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Obstacles to Meditation.

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As the spiritual aspirant knows that meditation forms one of the important things in the path of upliftment.But he always faces many obstacles in the way.Unfavourable environments,uncongenial atmosphere and other obstacles do not necessarily lead to defeat ones's efforts.Rather,they can serve as trials and aids in the development of such strong powers as discrimination,empathy

will and endurance.The struggle thru different situations brings rapid progress.On the other hand undesirable company is highly disastrous for such contacts fills the mind with useless ideas.To avoid being pulled into negativity,the meditator shuld protect himself carefully from any distracting influences.People who lie and steal,or are greedy or indulge in backbiting and pass the time with idle gossiping hv no place in the life of a spiritual person.

The healthiest approach is strictly avoid them.


The term undesirable company includes more than just people.,anything that gives rise to negative thoughts or vibrations come under this category.The mind shuld not be distracted by unsavoury songs,reading books that hv a negative impact,tv programs centering on violence and sensuality all lead the mind astray and fill it with desires it wold not normally have.They distract the mind outwards rather than focus inward.They create an impression that this world is a solid reality and obscure the Supreme Truth which underlies all forms and names.The world is full of avarice,hypocrisy,flattery,untruth,double-dealing and selfishness and those who profess to be friends sometimes become the gretaest enemies.Of course many don't believe this.Most would llike to feel that their relationships are based on selflesslove,but in fact many are based on the fear of being alone and the desire for diversion.One shuld cut off connections that ae not beneficial and trust only the Inner Voice

that dwell's in one's heart.Association of those whose own aspirations for perfection is definitely uplifting and encouraging.


The result of bad habits lessen the spiritual power, not the least of which is useless and excessive talking.Diarrhea of the tongue wastes much energy that could be utilised for personal development.Too much talking makes a person restless and unfit for the practice of meditation.The wise speak only few words,and that too only when necessary,for by their very economy they will carry the most force.To help calm,center,and discipline the mind, Mouna,silence can be obeserved for abt two hours daily in addition to the time spent on meditation.In order to be of the most practical value,silence is best

practiced at those time when there is the most opportunity to talk.However it can best be said than practiced in the present day wordly activities which cover the most part of the days.However an attempt can be made to do the same whenever opportunity arises.


People of intellectual nature are often prone to unnecessary discussions and controversies.A person who is unable to remain quiet easily becomes involved in heated debates,too many of which lead to enmity,hostility,and energy drain.When intellectual reasoning,which is normally concerned only with investigation of the physical plane,is used for metaphysical enquiry,it can lead the spiritual aspirant to the threshold of intuition.Past this point it is of no use for transcendental matters are beyond the reach of reason.One must give up arguing,become silent and look within.Fault finding is,likewise a most detrimental habit.The mind of the person who is interested in others affairs unnecessarily is always outgoing and out of control.No one can be introspective when the mind is engaged in activity of this sort.Diligent application to spiritual practice allows no time for managing the affairs of ohers.One must forget the shortcomings of other people and work to improve oneself

first.Life is precious and short.No one knows when it will be taken away either naturally or by calamities.So every minute must be used for such higher purposes than gossiping and judging ohers.


Self-justification is another behavioral weakness to be overcome along with its characteristics- self assertion,obstinacy,dissimulation etcOnce these weaknesses get established in the framework of the personality it is very difficult to eliminate them, for the ego never admits to its own faults.One lie covers another in an endless succession of vain attempts at self justification.Improvements however comes quickly and rapidly only when one learns to admit his faults,mistakes and weaknesses.Petty mindedness is closely associated with back-biting and trying to pull down other people.All are caused by jealousy and ignorance.They can easily be combated and eradicated by always rejoicing in the welfare of others.So meditation involves far more than sitting with eyes closed in concentration.It demands rigorous introspection and an overhauling of one's personality,life patterns and values.

Behaviour correction and the uprooting of weaknesses are relatively easy adjustments to make.The more serious obstacles to meditation and spirtual practice,which lie deep within,are the emotional imbalances and personality defects that nurture outward bad habits.When one succeeds to arrest them the path will become smooth for concentated meditation which is absolutely necessary for spiritual uplift.


Hare Krishna.

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