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Nourishing Emotions.

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Emotions run high in youth,sometimes they take to the height of enthusiasm and vitality,but the next moment throw him into the bottomless pit of indifference and depression-most youth experience the pendulum like swing in life.At times they think they shuld severe all connections with all and become reclusive.Or sometimes they wish to set everyone right.How many however want to be their masters of their own nature?How many are aware that they are slaves to their senses,desires and emotions and are ruled by the very things they want to conquer?The desire to dominate over others springs from man's lust for power which is one of the weaknesses of human nature.By trying to master others we succumb to our own weakness. Mind has diffent faculties, the intellect being the most important one.Intellect is the capacity to think or conceptualise after one receiving data from the senses and memory.When we recive a

sensory data we arrive at new concepts by relating and analysing the fact of our experiences.This is how new discoveries are made ,new theories are formulated and knowledge advances.But the mind can only think on the basis of data fed into it.So the quality what we feed into our mind determines the quality of our thinking.Love for knowledge elevates the mind,relieves it from the thraldom of the senses,acts as a check to our negative emotions and confer peace and joy thereby increasing the sattva element in us. For living a successful life emotion plays a far greater role than intelligence.If a person is able to transmute the power of his emotion he can do wonders.On the other hand,however intelligent a person may be ,if his intelligence is only engaged in justifying his impulsive behaviour his life will be full of misery and failures. It is emotion that empower our thinking.Thinking devoid of

emotional backing can't be dynamic.A soldier for example may be strong and intelligent and may have mastered the art of warfare but if he is not fired by the tremendous surge of patriotism he will not be able to fight valiantly in the battle.Emotions are like fuel for a vehicle.But the fuel mustbe pure or the vehicle will wear out soon.Emotional health is maintained by developing positive emotions.Negative emotions disturb the harmonious movement of the vital force and this in turn induces or stimulates negative emotions and resultant actions.Cultivation of positive emotions like love,sympathy,compassion etc makes the vital forces function harmoniously in the human system resulting in good physical health as well as reduction of negative emotions.It means we need to discipline and culture our emotions always. Prayer is a vital force which transfers negative emotions into positive ones.Sincere prayer can help us in raising

the consciousness from the lower centres and chanelling it towards the higher ideal.To make our life meanigful and to enjoy the bliss of fulfillment we must hv a higher ideal in view and make an earnest attempt to reach it.Then we will not be swayed so much by our emotions.The emotional stability can become useful only if one practices the same day by day in life.There is no use in blaming educational system and other things.Swami Vivekananda says' Power will come,glory will come,purity will come,goodness will come,everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is raised to self-conscious activity'. Hare Krishna.Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.

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