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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Thoughts for Life

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Hare Krishna, Dear Mr Rajan, Thanks a lot.A very nice collection of some good sayings. A few sayings from my end attached as flws . "WHAT YOU ARE IS GODS GIFT TO YOU, WHAT YOU WILL BE IS YOUR GIFT TO GOD " --------------------- "Skills are started with learning and mastered with improvement.Nothing is hereditary except death" - Buddha ------------------------ Those who mind don't matter Those who matter, don't mind ----------------------------

Its true you don't know what you've got until its gone, but its also true you don't know what you've been missing until it arrives!!! ------------------- No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting. ------------------- The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts: and the great art of life is to have as many of them as possible. ------------------- Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way. ------------------- I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. -Thomas Alva Edison ------------------- Its not whether you get knocked down. Its whether you get up again. -Vince Lombardi ------------------- Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. -- Frank Outlaw ------------------- Every great achievement was once considered impossible ------------------- "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." -Henry Ford ------------------- You were

not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be. -------------------If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it. -Jonathon Winters -------------------- "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Sun Tzu ------------------- Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson ------------------- Believe you can and you're half way there. -Theodore Roosevelt ------ "It is better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for something you are not." -Andre Gide ------------------- Take risks: If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise. ---- Kites rise highest against the wind-not with it.-Winston Churchill ------------------------------ Worrying is like a rocking chair it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere. -- Van Wilder ------------------- Some times you have to fall from the mountain to realise what you are climbing for. -Chae Richardosn ------------------- You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there -Edwin Louis Cole ------------------- When they're

trying to run you out of town, jump in front of them, start marching and act like it's a parade -Mark Twain ------------------- Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. -Thomas Alva Edison ------------------- Each of us feels that we are just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less without that missing drop. -Mother Teresa ------------------- There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one." -Frances Clark ------------------- "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." -Mahatma Gandhi ------------------- We all can be only what we

are, nothing more, or less. -Kahlan ------------------- " Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left." ------------------- The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change and the REALIST adjusts his sails ------------------- "Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous." -Chanakya ------------------- " The seeds of success spring from failure's ashes." ------------------- " True victory is not about finishing first; it is about finishing regardless of how many times you fall." ------------------- "

When life throws shoes at you.... at least pick through the best ones and try them on for size! ------------------- " To begin a journey one must have courage; to finish a journey one must have perseverance." ------------------- "God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly, not one." ------------------- "Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend -- or a meaningful day." - Dalai Lama ------------------- "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."- Dalai Lama------------------- The

moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees, in every object, only the traits that favor that theory."-Thomas Jefferson ------------------- "THE CULTURED GIVES HAPPINESS WHEREVER THEY GO, THE UN-CULTURED WHENEVER THEY GO!" Ohm Namo Narayana. Regards, Bindya Suresh rajan nair <rajan_k_nair2002 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Om

Namo Narayana!!!I have been putting quotes of famous personalities inmy office notice board every week since last 2 1/2years. Today I thought what is wrong in sharing themwith our group members. , I humbly submit someselected quotes, some to learn, some to follow andofcourse some to ignore.May God Bless allRajan KinattinkaraT H O U G H T STalent is God-given, be humble; Fame is man-given, bethankful; Conceit is self-given, be carefulThe aim of an argument or discussion should not bevictory, but progress." - Joseph JoubertTomorrow God is not going to ask you:What did you think, dream, plan or preach?But he is definitely going to ask: What did you do?All powers of Universe are with us, It is we who putour hands over our eyes and cry that it is darkSwami VivekanandIt is not so important who starts the game; it isimportant who finishes it.“John

Wooden”Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wingsAnonymousWise men learn from their own mistakes and wiser menlearn from other’s mistakesShivkheraA ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what shipsare for …….AnonymousThe duty of an opposition is very simple; to opposeeverything and propose nothing.Knowing is not enough, we must apply….Willing is not enough, we must doJohann V GoetheWe expect others to act rationally, even though we areirrationalScott AdamsPeople will fight harder for their interests than fortheir rightsNapolean BonapartCircumstances do not determine a man, they reveal himJames Lane AllenPeople don't care how much you know, they want to knowhow much you careShiv KheraLaugh with people, not at themShiv KheraPersonalities without principles make life miserableShiv KheraThe only person

holding u back is u, everyone else ismerely watchingThe more you sweat in training, the less you bleed inbattleEven if you are on the right track, you will get runover, if u just sit thereWill RogersThe hardest thing in life is to know which bridge isto cross and which bridge is to burnDavid RussellYou never get a second chance to create a firstimpressionIf someone betrays you once it is his mistake, if hedoes it again, that’s ur mistakeGreat minds discuss ideas, average minds discussevents, small minds discuss peopleTry to become a man of values rather than to become aman of successAlbert EinsteinNever fear shadows, they simply mean that there’s alight shining somewhere nearbyRuth RenkelYou have freedom of choice, but not freedom ofconsequences, so make your choices carefullyShiv KheraAll of us do not have equal talent, but all of

usshould have equal opportunity to develop our talents Children have never been good at listening to theirparents, but they have never failed to imitate themLack of will-power has caused more failure than lackof intelligence or ability.Flower A NewhouseChoose your advisors based on values and not onconvenienceShiv KheraA true friend is one who overlooks your failures andtolerates your successesThe secret of getting ahead is getting startedFor a leader, the important thing is not what happenswhen you are there, it is important when you are notthere.Vision without action is a Daydream AndAction without Vision is a NightmareThere are no speed limits on the road to excellenceSuccess has nothing to do with what you gain in lifeor what you accomplish for yourself; it is what you dofor othersAn optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity anda

Pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.W.ChurchillThe great man is he that who does not lose his child’sheartThe only problem with the Success is that it doesn’tteach you how to deal with failureIn matters of style, swim with the current; in mattersof principle, stand like a rock. — President Thomas Jefferson It takes lots of things to prove you are smart, butonly one thing to prove you are ignorantHeroldSmartness is believing half of what you hear,brilliance is knowing which half to believe.For the resolute and determined there is time andopportunityWe cannot hold a torch to light others path withoutbrightening our own.Ben SweetlandNo matter how thin you slice it, there are always twosidesNinety percent of all those who fail are not actuallydefeated. They simply quit. Paul J. Meyer.Good is not good enough when better is expected.

— Lou LamorielloWhen everything seems to be going against you, Remember, the airplane takes off against the wind, notwith it."Henry FordDon’t Look where u fell, but look where u slippedKnowledge speaks, but wisdom listensPick your mentors and role models carefully as theycan lead or mislead you."- SHIV KHERA Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes offhis eyes from the goal. — E. Joseph CossmanTake initiative. Don’t wait for things to happen. Makethem happen."- SHIV KHERAYou can never solve a problem on the level on which itwas created." - Albert EinsteinKindness is the language which the deaf can hear andblind can seeMark TwainDon’t go through the life, Grow through the lifeMay God Bless all Rajan Kinattinkara________ India

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Dear Shree Rajan,


The thoughts are very powerful. I suggest to study our

Bhagavan's Gita too alongwith. You will find the same

and more thoughts in its original form in those

verses. The verses are easy to remember and very very

potent in its form.









--- rajan nair <rajan_k_nair2002 wrote:



> Om Namo Narayana!!!


> I have been putting quotes of famous personalities

> in

> my office notice board every week since last 2 1/2

> years. Today I thought what is wrong in sharing

> them

> with our group members. , I humbly submit some

> selected quotes, some to learn, some to follow and

> ofcourse some to ignore.


> May God Bless all


> Rajan Kinattinkara


> T H O U G H T S


> Talent is God-given, be humble; Fame is man-given,

> be

> thankful; Conceit is self-given, be careful


> The aim of an argument or discussion should not be

> victory, but progress. " - Joseph Joubert


> Tomorrow God is not going to ask you:

> What did you think, dream, plan or preach?

> But he is definitely going to ask: What did you do?


> All powers of Universe are with us, It is we who put

> our hands over our eyes and cry that it is dark

> Swami Vivekanand



> It is not so important who starts the game; it is

> important who finishes it.

> “John Wooden”


> Intelligence without ambition is a bird without

> wings

> Anonymous


> Wise men learn from their own mistakes and wiser men

> learn from other’s mistakes

> Shivkhera


> A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what

> ships

> are for …….

> Anonymous


> The duty of an opposition is very simple; to oppose

> everything and propose nothing.


> Knowing is not enough, we must apply….

> Willing is not enough, we must do

> Johann V Goethe


> We expect others to act rationally, even though we

> are

> irrational

> Scott Adams


> People will fight harder for their interests than

> for

> their rights

> Napolean Bonapart


> Circumstances do not determine a man, they reveal

> him

> James Lane Allen


> People don't care how much you know, they want to

> know

> how much you care

> Shiv Khera


> Laugh with people, not at them

> Shiv Khera


> Personalities without principles make life miserable

> Shiv Khera


> The only person holding u back is u, everyone else

> is

> merely watching


> The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed

> in

> battle


> Even if you are on the right track, you will get run

> over, if u just sit there

> Will Rogers


> The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge is

> to cross and which bridge is to burn

> David Russell


> You never get a second chance to create a first

> impression


> If someone betrays you once it is his mistake, if he

> does it again, that’s ur mistake


> Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss

> events, small minds discuss people


> Try to become a man of values rather than to become

> a

> man of success

> Albert Einstein


> Never fear shadows, they simply mean that there’s a

> light shining somewhere nearby

> Ruth Renkel


> You have freedom of choice, but not freedom of

> consequences, so make your choices carefully

> Shiv Khera


> All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us

> should have equal opportunity to develop our talents



> Children have never been good at listening to their

> parents, but they have never failed to imitate them


> Lack of will-power has caused more failure than lack

> of intelligence or ability.

> Flower A Newhouse


> Choose your advisors based on values and not on

> convenience

> Shiv Khera


> A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and

> tolerates your successes


> The secret of getting ahead is getting started


> For a leader, the important thing is not what

> happens

> when you are there, it is important when you are not

> there.


> Vision without action is a Daydream And

> Action without Vision is a Nightmare


> There are no speed limits on the road to excellence


> Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life

> or what you accomplish for yourself; it is what you

> do

> for others


> An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity

> and

> a Pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.

> W.Churchill


> The great man is he that who does not lose his

> child’s

> heart


> The only problem with the Success is that it doesn’t

> teach you how to deal with failure


> In matters of style, swim with the current; in

> matters

> of principle, stand like a rock.

> — President Thomas Jefferson


> It takes lots of things to prove you are smart, but

> only one thing to prove you are ignorant

> Herold


> Smartness is believing half of what you hear,

> brilliance is knowing which half to believe.


> For the resolute and determined there is time and

> opportunity


> We cannot hold a torch to light others path without

> brightening our own.

> Ben Sweetland


> No matter how thin you slice it, there are always

> two

> sides


> Ninety percent of all those who fail are not

> actually

> defeated. They simply quit.

> Paul J. Meyer.


> Good is not good enough when better is expected.

> — Lou Lamoriello


> When everything seems to be going against you,

> Remember, the airplane takes off against the wind,

> not


=== message truncated ===






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Dear All,


Hare Krishna,


Thought are most analysed and intelligent outcome of the mind.our most of the Epics Of course clearly stated all the details.when i get some kind of perplexed situations immed go for the famous personalities thoughts then try to console and pacify myself because several things to come to exact conclusion is very difficulty.


we can make judgement but we need that much of perfection.so the thoughts of famous peoples is a tool to face the competitive world also our development.


with Love


balagopal r amakrishnan <rbalpalguruvayur Sent: Wednesday, 26 July, 2006 6:26:44 PMRe: [Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Thoughts for Life


HARI AUMDear Shree Rajan,The thoughts are very powerful. I suggest to study ourBhagavan's Gita too alongwith. You will find the sameand more thoughts in its original form in thoseverses. The verses are easy to remember and very verypotent in its form.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA--- rajan nair <rajan_k_nair2002@ .co. in> wrote:> > Om Namo Narayana!!!> > I have been putting quotes of famous personalities> in> my office notice board every week since last 2 1/2> years. Today I thought what is wrong in sharing> them> with our group members. , I humbly submit some> selected quotes, some to learn, some to follow and> ofcourse some to ignore.> > May God Bless all> > Rajan Kinattinkara>

> T H O U G H T S> > Talent is God-given, be humble; Fame is man-given,> be> thankful; Conceit is self-given, be careful> > The aim of an argument or discussion should not be> victory, but progress." - Joseph Joubert> > Tomorrow God is not going to ask you:> What did you think, dream, plan or preach?> But he is definitely going to ask: What did you do?> > All powers of Universe are with us, It is we who put> our hands over our eyes and cry that it is dark> Swami Vivekanand> > > It is not so important who starts the game; it is> important who finishes it.> John Wooden> > Intelligence without ambition is a bird without> wings> Anonymous> > Wise men learn from their own mistakes and wiser men> learn from others mistakes> Shivkhera> > A ship in harbour is safe,

but that is not what> ships> are for …….> Anonymous> > The duty of an opposition is very simple; to oppose> everything and propose nothing.> > Knowing is not enough, we must apply….> Willing is not enough, we must do> Johann V Goethe> > We expect others to act rationally, even though we> are> irrational> Scott Adams> > People will fight harder for their interests than> for> their rights> Napolean Bonapart> > Circumstances do not determine a man, they reveal> him> James Lane Allen> > People don't care how much you know, they want to> know> how much you care> Shiv Khera> > Laugh with people, not at them> Shiv Khera> > Personalities without principles make life miserable> Shiv Khera> > The only person holding u back is u,

everyone else> is> merely watching> > The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed> in> battle> > Even if you are on the right track, you will get run> over, if u just sit there> Will Rogers> > The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge is> to cross and which bridge is to burn> David Russell> > You never get a second chance to create a first> impression> > If someone betrays you once it is his mistake, if he> does it again, thats ur mistake> > Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss> events, small minds discuss people> > Try to become a man of values rather than to become> a> man of success> Albert Einstein> > Never fear shadows, they simply mean that theres a> light shining somewhere nearby> Ruth Renkel> > You have

freedom of choice, but not freedom of> consequences, so make your choices carefully> Shiv Khera> > All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us> should have equal opportunity to develop our talents> > > Children have never been good at listening to their> parents, but they have never failed to imitate them> > Lack of will-power has caused more failure than lack> of intelligence or ability.> Flower A Newhouse> > Choose your advisors based on values and not on> convenience> Shiv Khera> > A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and> tolerates your successes> > The secret of getting ahead is getting started> > For a leader, the important thing is not what> happens> when you are there, it is important when you are not> there.> > Vision without action is a Daydream

And> Action without Vision is a Nightmare> > There are no speed limits on the road to excellence> > Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life> or what you accomplish for yourself; it is what you> do> for others> > An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity> and> a Pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.> W.Churchill> > The great man is he that who does not lose his> childs> heart> > The only problem with the Success is that it doesnt> teach you how to deal with failure> > In matters of style, swim with the current; in> matters> of principle, stand like a rock. > President Thomas Jefferson > > It takes lots of things to prove you are smart, but> only one thing to prove you are ignorant> Herold> > Smartness is believing half of what you

hear,> brilliance is knowing which half to believe.> > For the resolute and determined there is time and> opportunity> > We cannot hold a torch to light others path without> brightening our own.> Ben Sweetland> > No matter how thin you slice it, there are always> two> sides> > Ninety percent of all those who fail are not> actually> defeated. They simply quit. > Paul J. Meyer.> > Good is not good enough when better is expected. > Lou Lamoriello> > When everything seems to be going against you, > Remember, the airplane takes off against the wind,> not> === message truncated ===____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers. /

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Jai Shri Krishna Thanks to both of you for the wonderful thoughts you have collected and posted. Regards, tejas.Bindya Suresh <bindyamenon80 wrote: Hare Krishna, Dear Mr Rajan, Thanks a lot.A very nice collection of some good sayings. A few sayings from my end attached as flws . "WHAT YOU ARE IS GODS GIFT TO YOU, WHAT YOU WILL BE IS

YOUR GIFT TO GOD " --------------------- "Skills are started with learning and mastered with improvement.Nothing is hereditary except death" - Buddha ------------------------ Those who mind don't matter Those who matter, don't mind ---------------------------- Its true you don't know what you've got until its gone, but its also true you don't know what you've been missing until it arrives!!! ------------------- No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting. ------------------- The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts: and the great art of life is to have as many of them as possible. ------------------- Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way. ------------------- I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. -Thomas Alva Edison ------------------- Its not whether you get knocked down. Its whether you get up again. -Vince Lombardi ------------------- Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. -- Frank Outlaw ------------------- Every great achievement was once considered impossible ------------------- "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

-Henry Ford ------------------- You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be. -------------------If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it. -Jonathon Winters -------------------- "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Sun Tzu ------------------- Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson ------------------- Believe you can and you're half way there. -Theodore Roosevelt ------ "It is better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for something you are not." -Andre Gide ------------------- Take risks: If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise. ---- Kites rise highest against the wind-not with it.-Winston Churchill ------------------------------ Worrying is like a rocking chair it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere. -- Van Wilder ------------------- Some times you

have to fall from the mountain to realise what you are climbing for. -Chae Richardosn ------------------- You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there -Edwin Louis Cole ------------------- When they're trying to run you out of town, jump in front of them, start marching and act like it's a parade -Mark Twain ------------------- Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. -Thomas Alva Edison ------------------- Each of us feels that we are just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less without that missing drop. -Mother Teresa

------------------- There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one." -Frances Clark ------------------- "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." -Mahatma Gandhi ------------------- We all can be only what we are, nothing more, or less. -Kahlan ------------------- " Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left." ------------------- The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change and the

REALIST adjusts his sails ------------------- "Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous." -Chanakya ------------------- " The seeds of success spring from failure's ashes." ------------------- " True victory is not about finishing first; it is about finishing regardless of how many times you fall." ------------------- " When life throws shoes at you.... at least pick through the best ones and try them on for size! ------------------- " To begin a journey one must have courage; to finish a journey one must have

perseverance." ------------------- "God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly, not one." ------------------- "Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend -- or a meaningful day." - Dalai Lama ------------------- "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."- Dalai Lama------------------- The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees, in every object, only the traits that favor that theory."-Thomas Jefferson ------------------- "THE CULTURED GIVES HAPPINESS WHEREVER THEY GO, THE UN-CULTURED WHENEVER THEY GO!" Ohm Namo Narayana. Regards, Bindya Suresh rajan nair <rajan_k_nair2002 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Om Namo Narayana!!!I have been putting quotes of famous personalities inmy office notice board every week since last 2 1/2years. Today I thought what is wrong in sharing themwith our group members. , I humbly submit someselected quotes, some to learn, some to follow andofcourse some to ignore.May God Bless allRajan KinattinkaraT H O U G H T STalent

is God-given, be humble; Fame is man-given, bethankful; Conceit is self-given, be carefulThe aim of an argument or discussion should not bevictory, but progress." - Joseph JoubertTomorrow God is not going to ask you:What did you think, dream, plan or preach?But he is definitely going to ask: What did you do?All powers of Universe are with us, It is we who putour hands over our eyes and cry that it is darkSwami VivekanandIt is not so important who starts the game; it isimportant who finishes it.“John Wooden”Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wingsAnonymousWise men learn from their own mistakes and wiser menlearn from other’s mistakesShivkheraA ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what shipsare for …….AnonymousThe duty of an opposition is very simple; to opposeeverything and propose nothing.Knowing is not enough, we must

apply….Willing is not enough, we must doJohann V GoetheWe expect others to act rationally, even though we areirrationalScott AdamsPeople will fight harder for their interests than fortheir rightsNapolean BonapartCircumstances do not determine a man, they reveal himJames Lane AllenPeople don't care how much you know, they want to knowhow much you careShiv KheraLaugh with people, not at themShiv KheraPersonalities without principles make life miserableShiv KheraThe only person holding u back is u, everyone else ismerely watchingThe more you sweat in training, the less you bleed inbattleEven if you are on the right track, you will get runover, if u just sit thereWill RogersThe hardest thing in life is to know which bridge isto cross and which bridge is to burnDavid RussellYou never get a second chance to create a

firstimpressionIf someone betrays you once it is his mistake, if hedoes it again, that’s ur mistakeGreat minds discuss ideas, average minds discussevents, small minds discuss peopleTry to become a man of values rather than to become aman of successAlbert EinsteinNever fear shadows, they simply mean that there’s alight shining somewhere nearbyRuth RenkelYou have freedom of choice, but not freedom ofconsequences, so make your choices carefullyShiv KheraAll of us do not have equal talent, but all of usshould have equal opportunity to develop our talents Children have never been good at listening to theirparents, but they have never failed to imitate themLack of will-power has caused more failure than lackof intelligence or ability.Flower A NewhouseChoose your advisors based on values and not onconvenienceShiv KheraA true friend is one

who overlooks your failures andtolerates your successesThe secret of getting ahead is getting startedFor a leader, the important thing is not what happenswhen you are there, it is important when you are notthere.Vision without action is a Daydream AndAction without Vision is a NightmareThere are no speed limits on the road to excellenceSuccess has nothing to do with what you gain in lifeor what you accomplish for yourself; it is what you dofor othersAn optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity anda Pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.W.ChurchillThe great man is he that who does not lose his child’sheartThe only problem with the Success is that it doesn’tteach you how to deal with failureIn matters of style, swim with the current; in mattersof principle, stand like a rock. — President Thomas Jefferson It takes lots of things to

prove you are smart, butonly one thing to prove you are ignorantHeroldSmartness is believing half of what you hear,brilliance is knowing which half to believe.For the resolute and determined there is time andopportunityWe cannot hold a torch to light others path withoutbrightening our own.Ben SweetlandNo matter how thin you slice it, there are always twosidesNinety percent of all those who fail are not actuallydefeated. They simply quit. Paul J. Meyer.Good is not good enough when better is expected. — Lou LamorielloWhen everything seems to be going against you, Remember, the airplane takes off against the wind, notwith it."Henry FordDon’t Look where u fell, but look where u slippedKnowledge speaks, but wisdom listensPick your mentors and role models carefully as theycan lead or mislead you."- SHIV KHERA Obstacles are things a

person sees when he takes offhis eyes from the goal. — E. Joseph CossmanTake initiative. Don’t wait for things to happen. Makethem happen."- SHIV KHERAYou can never solve a problem on the level on which itwas created." - Albert EinsteinKindness is the language which the deaf can hear andblind can seeMark TwainDon’t go through the life, Grow through the lifeMay God Bless all Rajan Kinattinkara________ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers./ How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low

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Om Namo narayana!!!


Thank you Bindyaji for your contribution. Though I

have a big collection, all these quotes are new to me.

After seeing all these quotes, I thought, why I can't

I have one of my own. So I humbly quote it below (May

be someone else must have quoted this earlier)


" People will rather respect your politeness and

kindness than your intelligence and smartness " (Rajan



May God Bless All,










--- Bindya Suresh <bindyamenon80 wrote:


> Hare Krishna,


> Dear Mr Rajan,


> Thanks a lot.A very nice collection of some good

> sayings. A few sayings from my end attached as flws

> .








> " Skills are started with learning and mastered

> with improvement.

> Nothing is hereditary except death " - Buddha




> Those who mind don't matter

> Those who matter, don't mind




> Its true you don't know what you've got until its

> gone, but its also true you don't know what you've

> been missing until it arrives!!!


> -------------------

> No matter the storm, when you are with God,

> there's always a rainbow waiting.


> -------------------

> The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant

> thoughts: and the great art of life is to have as

> many of them as possible.


> -------------------

> Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's

> your sunlight that should lead the way.


> -------------------

> I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways

> that won't work.

> -Thomas Alva Edison


> -------------------

> Its not whether you get knocked down. Its whether

> you get up again.

> -Vince Lombardi


> -------------------

> Watch your thoughts; they become words.

> Watch your words; they become actions.

> Watch your actions; they become habits.

> Watch your habits; they become character.

> Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

> -- Frank Outlaw


> -------------------

> Every great achievement was once considered

> impossible


> -------------------

> " Obstacles are those frightful things you see when

> you take your eyes off your goal. "

> -Henry Ford


> -------------------

> You were not born a winner, and you were not born

> a loser. You are what you make yourself be.

> -------------------

> If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.

> -Jonathon Winters




> " A journey of a thousand miles begins with a

> single step. "

> -Sun Tzu


> -------------------

> Do not go where the path may lead, go instead

> where there is no path and leave a trail.

> -Ralph Waldo Emerson


> -------------------

> Believe you can and you're half way there.

> -Theodore Roosevelt




> " It is better to be hated for what you are, than

> to be loved for something you are not. "

> -Andre Gide


> -------------------

> Take risks: If you win, you will be happy; if you

> lose, you will be wise.




> Kites rise highest against the wind-not with it.

> -Winston Churchill




> Worrying is like a rocking chair it gives you

> something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.

> -- Van Wilder


> -------------------

> Some times you have to fall from the mountain to

> realise what you are climbing for.

> -Chae Richardosn


> -------------------

> You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown

> by staying there

> -Edwin Louis Cole


> -------------------

> When they're trying to run you out of town, jump

> in front of them, start marching and act like it's a

> parade

> -Mark Twain


> -------------------

> Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine

> per cent perspiration.

> -Thomas Alva Edison


> -------------------

> Each of us feels that we are just a drop in the

> ocean, but the ocean would be less without that

> missing drop.

> -Mother Teresa


> -------------------

> There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were

> all meant to wish on the same one. "

> -Frances Clark

> -------------------

> " Strength does not come from physical capacity. It

> comes from an indomitable will. "

> -Mahatma Gandhi


> -------------------

> We all can be only what we are, nothing more, or

> less.

> -Kahlan


> -------------------

> " Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights

> make a left. "


> -------------------

> The Pessimist complains about the wind, the

> Optimist expects it to change and the REALIST

> adjusts his sails


> -------------------

> " Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should

> pretend to be venomous. "

> -Chanakya


> -------------------

> " The seeds of success spring from failure's

> ashes. "


> -------------------

> " True victory is not about finishing first; it is

> about finishing regardless of how many times you

> fall. "


> -------------------

> " When life throws shoes at you.... at least pick

> through the best ones and try them on for size!


> -------------------

> " To begin a journey one must have courage; to

> finish a journey one must have perseverance. "



> -------------------

> " God turns you from one feeling to another and

> teaches by means of opposites, so that you will have

> two wings to fly, not one. "


> -------------------

> " Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is

> just like the days. An old day passes, a new day

> arrives. The important thing is to make it

> meaningful: a meaningful friend -- or a meaningful

> day. " - Dalai Lama


> -------------------

> " Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. " -

> Dalai Lama

> -------------------

> The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination

> sees, in every object, only the traits that favor

> that theory. " -Thomas Jefferson


> -------------------





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