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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Guruvayur Temple Daily Pooja Descriptions

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Blessed Gopalji,





The system of rites conducted in Guruvayur is traceable to Sri Adi Sankaracharya,the great sanskrit scholor and philosopher,and,founder of the Advaitha philosophy.There are in all, 12 'darshan' (glimpse of the Lord) that can be had by a devotee on a given day. The timings mentioned are rough and based on a pamphlet published by the GuruvayurDevaswam (the body that administers the temple) for the guidance of the devotees.


The NIRMALYA DARSHAN (3 A.M to 3.20 A.M) is the first of the day. The Lord now is still adorned with the flowers and garlands of the previous night. It is believed that after the night pooja (worship), when the doors are closed, the devas (Gods) come and worship the deity. A darshan of the Lord who has just been worshipped by the Devas themselves is considered highly auspicious. Amidst the lit lamps, the chiming bells and the conch, the spontaneous cries of the devotees shouting out " Narayana " , " Guruvayurappa " , " Govinda " ,etc., the innermost recesses of your mind will be lifted to the heights of devotional passion.

THE THAILABHISHEKAM,VAKACHARTH & SANKABHISHEKAM (3.20 A.M TO 3.30 A.M)The rite of bathing the deity with gingely oil takes place after removing the adornments of the previous day. Then comes Vakacharth i.e. sprinkling the deity with the vaka powder. The kork of a tree called vaka is powdered and used. After this is performed the abhishekam (rite of bathing the deity) with water sanctified in a sankhu (conch).

ALANKARAM & MALAR NIVEDYAM (3.30 A.M TO 4.15 A.M) After the bath the idol is wiped with a thin clothy,then adorned with garlands, ear ornaments, Kasthuri tilaka and a red loincloth. Butter in hand and playing the flute, the Lord here appears as Unnikrishna (child Krishna), reminiscent of His playful days at Gokulam. After the alankarem (adornment or decoration),the malar naivedyam i.e malar (puffed rice), plantain and jaggery are offered to the Lord. USHA NAIVEDYAM & USHA POOJA (4.15 AM TO 4.30 AM) Offerings of cooked rice and naipayasam (rice cooked in jaggery constitute the usha naivedyam (morning offering). The Usha Pooja (morning worship) is also conducted at this time.

ETHIRETTU POOJA (4.30 AM to 6.15 AM) Now the Lord and the Sun are facing each other and pooja is performed by offering vella naivadyam (white offering i.e. of cooked rice); simultaneously, the other deities in the temple are attended by associate priests. Ganapathy homa is performed in the temple kitchen.

SIVELI (6.15 AM to 7.00AM) The Srikovil (Sanctum sanctorum) opens allowing the devotees to have their darshan. The deity is then taken out for the Siveli (procession). The utsavavigraha (processional deity) is mounted in an elephant and taken round the temple thrice. Believably, the Lord want this exercise to be done so that He himself can ascertain if His cetestial attendents are keeping well.












(7 AM to 9 AM) What follows is a series of abhishekams, first in the series being Palabhishekam or Kshirabhishekam or bathing in milk. Then the Navabhishekam is done with water filled in nine silver pots and sanctified with a course of Poojas. Pantiradi pooja is done when the shadow measures 12 feet.

DARSHAN (9AM to 11.30 AM) Time is given to devotees for darshan. UCHA POOJA (Noon Pooja -11.30 AM to 12.30 PM) Conducted at around 12 noon, it is the most important and elaborate pooja of the day. The naivedyam (Offering) consists of cooked rice and palpayasam (rice cooked in milk and sugar). Simultaneously, a Brahmin is seated in the temple kitchen and fed well. This custom is mandatory at this ritual.

THE TEMPLE REMAINS CLOSED FROM 12.30 PM to 4.30 PM SIVELI (4.30 PM to 5 PM) The second procession of the Lord takes place at this time.

DARSHAN (5 PM to 6.15 PM) The time is given to the devotee for darshan. DEEPARADHANA (6.15 PM to 6.45 PM) All the lamps in the temple are lighted and the Lord is worshipped with oil lamps and camphor flames. Conch shells are blown ,drums beaten, bells chimed and pipes played. The view of the Lord in full glory is visible from a very long distance itself. The Lord looks so marvelous amidst the lamps and that even a non-believer will have second thoughts.

DARSHAN (6.45 PM to 7.30 PM) Devotees allowed for darshan. ATHAZHA POOJA & ATHAZHA NAIVEDYAM (7.30 PM to 8.15PM) The night worship is Athazha pooja and the offering made at that time is athazhanaivedyam. Appam and Ada (sweetened rice preperation), betel leaf and areca nut are offered at this time.

ATHAZHA SIVELI (8.45 PM to 9.00 PM) The night procession, the third and last procession of the day takes place. TRIPUKA & OLAVAYANA (9.PM to 9.15 PM) Fumigation of the central shrine and temple with nine odoriferous gums in a silver tray is known as tripuka.Ola vayana is the customary function of reading out day's income and expenditure before the Lord.

The Srikovil closes at 9.15 p.m.







Nobody returns from a temple, especially from Guruvayur, without making an offering, however small that might be. An offering is quite often misinterpreted as a bribe given to the deity for a favour. Actually, it is the renunciation of a devotee, as the real test of one's devotion. The Lord accepts whatever is given in devotion or "Bhakthi" and rejects everything, however expensive, offered without it. Thousands throng to Guruvayur daily to make their offerings- as an expression of their gratitude and devotion for the cure of their diseases, mental peace, success, profit, progeny – the list is endless.

The devotees offer today almost anything from flowers to gold. Rare offerings are displayed at the Devaswom museum while the other items are archived.

The main offerings are:

Udayasthamana Pooja: This is the most popular offering, the booking for which are said to have been done for the next ten years. Udayasthamaya literally means from sunrise to sunset.

Hence it implies worship from sunrise to sunset. It consists of 15 special Poojas in addition to all the routine poojas and begins after the morning Siveli.

There is a special feast for the devotees. There is the Vilakku (illumination) in the evening. The Siveli in the evening takes 5 rounds instead of the usual 3.

The tripuka marks the end of the udayastamana pooja. Prasadaootu: These are arrangements for free feeding as Prasadams at the dining hall for thousands of pilgrims at 10.00 AM everyday. One can make an offering of any amount (min Rs 1) for this free feeding. Elephants: Devotees offer elephants to Guruvayurappan and today there are about 40 elephants kept with Punnathur Kotta maintained by the Devaswam.

The feeding of these elephants- Anayoottu is another popular offering that attracts many on-lookers. All the elephants are taken to the temple at around 10 A.M, and fed a sumptuous feast of fruits, molasses and boiled rice.

Tulabharam: A devotee is weighed against a commodity of his choice-banana, sugar, water, gold, in fact anything permitted inside the temple.

If you want to be weighed against articles not permitted inside, do not worry. Arrangements are made for conducting the tulabharam outside the temple.

Also, non-Hindus can perform the ritual outside.


This is the first rice-giving ceremony of a child conducted before the Lord Guruvayurappa . All the itemsincluding cooked rice, payasam (sweet preparation of rice and jaggery; rice, sugar & milk) plantain etc. are placed on a banana leaf and the children are fed each of these. Alroopams: You can offer miniature images in gold or silver, or replicas of different parts of the human body, eyes, nose, limbs etc.

It is believed to cure whichever part is affected and therefore offered. You can place it after depositing in the hundi, an amount devised by you. Picking up Kunnikkuru: You can offer this to develop your children's intelligence and smartness.

A handful of these seeds (Abrus precatorious) are picked up and dropped thrice in the vessel kept for the purpose and an amount desired by the devotee is deposited in the hundi. Bhagavati Azhal: 10 or 20 wicks soaked in oil are kept in a sheath of plantain tree and lighted before the goddess Bhagavati.

It is done after deeparadhana and athazha pooja. Sayanapradakshina:

Also called angapradakshina, the devotee circumambulates the temple, rolling along the pradakshina path with his eyes closed and chanting the Lord's name.

Bhajan: This offering is the most fruitful and spiritually elevating- it is the complete dedication of oneself to God. It is austere worship,

the devotees forgetting their worldly worries and associating them maximum with whatever goes on within the temple-heavy bath in the temple pond, drinking water from its well and having the Prasadam as food.

Married people are expected to observe strict brahmacharya (celibacy) during the bhajan. Apart from these main offerings, there are a variety of archanas, alankarams, and naivedyams that can be offered.

A list of all these offerings and their rates is displayed at the counters on the northern side of the temple. Bhagavati Azhal:

10 or 20 wicks soaked in oil are kept in a sheath of plantain tree and lighted before the goddess Bhagavati. It is done after deeparadhana and athazha Pooja.



Krishnanaattam, which is the most important art form of the temple, is performed in the temple as an offering. Devotees can offer this as a vazhipadu or offering on a payment of the prescribed amount. Each days performance believably yields a particular benefit to those making the offering.






more details can be accessed from



With Love & OM!


in Lord' Service



Krishna Prasad


On 11/16/05, Gopikrishnan Viswanadhan <gokri74 wrote:

!!!Om Namo Narayanaya!!!Namasthe,Wish to have a description of various daily poojasdone at Guruvayur temple. I am interested to know a

description of vakacharthu etc. Can anybody help. Many thanks in advance.Gokri Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Om Namo Narayanaya:


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Appreciate the details Krishna Prasad. Hari OmKrishna Prasad <rkrishp99 wrote: Blessed Gopalji, The system of rites conducted in Guruvayur is traceable to Sri Adi Sankaracharya,the great sanskrit scholor and philosopher,and,founder of the Advaitha philosophy.There are in all, 12 'darshan' (glimpse of the Lord) that can be had by a devotee on a given day. The timings mentioned are rough and based on a pamphlet published by the GuruvayurDevaswam (the body that administers the temple) for the guidance of the devotees. The NIRMALYA DARSHAN (3 A.M to 3.20 A.M) is the first of the day. The Lord now is still adorned with the flowers and garlands of the previous night. It is believed that after the night pooja (worship), when the doors are closed, the devas (Gods) come and worship the deity. A darshan of the Lord who has just been worshipped by the Devas themselves is considered highly auspicious. Amidst the lit lamps, the chiming bells and the conch, the spontaneous cries of the devotees shouting out "Narayana","Guruvayurappa","Govinda",etc., the innermost recesses of your mind will be lifted to the heights of devotional passion. THE THAILABHISHEKAM,VAKACHARTH & SANKABHISHEKAM (3.20 A.M TO 3.30 A.M)The rite of bathing the deity with gingely oil takes place after removing the adornments of the

previous day. Then comes Vakacharth i.e. sprinkling the deity with the vaka powder. The kork of a tree called vaka is powdered and used. After this is performed the abhishekam (rite of bathing the deity) with water sanctified in a sankhu (conch). ALANKARAM & MALAR NIVEDYAM (3.30 A.M TO 4.15 A.M) After the bath the idol is wiped with a thin clothy,then adorned with garlands, ear ornaments, Kasthuri tilaka and a red loincloth. Butter in hand and playing the flute, the Lord here appears as Unnikrishna (child Krishna), reminiscent of His playful days at Gokulam. After the alankarem (adornment or decoration),the malar naivedyam i.e malar (puffed rice), plantain and jaggery are offered to the Lord. USHA NAIVEDYAM & USHA POOJA (4.15 AM TO 4.30 AM) Offerings of cooked rice and naipayasam (rice cooked in jaggery constitute the usha naivedyam (morning offering). The Usha Pooja (morning worship) is also

conducted at this time. ETHIRETTU POOJA (4.30 AM to 6.15 AM) Now the Lord and the Sun are facing each other and pooja is performed by offering vella naivadyam (white offering i.e. of cooked rice); simultaneously, the other deities in the temple are attended by associate priests. Ganapathy homa is performed in the temple kitchen. SIVELI (6.15 AM to 7.00AM) The Srikovil (Sanctum sanctorum) opens allowing the devotees to have their darshan. The deity is then taken out for the Siveli (procession). The utsavavigraha (processional deity) is mounted in an elephant and taken round the temple thrice. Believably, the Lord want this exercise to be done so that He himself can ascertain if His cetestial attendents are keeping well. PALABHISHEKAM NAVABHISHEKAM PANTIRADINAIVEDYAM & POOJA (7 AM to 9 AM) What follows is a series of abhishekams, first in the series being Palabhishekam or Kshirabhishekam or bathing in milk. Then the Navabhishekam is done with water filled in nine silver pots and sanctified with a course of Poojas. Pantiradi pooja is done when the shadow measures 12 feet. DARSHAN (9AM to 11.30 AM) Time is given to devotees for darshan. UCHA POOJA (Noon Pooja -11.30 AM to 12.30

PM) Conducted at around 12 noon, it is the most important and elaborate pooja of the day. The naivedyam (Offering) consists of cooked rice and palpayasam (rice cooked in milk and sugar). Simultaneously, a Brahmin is seated in the temple kitchen and fed well. This custom is mandatory at this ritual. THE TEMPLE REMAINS CLOSED FROM 12.30 PM to 4.30 PM SIVELI (4.30 PM to 5 PM) The second procession of the Lord takes place at this time. DARSHAN (5 PM to 6.15 PM) The time is given to the devotee for darshan. DEEPARADHANA (6.15 PM to 6.45 PM) All the lamps in the temple are lighted and the Lord is worshipped with oil lamps and camphor flames. Conch shells are blown ,drums beaten, bells chimed and pipes played. The view of the Lord in full glory is visible from a very long distance

itself. The Lord looks so marvelous amidst the lamps and that even a non-believer will have second thoughts. DARSHAN (6.45 PM to 7.30 PM) Devotees allowed for darshan. ATHAZHA POOJA & ATHAZHA NAIVEDYAM (7.30 PM to 8.15PM) The night worship is Athazha pooja and the offering made at that time is athazhanaivedyam. Appam and Ada (sweetened rice preperation), betel leaf and areca nut are offered at this time. ATHAZHA SIVELI (8.45 PM to 9.00 PM) The night procession, the third and last procession of the day takes place. TRIPUKA & OLAVAYANA (9.PM to 9.15 PM) Fumigation of the central shrine and temple with nine odoriferous gums in a silver tray is known as tripuka.Ola vayana is the customary function of reading out day's income and expenditure before the Lord. The Srikovil closes at 9.15 p.m. Nobody returns from a temple, especially from Guruvayur, without making an offering, however small that might be. An offering is quite often

misinterpreted as a bribe given to the deity for a favour. Actually, it is the renunciation of a devotee, as the real test of one's devotion. The Lord accepts whatever is given in devotion or "Bhakthi" and rejects everything, however expensive, offered without it. Thousands throng to Guruvayur daily to make their offerings- as an expression of their gratitude and devotion for the cure of their diseases, mental peace, success, profit, progeny – the list is endless. The devotees offer today almost anything from flowers to gold. Rare offerings are displayed at the Devaswom museum while the other items are archived. The main offerings are: Udayasthamana Pooja: This is the most popular offering, the booking for which are said to have been done for the next ten years. Udayasthamaya literally means from sunrise to sunset. Hence it implies worship from sunrise to sunset. It consists of 15 special Poojas in addition to all the routine poojas and begins after the morning Siveli. There is a special feast for the devotees. There is the Vilakku (illumination) in the evening. The Siveli in the evening takes 5 rounds instead of the usual 3. The tripuka marks the end of the udayastamana pooja. Prasadaootu: These are arrangements for

free feeding as Prasadams at the dining hall for thousands of pilgrims at 10.00 AM everyday. One can make an offering of any amount (min Rs 1) for this free feeding. Elephants: Devotees offer elephants to Guruvayurappan and today there are about 40 elephants kept with Punnathur Kotta maintained by the Devaswam. The feeding of these elephants- Anayoottu is another popular offering that attracts many on-lookers. All the elephants are taken to the temple at around 10 A.M, and fed a sumptuous feast of fruits, molasses and boiled rice. Tulabharam: A devotee is weighed against a commodity of his choice-banana, sugar, water, gold, in fact anything permitted inside the temple. If you want to be weighed against articles not permitted inside, do not worry. Arrangements are made for conducting the tulabharam outside the temple. Also, non-Hindus can perform the ritual outside. Annaprasanam: This is the first rice-giving ceremony of a child conducted before the Lord Guruvayurappa . All the itemsincluding cooked rice, payasam

(sweet preparation of rice and jaggery; rice, sugar & milk) plantain etc. are placed on a banana leaf and the children are fed each of these. Alroopams: You can offer miniature images in gold or silver, or replicas of different parts of the human body, eyes, nose, limbs etc. It is believed to cure whichever part is affected and therefore offered. You can place it after depositing in the hundi, an amount devised by you. Picking up Kunnikkuru: You can offer this to develop your children's intelligence and smartness. A handful of these seeds (Abrus precatorious) are picked up and dropped thrice in the vessel kept for the purpose and an amount desired by the devotee is deposited in the hundi. Bhagavati Azhal: 10 or 20 wicks soaked in oil are kept in a sheath of plantain tree and lighted before the goddess Bhagavati. It is done after deeparadhana and athazha pooja. Sayanapradakshina: Also called angapradakshina, the devotee circumambulates the temple, rolling along the pradakshina path with his eyes closed and chanting the Lord's name. Bhajan: This offering is the most fruitful and spiritually elevating- it is

the complete dedication of oneself to God. It is austere worship, the devotees forgetting their worldly worries and associating them maximum with whatever goes on within the temple-heavy bath in the temple pond, drinking water from its well and having the Prasadam as food. Married people are expected to observe strict brahmacharya (celibacy) during the bhajan. Apart from these main offerings, there are a variety of archanas, alankarams, and naivedyams that can be offered. A list of all these offerings and their rates is displayed at the counters on the northern side of the temple. Bhagavati Azhal: 10 or 20 wicks soaked in oil are kept in a sheath of plantain tree and lighted

before the goddess Bhagavati. It is done after deeparadhana and athazha Pooja. Krishnanattam: Krishnanaattam, which is the most important art form of the temple, is performed in the temple as an offering. Devotees can offer this as a vazhipadu or offering on a payment of the prescribed amount. Each days performance believably yields a particular benefit to those making the offering. more details can be accessed from http://www.guruvayur.com With Love & OM! in Lord' Service Krishna Prasad On 11/16/05, Gopikrishnan Viswanadhan <gokri74 wrote: !!!Om Namo Narayanaya!!!Namasthe,Wish to have a description of various daily poojasdone at Guruvayur temple. I am interested to know a description of vakacharthu etc. Can anybody help. Many thanks in advance.Gokri Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 Om Namo Narayanaya:

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!!!Om Namo Narayanaya!!!


Thats correct....with this knowledge being at the

temple during Poojas would make us even more joyous...

Thanks again Krishnaji



--- shreehari.pillai wrote:


> Krishna ji


> Thank you very much ... for some seconds it was like

> i travelled to

> guruvayoor


> Guruvayoorappa dasan

> Shreehari.G.P


> ________________________________


> guruvayur

> [guruvayur ] On

> Behalf Of Krishna Prasad

> Friday, November 18, 2005 2:56 AM

> guruvayur

> Cc: gokri74

> Re: [Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Guruvayur Temple

> Daily Pooja

> Descriptions



> Blessed Gopalji,

> <http://www.guruvayur.com/images/kumbham.gif>


> The system of rites conducted in Guruvayur is

> traceable to Sri Adi

> Sankaracharya,the great sanskrit scholor and

> philosopher,and,founder of

> the Advaitha philosophy.There are in all, 12

> 'darshan' (glimpse of the

> Lord) that can be had by a devotee on a given day.

> The timings mentioned

> are rough and based on a pamphlet published by the

> GuruvayurDevaswam

> (the body that administers the temple) for the

> guidance of the devotees.



> The NIRMALYA DARSHAN (3 A.M to 3.20 A.M)

> is the first of the

> day. The Lord now is still adorned with the flowers

> and garlands of the

> previous night. It is believed that after the night

> pooja (worship),

> when the doors are closed, the devas (Gods) come and

> worship the deity.

> A darshan of the Lord who has just been worshipped

> by the Devas

> themselves is considered highly auspicious. Amidst

> the lit lamps, the

> chiming bells and the conch, the spontaneous cries

> of the devotees

> shouting out

> " Narayana " , " Guruvayurappa " , " Govinda " ,etc., the

> innermost

> recesses of your mind will be lifted to the heights

> of devotional

> passion.



> (3.20 A.M TO 3.30

> A.M)The rite of bathing the deity with gingely oil

> takes place after

> removing the adornments of the previous day. Then

> comes Vakacharth i.e.

> sprinkling the deity with the vaka powder. The kork

> of a tree called

> vaka is powdered and used. After this is performed

> the abhishekam (rite

> of bathing the deity) with water sanctified in a

> sankhu (conch).



> After the bath the

> idol is wiped with a thin clothy,then adorned with

> garlands, ear

> ornaments, Kasthuri tilaka and a red loincloth.

> Butter in hand and

> playing the flute, the Lord here appears as

> Unnikrishna (child Krishna),

> reminiscent of His playful days at Gokulam. After

> the alankarem

> (adornment or decoration),the malar naivedyam i.e

> malar (puffed rice),

> plantain and jaggery are offered to the Lord.



> Offerings of cooked

> rice and naipayasam (rice cooked in jaggery

> constitute the usha

> naivedyam (morning offering). The Usha Pooja

> (morning worship) is also

> conducted at this time.


> ETHIRETTU POOJA (4.30 AM to 6.15 AM) Now the Lord

> and the Sun are

> facing each other and pooja is performed by offering

> vella naivadyam

> (white offering i.e. of cooked rice);

> simultaneously, the other deities

> in the temple are attended by associate priests.

> Ganapathy homa is

> performed in the temple kitchen.


> SIVELI (6.15 AM to 7.00AM) The Srikovil (Sanctum

> sanctorum) opens

> allowing the devotees to have their darshan. The

> deity is then taken

> out for the Siveli (procession). The utsavavigraha

> (processional deity)

> is mounted in an elephant and taken round the temple

> thrice. Believably,

> the Lord want this exercise to be done so that He

> himself can ascertain

> if His cetestial attendents are keeping well.




> <file:///D:/guru%20feb%2014/index.htm>




> to 9 AM) What follows is a series of abhishekams,

> first in the series

> being Palabhishekam or Kshirabhishekam or bathing in

> milk. Then the

> Navabhishekam is done with water filled in nine

> silver pots and

> sanctified with a course of Poojas. Pantiradi pooja

> is done when the

> shadow measures 12 feet.


> DARSHAN (9AM to 11.30 AM) Time is given to

> devotees for

> darshan.


> UCHA POOJA (Noon Pooja -11.30 AM to 12.30 PM)

> Conducted at

> around 12 noon, it is the most important and

> elaborate pooja of the day.

> The naivedyam (Offering) consists of cooked rice and

> palpayasam (rice

> cooked in milk and sugar). Simultaneously, a Brahmin

> is seated in the

> temple kitchen and fed well. This custom is

> mandatory at this ritual.





> SIVELI (4.30 PM to 5 PM) The second procession of

> the Lord takes

> place at this time.


> DARSHAN (5 PM to 6.15 PM) The time is given to the

> devotee for

> darshan.


> DEEPARADHANA (6.15 PM to 6.45 PM) All the lamps in

> the temple

> are lighted and the Lord is worshipped with oil

> lamps and camphor

> flames. Conch shells are blown ,drums beaten, bells

> chimed and pipes

> played. The view of the Lord in full glory is

> visible from a very long

> distance itself. The Lord looks so marvelous amidst

> the lamps and that

> even a non-believer will have second thoughts.


> DARSHAN (6.45 PM to 7.30 PM) Devotees allowed for

> darshan.



> 8.15PM) The night

> worship is Athazha pooja and the offering made at

> that time is

> athazhanaivedyam. Appam and Ada (sweetened rice

> preperation), betel leaf

> and areca nut are offered at this time.


> ATHAZHA SIVELI (8.45 PM to 9.00 PM) The night

> procession, the

> third and last procession of the day takes place.


> TRIPUKA & OLAVAYANA (9.PM to 9.15 PM) Fumigation

> of the

> central shrine and temple with nine odoriferous gums

> in a silver tray is

> known as tripuka.Ola vayana is the customary

> function of reading out

> day's income and expenditure before the Lord.


> The Srikovil closes at 9.15 p.m.




> <file:///D:/guru%20feb%2014/index.htm>


> <http://www.guruvayur.com/images/kumbham.gif>


=== message truncated ===






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Om Namo narayanaya nama

Its a wonderful experience to know about the pooja

timing and the kind of pooja is taken place . more

information like this will be highly apprecaited

especially who is not in kerala and who lost the

touch with these things. And i am sure most of the

members should not aware about this before your mail .





It is very good --- Gopikrishnan Viswanadhan

<gokri74 wrote:


> !!!Om Namo Narayanaya!!!

> Namasthe,

> Thats correct....with this knowledge being at the

> temple during Poojas would make us even more

> joyous...

> Thanks again Krishnaji

> Gokri


> --- shreehari.pillai wrote:


> > Krishna ji

> >

> > Thank you very much ... for some seconds it was

> like

> > i travelled to

> > guruvayoor

> >

> > Guruvayoorappa dasan

> > Shreehari.G.P

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > guruvayur

> > [guruvayur ] On

> > Behalf Of Krishna Prasad

> > Friday, November 18, 2005 2:56 AM

> > guruvayur

> > Cc: gokri74

> > Re: [Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Guruvayur

> Temple

> > Daily Pooja

> > Descriptions

> >

> >

> > Blessed Gopalji,

> > <http://www.guruvayur.com/images/kumbham.gif>

> >

> > The system of rites conducted in Guruvayur is

> > traceable to Sri Adi

> > Sankaracharya,the great sanskrit scholor and

> > philosopher,and,founder of

> > the Advaitha philosophy.There are in all, 12

> > 'darshan' (glimpse of the

> > Lord) that can be had by a devotee on a given day.

> > The timings mentioned

> > are rough and based on a pamphlet published by the

> > GuruvayurDevaswam

> > (the body that administers the temple) for the

> > guidance of the devotees.

> >

> >

> > The NIRMALYA DARSHAN (3 A.M to 3.20

> A.M)

> > is the first of the

> > day. The Lord now is still adorned with the

> flowers

> > and garlands of the

> > previous night. It is believed that after the

> night

> > pooja (worship),

> > when the doors are closed, the devas (Gods) come

> and

> > worship the deity.

> > A darshan of the Lord who has just been worshipped

> > by the Devas

> > themselves is considered highly auspicious. Amidst

> > the lit lamps, the

> > chiming bells and the conch, the spontaneous cries

> > of the devotees

> > shouting out

> > " Narayana " , " Guruvayurappa " , " Govinda " ,etc., the

> > innermost

> > recesses of your mind will be lifted to the

> heights

> > of devotional

> > passion.

> >


> > (3.20 A.M TO 3.30

> > A.M)The rite of bathing the deity with gingely oil

> > takes place after

> > removing the adornments of the previous day. Then

> > comes Vakacharth i.e.

> > sprinkling the deity with the vaka powder. The

> kork

> > of a tree called

> > vaka is powdered and used. After this is performed

> > the abhishekam (rite

> > of bathing the deity) with water sanctified in a

> > sankhu (conch).

> >



> > After the bath the

> > idol is wiped with a thin clothy,then adorned with

> > garlands, ear

> > ornaments, Kasthuri tilaka and a red loincloth.

> > Butter in hand and

> > playing the flute, the Lord here appears as

> > Unnikrishna (child Krishna),

> > reminiscent of His playful days at Gokulam. After

> > the alankarem

> > (adornment or decoration),the malar naivedyam i.e

> > malar (puffed rice),

> > plantain and jaggery are offered to the Lord.

> >


> > Offerings of cooked

> > rice and naipayasam (rice cooked in jaggery

> > constitute the usha

> > naivedyam (morning offering). The Usha Pooja

> > (morning worship) is also

> > conducted at this time.

> >

> > ETHIRETTU POOJA (4.30 AM to 6.15 AM) Now the Lord

> > and the Sun are

> > facing each other and pooja is performed by

> offering

> > vella naivadyam

> > (white offering i.e. of cooked rice);

> > simultaneously, the other deities

> > in the temple are attended by associate priests.

> > Ganapathy homa is

> > performed in the temple kitchen.

> >

> > SIVELI (6.15 AM to 7.00AM) The Srikovil (Sanctum

> > sanctorum) opens

> > allowing the devotees to have their darshan. The

> > deity is then taken

> > out for the Siveli (procession). The utsavavigraha

> > (processional deity)

> > is mounted in an elephant and taken round the

> temple

> > thrice. Believably,

> > the Lord want this exercise to be done so that He

> > himself can ascertain

> > if His cetestial attendents are keeping well.

> >

> >

> >

> > <file:///D:/guru%20feb%2014/index.htm>

> >


> > POOJA (7 AM

> > to 9 AM) What follows is a series of abhishekams,

> > first in the series

> > being Palabhishekam or Kshirabhishekam or bathing

> in

> > milk. Then the

> > Navabhishekam is done with water filled in nine

> > silver pots and

> > sanctified with a course of Poojas. Pantiradi

> pooja

> > is done when the

> > shadow measures 12 feet.

> >

> > DARSHAN (9AM to 11.30 AM) Time is given to

> > devotees for

> > darshan.

> >

> > UCHA POOJA (Noon Pooja -11.30 AM to 12.30 PM)

> > Conducted at

> > around 12 noon, it is the most important and

> > elaborate pooja of the day.

> > The naivedyam (Offering) consists of cooked rice

> and

> > palpayasam (rice

> > cooked in milk and sugar). Simultaneously, a

> Brahmin

> > is seated in the

> > temple kitchen and fed well. This custom is

> > mandatory at this ritual.

> >


> PM

> >

> >

> > SIVELI (4.30 PM to 5 PM) The second procession of

> > the Lord takes

> > place at this time.

> >

> > DARSHAN (5 PM to 6.15 PM) The time is given to

> the

> > devotee for

> > darshan.

> >

> > DEEPARADHANA (6.15 PM to 6.45 PM) All the lamps

> in

> > the temple

> > are lighted and the Lord is worshipped with oil

> > lamps and camphor

> > flames. Conch shells are blown ,drums beaten,

> bells

> > chimed and pipes

> > played. The view of the Lord in full glory is

> > visible from a very long

> > distance itself. The Lord looks so marvelous

> amidst

> > the lamps and that

> > even a non-believer will have second thoughts.

> >


=== message truncated ===







Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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