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A lovely piece from Subbu Iyer.In one of his earlier mails he wanted to know whether he can get Upadesa for Sri Vidya from some renowned Guru.Already he has taken some mantra upasanas.Too many mantra upasanas in my opinion are not good.That will certainly dissipate the concentration and will confer no benefit.So it is always better to hv one Upasana moorthy of one's desire and do the japa on that Deity instead of taking mantra japas of many deities.Concentrating one Ishta Devata will confer more good than many deities.I think Subbu will understand the impact.


Further for taking Sri Vidya upasana it is not a joke as Sri Vidya is the Primal Energy and the Upasaka shuld hv a very learned Guru to guide him on the path.So at this stage it is not advisable to take Sri Vidya upasana which if not properly done will hv deleterious effects on the Upasaka.I am not discouraging Subbu on this but telling the facts.Since Subbu has already taken 3 deities for Upasana he can't forget them and has to continue though he can concentrate on a single deity of his ishtam but other deities also to be pleased.It does not matter from which Guru he has taken.I think he has taken the Upadesa from his father.No problem.But for taking Upasana of Sri Vidya a very known person is required as the Upasana has the potential to raise the Kundalini power lying dormant in all at the base of the spine.If that is aroused then if the same is not properly guided thru Ida and Pingala nadis thru the various phlexes(chakras) the consequences will be disastrous and

the whole nervous system will get deranged.Further for doing any mantra to attain siddhi one shuld recite Gayatry first for at least 108 times and no mantra siddhi can be attained without that.Of course Subbu must hv known this and there is no need for me to advise.


As far as Nama Japa is concerned it can be recited by anybody and I don't think a proper Guru is essential.Even the Deity can be taken as the Guru or as I hv already said in one of my earlier mails Lord Dakshinamoorthy,the Guru of all Gurus can be taken as Guru and recite the namas and even mantra japas.When the aspirant has done a purascharana ie a lakh of times of each words for example Namasivaya contains 5 words,O Namo Narayanaya contains 8 words so accordingly 5 lakh times for the former and 8 lakh times for the latter will complete one purascharana.When such mantras are recited one must stick to a particular number 108,300 or 1008 according to convenience and shuld recite everyday at the appointed time preferably early morning.No doubt the same will take years but in spiritual domain time is the key factor and can't expect results overnight.It is better to do the japa at a particular place and at a particular time.But because of other

problems the same becomes impracticable and in such instances the number can be reduced or if on journey the same may be recited as afterall doing mantra japas is something like inviting the particular Deity to our side with love,affection and dedication.The bhava is most important.During such times one pointedness is the most important thing.When once the mantra japa is started then it shuld be a continuous process thruout one's life and shuld not be left middle way and jump to another mantra.It will invite the curse of the Deity.It will become something like we call certain peron for dinner and when he comes saying to him we hv some other programme and saying excuses.The concerned person may not object but in his mind he will curse.In the case of deities such curse will affect sometimes the upasaka or his children etc.I know such things hv happened in certain persons and so I can authoritatively say this.I am actually going off the tangent from the subject of Guru.Only to

give an idea of mantra upasana.As upasana is different from nama japa.There is no difference for man or woman in this and all can do both.No sectarian character is also involved,I mean only persons of a particular sect or community can do this.


On the other hand nama japa like Rama,Krishna etc can be said any time anywhere and no austerities are required.It is only out of love we call God in His various names and hence no particular necessity of a Guru is essential.But for mantra japa with ankanyasa etc and for reciting mantra japa it is better to hv some Guru or if a proper Guru is not available the suggestion I made earlier can be taken as the guide.Sri Vidya and such powerful mantras require surely the guidance of an adept Guru, a great Upasaka of that Deity and shuld be done with Sri Chakra and rigorous austeries hv to be followed.It may not out of place to learn how John Woodroff who was the judge in Calcutta court during British rule became a great Upasaka.In his court a yogi of great merit was produced as criminal.However John who was very curious to know abt the thing and who did not get any communication from his family in London asked the yogi if he is a true yogi he wanted what happened to his family and if

the yogi could say correctly then he will believe him.The yogi wanted a day and that was granted.On the third day the yogi told John that there was a fire in his house and by his timely help saved John's wife and children and they were safe.The same day John got a communication from his wife that there was a fire in their flat and a person came at the right time to save them.The description of the person tallied with that of the yogi.John was immensely pleased and acquitted the yogi.This became a turning point in his life.He resigned his post and took interest in the mantra and yoga margas and he worshipped Gayatry with Chakra and followed all austerities.For his luck he was able to find a proper Guru who initiated him in mantra japa etc.He wrote several books of which the Serpent Power,Mantra sastra are famous.He dealt elaborately the Kundalini power in his book Serpent Power.May be he must hv done lot of merits in his previous births and eventually turned to spiritual path.He

always wrote books in a pseudonym Arthur Avalon.Such gifted people are also there though born in a different country.It is the play of Karma and God's grace.


Your points are praiseworthy and this may taken as addition to that and I hope this also contains your query abt the upasana of Sri Vidya mantra.Any objections Subbu?


Hare Krishna.

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