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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] DefendRussianHindus

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shakti shakti <hindushakti2000

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02/22/2006 01:50 PM


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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] > DefendRussianHindus <


Appeal for protection of Hindu dharma in Moscow Written by Yasomatinandana

das Thursday, 13 October 2005

HH Bhakti Vijnana Goswami,

The President of Russian Society for Krishna consciousness (ISKCON)

Sanjeet Jha,

The Chairman of the Association of Indians in Russia


Dear friend! This an urgent request for help and support in a situation

where Hindu dharma in Moscow is now at stake!Without warning, on October

7, 2005 the Mayor of Moscow, Mr. Luzhkov arbitrarily withdrew the decision

of the Moscow Government allocating land for construction of the Vedic

Temple in Moscow. Further, he issued an order of eviction to remove the

devotees from the land, with no alternative offered.

Please click here to read about the details! Contact us (click here!)



" Wherever there is Krishna, the master of all mystics, and wherever

there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be

opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality " . Bhagavad-gita 18.78



A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada came to the West in 1965 on the

order of his spiritual master to preach Hindu Dharma far and wide In 12

years he established 108 temples all over the world and made millions of

people know about the glories of Bhagavad-gita! Moscow, the

capital of Russia has been one of the most important cities of the world.

Srila Prabhupada came to Moscow to preach in 1971 taking risk of being

persecuted by the KGB Thus the ancient Vedic culture

began to spread in the former Soviet Union. Devotees of Krishna were

harrased by the KGB? ?but even in prison houses they would make the beads

out of some cloth and chant the sacred Hare Krishna maha-mantra After an

international protest campaign in 1988 in the followers of Vedic dharma in

Russia got official recognizion In 1991 they got an old building from the

Government? ? which they turned into a nice temple of the Lord

Presided by the Deities of Sri Sri Doyal-Nitai Saci-Suta?

The temple became a place of worship of both Russian devotees?

?and the members of the Indian community in Moscow In 2003 the

Moscow Government requested ISKCON to vacate their building. In exchange

the Mayor's office gave a plot of land? ?for the construction of a new

temple complex in a prominent part of the city. The old building was

immediately demolished. Since October 2003 the temple activities

have been conducted in a temporary facility on the gifted land? ? with

the expectation of planning approval for a new and wonderful mandir and

Vedic cultural center. On the site there was constructed a big

pandal which in Summer time housed up to 1000 people Some snapshots.

Chanting in ecstasy? Prasadam.... Abhisheka? Meeting

with Ex-Prime Minister of India Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Meeting with

President of Russia Vladimir Putin


Without warning, on October 7, 2005 the Mayor of Moscow, Mr. Luzhkov

arbitrarily withdrew the decision of the Moscow Government on the excuse

of some technical mistakes made in the wording of the deed of gift.

Further, he issued an order of eviction to remove the devotees from the

land, with no alternative offered.


This was done without any consultation or even clarification. Now

thousands of followers of Hinduism in Moscow can be legally kicked out

from the temporary facilities at any moment.

Please visit the Moscow Temple on the site www.moscowtemple.org to view

the details of this acute situation.


Now after thorough consultations with some of Moscow's most experienced

lawyers we are going to file a case against the MoscowGovernment and take

it up to the European Court.

Here is how you can help save the practice of Hindu dharma in one of the

world's most important cities:


1) Write a letter of protest to the President of Russia, Mr. Putin. This

can easily be done from his official site:



[NOTE: see bottom of this text for a sample protest letter]


2) Provide some urgently needed financial help by donating on-line

(please click here)

We need to raise $50,000 to pay the legal expenses in the upcoming court

case and even small help from many supporters will make a big difference

in providing victory!


Please join us in this rightful fight for the protection of Hindu dharma

in Moscow. Together with the blessings of the Lord we shall definitely



Having full faith in your support,

Sincerely yours,


Sanjeet Jha, Chairman of the Association of Indians in Russia,

Bhakti Vijnana Goswami, President of the Russian Society for Krishna



SAMPLE LETTER TO PRESIDENT PUTIN [This is one sample; you can change

few words or write your own heartfelt feelings about this sudden and

arbitrary reversal of the Moscow administration's decision]


Dear Mr. Putin,


I was very upset to learn that the land in Moscow given for the

construction of the new Vedic Hare Krishna temple has recently been taken

away in an unfair and unprecedented arbitrary decision by the Moscow



If this unrighteous decision is upheld thousands of members of the Indian

community and the followers of Hare Krishna in Moscow will have no place

of worship. This is a gross violation of their religious and human rights.


I hereby request you as the person who is entrusted to protect the law and

order in the country of Russia to please urgently investigate the

situation and reestablish justice.



Visit/forward this Link


A timeline of discimination against Hindu minorities in Russia


The late Swami Prabhupada, Founder of ISKCON travels to Russia - then

the worldwide seat of Communism, in 1971. At that time, all religious

activity was banned under the Communist system. Despite this, Hinduism

began to " sprout underground " as hundreds of Soviet people began to hear

the about it incognito


1980 ? 83: The KGB declare a " war " on Russian Hindus. As hundreds

of Russians started becoming vegetarian, giving up cigarettes and alcohol,

and taking up meditation, the KGB declared The International Society For

Krishna Consciousness " one of the greatest threats to the Soviet nation "

in 1980, and started a " war " on Hinduism in Russia.


1983 ? 87: Consequently, hundreds of Russian Hindus were thrown

into prisons, labour camps and psychiatric hospitals and underwent

tremendous suffering and torture at the hands of people who were intent on

breaking their unflinching faith in Lord Krishna and His words in Bhagavad

Gita. Many Russian Hindus died in prison, holding onto their faith,

through mistreatment, torture, malnourishment and starvation


1988: A worldwide campaign of protest was started against the

religious persecution in the USSR, including massive protests and even

songs written and released to highlight the terrible situation. Al Soviet

Hare Krishna devotees in prison were released by Mr. M. Gorbachev.

Spiritually starved Russians took up Hinduism in large numbers



May 20: The Moscow Society for Krishna Consciousness (MOSK) is officially

registered by the Council for Religious Affairs of the USSR.


1989, March The first group of Soviet pilgrims was received by the

Prime-minister of India, R. Gandhi.


1990: Responding to the devotees' requests, Moscow authorities

allot a dilapidated two-storey building for their temple. After themselves

renovating the building, Moscow devotees open the first Hindu temple in

the history of Russia and USSR.


1991: The Moscow Society for Krishna Consciousness applies for a

plot of land for the construction of an authentic Vedic temple and

cultural center in Moscow. The application is approved and research for a

suitable location is begun.


1994: The Bishops' Council of Russian Orthodox Church made a

statement in which the teachings of Bhagavad Gita were referred to as a

" false religion " , and all other religions were described as a threat to

the unity of national consciousness and cultural identity, and

incompatible with Christianity .The pre-revolutionary hostile model of the

Church to other religions with state as a closest ally was re-surfacing

after the communist regime fell down

Moscow government allots a plot of land in Michurin pr. The allotment is

approved by all authorities, but rejected by the Mayor without explanation

the reasons.



1997: A bill recognised passed by the Russian Parliament (Duma)

recognises the Russian Orthodox Church as the pre-eminent religion of the

Soviet Union, and acknowledges only three other 'traditional' Russian

faiths: Judaism, Islam and Buddhism.All other faiths would face strict

curbs on their legal rights, missionary work and educational activities


1998: Vladmir Zhirinovsky, a member of the Russian parliament was

quoted as saying " we should allow only Orthodoxy


1991-1999: The temple also becomes the only place of worship for

over 10.000 Indians as well as numerous Hindus from other countries

residing in Moscow. Through the 90s, Hinduism in Russia started to

flourish, resulting in 97 registered " Hindu communities " , 22 monasteries,

and 250 home groups.

The temple conducts samskaras (purificatory religious rites) for their

families, hold regular traditional festivals like Janmastami, Ramnavami,

Holy, Divali and Dussera, and invite renowned Indian cultural figures like

Pandit Jasraj, Hema Malini, Jagjit Singh and Anup Jalota.

The temple has been on numerous occasions visited by many Indian

governmental officials, including Ambassadors of India, Chief Ministers of

Delhi and states, Cabinet Ministers, the Speaker of Lok Sabha and

Parliamentary delegations of both Houses.



2000, August: President of Russian Society of KC V. Touneev meets

with the Prime-minister of India A.B.Vajpayee and tells him about the

activities of the ISKCON and Russian Hindus.


2001-2002: The Government of Moscow comes up with a reconstruction

plan for area surrounding the temple, thus threatening the temple with



2001: Prime-minister of India A.B.Vajpayee meets with the

delegation of MOSK first in Delhi and then in Moscow during his visit and

discusses the plans of the Temple construction.



February: MOSK requests Moscow government to buy out the building where

the temple is located. The request is rejected.



November: Chief Minister of Delhi Smt. Sheila Dixit brings up the issue

of preserving or relocating the temple with the Mayor of Moscow Mr.Luzhkov

on her official visit to Moscow.



2003, April 16: The Public council by the Mayor of Moscow passes a

unanimous decision to allot 2.5 acres of land at Leningradsky prospect for

the construction of the Vedic cultural center by ISKCON. Plans for

demolition of the old temple are approved by the Moscow Government.


2003, August ? September: Upon the request of Moscow government the

District office prepares the draft of the Order to allocate the land to




September 16: Speaker of Lok Sabha and the delegation of the Parliament

of India visits the temple and unanimously supports the temple project.




November: Prime-minister of India A.B.Vajpayee during his visit to Moscow

meets with the delegation of MOSK and tells about the achieved agreement.



January 20,

2004: The Mayor of Moscow signs the order for the title transfer for the

land. The land is given to ISKCON with the purpose of developing the

temple design and having it approved by the City Planning Committee.


May, 2004: Design for the new Vedic cultural center is developed by

a leading ISKCON architect and submitted to the planning committee of

Moscow for approval.


June 18,

2004: The old temple building is demolished. The temple is relocated to

the new property into a makeshift building. Despite limited conditions,

lack of water supply and sewage systems, temple functions and public

access continue unabated.



2004: The Inter-religious Council of Russia opposed the

construction of a large Hindu temple in Moscow, as it does not conform

with the historical and cultural tradition of the Russian capital


March 2004: At a large protest march in 2004, Russian Orthodox

Churches told authorities to stop a free food programme because the food

apparently contained 'cow dung and urine. Continued misinformation

resulted in many Hindu men and women being violently beaten and some even



2004-5: Several versions of temple design were submitted to the

Planning Committee and rejected under different pretexts.


2004-5: MOSK connects the land with different facilities, water

pipes and sewage.


May, 2005: City Planning Committee finally approves the

preliminary design of the future temple. Works on the land like soil

testing, etc. are started.



June - September,

2005: Draft of the renewal of the Mayor's order is being circulated in

the Mayor's Office.



August 27: More than 6 thousand people, mostly Indians come to the new

premises to celebrate Janmastami festival. The festival is visited by the

Ambassadors of Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, and Director of the J. Nehru

Cultural center.



October 7: The Mayor of Moscow cancels the order for the title

transfer. Official explanation is some technical mistake in the initial

Order for the allotment of the land.




October 31: Archbishop Nikon of Ufa from the Russian Orthodox Church

writes to the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov asking him not to allow a Hindu

temple to be built in Moscow because according to him, " Lord Krishna is an

evil demon, the personified power of hell, opposing God. " His comments

gave rise to worldwide outrage and condemnation from the Hindu community

2005, October ? November ? All the attempts to meet with the Mayor of

Moscow or his representatives do not bear any fruit. Land Committee issues

the decree to leave the premises within three months time.



7 December: During his visit to Russia, the Indian Prime Minister,

Manmohan Singh, raised the issue with the Russian President, Vladimir



December 2005: Following the comments made by the Archbishop Nikon,

the Hindu Forum of Britain started a campaign that resulted in thousands

of email messages being sent to the Mayor of Moscow, President Putin, and

the Russian Orthodox Church by people from all over the world.



January 14: Mayor of London Ken Livingstone hands letter of protest from

the Hindu Forum of Britain to the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov asking for

harassment against Russian Hindus to stop



January 18: Defend Russian Hindus Campaign launched at the House of

Commons by British Parliamentarians from all parties with the support of

Hindu Forum of Britain, National Council of Hindu Temples, Hindu Council

UK, Hindu Council of Australia, Hindu American Foundation, Hindu

Conference of Canada and Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Members of Parliament and

faith communities adopt a resolution condemning the harassment of Russian




January 23: British Parliament adopts Early Day Motion supported by

over 45 MPs from all parties asking for harassment of Russian Hindus to

stop, expressing regret over the cancelling of the land order and offering

support to the Defend Russian Hindus Campaign




January 25: British Minister for Europe, Douglas Alexander MP confirms on

the floor of the House of Commons that Britain will discuss the harassment

of Russian Hindus with Russia and the EU.




Supporting organisations of the campaign... The Hindu Forum of

Britain (HFB) The National Council of Hindu Temples UK (NCHT)

Hindu Council UK (HCUK) BAPS Swaminarayan Hindu Mission Vishwa

Hindu Parishad UK Hindu Council of Australia Hindu

American Foundation The International Society For Krishna

Consciousness (ISKCON) Hindu Conference Of Canada







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