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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Narayaneeyam- Dashaka 100

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Dashaka 100

Agrepa shyaami tejo nibidatara-kalaayavali-lobhaniyam

piyushaa-plavitoham tadanu taddure divya-kaishorvesham

tarunyaa-rambha-ramyam param-sukha-rasaa-swaad-romaanchitaangai-raavitam

Naaradadhair-vilasad-upanishat-sundari-mandalaisch (1)


"I see before me a bluish radiance as captivating as blue lilies; I am bathed in nectar. In that radiance I see the form of a divine boy stepping into youth, surrounded by the Upanishads themselves in the form of beautiful damsels and also surrounded by Narada and other sages whose hair stands on end because of the Supreme bliss that they are experiencing"


Neelaabham kunchitaagram ghanam-amalataram samyatam chaaru-bhangya

ratnotatamsaabhiramam valayitam-udayachandrakay pincha-jaalai

mandaarastranga-niveetham tava pruthukbaribhaaram-aalokayeham

snigdhashwetordhava pundram api cha sulalitaam phaal balenduvithim


"I see thy dark and curly,clean hair, decorated with jewels, ringed with a plume of peacock feathers with eyes and tied with a garland of Mandaara flowers; I also see thy charming beautiful forehead which resembles the moon on the fifth day, and carries the vertical mark of a white- sandalwood paste on it."


"hrudyam purnanukampaarnava mrudu dula hari chanchala bhruvilaasai

raanilasnigdhapakshmavaliparilasitam netra yugam vibho te

saandrachaayam vishaalarunakamaladalaakaaram aamugdhataaram

kaarunyaa lok leela shishirita bhuvanam shipyataam mayyanaathe" (3)


"O omnipresent Lord, have mercy to cast on me your attractive eyes with the eyebrows that are like gentle waves on the ocean of infinite compassion, which are more beautiful because of the shining eye-lashes which are shaped like rose-petals and have very beautiful pupils which cool the world with their merciful glance"


uttungollaasinasm Harimanimukur prolassa-sadgandapaali-vyaalolat-karna-paashaa-chinta makara-mani-kundala-dwanda-deepram


preetiprasyandimandasmitamadhurataram vaktram-udbhaasataam mein"


May Your face shining with the prominent , beautiful nose, the fishshaped earrings that adorn the ears and which dangle on the cheeks and which is more charming because of the gentle loving smile on lips which have the deep red shade of the bimba fruit and which reveal the shining rows of teeth, always shine in my mind!"


Baahudwandena ratnojjwalavalayabhrutaa shonpaanipravaale-nopaatataam

venunaalim prasruta-nakhamayukhanggulisangshaaram

krutva vaktraara-vinde sumadhurvikasadraagamudbhaavyamaanai

shabdabrahmaamrutaistwam shishiritabhuvanai sincha mein karnaveethim"


"with Your two hands that have turned multi-colored with palms that are red because of contact between the rays from the nails and fingers, wearing jewelled bangles, with the flute in your fingers emitting melodious notes that cool the world, and which is Brahman in the form of sound, may those notes soak my ear!"


"utsarpatkaustubhashreetatibhir-runitam komalam kantadesham

vaksha shree vatsa ramyam tarlatarasamuddhiprahaarprataanam

naanaavarna prasunaavalikisalayaneem vanyamaalam vilolalolalambam

lambamaanam urasi tava tatha bhaavaye ratnamaalaam"


"I meditate on thy handsome neck made red by the spreading lustre of the Kaustubha jewel, thy chest made beautiful by the Srivatsaa mark and decorated with many pearl necklaces shining, garlands made of many sprouts and multicolored flowers nearby and also necklaces with gems spread over Thy chest"


"angaipanchaanaraagai-ratishayavikasatsaurabhakrushta lokam

leena-nayka triloki vitatimapi krusham bibhratam madhyavalleem

shakraashmanyasta taptojjvala kanakanibham peetachelam dadhaanam

dhyaayamo deeptarashmi sphuta mani rashanaa kinkini manditam twam"


We meditate on Thee who attracts the world by the fragrance of the oils with five ingredients applied on Thy body, whose waist is slender and creeper-like inspite of holding all the worlds within, who wears a yellow cloth which looks like gold poured on a rock of sapphire (i.e. the body is sapphire colored), and who is decorated with a girdle studded with brilliant gems and small tinkling bells"


uroo chaaroo tavoroo ghanamsrunuruchow chitchorou ramaayaa

vishwashobham vishankya dhruvamnishamubhou peethchelaavrutaangou

aanmraanam purastaannyasanadhrutasamastaarthapaalisamudagachaayam

jaanudwayam cha kramapruthulamanognye cha jange nisheve"


"I meditate on Thy stout and beautiful thighs which steal the heart of even Goddess Lakshmi, which are always covered with the yellow cloth for fear of exciting the world, on Thy two knees which are like caskets in which are supreme gifts to be distributed to the devotees who prostrate before Thee and on thy forelegs , fleshy and tapering beautifully downward"


"manjeeram manjunadairiva padabhajanam shrey ityaalpantam

paadagram bhrantimajjatpranatajanmanomandaroddharakurmam

utatungaatamraraajannakharahimakarjyotsanaya chaashritanaam

santaapdhvaantahantrim tatimaanukalaye mangalaamanguleenaam"


I meditate on Thy anklets which appear to be saying in sweet tones that worship of Thy feet is most excellent; on the top of Thy foot which lifts up the minds of devotees sinking in the sea of delusion, just as in Thy incarnation as tortoise you lifted up the Mandara mountain; and on Thy auspicious row of toes, the upraised and slightly reddish nails, the brilliance of which is like

the light of the moon which removes the darkness of sorrow from the minds of devotees"


"yogindraanaam thvadangeshvadhikasumadhuram mukthi bhajaam nivaasobhakthaanaam kaamavarshadyutharukisalayam naatha they paadamulamnithyam chithasthithamme Pavanapurapathey Krishnaa kaarunya sindhOhruthvaa nishsheshathApAn pradishathu paramaananda sandOha lakshmeem!"

Guruvayoorappa, O ocean of compassion, Krishna, of your parts, your feet that is very sweet to the yogis, that is the abode of those who have attained mOksha, that is like the divine wish yielding tree that grants all the wishes of your devotees, should always rest in my mind and should dispel all sufferings and grant the greatest wealth/Supreme bliss and joy of mOksha.


"Angnyaantwaa te matwam yadiha nigaditam vishwanatham shametha

strtram chaitatsahasstrotaramadhikataram twaprasaadaaya bhuyaat.

dvedha narayaneeyam shrutishu cha janusha stutyataavarnanena

spheetam leelaavataarairidamiha kurutaam ayur-arogya-soukhyam"


O Vishwanaathaa! please have mercy and forgive me for what I have said here without knowing Thy greatness. May this hym of a 1000 verses secure for all the fullness of Thy grace! This hym can be named Naraayaneeyam for two reasons: written by Narayana and subject matter is also Naaraayana! May this hym which is full of Thy sportive incarnations which are described in the Vedas as worthy of praise, confer long life, sound health, and happiness on every one in this world!


Om Namo Narayana!




"PS, Vinod K (GE Energy)" <vinod.ps wrote:







!! Sri Rama Jayam !!


Melpathur's devotional ecstacy - "Srimad Narayaneeyam"


First shloka -


SAndrAnandAvabhOdAtmakam Anupamitham kAladEshAvadibhyAmnirmuktam nithyamuktam nigamashathasahasrEnha nirbhAsyamAnamaspashtam drustamAthrE punaruru purushArthAthmakambhrahmathatvam tthathAvadbhAthi sAkshAd gurupavanapurE hantha bhAgyam janAnamThat is of the form of complete knowledge, happiness, incomparable, beyond time and space, ever unattached, although praised by 1,00,000 verses in the vedas and still beyond description.

This brahman (Bhattathiri), on seeing which one attains the purpose of life (the four purushArthas of dharma, artha, kama and mOksha), is HERE shining, in front of us at Guruvayoor, for humble people to see as their own bhagyam (fruit of vows).

Indeed a blessing !--------KRISHNA'S BIRTH -

--bAlyasprushApi vapushA dadhushA vibhOthee ruddhyathkireeta-katakAgadha-hArabhAsA|shankhArivArijagadhA paribhAsithEna mEghAsithEna parilEsitha sOthigEhE||Althoug like a child in form, which is shining endowed with the marks of a Lord, glittering crown, kankanam, ornament for the shoulder, chains, conch, which has chakra, lotus, mace and with a body like the dark clouds, so did you shine in the delivery room.--

Gajendra Moksham -

--1) indradhdhyumna: pAndyakhandAdhirAjastvatbhakthAthmA chandranAdrau kadAchith|tvatsEvAyAm magnadheerAlulOkE naivAgasthyam prApthamAthithhyamAmam||Once Indrathyumnan the ruler of Pandya desha, who is devoted to you, was deeply engaged with his mind on Chandana mount in your puja. Agasthiyar came seeking his favour as a guest, but Indrathyumnan did not notice him.2) kubhOdbhoothi sambhruthakrOdhabhAr: sthabdhAthmA tvam hasthi bhooyam bhajEthi|shapthvAthainam prathyAgAth sOpi lEbhE hasthindratvam tvatsmriti vyakthi dhanyam||Agastyar who was born out of a kamandalu (pot) became angry and he cursed as "because of pride you

didnot respect, so, be born as an elephant" and left. The king gained the wealthy birth of an elephant with your memory3) dugdAmbhOdhE: madhyabhAji thrikootE kredan shailE yuthapOyam vashAbhi:|sarvAn janthonathyavarthishta shakthyA thvadbhakthAnAm kuthra nOthkarshalAbha:||This king of elephants who was playing with female elephants in Thrikoota hill in the middle of pArkadal, was greater in stength than all creatures. Where only your devotees don't attain greatness?4) svEnasthEmnA divyadEshasya shakthyA sOyam khEdAnaprajAnan kadAchith|shailaprAnthE dharmthAntha: sarasyAm yuthai: sArdham tvampranhunnhObhirEmE||Due to its natural strength and the strength of the divya desha, that king of elephants did not know suffering. Once because of the heat in the vicinity of the hills it entered a lake and played with elephant

groups propelled by You.5) huhu sthAvasdevalasyAbi chapathgrAhibhuthas tvajalE varthamAna:|chakrAhainam hasthinam pAda dEshEshAnthyartham hi srAnthi dOsi svakAnAm||Then, a gandharva called huhu who had become a crocodile due to the curse of devalar was residing in the lake. It caught hold of the feet of this elephant. In order to give peace to your devotees, you also become the one who gives them trouble.6) tvatsEvAyA vabhavAddurnirOdham yuddhyantham tham vathsarAnhAm sahasram|prapthE kAlE tvatpadailkAggryasiddhai nakrAkrAntha hasthi varyam vydhAstvam||

Because of the stenght of your worship, the elephant was fighting for 1000 years. When the time came for this king of elephants, to get one-pointedness in devotion to your feet, did you not make it to be molested by the crocodile?7) Arthivyaktha-prAkthana gyAnbhakthi: shudhOkshipthA: pundareekai: samarchan|poorvAbhyastham nirvishEshAthmanishttam sthOthra shrEsttam sOnvagAdith prAthman||Oh! One who resides as Paramatma everywhere! because of the fruits of knowledge and bhakti of previous janma, that king of elephants, due to the excessive suffering, lifted its tusk with lotus flowers and performed archana mentally singing a best stotra on nirguna Brahman which it had practised in previous birth.8) shruthvA shOthra nirgundhastha samastham brahmEshAddhyai rnahamithyaprayAthE|sarvAtmA tvam bhoori kArunhya vEgAth thArkshyA roodha

prEkshithObhO: purasthAth||On hearing the stothra addressing That which is nirguna Brahman and everything, while Brahma, Siva and others did not arrive as it was not them, you who are Atma of all, due to the speed of excessive compassion, came riding on the back of Garuda and showed your form.9) hastheendram tam hasthapadmEna dhruthvA chakrEnha tvam nakravaryam vyadhAri:|gandharvEsmin mukthashApE sa hasthee tvatsAroopyam prApya dEdeepyathE sma||You held Gajendra with your lotus like hands, and hit the crocodile with your chakra. Then, the crocodile was release from its curse and became the gandharva, that elephant too attained your form and shined.10) Etad vrutham tvAm cha mAm cha pragEyO gAyEth sOyam bhOyasE shrEyasE syAt | ithyuktvAinam thEna sArdham gathastham dhishnam vishnO pAhi vAthAlaEsha ||"The one who sings this story, yourself and myself early

in the morning, he will attain the greatest goodness" did not you say so to him and took him with you to Vaikuntam ? Oh! one who is all pervading, GuruvayoorappA, protect and bless me.



First shloka of 69th dashakam and First and Second last shloka of of last dashakam of Sri Narayaneeyam


RASAKRIDA (V)kEshapAshadrutha pinchikAvithathi sanchalanmakarakundalam hArajAla vanamAlika lalitha mangarAgadhana sourabham|peetha chEla drutha kAnchi kAnchithamudancha damshumanhi-noopuram rAsakElhi paribhOshitham thava hi roopmeesha kalayAmahE||

- EshA! in the locks of the hair the peacock feather, makarakundalam (in the ears), vanamala and other chains ( on the chest), sandal and other sweet smelling anointments, a golden belt on the yellow garment (on the hip), sparkling anklets with gems (on the feet), so do I meditate on your blessed form that has been decorated for the rAsakrEdA.


agrE pashyAmi thEjO nibidathara klAyAvale lObhaneeyampiyushAplAvithOham thadanu thadudarE divyakAishOravEshamthArunyA rambharamyam paramasukha rasAsvAda rOmAnchithAngairAveetham nAradhAdhyair vilasat upanishath sundaree mandalaishcha- I see before my eyes a glowing light like the KAyambu (pushpam). Because of that I am filled with great amruthAnandam. In the midst of that light I see a beautiful lad whose childhood has just finished and youth begun. This lad is surrounded by Naradar who is enjoying paramAnandam and is rOmAnjitham, other sages. The Upanisads which have taken the form of beautiful damsels surround the lad in a circle.yOgindrAnAm thvadangEshvadhikasumadhuram mukthi bhAjam nivAsObhakthAnam kAmavarshadyutharukisalayam nAtha thE pAdamulamnithyam chithasthithammE PavanapurapathE KrishnA kArunya sindhOhruthvA nishshEshathApAn pradishathu paramAnanda sandOha

lakshmimGuruvayoorappa, O compassionate ocean Krishna, of your parts, your feet that is very sweet to the yogis, that is the abode of those who have attained mOksha, that is like the Karpaka tree that grants all the wishes of your devotees should always rest in my mind and should dispel all sufferings and grant the greatest wealth and joy of mOksha.



Hare Krishna

Hare Rama











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