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Bhaktisandesam / Bindi and Aryans

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Krishna Prasad,

You are missing the point.

The subject here is not Aryan Invasion but the question of:

Do Indian females look prettier when they wear bindi?.

Now about the Aryan Invasion.There are always two sides to a story

and then there is the truth. The Aryan Invasion is in the History

Books. We cannot re-write history, whether we like it or not. No one

can corrupt the minds of the young by merely mentioning the

word 'Aryan' or for that matter, any other word or sentence.The young

have their own minds and it not easily corruptable.

You may wish to have a look at the following which is a more detailed

article on the Aryan Invasion.

Para 15 is worth noting: It says the Aryan presence in India is aa

open question.



Hollow Earth Theory And The Aryan Invasion




EDITORIAL, Jan 15 (VNN) — The Aryan invasion theory has been a basis

and justification of Western interpretation upon the civilisation and

history of India. Although many Indologists within India have been

influenced by such thought, the theory has not met majority

acceptance within India and is even coming under attack in the West.

David Frawley, one Sanskrit scholar recognised both inside as well as

outside of India has assessed the current situation of the Aryan

invasion theory thusly:


" One of the main ideas used to interpret - and generally devalue -

the ancient history of India is the theory of the Aryan invasion.

According to this account, India was invaded and conquered by nomadic

light-skinned Indo-European tribes from Central Asia around 1500-100

BC, who overthrew an earlier and more advanced dark-skinned Dravidian

civilization from which they took most of what later became Hindu

culture ... This idea- totally foreign to the history of India,

whether North or South, has become an almost unquestioned truth in

the interpretation of ancient history today. Today, after nearly all

the reasons for its supposed validity have been refuted, even major

Western scholars are at last beginning to call it into question. " (

David Frawley, " The Myth of the Aryan Invasion " )


One main reason that the theory has been called into question is that

there is no primary evidence. No monuments to any heros of such

invasions have been excavated, no related cemetaries unearthed, no

battle fields identified in relation to the theory, no forts, in

short- nothing in the way of physical evidence. There is a host of

other incongruencies, but this is the general idea.


What Western scholars have relied upon to substantiate the theory is

etimology. They trace linguistic patterns, encompassing the East and

West, and then by implication pinpoint a central geographic area

which then serves as a common point of origin of the Indo-European

language and race. This point, being basically the Caucasians and

mountaneous regions of Persia, is of course, outside of India, such

that the existence of the Aryan race in Northern India is attributed

to an invasion, and such is the flimsy explanation they offer for the

Caucasian presence in India.


It has often been pointed out that few other principal theories have

ever been accepted based on such indirect, flimsy evidence. When

something ends up being so rigidly imposed with such little basis, a

reasonable mind will look for other motives. Again we may rely on the

broad understanding of David Frawley:


" It is important to examine the social and political implications of

the Aryan invasion idea:


First, it served to divide India into a northern Aryan and southern

Dravidian culture which were made hostile to each other. This kept

the Hindus divided and is still a source of social tension.


Second, it gave the British an excuse in their conquest of India.

They could claim to be doing only what the Aryan ancestors of the

Hindus had previously done millennia ago.


Third, it served to make Vedic culture later than and possibly

derived from Middle Eastern cultures. With the proximity and

relationship of the latter with the Bible and Christianity, this kept

the Hindu religion as a sidelight to the development of religion and

civilization to the West.


Fourth, it allowed the sciences of India to be given a Greek basis,

as any Vedic basis was largely disqualified by the primitive nature

of the Vedic culture.


This discredited not only the 'Vedas' but the genealogies of

the 'Puranas' and their long list of the kings before the Buddha or

Krishna were left without any historical basis. The 'Mahabharata',

instead of a civil war in which all the main kings of India

participated as it is described, became a local skirmish among petty

princes that was later exaggerated by poets. In short, it discredited

the most of the Hindu tradition and almost all its ancient

literature. It turned its scriptures and sages into fantacies and



This served a social, political and economical purpose of domination,

proving the superiority of Western culture and religion. It made the

Hindus feel that their culture was not the great thing that their

sages and ancestors had said it was. It made Hindus feel ashamed of

their culture - that its basis was neither historical nor scientific.

It made them feel that the main line of civilization was developed

first in the Middle East and then in Europe and that the culture of

India was peripheral and secondary to the real development of world



Such a view is not good scholarship or archeology but merely cultural

imperialism. The Western Vedic scholars did in the intellectual

spehere what the British army did in the political realm - discredit,

divide and conquer the Hindus.


In short, the compelling reasons for the Aryan invasion theory were

neither literary nor archeological but political and religious - that

is to say, not scholarship but prejudice. Such prejudice may not have

been intentional but deep-seated political and religious views easily

cloud and blur our thinking. "


The readers might want to conclude, as more and more academians are,

that the origin of the Aryan people and their presence in India is an

open question.


What impact does the Hollow Earth understanding have on this issue?

Any impact that it may have is hidden in one of the best places to

hide anything- right in front of our noses, in the Puranas

themselves! The Puranas tell us that at the end of the Kali Yuga,

Vedic culture is regenerated by humans from the center of the Earth,

after the Kalki Avatar brings the Kali Yuga to a close. This is not

the only reference to the hollow Earth in the Puranas, but it is the

one which indicates the origin of the Vedic Aryans on the surface of

the Earth.


The Aryan race can easily be seen to stretch from Northern India to

Skandanavia and along the Russian coast of the Barents Sea. How far

would it be from, for example, the point of Severnay Zemiya

penninsula to the mini opening indicated by current hollow Earth

researchers, which is offset from the North Pole on the Russian side?

( http://www.ourhollowearth.com/PolarOpn.htm Scroll down to second

map ) A hop, skip and a jump- no more than a few hundred miles. So

how difficult would it be for the Caucasian/Aryan race to re-

introduce itself to the surface of the planet from this particular

opening to the hollow portion at the end of every Kali Yuga? If we

take any stock in the Puranic version, not so difficult at all.


And there are supposed to be other openings which connect the surface

of the planet with the hollow portion. Nicholas Roerich, for example,

in his book " Shambala, " wrote of his travels through Tibet in the

1920s through the Karakorum Pass in the Altai Mountains. He wrote of

seeing caves closed up by stones, of passing over what seemed to be

hollow areas by the echos from the horses' hooves, and of a current

understanding of the hollow Earth in the collective minds of the

Tibetan people. So any cyclical reappearance of Vedic civilisation

and the Aryan race could manifest from at least two points that we

can suggest, possibly more. The Tibetan openings could easily account

for the Aryan race immigrating down into the Indian subcontinent, as

well as for the existence of that race at all points from the Indian

subcontinent, across the Indo-European world, and up to the Barents'

coast of Russia. Thus does the hollow Earth theory reinforce the

Puranic account of a cyclical, Aryan re-population of the surface of

our planet. Additionally, the hollow Earth theory dispells the

unsubstantiated theory of the Aryan invasion and gives a new

perspectives on Aryan migration.






Jai Shree Krishna !

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