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Rememberring Sri Vyasa

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Om namo Narayanaya: The following I copied from Shirdi Sai weekly issues. I hope it is useful to our group members. GURUPURNIMA (11-07-2006, Tuesday) : THE FULL moon day in the month of Ashad (July-August) is an extremelyauspicious and holy day of Guru Purnima. On this day, sacred to thememory of the great sage, Bhagavan Sri Vyasa. Sri Vyasa has done unforgettable service to humanity for all times byediting the four Vedas, writing the eighteen Puranas, the Mahabharataand the Srimad Bhagavata. We can only repay the deep debt of gratitudewe owe him, by constant study of his works and practice of histeachings imparted for the regeneration of humanity.In honor of this divine

personage, all spiritual aspirants anddevotees perform Vyasa Puja on this day, and disciples worship theirspiritual preceptor. The Srutis say: "To that high-souled aspirant, whose devotion to theLord is great and whose devotion to his Guru is as great as that tothe Lord, the secrets explained herein become illuminated". Guru isBrahman, the Absolute, or God Himself. He guides and inspires you fromthe innermost core of your being. He is everywhere.Have a new angle of vision. Behold the entire universe as the form ofthe Guru. See the guiding hand, the awakening voice, the illuminatingtouch of the Guru in every object in this creation. The whole worldwill now stand transformed before your changed vision. The world asGuru will reveal all the precious secrets of life to you, and bestowwisdom upon you. The supreme Guru, as manifested in visible nature,will teach you the most valuable

lessons of life.Become a personification of receptivity. Empty yourself of your pettyego. All the treasures locked up in the bosom of Nature will becomeyours. You will progress and attain perfection in an amazingly shorttime. The moon shines by reflecting the dazzling light of the sun. It is thefull moon on the Purnima day that reflects in full splendor theglorious light of the sun. It glorifies the sun. "The Guru's form should be meditated upon; the feet of the Guru shouldbe worshipped; his words are to be treated as a sacred Mantra; hisGrace ensures final liberation".Take fresh resolves on this holy day, to tread the spiritual path inaccordance with the precepts of your Guru.At night, assemble again with other devotees, and sing the Names ofthe Lord and the glories of your Guru.The best form of worship of the Guru is to follow his teachings,

toshine as the very embodiment of his teachings, and to propagate hisglory and his message.

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