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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Bhaktisandesam / Pride & Prejudice

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Dear All , I am also a firm devotee of Shri guruvayoorappan.But I sometimes dont like the way in which the Devaswom board behaves.They have beeen adamant in the Yesudas case.They have done a heinious crime on humanity by not letting him in.It is a humiliation which even Guruvayooreappan wont forgive.He is a person who had sung many good songs in praise of the Lord.The ridiculous part is that those songs are even played inside the temple but the person is not alooowed inside.I sometimes feel it as a shame for we Hindus who were the first to unreveal the concept of Aham Brahmam Asmi.Moreover I would say that there are many Christians who get into Guruvayoor temple without the knowledge of Devaswom board but the only fault of Yesudas is that he is a famous person.He knows Sanskrit better than many of the Brahmins of our culture.he has a taste and knowledge unmatched our Hindu classical song.He has an indepth knowledge of Hindu Gods and a devotion for them than many of

the Hindu people some of whom I know eat non veg and walk directly into the temple.Then what else is a qualification required.I think this should be more than enough to hae an entry pass inside into the abode of the Lord.Lord Krishna had said it is Karma which will make a person a Brahman.Yesudas is rich by his Karma then what else is required!!! I would in my opinion say that he should be let inside Guruvayoor as he is a staunch believer of Lord Krishna.Hope one day this will happen and maybe this will standd true to his song.'Guruvayoor ambala nadayil gnan oru divasam varum.' Best Regards, Hemantkrishnanujan <krishnanujan wrote: Pride, Ego & Arrogance How to Keep them at Bay BY SHRI GYAN RAJHANS Hari-Om

"Hypocrisy, pride, self-conceit, wrath, arrogance and ignorance belong, O Partha, to him who is born to the heritage of the demons." ~ The Gita, XVI. 4 Why do I wish to talk about pride and arrogance? Because in my opinion, while pride harms only the proud man, arrogance due to overbearing pride brings contempt for others. An arrogant man is often rude and very fond of offending his friends, relatives, colleagues and everyone else who comes in contact with him. PridePride rears its head even in the most unsuspected corners. One man may be proud that he is proud, and another, proud that he is not proud. While one may be proud that he is a non-believer in God, another may be proud of his devotion to God. Learning may render one man proud, and yet ignorance can also be the source of pride for another man. EgoEgo is nothing but pride in its inflated form. For example, an arrogant man is

unduly or excessively proud of his wealth, status, learning, etc. He shows ego in spirit of conduct. He is unwarrantably overbearing and haughty. His head is swollen like the swelling caused by dropsy. He thinks very highly of himself and poorly of others. He claims much for himself and concedes little to others. ArroganceArrogance is an absorbing sense of one's own greatness. It is a feeling of one's superiority over others. In the presence of superiors, overweening pride manifests itself as arrogance. Pride is too self-satisfied to care for seeing the good in others and in praising them. VanityAnother by-product of pride is vanity, which intensely craves admiration and applause. It is undue assumption of self-importance. It often results in open and rude expression of contempt and hostility. It quickly takes for granted superiority and privilege, which others are slow to concede. Why is it

Difficult to Ward Off the Ego?However, if you think pride or ego is easy to get rid of, think again! The play of the ego pervades our whole life. The ego does not go away by merely substituting some set phrase for "I". As long as the body is alive and the mind functions in and through the body, what is known as the ego or the personality will arise and exist. This ego or pride is not a permanent and unquestionable reality. It is a temporary phenomenon; it is ignorance that invests it with permanency. It is a concept; it is ignorance that elevates it to status of reality. Only enlightenment can bring you this wisdom.The Underlying ParadoxHow does enlightenment arise? How does the realization "God is the real doer and we are just His means" get instilled in our hearts? I am sure you will agree that until this realization arises in our minds and inner intelligence, we cannot get rid of the ego. One may very easily say,

"Practice Karma-Yoga and the ego will disappear." Is practicing Karma-Yoga as simple as these words sound? If, for instance, you say that you have been a Karmyogi i.e. doing your duties and not looking for rewards, for years and years and years, then you become so vain and arrogant that the ego waxes gloriously inside you, instead of being eliminated. The argument is that if you are established in the practice of Karma-Yoga, your heart is purified, and then in that pure heart divine grace dispels the darkness of the ego. Possibly! But before you get to that stage, the ego becomes so great that the earlier philosophy is completely forgotten. May God Bless You! So, what should we do to exorcise the devil of pride (ego) and arrogance? In my opinion, only by the grace of God one can be watchful of the presence of pride in all our actions. How does one earn God's grace? You cannot earn it because that will again involve

your ego. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna says: "On account of pure compassion I bestow knowledge on My devotee. I give it out of compassion, not because he deserves it." Mark the Lord's words, "My devotee." Who is His devotee? He, whose heart all the time cries, "My God, what am I going to do? I can't get rid of my ego. I cannot deal with my pride" — in the hope that one day by the miraculous grace of God someone, probably a Guru will come in your life, who will switch on the enlightenment and put off the pride. Until then all you can do is to keep praying.Jai Shree Krishna ! Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.

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OM NAMO NARAYANAYADear Hemant, We had discussed extensively about this topic long back and many of us were thinking in those lines, but please read the following mail sent by one of our group membersas a reply to those arguments------------------------------"jayamma69" <no_reply > Sat, 07 May 2005 11:03:08 -0000 Re: [Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Yesudas Friends, It is really unfortunate to see a series of messages in this Guruvayoor group , criticising the existing customs of the sacred Guruvayoor temple. It appears that , these people including the moderator of this group are unaware of the following facts : 1. The functioning of Guruvayoor temple is based on the procedures established by Aadi Sankaracharya. In fact, Guruvayoorappan had instructed him to put in practice the required rituals to ensure the 'satwic' functioning of the temple.These rituals are unique and applicable for Guruvayoor temple only. 2. The decision of authorized Tantri ( Chennas Namboodirippad) is the final word in all matters concerning the Guruvayoor temple. This has been confirmed by Supreme Court of India. There have been numerous lawsuits

filed by publicity-crazy, fake-devotees asking for entry of no-hindus in Guruvayoor temple and all these lawsuits were dismissed by various courts. Recently, one such atheist was rediculed by Calicut court, for raising an irrelevant issue for the sake of publicity. 3. Guruvayoorappan is not a passive 'deity' . The Supreme Lord of the Universe really cares for His each devotee.There are systems in place like instructions to Tantri/priests during dreams, revelation during 'Devaprasna' etc, to convey Guruvayoorappan's instructions. Any one violating Bhagavan's wishes would be punished immediately. 4. If Guruvayoorappan wanted Yesudas to enter Guruvayoor temple , He would have arranged for it years back. 5. Yesudas is a great singer. But, he is not a 'satwic' person . Guruvayoorappan is not his principal chosen deity and he worships Gods of all religions. Yesudas's greed for money, arrogance and selfishness are known to the world ( Through the

writings of his mentors like G.Dewarajan, Mrs.Vayalar as well as class mates like Jaya of Jaya-Vijaya) . Notwithstanding this, the merciful Guruvayoorappan has immensely rewarded Yesudas with great suceess, for his bhakti towards Him. 6. On the otherhand , Guruvayoorappan's beloved devotee-singers like M.S.Subbulakshmi and Chembai were famous for their 'satwic' willingness to spend all their hard earned money for the needy people. These maestros ( who have earned several crores of Rupees in their life) virtually died as poor, as a result of their numerous activities for charity. Please, do not doubt the integrity of Sri Guruvayoorappan. A humble servant . ----------------------------- Regards,Arun Hemant Radhakrishnan <hemant197515 wrote: Dear All , I am also a firm devotee of Shri guruvayoorappan.But I sometimes dont like the way in which the Devaswom board behaves.They have beeen adamant in the Yesudas case.They have done a heinious crime on humanity by not letting him in.It is a humiliation which even Guruvayooreappan wont forgive.He is a person who had sung many good songs in praise of the Lord.The ridiculous part is that those songs are even played inside the temple but the person is not alooowed inside.I sometimes feel it as a shame for we Hindus who were the first to unreveal the concept of Aham Brahmam Asmi.Moreover I would say that there are many Christians who get into Guruvayoor temple without the knowledge of

Devaswom board but the only fault of Yesudas is that he is a famous person.He knows Sanskrit better than many of the Brahmins of our culture.he has a taste and knowledge unmatched our Hindu classical song.He has an indepth knowledge of Hindu Gods and a devotion for them than many of the Hindu people some of whom I know eat non veg and walk directly into the temple.Then what else is a qualification required.I think this should be more than enough to hae an entry pass inside into the abode of the Lord.Lord Krishna had said it is Karma which will make a person a Brahman.Yesudas is rich by his Karma then what else is required!!! I would in my opinion say that he should be let inside Guruvayoor as he is a staunch believer of Lord Krishna.Hope one day this will happen and maybe this will standd true to his song.'Guruvayoor ambala nadayil gnan oru divasam varum.' Best Regards, Hemantkrishnanujan

<krishnanujan wrote: Pride, Ego & Arrogance How to Keep them at Bay BY SHRI GYAN RAJHANS Hari-Om "Hypocrisy, pride, self-conceit, wrath, arrogance and ignorance belong, O Partha, to him who is born to the heritage of the demons." ~ The Gita, XVI. 4 Why do I wish to talk about pride and arrogance? Because in my opinion, while pride harms only the proud man, arrogance due to overbearing pride brings contempt for others. An arrogant man is often rude and very fond of offending his friends, relatives, colleagues and everyone else who comes in contact with him. PridePride rears its head even in the most unsuspected corners. One man may be proud that he is proud, and another, proud that he is not proud. While one may be proud that he is a

non-believer in God, another may be proud of his devotion to God. Learning may render one man proud, and yet ignorance can also be the source of pride for another man. EgoEgo is nothing but pride in its inflated form. For example, an arrogant man is unduly or excessively proud of his wealth, status, learning, etc. He shows ego in spirit of conduct. He is unwarrantably overbearing and haughty. His head is swollen like the swelling caused by dropsy. He thinks very highly of himself and poorly of others. He claims much for himself and concedes little to others. ArroganceArrogance is an absorbing sense of one's own greatness. It is a feeling of one's superiority over others. In the presence of superiors, overweening pride manifests itself as arrogance. Pride is too self-satisfied to care for seeing the good in others and in praising them. VanityAnother by-product of pride is vanity, which intensely

craves admiration and applause. It is undue assumption of self-importance. It often results in open and rude expression of contempt and hostility. It quickly takes for granted superiority and privilege, which others are slow to concede. Why is it Difficult to Ward Off the Ego?However, if you think pride or ego is easy to get rid of, think again! The play of the ego pervades our whole life. The ego does not go away by merely substituting some set phrase for "I". As long as the body is alive and the mind functions in and through the body, what is known as the ego or the personality will arise and exist. This ego or pride is not a permanent and unquestionable reality. It is a temporary phenomenon; it is ignorance that invests it with permanency. It is a concept; it is ignorance that elevates it to status of reality. Only enlightenment can bring you this wisdom.The Underlying ParadoxHow does enlightenment arise?

How does the realization "God is the real doer and we are just His means" get instilled in our hearts? I am sure you will agree that until this realization arises in our minds and inner intelligence, we cannot get rid of the ego. One may very easily say, "Practice Karma-Yoga and the ego will disappear." Is practicing Karma-Yoga as simple as these words sound? If, for instance, you say that you have been a Karmyogi i.e. doing your duties and not looking for rewards, for years and years and years, then you become so vain and arrogant that the ego waxes gloriously inside you, instead of being eliminated. The argument is that if you are established in the practice of Karma-Yoga, your heart is purified, and then in that pure heart divine grace dispels the darkness of the ego. Possibly! But before you get to that stage, the ego becomes so great that the earlier philosophy is completely forgotten. May God Bless You!

So, what should we do to exorcise the devil of pride (ego) and arrogance? In my opinion, only by the grace of God one can be watchful of the presence of pride in all our actions. How does one earn God's grace? You cannot earn it because that will again involve your ego. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna says: "On account of pure compassion I bestow knowledge on My devotee. I give it out of compassion, not because he deserves it." Mark the Lord's words, "My devotee." Who is His devotee? He, whose heart all the time cries, "My God, what am I going to do? I can't get rid of my ego. I cannot deal with my pride" — in the hope that one day by the miraculous grace of God someone, probably a Guru will come in your life, who will switch on the enlightenment and put off the pride. Until then all you can do is to keep praying.Jai Shree Krishna !

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Hare Krishna ! Guruvayurappa !

It is a pity the Devaswom fails to recognize anyone

who is a Non Hindu even as a possible devotee of

Krishna. I was told on one occassion that many of the

hereditary servitors of the Lord themselves eat meat

(even beef) and come to the temple. Some of them can

be seen frantically getting out of the temple for a

ceremonious smoke of beedi or cigarette every half

hour or so without which their hands would tremble and

tempers rise and fume!


But the devaswom (perhaps) contends that just because

they are born in HINDU families, they can do all that

and still get away !

What funny logic !!


I may also bring your attention to the fact that

several ISKCON (International Society for Krishna

Consciousness a.k.a. Hare Krishna movement) devotees

from foreign countries are desperate to get a darshan

of their sweet Lord at Guruvayur - but they are

forcibly sent out by the devaswom guards at the

entrance itself. I may add here that staunch devotees

of ISKCON while holding on to the Holy names:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

stay away from not only meat eating, but also from the

other sins like intoxication (even coffee and tea are

OUT leave alone cigarettes), gambling and illicit

sexual connections which are the residence of the Kali



I personally dont understand, in what way, a punyaham

is necessitated if a pure follower of Sanatana Dharma

(though not born in a Hindu family) enters the temple

while, there is absolutely no question of a Punyaham

if the meat eating, intoxicated servitors enter and

stay there for hours to get their families' 'due'

share from the Lord.


Hemant, we must appreciate Yesudas's sentiments - he

could have entered the temple in some sort of a

disguise shaving his beard and moustache - but he did

not do so - because he respected the sentiments of the

Devaswom and priests. This is a sterling quality in

the gifted singer.




--- Hemant Radhakrishnan <hemant197515



> Dear All ,

> I am also a firm devotee of Shri

> guruvayoorappan.But I sometimes dont like the way in

> which the Devaswom board behaves.They have beeen

> adamant in the Yesudas case.They have done a

> heinious crime on humanity by not letting him in.It

> is a humiliation which even Guruvayooreappan wont

> forgive.He is a person who had sung many good songs

> in praise of the Lord.The ridiculous part is that

> those songs are even played inside the temple but

> the person is not alooowed inside.I sometimes feel

> it as a shame for we Hindus who were the first to

> unreveal the concept of Aham Brahmam Asmi.Moreover I

> would say that there are many Christians who get

> into Guruvayoor temple without the knowledge of

> Devaswom board but the only fault of Yesudas is that

> he is a famous person.He knows Sanskrit better than

> many of the Brahmins of our culture.he has a taste

> and knowledge unmatched our Hindu classical song.He

> has an indepth knowledge of Hindu Gods and a

> devotion for them than many of the Hindu people some

> of

> whom I know eat non veg and walk directly into the

> temple.Then what else is a qualification required.I

> think this should be more than enough to hae an

> entry pass inside into the abode of the Lord.Lord

> Krishna had said it is Karma which will make a

> person a Brahman.Yesudas is rich by his Karma then

> what else is required!!!


> I would in my opinion say that he should be let

> inside Guruvayoor as he is a staunch believer of

> Lord Krishna.Hope one day this will happen and maybe

> this will standd true to his song.'Guruvayoor ambala

> nadayil gnan oru divasam varum.'


> Best Regards,

> Hemant


> krishnanujan <krishnanujan wrote:

> Pride, Ego & Arrogance


> How to Keep them at Bay BY SHRI GYAN RAJHANS


> Hari-Om

> " Hypocrisy, pride, self-conceit, wrath, arrogance

> and ignorance

> belong, O Partha, to him who is born to the heritage

> of the demons. "

> ~ The Gita, XVI. 4



> Why do I wish to talk about pride and arrogance?

> Because in my

> opinion, while pride harms only the proud man,

> arrogance due to

> overbearing pride brings contempt for others. An

> arrogant man is

> often rude and very fond of offending his friends,

> relatives,

> colleagues and everyone else who comes in contact

> with him.




> Pride

> Pride rears its head even in the most unsuspected

> corners. One man

> may be proud that he is proud, and another, proud

> that he is not

> proud. While one may be proud that he is a

> non-believer in God,

> another may be proud of his devotion to God.

> Learning may render one

> man proud, and yet ignorance can also be the source

> of pride for

> another man.


> Ego

> Ego is nothing but pride in its inflated form. For

> example, an

> arrogant man is unduly or excessively proud of his

> wealth, status,

> learning, etc. He shows ego in spirit of conduct. He

> is unwarrantably

> overbearing and haughty. His head is swollen like

> the swelling caused

> by dropsy. He thinks very highly of himself and

> poorly of others. He

> claims much for himself and concedes little to

> others.


> Arrogance

> Arrogance is an absorbing sense of one's own

> greatness. It is a

> feeling of one's superiority over others. In the

> presence of

> superiors, overweening pride manifests itself as

> arrogance. Pride is

> too self-satisfied to care for seeing the good in

> others and in

> praising them.



> Vanity

> Another by-product of pride is vanity, which

> intensely craves

> admiration and applause. It is undue assumption of

> self-importance.

> It often results in open and rude expression of

> contempt and

> hostility. It quickly takes for granted superiority

> and privilege,

> which others are slow to concede.



> Why is it Difficult to Ward Off the Ego?

> However, if you think pride or ego is easy to get

> rid of, think

> again! The play of the ego pervades our whole life.

> The ego does not

> go away by merely substituting some set phrase for

> " I " . As long as

> the body is alive and the mind functions in and

> through the body,

> what is known as the ego or the personality will

> arise and exist.

> This ego or pride is not a permanent and

> unquestionable reality. It

> is a temporary phenomenon; it is ignorance that

> invests it with

> permanency. It is a concept; it is ignorance that

> elevates it to

> status of reality. Only enlightenment can bring you

> this wisdom.


> The Underlying Paradox

> How does enlightenment arise? How does the

> realization " God is the

> real doer and we are just His means " get instilled

> in our hearts? I

> am sure you will agree that until this realization

> arises in our

> minds and inner intelligence, we cannot get rid of

> the ego. One may

> very easily say, " Practice Karma-Yoga and the ego

> will disappear. " Is

> practicing Karma-Yoga as simple as these words

> sound? If, for

> instance, you say that you have been a Karmyogi i.e.

> doing your

> duties and not looking for rewards, for years and

> years and years,

> then you become so vain and arrogant that the ego

> waxes gloriously

> inside you, instead of being eliminated. The

> argument is that if you

> are established in the practice of Karma-Yoga, your

> heart is

> purified, and then in that pure heart divine grace

> dispels the

> darkness of the ego. Possibly! But before you get to

> that stage, the

> ego becomes so great that the earlier philosophy is

> completely

> forgotten.



> May God Bless You!

> So, what should we do to exorcise the devil of pride

> (ego) and

> arrogance? In my opinion, only by the grace of God

> one can be

> watchful of the presence of pride in all our

> actions. How does one

> earn God's grace? You cannot earn it because that

> will again involve

> your ego.


> In the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna says: " On account

> of pure

> compassion I bestow knowledge on My devotee. I give

> it out of

> compassion, not because he deserves it. " Mark the

> Lord's words, " My

> devotee. " Who is His devotee? He, whose heart all

> the time cries, " My

> God, what am I going to do? I can't get rid of my

> ego. I cannot deal

> with my pride " — in the hope that one day by the

> miraculous grace of

> God someone, probably a Guru will come in your life,

> who will switch

> on the enlightenment and put off the pride. Until

> then all you can do

> is to keep praying.



> Jai Shree Krishna !




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