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Kanakadhara Stotram

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Sankaracarya during his Brahmacari Bhikshatana one day visited the

house of a poor Brahmin lady, whose husband also went to the village

for Bhiksha and nothing was available in the house to offer. She

was very much upset and worried that she could not offer any thing

to such a great person who came to her house. She earnestly

searched for some thing to be given in her house. At last she found

an Amla fruit (Emblic myrobalan). She was feeling very shy to offer

but she gave it with all humility and respect in the bowl of

Sankaracarya. Sri Sankaracarya was very much moved at the sight of

the poverty, stricken woman and immediately in an extempore way

started imploring Goddess Lakshmi to be merciful towards this poor

Brahmin lady to drive away her poverty.

He recited twenty two slokas in praise of Goddess Lakshmi Who was

very much pleased and appeared (Satkshathkara) before Sankaracarya

and asked for his cause and all of prayer.

Sankaracarya pleaded her to grant riches to the Brahmin lady.

Goddess Lakshmi said that this Brahmin lady did not qualify to get

any riches in this life as she did not to do any charities in her

previous life and carry consideration and she deserves sufferance

and justified her stand of not confering any wealth on her.

Sankaracarya while accepting her sand replied that in this life she

gave him Amla fruit with very great reverence inspiteof not having

any thing due toher extreme poverty and this act ofher alone will

justify to shower riches on her.

Hearing upon this Goddess Lakshmi was greatly moved and immensely

pleased with the advocacy of the argument of Sri Sankaracarya and

showered instantly golden rain of Amla fruits (Emblic myrobalan).

Thus the stotra of Sankaracarya towards Goddess Lakshmi was sacred,

famous and popular known as Kanakadhara Stotra. Bhagavatpada

Sankaracarya's Kanakadhara Stotra also called by him as

Surarnadhara Stotra studded with Anugraha Bijakshar as aiming at Sri


Lakshmi in her manifestation is Arogya Lakshmi (giver of health),

Keerti Lakshmi (bestower of name and fame), Santana Lakshmi (blesses

children and continuing progeny), Vijaya Lakshmi (ensures victory in

all the efforts), Dhana Lakshmi (Showers continuing wealth, Dhanya

Lakshmi (restores abundant crops), Moksha Lakshmi (grants

liberation), Sowbhagya Lakshmi (unending harmony and

auspiciousness), Santa Lakshmi (giving peace). Thus she is

apparently one in all the eight forms (Ashta Lakshmi) who also

confers Ashta Siddhis, which are Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima,

Prapti, Prakamya, Eesitva and Vasitva.

Sankaracarya with (Lokanugra Drusti) eye on the welfare of the

people has recited the Kanakadhara Stotra to alleviate the

sufferance of the people in their variety and grant them all the

boons of Asta Lakshmi.

If one has all the Wealth and no health, wealth ceases to have any

significance. Like wise the important of all manifestations of

Goddess Lakshmi. If one has wealth, health and no children all

these will be futite. Hence Lakshmi (Asta Lakshmi manifestation

fulfill all desires.

The prayer of Lakshmi is aimed to grant the missing wants of the

devotees by the Goddess.

In Gayatri Mahamantra the Second pada " Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi " has

the Beejakshara " Sreem " of Sree Lakshmi and represents yajurveda

and " Aham Brahmasmi "

Adwaita Siddhanta of Sri Sankaracarya. Sree Maha Devi seated on the

Hrdaya (chest) of Sri Visnu carries all the power of him coupled

with her Sakti.

Sankaracarya while reciting the Kanakadhara Stotra brought out alike

the greatness and glory of Visnu ventilated that such divinity was

being presided by Sree Lakshmi.

Lakshmi Devi was being extolled in all her eight qualifying

manifestations as (Asta Lakshmi) and her varied boons to be

conferred on the those who are desirous of them.

There are three slokas in ancient palmyra leaves in addition to the

twenty two slokas said to have been recited by Adi Sankaracarya.

These three are also incorporated for the benefit of the devotees

since they fall in line with the main slokas in their spirit. These

slokas were brought to the notice by Brahmasri Bhutapuri subrahmanya

sarma with great benediction, which are as follows.

1. Bilvatavi Madhya lasatsaroje

Sahasra patre sukhi sannivistam |

Astapadambhuruha panipadmam

Stuvarna Varnam pranamami lakshmeem ||

OH! Sri Maha Lakshmi who is adorning in the middle of the thousand

petalled lotus in Bilva Vana, Holding Golden Lotuses in her hand,

possessing golden hue colour. To her my Salutations.

2. Kamala sana panina lalate

Likhita mokshara punkti masya jantoh |

Parimarjayam mata ranghrinate

Dhanika dvara nivasa dukha doghrim ||

OH! Mother Goddess; remove my fate having been written by Brahma

that I have to stand and work at the doorsteps of the wealthy people

and drive away such situation and purify me.

3. Amho ruham janma gruham bhavatya

Vaksha sthalam bhartu gruham murareh

Karunyatah kalpaya padma vase |

Leelagruham mehrudaya ravindam ||

OH! MahaLakshmi! Your origin and birthplace is Lotus flower. Your

aunt's house (husband's mother) also is the Chest of Sri Maha

Visnu. Like wise make my lotus heart as pompous and enjoyable house

and make me ever grateful to you. Lotus has a special bearing on

Goddess Maha Lakshmi. She is born on the lotus and her eyes are

like lotus and her hands resempble lotus.

Lotus leaves contain Gold and eating on the lotus leaf enhances

health. In Gayatri Homam red lotus flowers are collected and dipped

in Ghee and offered in Havis in Homa Khund with the Swahakara Mantra

of Gayatri to propriate Goddess Lakshmi to obtain Gold. Several

Hundreds of red lotuses are offered in Gayatri Maha Yajna depending

upon the purascaran as and the desires of the disciples.

Futher persons interested in Soura Jajna (i.e. Yaga of Sun God) the

Homa Kunda has to be prepared digging a wide pit measuring upto

knee, fill it with water and upon it spread lotus leaves and on them

the twigs of lotus plants and above them lotus flowers, to make it

as a flat form.

On this open space on the flatform place fire lit it as usual and

perform, Boma with mantras in the Agni Kunda. By performing this

yajna of Sun God, the paramatma residing in the middle of Surya

mandala will be immensely pleased and he will obtain liberation


Lord Narayana's abode is Nira (water) and Narayani (Lakshmi) stays

on lotus on the water.Water is available before srusti and cause of

srustis water only.

Sankaracarya ventilated in this small, concise and powerful

Kanakadhara Stotra the impregnated truth of dive splendour and his

mission to grant happiness and peace to the ennobling people.

Bhagavatpada prayed and wrote powerful and protracted hymns on every

diety he visited during his wide travels along the length and

breadth of this Country.

Hinduism owes its existence today to Adi Sankaracarya for its

renaissance and his exposotion of Hindu pantheon. Kanakadhara

Stotra thus enhances our vision and bestows the grace of Sri Lakshmi

to fulfill our desires.

1. Vande vandaru mandara mindirananda kandalam |

Amandananda sandoha bandhuram sindhura nanam ||

Srimat Sankaracarya prayed to Srimaha Ganapati the elephant faced

one before addressing Gouri the form of the kalpavrksa who fulfills

all the desires of her devotees. Ganesa pleasth Gouri with his

fulfilent, over powering groups of his followers. Sankaracarya felt

it fit to pray Ganapati at the beginning of Kanakadhara Stotra.

2. Angam hareh pulaka bhusana masrayanti

Bhrunga nganeva mukula Bjharanam tamalam

Angikruta khila vibhuti rapangalila

Mangalyada stumama mangala devatayah ||

OH! Maha Lakshmi kindly direct your benevolent looks towards me.

Grant me all auspiciousness and every happiness to me. You are well

seated on the chest of Sri Maha Visnu who is thrilled with Ananda

like the female cater pillars attached to the black(Kamiga) tree

looking as lightening flowering buds.

3. Mugdha muhurvidadhati vadane murareh |

Prematrapa prani hitani gata gatani |

Maladrusor madhu Kariva mahotpaleya |

Samesriyam disatusagara sambhavayah ||

Just as the caterpillar very ;much eager to stay on the black lotus,

Lakshmi devi with her beautiful looks of her eyes is impatient to

see her lover Visnu Murti. Lsri Maha Visnu too equally looks at her

and at the very sight itself Lakshmi devi is moving with Lshyness.

Let the looks of love of both Lakshmi Devi and Maha Visnu fall on

me, purify me and grant all riches.

4. Visva marendra pada vibhrama dana daksha

Manandha hetu radhikam mura vidviso pi

Esannis idatu mayi kshana mikshan ardha

Mind ivarodara sahodara mindirayah ||

Sri Maha Visnu is capable of granting the entire empire comprising

the three lokas (earth, astral and celestial worlds) to Devendra. I

plead Lakshmi who gives happiness to Visnu and being equal to the

inner part of the black lotus, keep her benevolent askances (looks)

on me for a while.

5. Amilita ksha madhigamya muda mukunda

Mananda kanda manimesa mananga tantram |

Akekarashita Kan inika pakshma Netram

Bhutyai bhavenma bhujanga sayanganayah ||

Having possessed with sensuous desire with half closed eyes, the

beautiful, elegant visnu with all his love being enhanced and

directed towards her, Rama devi Lakshmi having noticed it, with all

Shyness shutting half of her eye lids looks at sesasayi Vishnu who

is resting on Sesu(The great Snake). Let that looks of Sri Lakshmi

grant me all health.

6. Kalambuda li lalito rasi kaitabhare

Rdharadhare sphuratiya tati dageneva

Matussa masta jagatam mahaniya murti

Rbhadrani me disatubhargava nandanayah ||

SriMaha Lakshmi with her beautiful askances looks like the electric

spark of the clouds. Sri Maha Vishnu resembles the groups of black

clouds. Let this mother of all the worlds, the daughter of Bhrugu

Maharsi who is seated on the chest of Sri Maha Visnu, the most

splendrous personality grant us all auspicious things.

7. Bahvantare murajitah srita kowstubheya

Haravaliva harinilamayi vibhati

Kamaprada bhagavato pi katakshamala

Kalyana mavahatu me-kamala layayah ||

OH! Maha Lakshmi your piercing looks are directed towards Sri Maha

Visnu who is shinning brilliantly with his koustubha garland

decended on his chest and though is ye who is responsible for the

immense light emanating from the Indra Nila precious stones around

his neck. Further the very looks of yours are fulfilling the desires

of Sri Maha Visnu.

OH! Such endearing, benevolent looks of Sri Maha Lakshmi fall on me

and grant me all auspicious celebrities.

8. Praptam padam prathamatah khalu yat prabhavat |

Mangalya bhaji madhu madhini man madhena |

Mayya patetta diha mandhara miksha nardham

Mandalasam ca makar a laya kanya kayah ||

Whose Maha Lakshmi's powerful lasting looks influenced the celebrite

Maha Visnu with the great desire to rule the entire creation such

Maha Lakshmi's mild and pleasing looks slowly fall on me.

9. Dadya ddayanu pavano dravinambu dhara |

Masminna kincana vahanga sisow visanne |

Duskarma gharma mapaniya ciraya ;duram |

Narayana pranayini nayanambu vahah ||

When the wings less bird suffers due to intense heat, the cloud that

comes in contact rains and subsides its heat and satisfies its

thirst with the water. Like wise the benevolence of Lakshmi Devi is

promoted by the air generated by the clouds and thus erasing my long

standing sins like the subdued heat and let wealth be rained similar

like the wingless bird who has been satisfied.

10. Esta visista matayo pi naraya yadrag

Drust a sthrivistapa padam sulabham bhajante |

Drustih prahrsta kamalodara dipti ristam

Pustim krsista mama puskara vistarayah ||

Humans inspite of their desire lessness to perform the sacred duties

of yajnas, they are getting the impossible post of Devendra, the

ruler of heaven when the merciful looks of Lakshmi Devi falls on

them. Let the merciful looks of Sri Devi who possesses the colour of

lotus flower and who is well seated on it grant me the wishful

wealth desired by me.

11. Girdevatiti garuda dhwaja sundariti |

Sakambhariti sasisekhara vallabheti

Sristi stiti pralaya kelisu samsthtaya

Tasmai nama sthribhu vanaika gurostarunyai ||

In the name of Sarasvati the wife of Brahma; In the form of Lakshmi

Devi the wife of Sri Narayana who protects the world; and as a

kalarupini by name Sakambari incharge of time and as beloved parvati

Devi Wife of Parameswara who is incharge of annihilation of the

world, Salutations to such Sri Maha Lakshmi the queen of Visnu Murti

the ruler of the three worlds.

12. Srutyai Namo stusubhakarma phala prasutyai

Ratyai Namo stu Ramaniya gun a rnava yai

Saktai Namo stu s'atapatra niketanayai

Pustyai Namo stu purusottama vallabhayai ||

Salutations to Maha Lakshmi, the very incarnation of Vedas who is

responsible for the benefits of yagas, Salutations to Sri maha

Lakshmi who is ocean with qualities of mercy and kindness and the

most lovable one. Salutations to Sri Maha Lakshmi the replica of all

powerful energy. Salutations to Sri Maha Lakshmi, the seat of

Sumptuousness and wife of Sriman narayana.

13. Namostu nalika nibhananayai

Namostu dugdho dadhi janma bhumyai

Namostu soma mtrta sodarayai

Namostu narayana vallabhayai ||

Salutations to Lakshmi Devi whohas her face similar to lotus; born

together with Candra (Moon) and divine Nectre (Amrta) and the queen

of Visnu.

14. Namo stu hema mbuja pitthikayai

Namo stu bjhumandala nayikayai

Namo stu devadidaya parayai

Namo stu saranga yudha vallabhayai ||

Being seated on the golden lotus throne, the presiding diety of the

entire universe, possessing extreme mercy towards devas, the queen

of sarangasura i.e., vaikunttah To such Sri Maha Lakshmi I offer my


15. Namo stu devyai bhrugunandanayai

Namo stu visnorurasi sthitayai

Namo stu lakshmyai kamala layayai

Namo stu Damodara vallabhayai ||

The daughter of Bhrugu MahaRsi, the dweller on the chest of Vishnu,

possessing lotus as her seat, the better half of Sri Maha Visnu To

such Sri Devi I bow.

16. Namo stu kanyai kamalekshanayai

Namo stu bhutyai bhuvana prasutyai

Namo stu devadibhi rarcitayai

Namo stu nandatmaja vallabhayai ||

Whose eyes resembling the petals of lotuses, very brilliant with

radiating form, the universal mother being worshipped by Devas and

others, the most beloved to the preacher of Gita Sri Krisna. To the

Sri Lakshmi I offer my pranamas.

17. Sampatka rani sakalendirya nandanani

Samrajya da naniratani saroruhakshi

Tvadvandanani durita paharonodyatani

Mamevamata ranisam kalayantumanye ||

Having eyes resempbling the petals of lotuses; being extolled by all

the worlds OH! Mother the people who will serve you will obtain

every pleasure and they will be absolved of all sins. Hence OB! Maha

Lakshmi; I always prostrate your feet. Kindly purify me.

18. Yatkataksha samupasana vidhih

Sevakasya sakalardha sampadah

Santanoti vacana nga manasow

Stvam murari hrdayesvarim bhaje ||

OH! Lakshmi Devi when your merciful looks are directed towards your

devotees they are enriched in several ways; Such of ye, I always

worship with my words, deeds, mind and heart.

19. Sarasija nayane | Saroja haste

Dhavala taramsuka gandhamalya sobhe |

Bhagavati | Harivallabhe | Manojne |

Tribhuvana bhutikari | Prasida mahyam ||

Possessing lotus like eyes, having lotuses in the hands, Adorned

with white clothes, SriGandha fragrance and with flower garlands,

granter of riches toall the three worlds; OH! Damsel of the highest

order! Vaisnavi! Have mercy on me and grant me all riches and wealth.

20. Dighastibhih kanaka kumbha mukha varusta

Svarvahini vimala carujala plutangim

Pratarnamami jagatam janani masesa

Lokadhi nadha gruhini mamrutabdhi putrm ||

The eight (elephants) who support the eight corners, bring Ganga

water from heaven with golden pots and with trunks well lifted pour

it as Abhiseka and as a result she has all the organs of the body

well wet, the mother of all the worlds, the wife of Sri MahaVisnu

the ruler of the three worlds, the daughter of the milky samudra. To

such Sri Lakshmi I offer any salutations.

21. Kamale! Kamalaksha vallabhe | tvam

Karunapura tarangitai rapamgai

Avalokaya mama kincananam

Prathamam patra makrutrimam dayayah ||

OH! Maha Lakshmi who is endowed with lotus like eyes and the wife

Sri Maha Visnu direct your looks on me. I am fit to be the first

person for your mercy. I am not a deceitful person. Your benevolence

flows like running waters with ocillating waves. Let your kind looks

fall on me and make me wealthy.

22. Stuvanti ye stutibhi ramubhi ranvaham

Trayi mayim tribhuvana mataram Ramam |

Gunadhika gurutara bhagya bhajino

Bhavanti to bhuvi budha bhavita sayah ||

Who ever worships Sri Maha Lakshmi the mother of the three worlds

and the replica of Vedas daily with these praises of slokas, such

devotees will be endowed with good qualities of character and will

possess lot of wealth and also being applauded by scholars and

worthy of reputation.

23. Suvarna dhara stotramya

Cchankaracarya nirmitam

Trisandyam yah patthe nityam

Sakubera samo bhavet ||

Who ever recites this kanakadhara stotra composed by Bhagavadpada

Sankaracarya three tomes i.e., morning, midday and in the evening

will be equal to Kubera.

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