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Health is wealth - Be Alert !

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!! Sri Rama Jayam !!


Dear All,


On February 18th the Government of India announced that the H5N1, virus

responsible for the current occurrence of cases of Avian Influenza, was found in

poultry in Nawapur, Nandurbar District of the state of Maharashtra. This

district is close to Gujarat border. An estimated 40,000-75,000 birds have died

in this district. The Maharashtra Government has sealed Nawapur and ordered the

culling of nearly 800,000 birds within a 3-km radius. Poultry in additional 52

farms in the radius of 10 Kms will be vaccinated. Health authorities have sent

blood samples of suspected Human cases (3~5 as per reports, who have fever and

cold) for confirmatory diagnosis to the National Institute of Virology (NIV),

Pune. The results are expected in 2-3 days. An alert has been sounded in the

state of Gujarat, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. A milder variety of the avian

flu identified as H9 has been detected in Gujarat, with 37 cases testing

positive after 1,269 birds were examined in zoos, sanctuaries, wetlands and

poultry farms across the state.


A panel of my company doctors have initiated a network to restore awareness &

alertness within our company & their associated families. I take this

opportunity to share the same here. Please recirculate this mail to as many as

you can !


It is 'Narayana seva' ... do not loose this opportunity.


Doctor's advice:


* The disease primarily affects poultry and birds like ducks and migratory

birds. Most Human cases, so far, had prior contact with infected poultry. The

disease is spread to humans by coming in close contact with infected bird, their

excreta, blood and other secretions. The disease has a fatality of 50 % in

humans. So prevention measures are critical. These are,

o Avoid visiting poultry farms, or places like markets where poultry is sold.

o Employees/ families who have backyard poultry / pet birds need to seek

immediate advice from veterinary experts to see that these birds are in good

health. Please follow their recommendations regarding vaccination for poultry /


o Avoid consumption of Raw / undercooked poultry products. Cooked eggs and

chicken at or above 70 degrees Celsius is considered safe since it kills the

virus. However if you suspect that this cooking practice is not followed, it is

in your interest to avoid such food.

o Wash your hands with soap and water, thoroughly, before eating food or at

anytime if you suspect that you have touched an unclean or contaminated surface

or object.

o While coughing or sneezing cover your face with tissue / handkerchief. This

will avoid air borne spread of infection to others. Ensure that your workplace

is cleaned regularly.

o Do not ignore fever of more than 38°Celcius / 100.4° Fahrenheit. Consult

your Doctor for treatment. During the period of recovery from illness, if need

be, explore the option of working from home by contacting your immediate

Supervisor / Manager. Ensure that you obtain a fitness Certificate from your

Doctor before returning to work.


* Currently no vaccine is available for prevention. The common influenza

vaccine is NOT recommended for all, in India. It is currently given for specific

conditions / cases based on Doctor's advice. Some authorities are recommending

this vaccine. However we would like to clarify that this vaccine has NO role to

play in prevention of Avian Influenza and is not a substitute for prevention

measures stated above.


* The drug, Tamiflu, has been used in treating cases of Avian Influenza. But the

experience is limited. Its use as a prophylactic measure is not well

established. The drug is commercially not easily available but the Govt of India

has stocks of this drug for use in suspected cases of Avian Influenza.


* You may receive lot of well-intentioned advice from the Internet / e-mail /

SMS. Some of this could be pure speculation / rumor. Please do not encourage /

forward such messages.


After reading this message, still for your satisfaction it is advised to have a

usual health check up. It will add a bigger moral support.


Thank you !


Hare Krishna

Hare Rama

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