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Vishnu Sahasranama

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Thanks you very much for your time and effort, In fact i have been

serching the web to get the same. We sincerly wish you all the

success in getting this done. Guruvaryoor appan would find a

beautiful way to gift you for this pious deed.


Om Namo Narayanaya,


Pravin Balan


guruvayur , Sunita ramanthan <rsunitaa>



> Om Namo Narayanaya!




> Today is Ekadashi, a very auspicious day to start the postings on

Vishnu Sahasranama that I had mentioned a couple of days ago.

Ekadashi, the eleventh day after the full or the new moon day, is

considered to be very holy. On this day devotees take minimum or no

food and spend time contemplating on the Lord. It is believed that

on Ekadashi day the Satvik nature in man is at its peak and hence

conducive to one's enlightenment.




> The Vishnu Sahasranama [VS] was revealed by Shri Bheeshmacharya on

Sukla Ekadashi in the month of Magha, 2 months after the

Gitopadesha. During the Mahabharatha war, Lord Krishna was the

sarathi [charioteer] for Arjuna. During the course of war, when

Arjuna was confused about how he could wage a war against his own

kith and kin, Krishna revealed the Bhagavat Gita to Arjuna. Arjuna,

however, could not completely absorb the teachings from the point of

view of the Lord. After the day's battle, when they returned to

their camp, Arguna asked Krishna to get down and open the gate. This

baffled Krishna and he decided to choose an aacharya for the

Pandavas to teach them Dharma. Krishna realizes that the most

eligible person to talk about the ultimate truth would be Bheeshma,

who at that time was lying on the bed of arrows in the battlefield,

ready to leave his mortal body. Krishna took Pandavas to Bheeshma

and requested pithamaha (grandsire) to teach the Pandavas about the

Ultimate Truth and

> Dharma. Krishna promised pithamaha that He would restore his

memory that was buried deep due to the pains in his body.



> As it was imparted from a great aacharya chosen by the Lord

Himself, Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama is considered the essence of Gita

and all the Vedas. Bheeshmacharya was lying on the bed of arrows

after being put down by Arjuna during the war. After the war,

Pandavas approached Bheeshma to teach them the higher principles of

life and wisdom, from all his great experiences. Bheeshma who is a

great Man of Action and Sacrifice, mastered the whole Dharma Sastra

and practiced it strictly throughout his life. Even the Lord of

Death feared to approach Bheeshma without his permission. Dharmaraja

asks him to tell them the greatest of the secrets that made him so

great and that he thinks is the best that can liberate all beings

from the cycle of births and deaths and lead them to planes of

highest Happiness, Bliss, The Lord. Then Bheeshmacharya having

obtained boon from Lord Krishna to be able to speak in clear voice

and memorise his past deeds reveals the essence of all that he

learnt from a

> number of sages who had the vision of Lord in different forms.

Bheeshma observed a number of austerities imposed by the sages,

served them for long periods, satisfied them that he deserves to be

taught the secret they have obtained after strenuous efforts, and

finally obtained from them the secrets. Like a honey bee that

collects the honey drops from all the flowers, Bheeshmacharya

collected all the manthras from different sages and composed Sri

Vishnu Sahasranama Sthothram which he used to practice daily. When

Dharmaraja asked him to reveal the greatest of secrets, Bheeshma

reveals this to Pandavas on Magha Sukla Ekadasi day in presence of

Lord Krishna, showing Him and telling them that He is Lord of all

Lords and praying Him with all 1000 names is all one can ever do to

become more dear to Him which itself leads to salvation. Reciting it

regularly or even listening to it, is itself a great thing that

empowers one with the strength to overcome all the difficulties and

get on to the

> right path of Salvation.

> Benefits of chanting


> Just as we clean ourselves and our homes regularly, it is equally

and even more essential to cleanse our minds. Regular chanting of

the Vishnu Sahasranama cleanses our minds of all evil thoughts.

People, who chant the VS regularly or even just hear it daily, never

encounter evil. They acquire fame, prosperity, intelligence. Anger,

jealousy or evil thoughts never come in the minds of these devotees.

Mortals who thus seek refuge in Krishna are freed of all sins and

attain Moksha. This is a promise made by none other than Shri

Krishna in the Gita.


> sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja

> aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah


> Here, Krishna asks us to forgo all Dharmas and seek refuge at his

feet. On doing so, He says, He shall free us of all our sins of this

as well as of all our previous births and grant us Moksha. Various

rituals and sacrifices that we mortals may conduct to dilute our

sins and gain papa may incur more sins if not done in the prescribed

manner. Hence, in this Kali Yuga, Hari Nama Japam is both necessary

and sufficient to take us to the feet of the Lord. This Sloka is

also called the Charam Sloka, since it gives us the essence of Gita.


> The phala sruti in Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram was not just an

add-on by someone trying to popularize the Stotram, but is an

integral part of the Mahabharata text. Both Sri Sankara and Sri

Parasara Bhatta have written commentaries to the phala sruti slokas.

Thus, what is stated in the phala sruti has its authority from those

who are worthy of great respect from us, and who have found it fit

to comment and elaborate on the advice and information given to us

through the phala sruti.


> It is true that the phala sruti says that anything that is desired

can be obtained if the prayer is sincere and offered with devotion.

However, it is up to those who seek benefits through prayers that

they should seek things that elevate them in life rather than lower

them. An example of the latter type is the case of the evil king

Ravana, who had prayed and obtained enormous powers through his

prayers to Lord Siva. In the end, he lost all he had including

himself by the misuse of his powers.


> Who can chant the Vishnu Sahasranama?


> Every human being has the privilege to chant the Vishnu

Sahasranama, be it men or women, and be they of any caste. The only

pre-requisite for chanting is Bhakti. Even if Bhakti is as small as

a seed, be convinced that it would soon grow in to a huge tree. One

need not fear that they do not know the correct pronunciation. Lord

is as compassionate as a mother is to a child. She is the one who

teaches the child to speak. So initially even if the child makes

mistakes, the mother knows what the child wants to say. Some may

think they do not know the meaning, hence hesitate to chant. Mantras

are vibrations that are impregnated with energy. Just chanting or

even being in the presence of people chanting the VS, is beneficial.

But knowing the meanings are of great value to appreciate the divine

qualities of the LORD. Hence, with the blessings of the Lord, I will

try to compile the meanings from a couple of different commentaries

for the benefit of the members.







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