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Thirty seventh Chapter of Sundara Kanda

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Thirty seventh Chapter

Hanuman showing his mega form


(When Hanuman sees that Sita is miserable, he offers to carry her on his back

immediately to the presence of Rama. Sita refuses to believe him because he is

too small and would not be capable of doing it. Hanuman then shows her very big

form. She is wonderstruck by his strength but tells him that as a woman she many

not be able to undertake such a risky journey. She also tells him of her owill

she has never touched any other male except Rama. She concludes by saying that

unless Rama himself frees her, a bad name would come to him.)


That princess Sita who had a full moon face after hearing the news, told the

following meaningful words containing essence of justice.



“The words told by you that “Rama is not paying attention to any thing”, is

like nectar and the words that ”He is drowned in sorrow”, is like poison.”



“Though full of complete riches or very horrible sorrow, man is tied and

dragged by the effects of actions his previous birth , similar to be being

tied and dragged by a rope.” 3


“Hey chief of the monkeys, it is indeed true that the effects of fate cannot

be prevented by all living beings, This is aptly illustrated by the example of

the son of Sumithra, myself and Rama.”



“When is Rama going to swim to the other shore of sorrow, similar to the one

who after breaking of the ship in the ocean, swims with difficulty to the other

shore.” 5


“When is my lord going to kill Rakshasas , kill Ravana, destroy Lanka and

see me? 6


“I can be alive only that number of days when the year of my captivity lasts,

and so he has to be told that “He has to complete the job with care and

speed.”” 7


“This is the tenth month in the period set for me to be alive by Ravana and

the remaining period is only two months.”



“Ravana has been told about returning me back to Rama to the best of his

ability by his brother Vibishana by good and sweet words but his brain does not

accept it as proper.” 9


“Ravana does not like to return me back because , he is caught in the web of

time and is being searched by death.”



“Hey monkey, this has been told to me on great detail personally by Anala,

the eldest daughter of Vibishana who has sent here by her own mother.



“Hey chief of monkeys, I am definitely sure that my lord would get me back

soon, for my mind is pure and he has several good qualities.”



“Hey monkey In Rama there is a great combination of enthusiasm, masculinity,

strength, mercy, gratefulness, chivalry and fame.”



“Which enemy will not shiver in fear of him who alone without the help of his

brother killed fourteen thousand rakshasas in Janasthana?”



“That great man is one who cannot be shaken by sorrow and I know him like

Indra’s wife knows Indra well.”



“Hey , monkey, Rama who is the sun with net of arrows as his rays would soon

dry the water which is full of Rakshasas.”



“Seeing Sita who was afflicted by sorrow because of Rama and who was telling

like this with eyes full of tears, Hanuman told the following words.”



“Sri Rama is going to reach here along with the army of monkeys and bears as

soon as he hears my words.”



“Hey lady without any blemishes. If this is not agreeable, you climb on my

back and I would definitely free you from the clutches of insufferable Ravana.”



“ I would safely cross the ocean along with you , if you climb on my back for

I definitely have the strength to carry the entire Lanka along with Ravana.”



“Hey princess of Mithila, I would immediately present you to Raghava who is

atop the Prasravana mountains like the God of fire delivers the sacred offerings

to Indra” 21

(God of fire acts as an agent to deliver offerings made by human beings to

Devas and Pithrus)


“You would be able to immediately see Raghava who is similar to Vishnu in

killing of Rakshasa, who is similar to Indra who sits on a seat called “Naga

Rajam” , who lives in a hermitage doing all possible efforts to see you soon,

who is very strong, and who is with Lakshmana .”



“Hey Lady who does only good, climb on my back. Do not hesitate. You would be

able to attain and live with Rama like Lady Rohini with moon God, Lady

Suvarchala with Sun God. You sit firmly on my back and cross the sea and the

ocean .” 24-25


“No body who lives in Lanka, have the strength to follow my speed , when I

take you and travel fast. Oh holy lady.”



“Hey Vaidehi, I would go high up in the sky carrying you without any

difficulty similar to the fashion by which I came here , be please to see.”



Maithili hearing these wonderful words of the monkey chief , became extremely

happy because of this and became wonderfully alert, and told Hanuman the

following words in a different way.



“Hey monkey who is the army-commander in chief of the monkeys, the fact of

your desire to carry me through this very long route makes me feel that it is

your monkey like conduct.” 29


“Hey Chief of monkeys, how do you propose to take me from her to the presence

of my husband with the frail body of yours?”



That wonderful hero and son of wind God Hanuman, after knowing the opinion of

Sita thought about her apprehension as follows.



“This black eyed damsel Vaidehi does not about my inborn strength or fame. Let

her see my that aspect which I can assume at will that will impress her.”



After thinking thus that monkey chief Hanuman who has won over enemies like

passion anger etc assumed his natural aspect and made Vaidehi see it.



That great hero and monkey chief to show Sita his real form jumped far away

from the tree and assumed his mega form.



That monkey chief standing before Sita became equal the Meru and Mandhara

mountains and shined like the raging fire.



Then that monkey who was having a red face , who was extremely strong, who had

nails and teeth like Vajrayudha and who was like a mountain told the following

to Vaidehi. 36


“I have sufficient strength to carry this city of Lanka along with its

mountains, forests , buildings, spires , towers and also its chief.”



“So, Hey Vaidehi, make your brain stable, leave out all doubts. Hey lady and

make Rama along with Lakshmana devoid of all sorrows.”



That daughter of Janaka who was having broad eyes like the lotus leaf looking

at Hanuman who was adopted son of God of Wind and who was like the mountain

spoke as follows.



“Hey great monkey, I am seeing your great qualities, strength of your body,

your speed which is equal to that of wind god and the power which is equal to

that of the fire God.” 40


“Hey chief of monkeys , how can an ordinary being have the strength to reach

this unthinkable beach and this city?”



“I can visualize your great strength by which you can carry me back but the

great ones but we have to also consider the certain and speedy completion of his

duty of the great one .”



“Hey chief of monkeys, it is not possible for me to accompany you for I may

faint by the great speed by which you go.”



“I may perhaps fall down because of trembling induced by fear from your back

when you are traveling in the sky far far above the ocean.”



“I would then perhaps fall and die in the ocean and become good food for

beings like whales and crocodiles living in the sea.”



“Hey destroyer of foes, Not only that it is not possible for me to go with

you. For danger may without doubt happen to you who is carrying me.”



“For once the bad soul Ravana comes to know that I have escaped, those great

valorous asuras ordered by him would catch up with us.”



“Hey valorous one, you would be surrounded by those heroes armed with iron

rods and spears and you carrying me who has to be saved would attain lot of

danger.” 48


“Those Rakshasas would be too many and well armed you would not be armed and

how can you fight with them in the sky and that too how is it possible for you

to save me?” 49


“Hey chief of monkeys, while you are fighting with those Rakshasa who are

capable of cruel deeds , I may tremble because of fear and fall down.”



“Hey chief of monkeys, there would be too many rakshasas who are all very

powerful and they somehow will attain victory over you in war.”



“Otherwise also when you are fighting with lot of difficulty, I may fall down

and those sinner Rakshasas would take me away.”



“Perhaps they may snatch me from your hands or even perhaps kill me for in

war victory or defeat is never certain.”



“Or it is possible that insulted by those Rakshasas I may give up my life and

even that way , Hey monkey chief, all your efforts will culminate in getting no

result.” 54


“I realize that you are quite capable of killing all of them but in spite of

that Rama’s fame will decrease when it is known that all Rakshasas were killed

by you.” 55

(She implies that People will talk that Rama was not able to kill his enemies

without depending on others.)


“Otherwise also , once the Rakshasas recover me they would hide me in a place

from where no one can locate me and because of that monkeys will not be able to

find me out nor would Rama and Lakshmana be able to find me out. Even like this

all the efforts put by you would be wasted.”



“Would it not be better if Lord Rama also comes with you?”



“Hey great hero, is it not true that the soul of Rama, his brothers , you and

all members of the princely dynasty lies in me.”



“Those two once they realize that I cannot be saved would become weak with

sorrow and would sacrifice their lives along with all monkeys and bears.”



“Hey greatest of all monkeys, having observed chastity as my ideal, I never

had at any time , any desire to even touch another male.”



“But in case of the touch of Ravana, it was done in spite of my chastity

because I was not free, I did not have any other go, I was completely enfeebled

and was done by force because I fell in to his hands.”



“It would be proper for Rama , if he kills the ten headed Rakshasa along with

his relatives and takes me along with him.”



“I have heard nay seen the great valour of that great man in killing his

enemies in war and I know that neither devas nor Rakshasas nor Pannagas are

equal to Rama in war.”63


“Who will think of fighting with that Raghava who holds the great bow called

Kodanda, who is very strong, who is equal to Indra in valor , who is like the

fire kindled by wind in war and who is with Lakshmana , after knowing him.”



“Hey chief of monkeys, Who would think of opposing that Raghava who is like

the elephants guarding the directions, who kills enemies in war, who is with

Lakshmana and who stands unperturbed like the Sun at the time of deluge with

arrows as his rays.” 65


“Hey great monkey, please make my lord surrounded by Lakshmana and the

several army chieftains arrive here. Hey valorous monkey, make me, who is

drowned in sorrow because of forever thinking about Rama, happy.”



Thus ends the thirty seventh chapter of Sundara Kanda.





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