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Sri Krishnavataram

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!! Sri Rama Jayam !!


Bhagavattam celebrates the arrival of Sri Krishna Paramatma in the

following way --


!! garbham sancarya rohinyam

devakya yogamayaya

tasyah kuksim gatah krsno

dvitiyo vibudhaih stutah !!


- " Krsna appeared in the womb of Devaki after transferring Baladeva

to the womb of Rohini by the power of Yogamaya. "


!! saptamo vaisnavam dhama

yam anantam pracaksate

garbho babhuva devakya

harsa-soka-vivardhanah !!


- After Kamsa, the son of Ugrasena, killed the six sons of Devaki,

a plenary portion of Krsna entered her womb as her seventh child,

arousing her pleasure and her lamentation. That plenary portion is

celebrated by great sages as Ananta, who belongs to Krsna's second

quadruple expansion.


!! tato jagan-mangalam acyutamsam

samahitam sura-sutena devi

dadhara sarvatmakam atma-bhutam

kastha yathananda-karam manastah !!


- Thereafter, accompanied by plenary expansions, the fully opulent

Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is all-auspicious for the entire

universe, was transferred from the mind of Vasudeva to the mind of

Devaki. Devaki, having thus been initiated by Vasudeva, became

beautiful by carrying Lord Krsna, the original consciousness for

everyone, the cause of all causes, within the core of her heart, just

as the east becomes beautiful by carrying the rising moon.


!! brahma bhavas ca tatraitya

munibhir naradadibhih

devaih sanucaraih sakam

girbhir vrsanam aidayan !!


- Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, accompanied by great sages like Narada,

Devala and Vyasa and by other demigods like Indra, Chandra and

Varuna, invisibly approached the room of Devaki, where they all

joined in offering their respectful obeisances and prayers to please

the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can bestow blessings upon



!! satya-vratam satya-param tri-satyam

satyasya yonim nihitam ca satye

satyasya satyam rta-satya-netram

satyatmakam tvam saranam prapannah !!


- The demigods prayed: O Lord, You never deviate from Your vow, which

is always perfect because whatever You decide is perfectly correct

and cannot be stopped by anyone. Being present in the three phases of

cosmic manifestation--creation, maintenance and annihilation--You are

the Supreme Truth. Indeed, unless one is completely truthful, one

cannot achieve Your favor, which therefore cannot be achieved by

hypocrites. You are the active principle, the real truth, in all the

ingredients of creation, and therefore you are known as antaryami,

the inner force. You are equal to everyone, and Your instructions

apply for everyone, for all time. You are the beginning of all truth.

Therefore, offering our obeisances, we surrender unto You. Kindly

give us protection.


!! distyamba te kuksi-gatah parah puman

amsena saksad bhagavan bhavaya nah

mabhud bhayam bhoja-pater mumursor

gopta yadunam bhavita tavatmajah !!


- O mother Devaki, by your good fortune and ours, the Supreme

Personality of Godhead Himself, with all His plenary portions, such

as Baladeva, is now within your womb. Therefore you need not fear

Kamsa, who has decided to be killed by the Lord. Your eternal son,

Krsna, will be the protector of the entire Yadu dynasty.


!! tam adbhutam balakam ambujeksanam

catur-bhujam sankha-gadady-udayudham

srivatsa-laksmam gala-sobhi-kaustubham

pitambaram sandra-payoda-saubhagam




virocamanam vasudeva aiksata !!


- Vasudeva then saw the newborn child, who had very wonderful

lotuslike eyes and who bore in His four hands the four weapons

sankha, chakra, gada and padma. On His chest was the mark of Srivatsa

and on His neck the brilliant Kaustubha gem. Dressed in yellow, His

body blackish like a dense cloud, His scattered hair fully grown, and

His helmet and earrings sparkling uncommonly with the valuable

gem Vaidurya, the child, decorated with a brilliant belt, armlets,

bangles and other ornaments, appeared very wonderful.


Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum ...


Hare Krishna

Hare Rama

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