - to remove depression/obstacles/mental blocks.

Spiritual - self-development/specific areas of growth (strengthening the inner-personality by projecting positive powers inwards; over-coming/eliminating negative traits)

‘Mantra Sastra’ suggests Sahasranama japa for achieving the odds and ends of worldly life. If chanting the entire Vishnu Sahasranama is difficult then only part of it that corresponds our Nakshatra [from below] can be chanted.

Ashwani (Aswini)1 to 4Bharani 5 to 8Kruttika (Krithikai)9 to 12Rohini 13 to 16Mrugasira (Mirugaseersham)17 to 20Ardra (Thirivathirai) 21 to 24Punarvasu (Punarpusam)25 to 28Pushyam (Pusam) 29 to 32Aslesha (Ayilyam) 33 to 36Makam 37 to 40Poorvapalkuni (Puram) 41 to 44Uttaraphalguna (Uthiram) 45 to 48Hasta (Hastham) 49 to 52Chitra (Chithirai) 53 to 56Swati (Swathi) 57 to 60Visaakhaa (Visakam) 61 to 64Anuradha (Anusham) 65 to 68Jyeshtha (Kettai) 69 to 72Moolaa (Mulam) 73 to 76Poorvaashaadaa (Puradam) 77 to 80Uthraashaadaa (Thiradam) 81 to 84Sravanam (Thiruvonam) 85 to 88Dhanishtha (Avittam) 89 to 92Sathabishang (Sathayam) 93 to 96Poorvaashaadaa (Poorattathi) 97 to 100Uttarabhadra (Uthirattathi) 101 to 104Revati

(Revathi) 105 to 108

A person not sure of one's Nakshatra can chant all the 108 slokhas and get rid of all ills associated with one's Nakshatram and attain sampoorna saanthi.

Srivishnusahasranaama Stothram removes all the ills associated with any grahadoshams to any chanter of any Nakshatram and provides supreme solace and supreme bliss.

Even nama japa of Hare Rama Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare hare, provides the benefits of Sahasranama, if done with great dedication as is said in the Phala Struti of Vishnu Sahasranama……..

Shri Rama Ram Ramethi Rame Raame manorame,

Saharanama Thatulyam Rama Nama Varananebalagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal wrote:

!!! HARI AUM !!!A good one.So tell us more about it, like:What is 'Japam'???How it is to be done? Types of Japam , and when to bedone ?Who can do it and where it can be done ?Loking forward to some good infoRegardsBalagopalNarayana Narayana Narayana--- Krishnan <valluvanadan wrote:> > > Japam> > Purifies the heart> > Japam> > Steadies the mind> > Japam> > Destroys the shad ripoos (Six enemies)> > Japam> > Destroys birth and death> > Japam> > Burns sins> > Japam> > Scorches samskàras> > Japam> > Annihilates attachment> > Japam> > Induces

vairàgyam> > Japam> > Roots out all desires> > Japam> > Makes one fearless> > Japam> > Removes delusion> > Japam> > Gives supreme peace> > Japam> > Develops prèmam > > Japam> > Unites the devotee with the Lord> > Japam> > Gives health, wealth, strength and long life> > Japam> > Brings God – consciousness> > Japam> > Bestows internal bliss> > Japam> > Awakens the Kuñdalini> > > > > > > > Krishnarekha > > > > Too much spam in your inbox? Mail gives you> the best spam protection for FREE!> http://in.mail. ________How much free photo storage do you get? Store your friends 'n family snaps for FREE with Photos http://in.photos.Om Namo Narayanaya:


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!! Sri Rama Jayam !!


IMMEASURABLE POTENCY IN NAMAJAPA - Sri Sathya Sai-------------------------That Namasmarana is considered 'King of all Sadhana' is no exaggeration. This exalted position that the Name has is because it secures for the sadhaka, the fruits of all other sadhana. Indeed it is impossible to measure the greatness and glory, power and potency of Nama Japa. The benefits one enjoys through the remembrance of the Lord's Name are as infinite as He is,Swami Ramdas declares that he alone is the great­est hero who has controlled the vagaries of the fickle mind, For achieving this, he points out, that the Name is an invincible means. Constant japa arrests the restless nature of the mind. When one repeats the Name, one is in tune with the Infinite One. It is an accepted psychological truth, that our mind dwells on the object we love most So if we fix our mind, with an intense love for the Name - perhaps forcibly and mechanically initially Ä the Name will constantly remain in our minds.Goswami Tulsidas points out that Ramanama on the tongue lights up both what is within and without. Brahman, is both Nirguna (Formless and Attributeless) and Saguna (with Form and Attributes). The Name is a link with the Nirguna through the Saguna. It thus controls both. Indeed the Name is considered greater than the Named as the physical form of the avatar disappears or disintegrates but the blame immediately evokes the memory of the Form. The physical Rama could save only a handful of fallen souls like Ahalya etc, but the Name has saved millions and millions who have called on Him, and will continue.One priceless advantage which Namajapa or smarana grants is indeed unique. The term 'Hari-Nama' when analysed literally means "The Name that Saves". Hari means "Saviour" Thus Hari Nama is that Name which when taken or meditated on annihilates all sin. The Named saves us from our sins, not the least of which is egoism and pride. Not only does He (it) destroy all sin but goes further by destroying all vikaras, all germs of evil in us. Bhagavan Baba bas likened the Name to a thunderbolt which destroys mountains of sin. He says - " The consequences of Karma can be wiped out only through Karma, as a thorn, which can be removed by means of another. Do good Karma to assuage the pain of the bad Karma which you have done and from which you suffer now. The best and simplest Karma is (repeating) the Name of the Lord; be ever engaged in it. It will keep out evil tendencies and wicked tboughts. It will help you radiate love all around you."All this greatness existent in the Name is no bait to man to lure him into its practise. It has been practised and its efficacy confirmed time and again. Tukaram, Narsi Mehta, Janabai, Kabir, Mira, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramdas are but a few of those who realised God by chanting His Name. In recent times, Mahatma Gandhi who had practised and tasted the efficacy of Rama Nama, tells us that Rama­nama alone helped him pass through the struggles in the political, social, economic and religious spheres which he underwent. He also discovered that the Name was a remedy against physical ailments. There is no limit on the amount of times the Name is to be remem­bered or chanted. The deeper one drinks of it, the more the thirst for it grows. It is like ambrosial nectar. For 'ananda' exists in us. And the Name releases that Ananda stored up in us. The ecstasy, the peace, the calm, the bliss, which once released, fills up our hearts is inexpressible.


Nama - Source of all Strength:-------------------------------The name of Hanuman evokes instantly thoughts of devotion, of dedication, of valour and service. The source of Hanuman's strength and devotion was his constant Namasmarana.On the occassion of Rama's coronation, Vibhishana presented Rama with a priceless necklace of brilliant gems - which itself was an offering of the Lord of the Sea to Ravana. Sita accepted it. Rama asks Sita to gift it to anyone who deserved her grace. Sita's compa­ssionate glance immediately fell on Hanuman, who had done so much for Rama and herself. Hanuman comes forward and receives the gift.The unique brilliance and radiance emanating from the necklace had left the entire gathering breathless. But to their utter dismay and surprise, they saw Hanuman break off each gem, put it between his teeth then kept it next to his ear and finally with an expre­ssion of disgust, throw away the gem. All were shocked at the brazen behaviour of this devotee of Rama. One ruler who could not control himself came forward and asked Hanuman the meaning and significance of his strange behaviour. Hanuman replied that he had examined each gem to discover the Sacred Name to it, but finding no trace whatsoever, he had discarded them. To him they were no better than stones or pebbles. The ruler tells Hanuman that be could not expect the Name in every article that he wore. He had a body too which did not have the Name resounding in it.Hanuman pulls out a single hair from his forearm and places it beside the ear of the ruler. The ruler could hear the Name - 'Rama, Rama, Rama' being uttered from that single hair. He immediately fell at Hanuman's feet.Rama who was a silent spectator to all this, then warmly embraces him and tells him that He was offe­ring Himself to Hanuman as he had no other gift worthy of such unflinching devotion and dedication.This was a Unique Act of Grace which a devotee had secured by a simple practise - the practise of constant love-filled Namasmarana.It is an accepted fact that the source of all Hanuman's strength and which he used in the service of Rama itself, was the name of Rama. He had unparalled faith in it. The faith in that small name that helped him cross oceans & mountains.


Hare Krishna

Hare Rama---------



guruvayur [guruvayur ]On Behalf Of balagopal ramakrishnanWednesday, June 29, 2005 11:49 PMguruvayur Subject: Re: [Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Japam!!! HARI AUM !!!A good one.So tell us more about it, like:What is 'Japam'???How it is to be done? Types of Japam , and when to bedone ?Who can do it and where it can be done ?Loking forward to some good infoRegardsBalagopalNarayana Narayana Narayana--- Krishnan <valluvanadan wrote:> > > Japam> > Purifies the heart> > Japam> > Steadies the mind> > Japam> > Destroys the shad ripoos (Six enemies)> > Japam> > Destroys birth and death> > Japam> > Burns sins> > Japam> > Scorches samskàras> > Japam> > Annihilates attachment> > Japam> > Induces vairàgyam> > Japam> > Roots out all desires> > Japam> > Makes one fearless> > Japam> > Removes delusion> > Japam> > Gives supreme peace> > Japam> > Develops prèmam > > Japam> > Unites the devotee with the Lord> > Japam> > Gives health, wealth, strength and long life> > Japam> > Brings God - consciousness> > Japam> > Bestows internal bliss> > Japam> > Awakens the Kuñdalini> > > > > > > > Krishnarekha > > > > Too much spam in your inbox? Mail gives you> the best spam protection for FREE!> http://in.mail. ________How much free photo storage do you get? Store your friends 'n family snaps for FREE with Photos http://in.photos.Om Namo Narayanaya:

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Dear Sunita,

Excellent portrayal.I do agree with the beautiful explanations,


Hare KrishnaSunita ramanthan <rsunitaa wrote:



Om Namo Narayanaya


Japam is the recitation of a Mantra. Mantra is derived from "Man" which means Mind and "tra" which means tool. Mantra therefore means a tool to control the Mind.

There are two categories of mantras delineated in the shastras. One is the vaidika-mantra, or mantras of the Vedas (such as Gayatri, etc.), and the other is the nama-mantra, or mantras composed of the Lord's names. By definition a vaidika-mantra will possess three aspects, namely a seed letter (such as 'om', 'srim', 'hrim', etc.) which invokes the divinity, a deity to whom the mantra is directed, and a function or offering to the deity (such as 'namah', 'svaha',etc.). Such vaidika-mantras must be received directly from the guru through the process of upadesha, or initiation. This category of mantra has many rules and regulations associated with the chanting of the mantra. It is not that one may chant the mantra at any time or at any place. Prior to the chanting of the mantra one must undergo purification both externally and internally. This involves bathing (and other procedures from

the 'yama' and 'niyama'), meditational postures (asana), breath control to make the mind peaceful (pranayama), withdrawal of the senses from the sense objects (pratyahara), and absorption on the deity (dharana). These six steps of yoga help one to purify oneself, first externally, and then internally. Once situated in purity one may then begin one's mantra sadhana, provided one finds a suitably pure and peaceful location.Such mantras require one to be completely dedicated to their sadhana under the guidance of a qualified guru. These mantras should not be chanted whimsically, as there is all chance of committing mistakes in our sadhana, resulting in us incuring negative reactions.Nama-mantras are quite different from the vaidika-mantras, as they are composed only of the Lord's name. Such mantras carry the exact same potency as the vaidika mantras, but in a manner accessable to all. When we analyse the power source of all mantras, we will come to understand it is the name

alone which empowers the mantra. For example, one may take a mantra such as 'om namo bhagavate vasudevaya'. If one were to just chant 'om namo, om namo, om namo', one will not receive the effect of the mantra. On the other hand, if one were to just chant 'vasudeva, vasudeva, vasudeva', one would receive the benefit of the mantra, for it is Vasudeva's name which empowers the mantra. We find countless examples in the Puranas o people calling out the name of the Lord and receiving His full anugraha, His merciful glance, despite not being trained in Vedic mantras. Draupadi was saved by Lord Krishna in the assembly of the Kurus simply by invoking His divine name. Similarly, Ajamila was saved from the messengers of Yama simply by calling Narayana at the time of death. The great rishi, Valmiki, was previously a sinful hunter, but by chanting the name of Rama he was transformed into a great saint. The power of the Lord's name has been demonstrated through countless histories as recorded in

the ancient Puranas. The full potency of the Lord is present within His holy name:There are no restrictions (niyamas) for chanting the Lord's name; neither must one take consideration of the time or circumstances."The nama-mantras are the Lord's special mercy to the fallen souls of the Kali-yuga. Those of us with no proper spiritual qualification can still attain the Lord and associate with Him through His divine name. Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Vishnu,in Treta-yuga by performing sacrifices, and in Dvapara-yuga by serving the Lord's lotus feet can be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the names of Sri Hari.

There are three ways by which one can do Japam

Ucchahi - loud recitation - less effective

Upamshu - soft recitation - more effective

Manasikam - within the mind - most effective.

Benefits of Japam

Physical - to energize the system (to tone up the system)

Mental - to remove depression/obstacles/mental blocks.

Spiritual - self-development/specific areas of growth (strengthening the inner-personality by projecting positive powers inwards; over-coming/eliminating negative traits)

‘Mantra Sastra’ suggests Sahasranama japa for achieving the odds and ends of worldly life. If chanting the entire Vishnu Sahasranama is difficult then only part of it that corresponds our Nakshatra [from below] can be chanted.

Ashwani (Aswini)1 to 4Bharani 5 to 8Kruttika (Krithikai)9 to 12Rohini 13 to 16Mrugasira (Mirugaseersham)17 to 20Ardra (Thirivathirai) 21 to 24Punarvasu (Punarpusam)25 to 28Pushyam (Pusam) 29 to 32Aslesha (Ayilyam) 33 to 36Makam 37 to 40Poorvapalkuni (Puram) 41 to 44Uttaraphalguna (Uthiram) 45 to 48Hasta (Hastham) 49 to 52Chitra (Chithirai) 53 to 56Swati (Swathi) 57 to 60Visaakhaa (Visakam) 61 to 64Anuradha (Anusham) 65 to 68Jyeshtha (Kettai) 69 to 72Moolaa (Mulam) 73 to 76Poorvaashaadaa (Puradam) 77 to 80Uthraashaadaa (Thiradam) 81 to 84Sravanam (Thiruvonam) 85 to 88Dhanishtha (Avittam) 89 to 92Sathabishang (Sathayam) 93 to 96Poorvaashaadaa (Poorattathi) 97 to 100Uttarabhadra (Uthirattathi) 101 to 104Revati

(Revathi) 105 to 108

A person not sure of one's Nakshatra can chant all the 108 slokhas and get rid of all ills associated with one's Nakshatram and attain sampoorna saanthi.

Srivishnusahasranaama Stothram removes all the ills associated with any grahadoshams to any chanter of any Nakshatram and provides supreme solace and supreme bliss.

Even nama japa of Hare Rama Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare hare, provides the benefits of Sahasranama, if done with great dedication as is said in the Phala Struti of Vishnu Sahasranama……..

Shri Rama Ram Ramethi Rame Raame manorame,

Saharanama Thatulyam Rama Nama Varananebalagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal wrote:

!!! HARI AUM !!!A good one.So tell us more about it, like:What is 'Japam'???How it is to be done? Types of Japam , and when to bedone ?Who can do it and where it can be done ?Loking forward to some good infoRegardsBalagopalNarayana Narayana Narayana--- Krishnan <valluvanadan wrote:> > > Japam> > Purifies the heart> > Japam> > Steadies the mind> > Japam> > Destroys the shad ripoos (Six enemies)> > Japam> > Destroys birth and death> > Japam> > Burns sins> > Japam> > Scorches samskàras> > Japam> > Annihilates attachment> > Japam> > Induces

vairàgyam> > Japam> > Roots out all desires> > Japam> > Makes one fearless> > Japam> > Removes delusion> > Japam> > Gives supreme peace> > Japam> > Develops prèmam > > Japam> > Unites the devotee with the Lord> > Japam> > Gives health, wealth, strength and long life> > Japam> > Brings God – consciousness> > Japam> > Bestows internal bliss> > Japam> > Awakens the Kuñdalini> > > > > > > > Krishnarekha > > > > Too much spam in your inbox? Mail gives you> the best spam protection for FREE!> http://in.mail. ________How much free photo storage do you get? Store your friends 'n family snaps for FREE with Photos http://in.photos.Om Namo Narayanaya:


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whatever little i know on this. japam is repetition of a mantra. mantra is one which frees the mind and also protects the beings (man + tra). the samhitas are the veda mantras and have to be learnt properly through adhyayanam. those of us who have not had the fortune should do our best by giving in charity to protect veda adhyayanam.


each deity has thre forms - svarupa, mantra rupa and tantra rupa. the svarupa cannot be realized using mundane eyes. but the deity makes himself accessible through mantra and yantra. of this mantra is very important because it is by mantra that yantra is enlivened. each deity has many mantra rupas. the upasaka should learn it from the guru and practice it. the mantras have to be installed through elaborate procedures with bhakti for it to have proper effect. but it is very difficult to find a guru who has mantra siddhi. so the effect may be less as we have to rely on books, cassettes or not fully qualified teachers.


but there is one mantra for which there is no rules or regulations. in fact it is capable of destroying the negative effects of not following the rules and regulations. it also enhances the positive strength of all mantras. that is the nama mantra. one can chant

1) vishnu sahasranama

2) rama nama or

3) hare krishna maha mantra


one can chant as many times as one wants. and also track it as 108 times, 1,4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 rounds of 108 times each. this mantra will not only fulfill the material desires but also invoke the love for sri sri govinda. one can chant om namo narayanaya, radhe govinda, govinda jaya jaya, krishna krishna etc. without worries.


balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal wrote:

!!! HARI AUM !!!A good one.So tell us more about it, like:What is 'Japam'???How it is to be done? Types of Japam , and when to bedone ?Who can do it and where it can be done ?Loking forward to some good infoRegardsBalagopalNarayana Narayana Narayana--- Krishnan <valluvanadan wrote:> > > Japam> > Purifies the heart> > Japam> > Steadies the mind> > Japam> > Destroys the shad ripoos (Six enemies)> > Japam> > Destroys birth and death> > Japam> > Burns sins> > Japam> > Scorches samskàras> > Japam> > Annihilates attachment> > Japam> > Induces

vairàgyam> > Japam> > Roots out all desires> > Japam> > Makes one fearless> > Japam> > Removes delusion> > Japam> > Gives supreme peace> > Japam> > Develops prèmam > > Japam> > Unites the devotee with the Lord> > Japam> > Gives health, wealth, strength and long life> > Japam> > Brings God – consciousness> > Japam> > Bestows internal bliss> > Japam> > Awakens the Kuñdalini> > > > > > > > Krishnarekha > > > > Too much spam in your inbox? Mail gives you> the best spam protection for FREE!> http://in.mail. ________How much free photo storage do you get? Store your friends 'n family snaps for FREE with Photos http://in.photos.Om Namo Narayanaya:


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