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Vedamata Gayatri - The cosmic formula

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!! Sri Rama Jayam !!


The Gayathri Mantra is called the ` Mother of Vedas' or

Vedamata. As

such, the initiation of Gayathri is conducted as a ritual

called `Upanayana' or `Brahmopadesha'. The

understanding of the

mysteries of Gayathri and its regular practice will lead to the

development of a Divine Eye in man. This third eye is

called `Upanayana` since `Upa' means additional and

`Nayana' means

eye. Thus the third eye of knowledge is Upanayana. In the days of the

Vedic Rishis, the ceremony of Upanayana was meant for opening the

third eye in the middle of the forehead. It invariably opened a new

world, the unseen world of Devas, celestials and Gods. Brahmopadesham

means `Initiation into the knowledge of the supreme Brahman`.


Gayathri is Brahmavidya.


The Gayathri mantra is divisible into two portions:

1. The seven Vyahritis

2. The mantra of Gayathri.


The mantra is of 24 syllables in Sanskrit and composed in a rhythm

called Gayathri Chandas. The Gayathri mantra is a cosmic formula. The

first seven steps of the Gayathri mantra form the seven Vyahrities,

which are seven invocations. They invoke the seven layers of the

universe, which is composed like a song, with seven musical notes.


1. Bhuh – Physical – Muladhara

2. Bhuvah – Vital – Swadhishthana

3. Svah – Mental – Manipura

4. Mahah – Intellectual – Anahata

5. Janah – Super mental – Visuddhi

6. Tapah – Spiritual – Ajna

7. Satyam – Absolute reality or Parabrahman – Sahasrara


The bottom level or the physical plane is called `Bhuh` Loka.


plant lives in the vital world with Prana called Bhuvah. Both plants

and animals live. The real difference however lies in the difference

in consciousness or mental level. This level in the grade of

consciousness is what is called a `Vyahriti' of Gayathri.


The seven Vyahritis are aspects of Brahman who is the Effulgence, the

light composed of the seven colors of the solar spectrum. Why is the

prayer of Gayathri to be offered at those periods in the day, which

is neither darkness nor daylight? A period of the day is called by

the ancient Rishis as the `Hour of Brahman –Brahma

muhurtha'. In the

early hours of the morning Sandhya, the sky emits a pale bluish light

or halo in the east. These Bluish rays coming from the east contain

subtle awakening magnetism, which affects the brain. These dawn rays

of a bluish hue have also got a soothing effect on the body. Also,

the morning air is fully charged with Prana or vital energy. This

living electricity is what the body cells require for sustaining good

health. This Prana is what the Yogi requires for charging his six

Yogic centers during the Sandhya Vandana of Gayathri. This absorption

of Prana into the body by regulating its movements by will is called

Pranayama. So Pranayama is not just a breathing exercise. It is a

process of conscious breathing.

The hour of Brahman is specially selected for Gayathri worship since

at that hour, the air is heavily charged with Prana and also the

Sun's awakening rays of an electric Blue radiate from the east


the physical Sun emerges form the horizon. Gayathri is a powerful

mantra containing the quintessence of the Vedas, Puranas and all

scriptures. There is no Mantra superior to Gayathri. The power, which

created the universe, has also created man. This power is reflected

on the formula of Gayathri. Gayathri is the mantra embodying the

power concealed in this primordial sound called `Aum' and

emanates as

universal vibration.

The cosmic sound `Om' gave rise to the seven Vyahritis of


which enable the man, living on the material plane to rise to the

spiritual plane of consciousness. Light is associated with

Consciousness. In the outer world, the Sun does the same work as the

mind does inside us. Both include the process of wakening, so that

when the soul is awakened into the consciousness of Brahman, we can

see the light of Brahman. Thus, light and Consciousness are

inseparable. The Mantra of Gayathri is a prayer to `Savita',

who is

the effulgent sun. `Devasya' – glowing with immeasurable

light -

`Bharga'. The inner SUN of our consciousness is the

universal light

that dwells in us. This consciousness or Parashakti is

called `Savithur' which also means the deliverer. Her power

works on

the mind of man and stirs him from his dormant state into conscious

awakening. The Gayathri mantra stimulates us to meditate on the

Bhagavati seated in the lotus inside the solar plexus. The lotus

symbolizes a yogic chakra in the path of Kundalini, situated along

the spinal canal. It is the state of Be-ness. Brahman is the state

of `Sat', which is the truth, which indicates our conscious

existence. It enables us to experience our existence as a living

reality like our breath. The lotus signifies the symbol of creation,

opening petal after petal in the process of evolution. Also, the

allusion to light does not refer to sunlight only, but to the inner

light from where the seven vibrations have descended from the


plane' down to earth, and to the living beings. The light


descend as seven planes of consciousness into man. Thus, man is a

seven-layered being, corresponding to a structure like the Universe.

The seven vibrations of the Sapta Vyahritis are contained within the

universal sound `Om'. It is clear that what is contained in


macrocosm is also contained in the microcosm. There are seven lokas

in man also, which respond to the seven vibrations of Gayathri. These

lokas in man are the seven yogic Chakras along the Brahmadanda or the

spinal column. The Gayathri mantra has the enduring potency to grant

divine vision and infinite powers. The weak are made strong. The

agitated recover peace and calm and the mystery of grace is unraveled

through this sacred formula. Manu declares that the Gayathri mantra

must be practiced with a balanced mind, near a place of water and

that it moulds one's character. Sage Yagnavalkya says that one


chant Gayathri when stars are visible in the evening and in the

morning at sunrise, and that a recitation of Gayathri 1110 times

every day will cast off all negative forces. No other form of

spiritual activity becomes necessary since this in itself is the most

complete spiritual Sadhana. " Face the east and repeat the


with Om and the three Vyahritis at least 108 times and destroy all

sins " , proclaims the Smriti. All karmas will

cease to take effect as parched seeds, which do not sprout. The

recitation of Gayathri with offerings of parched rice, milk, lotus

petals and sesame saturated with ghee, will confer peace and

plentitude, splendor and vitality with all desires fulfilled.

Offerings made in fire through Gayathri are most effective. " One


recites Gayathri facing the Sun is liberated of all sins " , says


Atri. Perform the mantra with complete faith and love, contemplating

on the

meaning of the Mantra. This is the best form of Japam. The


heart becomes pure and he imbibes the power of Parashakti to

translate faith into action. Therefore it is so necessary for all to

realize and take to the constant chanting of Gayathri. Whoever

surrenders to the Supreme Brahman will surely be rewarded.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says, " Worshipper truly becomes pure and


SEES " . The Narada Bhakti Sutra says if one opens his heart to


divine mantra, he will be guided in the right path. Bhuh stand for

the great Brahman who is the basis of life dearer than our breaths.

Bhuvah is the name of God as his contact frees the aspirant soul from

all unwarranted ills and pains of life arising due to Duality or

DWAITA. Svah is the name of the lord, as he pervades the vast

universe and sustains all and is All Bliss. Gayathri is a harmony,

the most excellent incantation invoked as

" Param Param Jyoti Parame- Oh Thou of lustrous radiance " . At


Sandhya hour of the dawn and sunset, with the inter-play of light and

darkness, the Gayathri incantation carries immense splendor, with the

spreading rays of the frontal light, which forms the texture of the

worlds. Just as the kindling of Agni makes visible a hidden light, so

the utterance of the chants makes perceptible a silent principle of

sound. The spoken word, the mantra is a revelation of the silence

that measures the trance of what is in itself immeasurable. The glory

of Gayathri Japa is beyond words. Regular Sadhana leads to liberation

from Bondage. " O man, let us with devotion worship that great

Brahman, who is the support of the Sun of all such luminous bodies,

who as unprecedented lord of all that was and is all that shall be,

existed before creation of the universe and who has created the

worlds from the earth to the sun " – Rig Veda X.121.1

" He who practices the Japa of Gayathri regularly for three years

assumes the form of air after death and becoming all-pervasive like

ether attains the Supreme formless Brahman " – Manu Smriti


" The learned Brahmana who worships the Sun at the time of rising


setting attains all forms of auspiciousness " – Taittariya



Sage Yagnavalkya says: " Bhuh is your Head, Bhuvah is your eye and

Svah is your voice " . Bhuh is Prana. The brain, intellect and

knowledge are all in the realm of the head. They should be ready to

serve all those who breathe. Bhuvah means the destroyer of pain.

Therefore our eyes must not be indifferent to the pain of others.

Svah means the giver of happiness. Therefore our voice should impart

happiness to others. Everyone should find truth and hope in our

words. This is true worship of Gayathri. This is the simplest way to

realize the absolute. Ultimate reality though beyond empirical

knowledge is attainable through intuitive perception. Integration of

will is one method of cultivating intuition, which can be achieved by

concentrated Gayathri incantation. Intuitive insight is brought about

by unified will. Incessant Japa of Gayathri is beneficial. It is the

answer to the problems of life.

Gayathri contains the mystic formula about the universe, the solar

system viewed as a living thing. It says, you are the living Time or

the life span of the universe. You are the divine path. You are the

divine power within this universe as well as in the limited body. All

creation sprang from this same Parashakti that we call Gayathri. The

first thing that the God bestows on man is Splendor –Bhargo, so


one can behold Him face to face. The sun has received only a fraction

of that Effulgence. All unworthy pursuits and sentiments of man

are kept under control, regulated and transformed by the Bhargo of

the Gayathri. Bhargo means the light that leads to progress and

annihilates fear and evil. Bhargo has thirty-three divine forces of

God that hold on the universe and are also poised in man. These are

stated in the Vedas; Eight Vasus or the abodes of the whole creation

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, moon, sun and Purusha. Eleven Rudras

are the soul and the ten Pranas namely prana, vyaana etc up to

Dhanajaya. The twelve Adityas are the twelve months of the year.

Indra is the

source of great power while Prajapathi stands for the lordship of

creation. The grace of Brahman, which helps us to be virtuous, is

known as Bhargah. The solar globe of the physical Sun is the body of

the Solar Logos. Therefore the `Devaysa' within the Sun is


consciousness pulsating interior to the Sun. what Gayathri signifies

is not the visible or the physical Sun, the giver of heat or light,

but pure consciousness, symbolized by inner Sun or

Savita. The aim of Gayathri is to transform the human nature into

divine so as to realize the self as the Parabrahman. One can

comprehend the loftiness of the concept contemplated by the Gayathri

Mahamantra by looking into the meaning of the Shlokas of Gayathri


during Sandhyavandana. " The single letter `OM' represents


ultimate reality. Power is its

presiding deity. Brahman, the ultimate reality itself is the seer or

the Rishi of this Mantra. Its metre or Chandas is Gayathri. It is the

personification of the ultimate itself. Its Sadhana is only for the

union of the individual self with the ultimate i.e realizing the self

as the supreme Paramatman. Let Shree Gayathri the mother of the

Vedas, established by Vedas, indestructible, giver of divine

blessings, let her come and reveal the Ultimate (Brahmavidya) to me.

Whatever unrighteous deeds are done they are got rid off that day

itself. Whatever are done during the night, they are got rid off that

night itself. Oh great power! The embodiment of all letters in the

alphabet, the deity that represents the conjugations of Day and

night, You are the power of knowledge. You are the enemy of all that

is evil. You are the strength and light of the universe and its

infinite existence. You are the abode of all Gods. I invoke Gayathri,

Savitri the power of Savita, Saraswathi, Lakshmi, Uma or Brahmavidya,

and the Rishis. The rishi-chandas-deity of Gayathri are Vishwamitra

Nichrid Gayathri - Savitaa. And of the seven Vyahrities :

atri-gauthama-kashyapa-vishwamitra-vasishta-bharadwaja-jamadagni and


ushnik-anushthubh-brihati-pankti-trishtub-jagati and Agni-vayu-surya-

brihaspati-varuna-indra-vishwedevaah. (The Yagnavalkya Samhita and

Gayathri Tantra forbid the discussion of the fourth Pada of Gayathri

since this is to be given only to advanced Sadhakas.)

Agni is her face. Vishnu is her heart. Rudra is her coiffure. Prithvi

is her medium of creation. She is alive with the five vital Pranas.

She is white in color. She is of 24 letters or eternal Tatvas. Has

the three Vedas for three feet. Has six faces in the six directions

(Five visible faces for Vamadeva, Sadyojata, and other faces of

Sadashiva or the Five Aamnayas, where as the sixth hidden face is the

Anuttara Aamnaya which is the abode of the great Vidya of

mother Mahatripurasundari). Her purpose is to take us to the

ultimate " Ya Devi Sarvabhooteshu Jnanaroopena Samsthitaa


Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah !!!!!


Source - <http://harsha16.topcities.com/vedamata_gayatri.htm>


Hare Krishna

Hare Rama

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