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Arjuna's Vanishing Delusion.

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Arjuna,the great warrior got himself in a deep pathetic state of mind that he had to wage war against his own kith and kin and that battered his nerves and became a dejected and deluded man.In this he portrays the human behaviour nicely.Any human being with sense would hv been in his position under the circumstances in which arjuna was placed.However in the scheme of things of Sri Krishna there is nothing like that.His mind stood like a rock that arjuna had to fight to protect the dharma or he will be derided by future generations

as a coward and vainglorious person who despite his staunch devotion to Sri

Krishna chose the path of running away from His command.So Krishna had to convince him that in war there is no room for family affection and he had to fight like a Kshatriya.Finally after the Teachings of the Lord and seeing His Cosmic Form arjuna took the decision as directed by Sri Krishna.Thus the man in arjuna who declined to fight and sat dejected was thoroughly transformed after hearing the life-invigorating message of the Lord.He made himself over entirely to the Maker,which is the last and the best act of jivatman.The fuel consigned to fire becomes fire as it shuld.In that way he became an instrument of the Lord.He surrendered his individuality and regained identity with the Cosmic Personality.


The message of Bhagavat Gita was delivered for the immedaie benefit of Arjuna.But it has become an ambrosia infusing life to all the wayworn aspirants.The passage of time does not mar its freshness.It provides the guidance for an abundant life.It cures man of the evil of birth and death.What is prepared for the benefit of one individual often happens of no use to him

but of immense use to some other person.The rain bearing clouds for example gather in one place and pour down in another place.Any accident of this kind has not taken place to the teachings of the Gita.The worthy man for whom it was imparted made the best use of it and derived the maximum benefit from it.Sri Krishna is verily the embodiment of the Supreme State.Whoever gives himself over to that Divinity gains IT in return.Arjuna has undoubtedly surrendered himself to that Great Being ,thereby making himself the inheritor of Divinity.Elatedly he said'My delusion is destroyed'.


A man in delusion sees stars in the sky in the day time.A dwarf appears as a giant to him.Arjuna was besieged with a delusion of this kind on his initial survey of the battle-field.Earthly life was beset with problems to him.Life seemed an unbearable burden,he could neither carry it nor rid himself of it.

He would hv preferred non existence to existence.He who was in such a plight is now completely free from delusion.The self created problems hv all melted away as an empty dream.Life and death,duty and its termination,bondage and freedom- questions pertaining to these dualities are all resolved along with the destruction of delusion.A man in epilepsy forgets himself completely.He does not know how he acts and what he utters.He is obliged to learn from others abt his behaviour in that abnormal state.People attached to earthly life suffer from a delirium of their own.Their view of life is based on things impermanent

and on false premise.Arjuna has now awakened to reality.Memory of himself and of his relationship with the Maker which he was out of his mind so far came back to him.Awareness dawns on its own accord.That experience is

delineated as regaining one's own memory.That the jivatman is not a mere creature of circumstances,that he has to play his part in the functioning of the Cosmos and that he is part and parcel of the Paramatman are all realised in the regaining of one's memory.


The Lord's Grace is indispensable to the reawakening of the Jivatman to his original state.A man in swoon is brought back to his normal wakefulness by his face being washed with cold water and by fanning cool air to him.This service rendered to him is not to be discounted as trifling.It is a great act when its effect is taken into consideration.Arjuna did not regain memory of his Supreme State solely thru his effort.Sri Krishna had His part to play in this respect, and arjuna is fully aware of it.He gives expression of indebtedness.

Rather the grace of the Lord is unparalleled.It is impossible to repay that divine act.He was fully aware what he was before grace descended on him and what he is now after its benign descent.The only thing that he is capabe of doing is meekly to admit that he owes his everything to the divine intervention of the Lord.The littleness of human effort and the greatness of the Grace of the Lord are very lucid here.


When a tempest and a torrential rain set in simultaneously , all trees,plants and creepers are in commotion.They are either uprooted or broken.The loss caused to them is incalculable.Even the soil that sustained them is all eroded and washed away.But a mountain remains unaffected by this catastrophe.It is firm in its place.Brahma Jnana makes a man firm as a rock.Nothing on earth or heaven can disturb his understanding.Having gained this jnana once,the man of wsdom never loses it again.Just as no one doubts one's existence on earth the Brahma jnani does not doubt the Self which he is.His Awareness is self evident.The teachings of the scriptures,the injunction that comes from the enlightened master and the spiritual realisation of the sadhaka -all these three never come into conflict with one another.On the other hand they corroborate one another.The tadpole can live both in water and on land after it sheds its tail.The tail of ignorance drops off from man when he gets

enlightened in Brahma jnana.He simultaneously lives in the world and rests in Brahman.Man has come to this world though by his acts of karmic deeds shuld try to achieve this state and when once he accompolishes then there is no more things he has to achieve as he has become one with the Cosmos.

That shuld be the goal one has to aim and even if one makes little progress in this realm that will lead him to the ultimate goal in subsequent births as he is laying the foundation strongly by dedicating,surrendering to the Creator.The human life is so valuable and the opportunity that lays before one must be utilised to the best extent possible instead of frittering away in sensual and mundane pleasures which are not of permanent nature though initially they may look becoz of delusion and the thing that can remain permanently and give everlasting happiness is the thought of God always though material life also hv to be carried on simultaneously but shuld not be thought that they are the only goal for which we hv come into existence when the real goal is to seek the Lord by piercing the maya that surrounds one which makes one to think that materialism is the only think one has to concentrate as the same may last for some years and automatic dejection will surely come

in course and then it will be too late to turn the mind towards God and hence while be happy with the material and sensual desires the mind must always rest in the Creator which is the only solution to get permanent Bliss.This can't be explained but has to be experienced by one and all as this realm is beyond the mundane and terrestrial atmosphere..


Hare Krishna,







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