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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] aspire or content or both!!

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Our friend Balagopal got not only self confused but also make others confused by his barrage of questions after reading an article by Janaki Chopra.He is in the position of Hamlet to do or not to do, it seems.The same factors only we have been stressing by many contributions about the aspirations and contentment.It is simply becoz of aspirations,more aspirations, the material world is in such a chaos.A person who owns one car aspires for another 5, one possessing 5 aspires for another 5,one who has a house aspires for another 3 or 4, and another who has 4 aspires for 10 and the list can go on and on.However it must be understood one who has got even 10 cars he can go only in one at a time.One who has got 10 houses he can stay only in one at a time.One who has 10 bed room house can sleep only in one bed at a time.One who has been served 10 different varieties of foods can take only to the extent when his stomach tolerates.So by nature man can never be content in anything

and his material desires are always on the upswing.Some aspire to be great industrial giants,politicians aspire to become a CM or PM,when the majority of human beings are poverty striken not able to hv proper shelters in many under developed countries,politicians and others of highly developed nations spent billions on disater making weapons to show their might in warfare and if a portion of the same is spent for the development of people of povety striken countries this world would hv become a great place to live in.Do they aspire such things, no, except making high profile speeches in platforms and the result is mayhem and confusion and the fear of security for their countries.Why such a mentality has peeped in those people?Who inculcated such a biased attitude in their minds?Why they hv superiority complex and not able to become humanitarians?These questions will always remain an anathema as long this world exists.Ambition or aspiration is inborn in the blood of such

people.That is why we hv so many races,castes,creeds,religons and all such things.


Edison may hv taken 10000 times tio invent a bulb.But then why Mohammed Ghazni invaded India a number of times to plunder the wealth of our nation.Why the Bristishers came to India as traders aspired to build an empire for themselves and stole the riches of the country?Of course there were exceptions as they hv done some good things also.But those things outweigh

the damage created.How many people lost their lives in the Freedom struggle?Aspirant people who clapped hands for the British were able to get great benefits and people who did not had to suffer.The history is replete with all such incidents from the beginning of the mankind.So that proved the dictum 'man is basically having the animal instincts and can never be contented with what he has got but always aspire for more and more'.For this there is no necessity to go to an article and by using our knowledge the same can be deduced if only we hv the mind to ruminate.


There is absolutely no harm to aspire for a Merc or Pathwayfinder provided the same can be afforded.All fingers of the hands are not the same.So too as long as this world survives there wll be haves and have nots and it is not created by God but by one's own Karma.There is no necessity to go thru that as the same has been discussed a number of times.Why one is born in a rich family and another in a povert striken one?Can anybody give a clear cut answer?So we hv to console on the theory of cause and effect or karma.We tell our children to study more and get more marks and the intention behind is to get nice jobs or to make them celebrated entrepreneurs and make wealth and hence there is no necessity to tell them to make money which they can make when they show their mettle in the educational field and use their skills in the chosen field.But it must be remembered many of the industrial giants and rich people hv made to such position without even elementary

qualifications but by the karma they hv done give them enough intelligence to make wealth.There is no necessity for Upanishads and sastras to define wealth or poverty or to ask any one to aspire more or be content with what they hv got.However they indirectly give guidance to turn the mind towards the God and their aspirations can be fulfilled according to their karmas and Grace of God.As sastras are not dealing matters that are purely mundane and act only as a guide for the upliftment of his inner vision to drag the coveted and treasured possessions to controversies only show the peevishness of the mental attitude.No saints hv ever advocated to humanity to make more riches in monetary terms but they do advocate to become rich in spiritual matters as that is the only panacea for solving one's problems.Is it the theory that rich and immensely rich people are having peace of mind?Do they enjoy health according to their choice?Are they tension free?They can't hv.When competition comes

every business house wants to show their greatness and when some overlap them they lose their peace and spend their time in perpetual confusion.So the case with politicians occupying high positions.We can find people sleeping on the street side without bothering abt morrow calmly.Do such a peace embraces the great ones in the industrial or political field?Their minds are always pre occupied with schemes and machinations as to how to keep their attained status in tact.We are seeing such things everyday.


That does not mean we shuld renounce everything and take to sanyas.One can hv one's aspirations according to his choice and must work hard to reach the same and if luck favours he will reach great heights.We hv so many artists,musicians,players etc who put great efforts to make them perfect and in the process they make wealth.But just for wealth they can't perfect their avocations as non performance will lead them nowhere and people who put good works will outsmart them.It is also not correct that work without contentment will lead to life long stress.It all depends.Millions of people are working everywhere and what is the percentage of contentment in them?People who qualified in one subject may work in a job which has nothing to do with what they hv leant.But they hv to work for survival despite their aspirations and ambitions.People resort to smuggling,house breaking,stealing,murdering all for money do they live in peace?To forget that they become addicts which can give them

temporary solace but again the guilty consciousness will come.There are also people who resort to all these things without any sense of retribution and with don't care attitude and they can't be mended.


In evolutionary process of humanity all these things are normal.If you want to climb a hill you can go only step by step and all of a sudden you can't reach the summit.By the same yardstick there are millions of people who lead normal lives without avarice,greed,jealousy,lust and without unnecessary ambitions but thinking whatever they hv got all due to the mercy of Lord and lead pious lives without bothering what others hv.That also we are seeing.They hv no stress , a life long stress and they live in happinessand contentment as they follow the Teachings of God and leave everything to Him.So it is all the mental set up we acquire and the pragmatic way we adopt.In animal world also there are such things.It is normally said if a goat wants to shit like an elephant is it possible?If a tiger wants to become vegetarian or if a deer wants to become non vegetarian is it feasible?So nature has its own laws.Man is interested in going to Moon or Mars and why not to Sun?So in

everything there are limtations.That is why time and again the avatars come in human form and make teachings so as to make the evolutionary process progress.Agitation is also only a state of mind when we don't get something we aspire but that need not necessarily lead to one's peace and happiness if the things aspired are got.As desired if one gets a car of his aspiration is there any guarantee that will give happiness to him?The car may get involved in accident and he may be seriously injured and never able to even walk.Then what happened to his aspiration?It is like Lord Siva asked a devotee after his intense prayers whether you want a son living for 16 years or an idiot living for 100 years?So life is full of its own vagaries and to get perturbed is preposterous.One does not content with the situations because of his greediness.His lack of knowledge that only what is fated will come to him.There is no doubt that there are laws of nature and karma and nobody can

flout the same whatever he may try.Hence the advise of ancestors in their wisdom to be content with what you hv and if you hv the fortune to get more the same will come automatcally even wthout yourself asking for the same but subject to the theory of karma.


So in essence,what one thinks as happiness by acquiring more wealth need not necessarily give the much wanted peace.That is why it is prayed Ayul,Arogya,Aiswaryam Bhishamdehi Parvathy.So first you must hv life to enjoy the aspirations if materialised,then you must hv the necessary health and if they are not there then there is no meaning in having more and more aspirations and thinking by becoming rich one will hv everything solved.Though it may look cranky and ridiculous that without money and riches what is this mundane life?If all want to be in palanquin who will take the same?So it is not possible to get all the aspirations fulfilled,may be in some cases,agitations of the mind and contentment are only state of the mental disposition which can be rectified by deep thinking,having more and more ambitions and to amass more and more wealth won't lead one anywhere as money once crosses certain limit in one's possession the same will be enjoyed by others and not the person

who has made the same.One can't aspire to catch the moon by hand from earth but certainly one can tune his mind inward to hear the inner voice and move according to its directions that will give more comforts,solace and happiness.All these unwanted thoughts stem from a mind that is in turmoil without thinking that there are millions below our level and in life one shuld not unnecessarily look to the rise of others but feel that there are teeming millions who suffer from poverty,sicknes

and other maladies and try to help those in dire needs and that will give more happiness to the agitated mind and if we see the way those hapless persons suffer we won't aspire more and more,no stress,life long stress,and will give a sense of relief and peace that at least we are fortunate by the karmas and Grace that we are able to hv a good living to a certain extent.Always one shuld hv the mental set up of Godliness instead of worldliness.If a work is not conducive to our thought we hv to make it conducive as nobody will hv full satisfaction in the work he is placed in.That can't be helped.We hv born in this world and hv to suffer or enjoy according to our karmas and there is no use in fault finding that God is cruel to us.He is only a witness and God does not make one a rich or poor person,intelligent or idiot,give top posts or denying any posts which are all our own making.But dedication and sincere prayers will make Him to interfere and it is quite possible some of the

aspirations may be fulfilled leading to contentment.Till that time one has to carry the cross.


P.S:I don't know what Janaki Chopra has written and what suggestions she gave for making Balagopal to think and trying to duck under frivolous questions.




balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal wrote:

!!! HARI AUM !!!It has always been a very confusing state-TO BE or NOTTO BE?To ASPIRE or be CONTENT!If all remain content the world would not be as it istoday. Who would stretch and do those inconvenientthings? Why should Edison fail 10000 times to inventan electric bulb? Who would go that extra mile? Wouldthere be EXCELLENCE at all ? (forget perfection)We tell children to study well and well and well andbring more and more and more marks. How about wealth?Do we tell them to create more and more of it? One canalways tell them to make it legally, ethically,morally and spiritually. Still one is tempted to allota very lowly state of aspiration to such urges.Does our 'satras' (the vedas, Upanishads, Puranas etc)promulgate prosperity or poverty and scarcity?Has any bad blood got into the

interpretation of ourscriptures?What is glorified in them? SUCCESS or Failures?So how do we go about it? If one is having a Maruti800, aspiring for a Merc is perfectly alright orsomething is wrong? Is it possible to have unending ASPIRATIONS andlimitless CONTENTMENT?To work without contentment is STRESS. LifelongSTRESS.Why not be content with my present situations andaspire for more?How do we do it?What causes agitations? ASPIRATIONS or to seeHAPPINESS only after acquiring/possessing those thingswhich one think will give him Happiness.Can someone spare a thought on these?PS. Prompted by an article by Janki Chopra of VedantaInstitute ,Delhi in the Economic Times circa July 05.

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