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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Quiet Appreciation

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Dear Chandrasekharan Nairji and Jayashreeji


I wish to add some thing more on your discussion.


we are living in the age of Kali, called Kaliyuga.


In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of

self-realization for the age) is much more difficult.

For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma is

ashtanga-yoga. People would have to live alone in the

forests and engage in severe austerities and

meditation for thousands of years to come to the

platform of self-realization. Such a process is

difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In

the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special

benediction. Since we have lost all good qualities,

and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord

gives us the simplest and quickest method for

self-realization - chanting His holy names.


harer nama harer nama

harer namaiva kevalam

kalau nastyeva nastyeva

nastyeva gatir anyatha


" In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain

the supreme destination of life except the chanting of

the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no other

way, no other way. "


i wish to add some thing about Kaliyuga and kaliyuga



Pleas read more


Your Servant


Vinita Manikantan


Of all the yugas the Kali-yuga has been described in

the shastras as the worst. The Bhagavata Purana

describes and defines the qualities of Kali-yuga as



yada mayanritam tandra

nidra himsa vishadanam

shoka-mohau bhayam dainyam

sa kalis tamasah smritah


" When there is a predominance of cheating, lying,

sloth, sleepiness, violence, depression, lamentation,

bewilderment, fear and poverty, that age is Kali, the

age of the mode of ignorance. "


Why these qualities develop is further explained:


prayena martya bhagavantam acyutam

yakshyanti pashanda-vibhinna-cetasah


" In the Kali-yuga the human beings will not offer

sacrifice to God because their intelligence will be

diverted by atheism. "


dharmam vakshyanty adharma-jna



" Those who know nothing about religion will mount a

high seat and presume to speak on religious

principles. "


vedah pashanda-dushitah


" The Vedas will be contaminated by the speculative

interpretations of atheists. "


Thus with the degradation of religion, and the rise of

atheistic thought, all sacrifice to God will be

stopped. Human life is unique among all forms of life

in that it alone offers the opportunity for spiritual

advancement. Due to the fully blossomed mental

faculties, the human is able to inquire into the

source of everything, the absolute truth. Without this

inquiry, the human being is essentially no better than

a common animal. The scriptures describe such people

as dvi-pada pashu, or " two legged animals " ). Thus such

a society without spiritual endeavour is nothing more

than an animalistic society of cats and dogs. Among

the cats and dogs we do not expect there to be peace

and harmony. Likewise, when human beings live in

animalistic consciousness, we cannot expect there to

be any peace in the society - there will be only war

(kalih). Thus the situation becomes the " age of war " ,

or kali-yuga.


Some of the other qualities of the age are described

as follows:


na rakshishyanti manujah

sthavirau pitarav api


" Men will no longer protect their elderly parents. "




" The people will become emaciated by famine and

taxation. "


nityam udvigna-manaso


" Their minds will constantly be disturbed and

agitated. "


rajanash ca praja-bhakshah


" The politicians will virtually eat their citizens. "


dasyutkrishta janapada


" The cities will be dominated by theives. "


vittam eva kalau nrinam



karanam balam eva hi


" In the Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered the

sign of a man's good birth, proper behaviour and fine

qualities. And law and justice will be applied only on

the basis of one's power. "


vipratve sutram eva hi


" One will be known as a brahmana simply by wearing a

thread (not by one's qualities or knowledge). "


tatash canu-dinam dharmah

satyam shaucam kshama daya

kalena balina rajan

nankshyaty ayur balam smritih


" Truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration

of life, physical strength and memory will all

diminish day by day because of the powerful influence

of the age of Kali. "


The four yugas (satya, treta, dvapara, and kali)

rotate like seasons. Just as certain seasons have

particular qualities (summer is hot, winter is cold),

so each cosmic age has particular qualities. In the

Satya yuga (the age of truth) the entire population is

religious and self-satisfied. Their aim is only self

realization. All of the godly qualities are present in

the Satya yuga.


Due to the influence of time, all things degrade and

decay. Thus as the age passes from Satya-yuga to

Treta-yuga, the subtle qualities of people degrade,

and thus there is a loss of truthfullness, austerity,

mercy, etc. As the time passes from one age to the

next, one quarter of all good qualities and religion

are lost. Thus as the Treta-yuga begins, only 75% of

the people are interested in spiritual activities.

Then as the Dvapara-yuga begins, only 50% of the

population is interested in God consciousness. Finally

as the Kali-yuga begins, only 25% of the population is

interested in religion, and this number gradually

reduces to zero, at which time the Lord incarnates as

the Kalki avatara to put an end to the Kali yuga and

bring about a new cosmic cycle of time beginning again

with the Satya-yuga.


Just as the good qualities of the people degrade, in

the same way their life spans also decrease from age

to age. In the Satya yuga, the life span is 100,000

years. In the Treta yuga, the life span is only 10,000

years, or one tenth that of the Satya-yuga. In the

Dvapara yuga the life span is only 1,000 years, or one

tenth that of the Treta-yuga. And in the Kali-yuga the

life span is only 100 years, or one tenth that of the

Dvapara-yuga. Gradually the maximum life span

decreases to less than 50 years: trimshad vimshati

varshani paramayuh kalau nrinam.


As people give up religious principles, which are

based on sacrifice to God, the nature withholds her

natural resources. As a result of degradation of one's

mental and environmental states, the life spans of the

people automatically decrease. Along with the decrease

of life, all major qualities, such as strength,

health, memory and intelligence likewise decrease. As

such the scriptures describe the inhabitants of

Kali-yuga as unfortunate and unlucky: mandah

sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah


As people give up sacrifice, which is based on dharma,

there will be a scarcity of water, resulting in

famine. The scriptures state:


annad bhavanti bhutani

parjanyad anna sambhavah

yajnad bhavati parjanyah

yajna karma samudbhavah


" All living entities subsist on food grains, and all

food grains come from rain. Rain is due to sacrifice,

and sacrifice is based on prescribed duties. "


As sacrifice is stopped, the rain will cease to fall.

When the rain stops, the grains will not grow. Without

grains, the people will turn to eating the flesh of

other humans. Such will be the situation in the age of



ittham kalau gata-praye

janeshu khara-dharmishu

dharma-tranaya sattvena

bhagavan avatarishyati


" Thus when the age of Kali is almost finished and the

people have assumed the qualities of asses, the Lord

will incarnate for the deliverance of the eternal

religion (as Kalki Bhagavan). "


Yet, despite all of these faults, the scriptures

declare there to be one great quality of Kali-yuga:


kaler dosha-nidhe rajann

asti hy eko maha gunah

kirtanad eva krishnasya

mukta-sangah param vrajet


" Although Kali-yuga is an ocean of faults, there is

still one good quality about this age: simply by

chanting the names of Krishna, one can become free

from material bondage and be promoted to the

transcendental kingdom. "


In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of

self-realization for the age) is much more difficult.

For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma is

ashtanga-yoga. People would have to live alone in the

forests and engage in severe austerities and

meditation for thousands of years to come to the

platform of self-realization. Such a process is

difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In

the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special

benediction. Since we have lost all good qualities,

and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord

gives us the simplest and quickest method for

self-realization - chanting His holy names.


harer nama harer nama

harer namaiva kevalam

kalau nastyeva nastyeva

nastyeva gatir anyatha


" In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain

the supreme destination of life except the chanting of

the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no other

way, no other way. "


Thus despite all of the sinful qualities of this age,

we have the greatest opportunity to advance

spiritually. What the sages and rishis spent thousands

of years meditating for, we can attain simply by

mantra japam (chanting the Lord's name):


hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare


hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare


For this reason the great sage Narada Muni has

actually glorified the age of kali as the best of all

the yugas. The negative qualities are no comparison to

the great spiritual opportunity we are given in this

age. Please take advantage of this special mercy given

by the Lord and chant His holy names daily.







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To Jayashree and respected members Ohm Narayanaya Namah My father -passed away in 1988- was advised by a learned person to write and on completion he offered to our nearby temple Pazhayakavu in Pallassana as Neivedyam. We are enjoying better life for his punya karmangal. The very first time I started writing was way back in 1986 while I was working in Muscat Oman. After few days of my venture due to heavy downpour my small Omani rented house was flooded and lost few things due to flood damage. Deterrent, I thought God is testing my patience, I continued writing without any schedule, whenever I got time. A close friend came and helped to locate and move to a better apartment where I lived till I migrated to USA in

1989. We got our green card in 1987 but continued in Oman till mid Jul 1989. There were ups and downs in our life but we all survived by Lords blessings. I had brought my writings -though I lost few pages- to USA with me and after a break of 7 years, I resumed and completed it in 1996 the year my youngest daughter got admitted to UT Houston medical school. I could complete it in Mandala Masam and placed my writings to Lord Ayyappa as Neivedyam during a Laksharchana pooja at DFW temple. Lord blessed me to become a Grandfather in October 1997 through my eldest daughter who was married in 1992. I survived a heart attack in August 1999 with Lords blessings. My second venture was during 2004 again during Mandala Masam - by then I was retired and had more time to concentrate- and I could complete my Yagjam within the 41 days.. This time I placed it in our pooja room and offered to Lord as my

Neivedyam. Soon after we visited Shiva Vishnu temple near Washington DC with my youngest daughter and her husband - they were married in 2000 - and lord blessed through them with their first baby girl who is named Saroja Krishnan. This year I could complete my Yagjam in 80 days with baby Krishnan playing around me or I was was playing with her. I prayed Lord while writing to bless all souls and restore peace through out the world this time. Lokaha Samasthaha Sukhino Bhavanthu This is my expreince and others will have different experiences. Pizhayakilum, Pizhakedakilum Thiruvullam Kaniyuka En Bhagavane Ohm Narayanaya Namah Chandra Sekharan . jayashree_662001 <jayashree_66 wrote: Dear shri Chandra Sekharan Menon,Om Namo Narayanaya,I was quite wonderstruck with your mission of writing the Lord's name one lakh and one time.i am actually curious and would really like to know in detail how you get around doing this and is it thereafter offered

to a temple?Could you please enlighten us with the procedure?Humbly,jayashreeguruvayur , "Chandra Sekharan Menon" <chandrasmenon2002 wrote:>> Ohm Narayanaya Namah> > I was silent but not quite quiet like Induji whose postings used to > appear frequently but missing in the recent past. I was busy myself > writing Ohm Narayanaya Namah one lakh and one time in Malayalam > since Meda masam. This is my third successful attempt and without > Lord Guruvayoorappan's blessings I would not have done that. My > father did it once in his life time and I am enjoying the fruits of > it.> > I have had a glance of every issue of Navaneetham since April but > yet to go deep and read thoroughly. I have no words in my > vocabulary – which is very limited- and my

silence speaks volumes. > > It is appropriate to end this brief note with a stanza that I do not > know the author, for whom it is written, or the context. Learned > people like KVG, GanapathyRaman, Balagopal, Vinod or Dr. Sukumar or > Sunil may have some information about that. I am like a THARI - a > small particle- amidst the tall PILLARS but I am lucky to be a part > of this Great group. Kindly enlighten me.> > Mookam karothi vachalam> Pankum lankayethe girim> Yad kripa thamaham vande> Paramananda Madhavam > > Ohm Narayanaya Namah> Chandra Sekharan>

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Thinking of it, this 'only chanting of names' is ONLY

a way out when one is short of all other avenues to

seek HIM.


I think as soon as we acquire the habit of chanting

his name, which shall be done 24*7 while engaging in

all other activities of life, one is also supposed to

proceed further into the realm of KNOWLEDGE (Jnana)to

dispel the darknened ignorance and realise the self.


With just namsankeertan one can build a bed but will

benefit more if the water of knowledge is allowed to

flow thru irrigating the humanity as a whole.


Welcoming more on this from our members.









--- vinita manikantan <vinitamanikantan




> Dear Chandrasekharan Nairji and Jayashreeji


> I wish to add some thing more on your discussion.


> we are living in the age of Kali, called Kaliyuga.


> In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of

> self-realization for the age) is much more

> difficult.

> For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma is

> ashtanga-yoga. People would have to live alone in

> the

> forests and engage in severe austerities and

> meditation for thousands of years to come to the

> platform of self-realization. Such a process is

> difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In

> the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special

> benediction. Since we have lost all good qualities,

> and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord

> gives us the simplest and quickest method for

> self-realization - chanting His holy names.


> harer nama harer nama

> harer namaiva kevalam

> kalau nastyeva nastyeva

> nastyeva gatir anyatha


> " In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain

> the supreme destination of life except the chanting

> of

> the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no

> other

> way, no other way. "


> i wish to add some thing about Kaliyuga and kaliyuga

> Dharma


> Pleas read more


> Your Servant


> Vinita Manikantan


> Of all the yugas the Kali-yuga has been described in

> the shastras as the worst. The Bhagavata Purana

> describes and defines the qualities of Kali-yuga as

> follows:


> yada mayanritam tandra

> nidra himsa vishadanam

> shoka-mohau bhayam dainyam

> sa kalis tamasah smritah


> " When there is a predominance of cheating, lying,

> sloth, sleepiness, violence, depression,

> lamentation,

> bewilderment, fear and poverty, that age is Kali,

> the

> age of the mode of ignorance. "


> Why these qualities develop is further explained:


> prayena martya bhagavantam acyutam

> yakshyanti pashanda-vibhinna-cetasah


> " In the Kali-yuga the human beings will not offer

> sacrifice to God because their intelligence will be

> diverted by atheism. "


> dharmam vakshyanty adharma-jna

> adhiruhyottamasanam


> " Those who know nothing about religion will mount a

> high seat and presume to speak on religious

> principles. "


> vedah pashanda-dushitah


> " The Vedas will be contaminated by the speculative

> interpretations of atheists. "


> Thus with the degradation of religion, and the rise

> of

> atheistic thought, all sacrifice to God will be

> stopped. Human life is unique among all forms of

> life

> in that it alone offers the opportunity for

> spiritual

> advancement. Due to the fully blossomed mental

> faculties, the human is able to inquire into the

> source of everything, the absolute truth. Without

> this

> inquiry, the human being is essentially no better

> than

> a common animal. The scriptures describe such people

> as dvi-pada pashu, or " two legged animals " ). Thus

> such

> a society without spiritual endeavour is nothing

> more

> than an animalistic society of cats and dogs. Among

> the cats and dogs we do not expect there to be peace

> and harmony. Likewise, when human beings live in

> animalistic consciousness, we cannot expect there to

> be any peace in the society - there will be only war

> (kalih). Thus the situation becomes the " age of

> war " ,

> or kali-yuga.


> Some of the other qualities of the age are described

> as follows:


> na rakshishyanti manujah

> sthavirau pitarav api


> " Men will no longer protect their elderly parents. "


> durbiksha-kara-karshitah


> " The people will become emaciated by famine and

> taxation. "


> nityam udvigna-manaso


> " Their minds will constantly be disturbed and

> agitated. "


> rajanash ca praja-bhakshah


> " The politicians will virtually eat their citizens. "


> dasyutkrishta janapada


> " The cities will be dominated by theives. "


> vittam eva kalau nrinam

> janmacara-gunodayah

> dharma-nyay-vyavasthayam

> karanam balam eva hi


> " In the Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered

> the

> sign of a man's good birth, proper behaviour and

> fine

> qualities. And law and justice will be applied only

> on

> the basis of one's power. "


> vipratve sutram eva hi


> " One will be known as a brahmana simply by wearing a

> thread (not by one's qualities or knowledge). "


> tatash canu-dinam dharmah

> satyam shaucam kshama daya

> kalena balina rajan

> nankshyaty ayur balam smritih


> " Truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy,

> duration

> of life, physical strength and memory will all

> diminish day by day because of the powerful

> influence

> of the age of Kali. "


> The four yugas (satya, treta, dvapara, and kali)

> rotate like seasons. Just as certain seasons have

> particular qualities (summer is hot, winter is

> cold),

> so each cosmic age has particular qualities. In the

> Satya yuga (the age of truth) the entire population

> is

> religious and self-satisfied. Their aim is only self

> realization. All of the godly qualities are present

> in

> the Satya yuga.


> Due to the influence of time, all things degrade and

> decay. Thus as the age passes from Satya-yuga to

> Treta-yuga, the subtle qualities of people degrade,

> and thus there is a loss of truthfullness,

> austerity,

> mercy, etc. As the time passes from one age to the

> next, one quarter of all good qualities and religion

> are lost. Thus as the Treta-yuga begins, only 75% of

> the people are interested in spiritual activities.

> Then as the Dvapara-yuga begins, only 50% of the

> population is interested in God consciousness.

> Finally

> as the Kali-yuga begins, only 25% of the population

> is

> interested in religion, and this number gradually

> reduces to zero, at which time the Lord incarnates

> as

> the Kalki avatara to put an end to the Kali yuga and

> bring about a new cosmic cycle of time beginning

> again

> with the Satya-yuga.


> Just as the good qualities of the people degrade, in

> the same way their life spans also decrease from age


=== message truncated ===






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I agree with you Balagopal.There is a general trend that whatever happens that are bad it is becozof Kali Yuga as if nothing had happened in the earlier yugas.But even from Puranas which form the foundation of the happenings of the earlier yugas there were all sorts of evil things like war,jealousy,lust,anger, mutual distrust,scheming etc and why shuld we blame Kali Yuga only,I am still unable to fathom.It is also true that the learned people had said that Nama sankeertan is sufficient in Kali Yuga.How can they know that?Is it possible to spend the full day doing Nama sankeertan.That is way away from tangent of pragmatism.In fact in Kali Yuga more things are done good also due to the development of all fields and prosperity of mankind in general.Poverty,illiteracy and all such things are not the property of Kali Yuga only and the same were there even earlier yugas.So blaming everything ill as

due to Kali yuga carries no weight.We hv been trained from our childhood in such a way without allowing independent thinking and just repeating the old puranas of the earlier yugas when milk and honey were supposed to flow contrary to facts.So instead of blaming this yuga for anything and everything man must strive to develop him first and not to buckle under the theory of all ills are due to Kali Yuga. Of course nama smaran is only one of the ways for development of bhakthy and that alone won't lead to the finall consummation as ignorantly thought as the process in this are not properly understood and can't be understood from our present state of evolutionary aspects and hence it is advised by the great people just say nama for all the ills as one teaches a child in the KG class.But when the child grows and reaches post graduation level still lingering on the subject of KG class,will not that look funny?The foundation is built in KG class and it is for the child to develop its knowledge by studying various other subjects and then only progress comes even in material world and then there is no necessity to talk abt the spiritual world which is not for all to access and only highy qualified souls can reach that and just by thinking by doing simply nama smarana all can be achieved in spirtual world shows only some misguided perceptions.Then why the great people said that?It is only to develop the individual soul to develop by starting somewhere as advanced teachings can't be understood and so just for beginners the same were taught.So by saying nama smarana alone nobody is going to get any God realisation.To counter this some people like Thyagaraya and others can be quoted.But they left eveything and spent the full time doing nama japa.Can anybody do the same now in the present day world without thinking abt other

commitments?So too much need not be studied abt nama japa alone as a panacea for all illness.Nama japa is only one of the ways of developing bhakthy but that alone won't make reach Godhood as one thinks.It is always heartening to think abt Realisation but what is that nobody can answer as the path is very arduous and just by reading some texts nothing can be proceeded with uness more practical,experiences are there which alone can make one understand the subjects and that requires so many things which had been repeated by me umpteen times and hence no more repetition is required. This does not confer as if a I am a great soul and on the verge of Realisation which may take several births but I say this with my acquaintances with some Realised souls and after hearing their experiences which unfortunately I hv not been able to enjoy so far though occasionally some glimpses can be seen.That is all.Hence my conclusion that spiritualism is a thorny way and one can

succeed only thru the Grace of Guru and vigorous practices.As I always say this is only my views and there may be better souls who hv greater experiences and knowledge and sometimes they may be right in their own ways.So my belief that bookish knowledge and writings can be made by anybody by learning but to enter the domain is not as easy as one thinks or imagines.Then what is the alternative?One has to put his foundation strong like nama japa,and other things before embarking on higher courses and never imagine that nama japa alone will lead one to Moksha,a concept which nobody can define except Realised sages.Other things are only stories good for reading like fairy tales.I am not for controversy on this as all hv their own views but just touched what I felt. Hare Krishna. balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal wrote: HARI AUMThinking of it, this 'only chanting of names' is ONLYa way out when one is short of all other avenues toseek HIM.I think as soon as we acquire the habit of chantinghis name, which shall be done 24*7 while engaging inall other

activities of life, one is also supposed toproceed further into the realm of KNOWLEDGE (Jnana)todispel the darknened ignorance and realise the self.With just namsankeertan one can build a bed but willbenefit more if the water of knowledge is allowed toflow thru irrigating the humanity as a whole.Welcoming more on this from our members.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA--- vinita manikantan <vinitamanikantan >wrote:> > Dear Chandrasekharan Nairji and Jayashreeji> > I wish to add some thing more on your discussion.> > we are living in the age of Kali, called Kaliyuga.> > In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of> self-realization for the age) is much more> difficult.> For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma is> ashtanga-yoga. People

would have to live alone in> the> forests and engage in severe austerities and> meditation for thousands of years to come to the> platform of self-realization. Such a process is> difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In> the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special> benediction. Since we have lost all good qualities,> and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord> gives us the simplest and quickest method for> self-realization - chanting His holy names.> > harer nama harer nama> harer namaiva kevalam> kalau nastyeva nastyeva> nastyeva gatir anyatha> > "In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain> the supreme destination of life except the chanting> of> the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no> other> way, no other way."> > i wish to add some thing about Kaliyuga and

kaliyuga> Dharma> > Pleas read more> > Your Servant> > Vinita Manikantan> > Of all the yugas the Kali-yuga has been described in> the shastras as the worst. The Bhagavata Purana> describes and defines the qualities of Kali-yuga as> follows:> > yada mayanritam tandra> nidra himsa vishadanam> shoka-mohau bhayam dainyam> sa kalis tamasah smritah> > "When there is a predominance of cheating, lying,> sloth, sleepiness, violence, depression,> lamentation,> bewilderment, fear and poverty, that age is Kali,> the> age of the mode of ignorance."> > Why these qualities develop is further explained:> > prayena martya bhagavantam acyutam> yakshyanti pashanda-vibhinna-cetasah> > "In the Kali-yuga the human beings will not offer> sacrifice to God because their

intelligence will be> diverted by atheism."> > dharmam vakshyanty adharma-jna> adhiruhyottamasanam> > "Those who know nothing about religion will mount a> high seat and presume to speak on religious> principles."> > vedah pashanda-dushitah> > "The Vedas will be contaminated by the speculative> interpretations of atheists."> > Thus with the degradation of religion, and the rise> of> atheistic thought, all sacrifice to God will be> stopped. Human life is unique among all forms of> life> in that it alone offers the opportunity for> spiritual> advancement. Due to the fully blossomed mental> faculties, the human is able to inquire into the> source of everything, the absolute truth. Without> this> inquiry, the human being is essentially no better> than> a common animal. The scriptures

describe such people> as dvi-pada pashu, or "two legged animals"). Thus> such> a society without spiritual endeavour is nothing> more> than an animalistic society of cats and dogs. Among> the cats and dogs we do not expect there to be peace> and harmony. Likewise, when human beings live in> animalistic consciousness, we cannot expect there to> be any peace in the society - there will be only war> (kalih). Thus the situation becomes the "age of> war",> or kali-yuga.> > Some of the other qualities of the age are described> as follows:> > na rakshishyanti manujah> sthavirau pitarav api> > "Men will no longer protect their elderly parents."> > durbiksha-kara-karshitah> > "The people will become emaciated by famine and> taxation."> > nityam udvigna-manaso> > "Their minds

will constantly be disturbed and> agitated."> > rajanash ca praja-bhakshah> > "The politicians will virtually eat their citizens."> > dasyutkrishta janapada> > "The cities will be dominated by theives."> > vittam eva kalau nrinam> janmacara-gunodayah> dharma-nyay-vyavasthayam> karanam balam eva hi> > "In the Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered> the> sign of a man's good birth, proper behaviour and> fine> qualities. And law and justice will be applied only> on> the basis of one's power."> > vipratve sutram eva hi> > "One will be known as a brahmana simply by wearing a> thread (not by one's qualities or knowledge)."> > tatash canu-dinam dharmah> satyam shaucam kshama daya> kalena balina rajan> nankshyaty ayur balam smritih> >

"Truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy,> duration> of life, physical strength and memory will all> diminish day by day because of the powerful> influence> of the age of Kali."> > The four yugas (satya, treta, dvapara, and kali)> rotate like seasons. Just as certain seasons have> particular qualities (summer is hot, winter is> cold),> so each cosmic age has particular qualities. In the> Satya yuga (the age of truth) the entire population> is> religious and self-satisfied. Their aim is only self> realization. All of the godly qualities are present> in> the Satya yuga.> > Due to the influence of time, all things degrade and> decay. Thus as the age passes from Satya-yuga to> Treta-yuga, the subtle qualities of people degrade,> and thus there is a loss of truthfullness,> austerity,> mercy, etc. As the time

passes from one age to the> next, one quarter of all good qualities and religion> are lost. Thus as the Treta-yuga begins, only 75% of> the people are interested in spiritual activities.> Then as the Dvapara-yuga begins, only 50% of the> population is interested in God consciousness.> Finally> as the Kali-yuga begins, only 25% of the population> is> interested in religion, and this number gradually> reduces to zero, at which time the Lord incarnates> as> the Kalki avatara to put an end to the Kali yuga and> bring about a new cosmic cycle of time beginning> again> with the Satya-yuga.> > Just as the good qualities of the people degrade, in> the same way their life spans also decrease from age> === message truncated ===________ India

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Dear Shri Ganapathy Ramanjai My knowledge in this is very much limited. I also agree with Shri Ganapathy Ramanji that only nama japam is not sufficient but ofcourse nama japam is a must. In the Bhagavatham, Bhagawan mentioned how he can be worshiped at the four yugas. For Kaliyuga, it is mentioned Nama Sankeertanam. According to me during Satyuga, Tretayuga and Dwapara Yuga, people had time to do the tapa, dhyanam, yangam etc., as there were nothing much to distract their attention. However, in Kaliyuga, God knew , people willl never be able to do all the above as circumstances will be such and at times will even forget that one super power is there. May be because of that it is said nama sankeertanam will give the same benefit of other yangas done in other yugas. Nama japam can be done anywhere and everywhere. Thus

mankind will take HIS name atleast once in a while in the busy schedule of life and he can guide such people in the right direction. However, my firm belief is that nama japam can do miracles in curing diseases. Sincere prayer always have more value than medicine. We all know how Shri Melpathurji got cured of his vata rogam. Last year, I had boils all over my body. I took medicine, but there was no improvement. Finallly I decided to do archana for Guruvayoorappan with tulsi leaves every day chanting some slokas and also reciting "roga hara Shri Guruvayoor stotram" ( from Agre Pashyami - a publication of Giri Trading). Also I started keeping water in kindi and after archana pick up some tulsi leaves and put in the water. Next day morning I drink that water and also take the smell of the tulsi leaves lying

at HIS feet. This I did after saying" This is my sidhaushadam and I have no other solace except HIM" . No one will believe. It worked. Now I am free from this, but even today I continue doing the archana and drinking the teertham with all humility. A humble devotee Syamala GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 wrote:

I agree with you Balagopal.There is a general trend that whatever happens that are bad it is becozof Kali Yuga as if nothing had happened in the earlier yugas.But even from Puranas which form the foundation of the happenings of the earlier yugas there were all sorts of evil things like war,jealousy,lust,anger, mutual distrust,scheming etc and why shuld we blame Kali Yuga only,I am still unable to fathom.It is also true that the learned people had said that Nama sankeertan is sufficient in Kali Yuga.How can they know that?Is it possible to spend the full day doing Nama sankeertan.That is way away from tangent of pragmatism.In fact in Kali Yuga more things are done good also due to the development of all fields and prosperity of mankind in general.Poverty,illiteracy and all such things are not the property of Kali Yuga only and the same were there even earlier yugas.So blaming

everything ill as due to Kali yuga carries no weight.We hv been trained from our childhood in such a way without allowing independent thinking and just repeating the old puranas of the earlier yugas when milk and honey were supposed to flow contrary to facts.So instead of blaming this yuga for anything and everything man must strive to develop him first and not to buckle under the theory of all ills are due to Kali Yuga. Of course nama smaran is only one of the ways for development of bhakthy and that alone won't lead to the finall consummation as ignorantly thought as the process in this are not properly understood and can't be understood from our present state of evolutionary aspects and hence it is advised by the great people just say nama for all the ills as one teaches a child in the KG class.But when the child grows and reaches post graduation level still lingering on the

subject of KG class,will not that look funny?The foundation is built in KG class and it is for the child to develop its knowledge by studying various other subjects and then only progress comes even in material world and then there is no necessity to talk abt the spiritual world which is not for all to access and only highy qualified souls can reach that and just by thinking by doing simply nama smarana all can be achieved in spirtual world shows only some misguided perceptions.Then why the great people said that?It is only to develop the individual soul to develop by starting somewhere as advanced teachings can't be understood and so just for beginners the same were taught.So by saying nama smarana alone nobody is going to get any God realisation.To counter this some people like Thyagaraya and others can be quoted.But they left eveything and spent the full time doing nama japa.Can anybody do the same now in the present day world without

thinking abt other commitments?So too much need not be studied abt nama japa alone as a panacea for all illness.Nama japa is only one of the ways of developing bhakthy but that alone won't make reach Godhood as one thinks.It is always heartening to think abt Realisation but what is that nobody can answer as the path is very arduous and just by reading some texts nothing can be proceeded with uness more practical,experiences are there which alone can make one understand the subjects and that requires so many things which had been repeated by me umpteen times and hence no more repetition is required. This does not confer as if a I am a great soul and on the verge of Realisation which may take several births but I say this with my acquaintances with some Realised souls and after hearing their experiences which unfortunately I hv not been able to enjoy so far though occasionally some glimpses can be seen.That is all.Hence my conclusion that spiritualism

is a thorny way and one can succeed only thru the Grace of Guru and vigorous practices.As I always say this is only my views and there may be better souls who hv greater experiences and knowledge and sometimes they may be right in their own ways.So my belief that bookish knowledge and writings can be made by anybody by learning but to enter the domain is not as easy as one thinks or imagines.Then what is the alternative?One has to put his foundation strong like nama japa,and other things before embarking on higher courses and never imagine that nama japa alone will lead one to Moksha,a concept which nobody can define except Realised sages.Other things are only stories good for reading like fairy tales.I am not for controversy on this as all hv their own views but just touched what I felt. Hare Krishna. balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: HARI AUMThinking of it, this 'only chanting of names' is ONLYa way out when one is short of all other avenues toseek HIM.I think as soon as we acquire the habit of chantinghis name, which shall be done 24*7 while engaging inall other activities of life, one is also supposed toproceed further into the realm of KNOWLEDGE (Jnana)todispel the darknened ignorance and realise the self.With just namsankeertan one can build a bed but willbenefit more if the water of knowledge is allowed toflow thru irrigating the humanity as a whole.Welcoming more on this from our

members.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA--- vinita manikantan <vinitamanikantan >wrote:> > Dear Chandrasekharan Nairji and Jayashreeji> > I wish to add some thing more on your discussion.> > we are living in the age of Kali, called Kaliyuga.> > In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of> self-realization for the age) is much more> difficult.> For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma is> ashtanga-yoga. People would have to live alone in> the> forests and engage in severe austerities and> meditation for thousands of years to come to the> platform of self-realization. Such a process is> difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In> the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special> benediction. Since we have lost

all good qualities,> and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord> gives us the simplest and quickest method for> self-realization - chanting His holy names.> > harer nama harer nama> harer namaiva kevalam> kalau nastyeva nastyeva> nastyeva gatir anyatha> > "In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain> the supreme destination of life except the chanting> of> the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no> other> way, no other way."> > i wish to add some thing about Kaliyuga and kaliyuga> Dharma> > Pleas read more> > Your Servant> > Vinita Manikantan> > Of all the yugas the Kali-yuga has been described in> the shastras as the worst. The Bhagavata Purana> describes and defines the qualities of Kali-yuga as> follows:> > yada mayanritam

tandra> nidra himsa vishadanam> shoka-mohau bhayam dainyam> sa kalis tamasah smritah> > "When there is a predominance of cheating, lying,> sloth, sleepiness, violence, depression,> lamentation,> bewilderment, fear and poverty, that age is Kali,> the> age of the mode of ignorance."> > Why these qualities develop is further explained:> > prayena martya bhagavantam acyutam> yakshyanti pashanda-vibhinna-cetasah> > "In the Kali-yuga the human beings will not offer> sacrifice to God because their intelligence will be> diverted by atheism."> > dharmam vakshyanty adharma-jna> adhiruhyottamasanam> > "Those who know nothing about religion will mount a> high seat and presume to speak on religious> principles."> > vedah pashanda-dushitah> > "The Vedas will be contaminated

by the speculative> interpretations of atheists."> > Thus with the degradation of religion, and the rise> of> atheistic thought, all sacrifice to God will be> stopped. Human life is unique among all forms of> life> in that it alone offers the opportunity for> spiritual> advancement. Due to the fully blossomed mental> faculties, the human is able to inquire into the> source of everything, the absolute truth. Without> this> inquiry, the human being is essentially no better> than> a common animal. The scriptures describe such people> as dvi-pada pashu, or "two legged animals"). Thus> such> a society without spiritual endeavour is nothing> more> than an animalistic society of cats and dogs. Among> the cats and dogs we do not expect there to be peace> and harmony. Likewise, when human beings live in> animalistic

consciousness, we cannot expect there to> be any peace in the society - there will be only war> (kalih). Thus the situation becomes the "age of> war",> or kali-yuga.> > Some of the other qualities of the age are described> as follows:> > na rakshishyanti manujah> sthavirau pitarav api> > "Men will no longer protect their elderly parents."> > durbiksha-kara-karshitah> > "The people will become emaciated by famine and> taxation."> > nityam udvigna-manaso> > "Their minds will constantly be disturbed and> agitated."> > rajanash ca praja-bhakshah> > "The politicians will virtually eat their citizens."> > dasyutkrishta janapada> > "The cities will be dominated by theives."> > vittam eva kalau nrinam> janmacara-gunodayah>

dharma-nyay-vyavasthayam> karanam balam eva hi> > "In the Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered> the> sign of a man's good birth, proper behaviour and> fine> qualities. And law and justice will be applied only> on> the basis of one's power."> > vipratve sutram eva hi> > "One will be known as a brahmana simply by wearing a> thread (not by one's qualities or knowledge)."> > tatash canu-dinam dharmah> satyam shaucam kshama daya> kalena balina rajan> nankshyaty ayur balam smritih> > "Truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy,> duration> of life, physical strength and memory will all> diminish day by day because of the powerful> influence> of the age of Kali."> > The four yugas (satya, treta, dvapara, and kali)> rotate like seasons. Just as certain seasons

have> particular qualities (summer is hot, winter is> cold),> so each cosmic age has particular qualities. In the> Satya yuga (the age of truth) the entire population> is> religious and self-satisfied. Their aim is only self> realization. All of the godly qualities are present> in> the Satya yuga.> > Due to the influence of time, all things degrade and> decay. Thus as the age passes from Satya-yuga to> Treta-yuga, the subtle qualities of people degrade,> and thus there is a loss of truthfullness,> austerity,> mercy, etc. As the time passes from one age to the> next, one quarter of all good qualities and religion> are lost. Thus as the Treta-yuga begins, only 75% of> the people are interested in spiritual activities.> Then as the Dvapara-yuga begins, only 50% of the> population is interested in God consciousness.>

Finally> as the Kali-yuga begins, only 25% of the population> is> interested in religion, and this number gradually> reduces to zero, at which time the Lord incarnates> as> the Kalki avatara to put an end to the Kali yuga and> bring about a new cosmic cycle of time beginning> again> with the Satya-yuga.> > Just as the good qualities of the people degrade, in> the same way their life spans also decrease from age> === message truncated ===________ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers./ Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers

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Dear Syamala, It is really appreciable that your faith and bhakthy helped you in getting your illness cured.However I am afraid that you hv not properly studied the subject which I wrote.As you,yourself have said that I hv stressed nama japa as the foundation for spiritual advancement.I dealt a subject abt God Realization and not the merits of nama japa and hence I emphasised that nama japa alone won't take one in the higher dimensions of spiritualism.I think there is some confusion in your reading what I hv written.As we don't hv much idea abt the earlier yugas except from puranas it is my view that blaming Kali yuga alone is not a correct approach.Even during the earlier yugas there were weapons of mass destruction like so many astras and many were adept in using the same.So too there were many medicines though not in the form of tablets but from nature given plants for

getting illness cured which they adopted.As we hv wars and other things in earlier yugas all those things were there and jealousy, interest in expanding empire were there even in those times.Sure in those times they had plenty of time for doing yagas and other things but that did not prevent the evil forces from disturbing them also.So what we hv now is that all those things are in a new shape.That is all.Even with plenty of time available they could not develop much the countries but spent the time in scheming and other things and we hv no idea abt the common people except the rulers and their machinations.Now those things are there for our own vision.While in those times many things were done thru mantras now all are done by scientific development.So the status quo is always there and only the methods hv changed. Anyways your mail is commendable for your experiences.Regarding tulsi leaves even now

in almost all vishnu temples they give the same as theertham as tulsi leaves hv got great effect in relieving many illness and that is why we worship tulsi more than other plants.So there is no point in blaming kali yuga for all the ills as the same were common in the earlier yugas also.As we depend for those things some puranas we take the same as granted.Lord Krishna who in His time was considered as a super magician is now regarded as God.So too as time goes by what people we say magicians may become God.It is only Time that decides everything.I appreciate your reply and if you could understand what I hv written then perhaps you may agree to some extent.That is your privilege and I hv nothing to say and this I hv written not as a rebuttal of your belief but only as a clarificatory statement.Hope you will take this in good spirits.Such comments will only enhance the maturity of the Group I believe, and in this you hv done a good job.God Bless. Hare Krishna, agraman. Syamala Nair <syamalaraghunath wrote: Dear Shri Ganapathy Ramanjai My knowledge in this is very much limited. I also agree with Shri Ganapathy Ramanji that only nama japam is not sufficient but ofcourse nama japam is a must. In the Bhagavatham,

Bhagawan mentioned how he can be worshiped at the four yugas. For Kaliyuga, it is mentioned Nama Sankeertanam. According to me during Satyuga, Tretayuga and Dwapara Yuga, people had time to do the tapa, dhyanam, yangam etc., as there were nothing much to distract their attention. However, in Kaliyuga, God knew , people willl never be able to do all the above as circumstances will be such and at times will even forget that one super power is there. May be because of that it is said nama sankeertanam will give the same benefit of other yangas done in other yugas. Nama japam can be done anywhere and everywhere. Thus mankind will take HIS name atleast once in a while in the busy schedule of life and he can guide such people in the right direction. However, my firm belief is that nama japam can do miracles in curing

diseases. Sincere prayer always have more value than medicine. We all know how Shri Melpathurji got cured of his vata rogam. Last year, I had boils all over my body. I took medicine, but there was no improvement. Finallly I decided to do archana for Guruvayoorappan with tulsi leaves every day chanting some slokas and also reciting "roga hara Shri Guruvayoor stotram" ( from Agre Pashyami - a publication of Giri Trading). Also I started keeping water in kindi and after archana pick up some tulsi leaves and put in the water. Next day morning I drink that water and also take the smell of the tulsi leaves lying at HIS feet. This I did after saying" This is my sidhaushadam and I have no other solace except HIM" . No one will believe. It worked. Now I am free from this, but even today I continue doing the archana and drinking the

teertham with all humility. A humble devotee Syamala GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: I agree with you Balagopal.There is a general trend that whatever happens that are bad it is becozof Kali Yuga as if nothing had happened in the earlier yugas.But even from Puranas which form the foundation of the happenings of the earlier yugas there were all sorts of evil things like war,jealousy,lust,anger, mutual distrust,scheming etc and why shuld we blame Kali Yuga only,I am still unable to fathom.It is also true that the learned people had said that Nama sankeertan is sufficient in Kali Yuga.How can

they know that?Is it possible to spend the full day doing Nama sankeertan.That is way away from tangent of pragmatism.In fact in Kali Yuga more things are done good also due to the development of all fields and prosperity of mankind in general.Poverty,illiteracy and all such things are not the property of Kali Yuga only and the same were there even earlier yugas.So blaming everything ill as due to Kali yuga carries no weight.We hv been trained from our childhood in such a way without allowing independent thinking and just repeating the old puranas of the earlier yugas when milk and honey were supposed to flow contrary to facts.So instead of blaming this yuga for anything and everything man must strive to develop him first and not to buckle under the theory of all ills are due to Kali Yuga. Of course nama smaran is only one of the ways for development of bhakthy

and that alone won't lead to the finall consummation as ignorantly thought as the process in this are not properly understood and can't be understood from our present state of evolutionary aspects and hence it is advised by the great people just say nama for all the ills as one teaches a child in the KG class.But when the child grows and reaches post graduation level still lingering on the subject of KG class,will not that look funny?The foundation is built in KG class and it is for the child to develop its knowledge by studying various other subjects and then only progress comes even in material world and then there is no necessity to talk abt the spiritual world which is not for all to access and only highy qualified souls can reach that and just by thinking by doing simply nama smarana all can be achieved in spirtual world shows only some misguided perceptions.Then why the great people said that?It is only to

develop the individual soul to develop by starting somewhere as advanced teachings can't be understood and so just for beginners the same were taught.So by saying nama smarana alone nobody is going to get any God realisation.To counter this some people like Thyagaraya and others can be quoted.But they left eveything and spent the full time doing nama japa.Can anybody do the same now in the present day world without thinking abt other commitments?So too much need not be studied abt nama japa alone as a panacea for all illness.Nama japa is only one of the ways of developing bhakthy but that alone won't make reach Godhood as one thinks.It is always heartening to think abt Realisation but what is that nobody can answer as the path is very arduous and just by reading some texts nothing can be proceeded with uness more practical,experiences are there which alone can make one understand the subjects and that requires so many things which had been repeated by me

umpteen times and hence no more repetition is required. This does not confer as if a I am a great soul and on the verge of Realisation which may take several births but I say this with my acquaintances with some Realised souls and after hearing their experiences which unfortunately I hv not been able to enjoy so far though occasionally some glimpses can be seen.That is all.Hence my conclusion that spiritualism is a thorny way and one can succeed only thru the Grace of Guru and vigorous practices.As I always say this is only my views and there may be better souls who hv greater experiences and knowledge and sometimes they may be right in their own ways.So my belief that bookish knowledge and writings can be made by anybody by learning but to enter the domain is not as easy as one thinks or imagines.Then what is the alternative?One has to put his foundation strong like nama japa,and other things before embarking on higher courses

and never imagine that nama japa alone will lead one to Moksha,a concept which nobody can define except Realised sages.Other things are only stories good for reading like fairy tales.I am not for controversy on this as all hv their own views but just touched what I felt. Hare Krishna. balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: HARI AUMThinking of it, this 'only chanting of names' is ONLYa way out when one is short of all other avenues toseek HIM.I think as soon as we acquire the habit of chantinghis name, which shall be done 24*7

while engaging inall other activities of life, one is also supposed toproceed further into the realm of KNOWLEDGE (Jnana)todispel the darknened ignorance and realise the self.With just namsankeertan one can build a bed but willbenefit more if the water of knowledge is allowed toflow thru irrigating the humanity as a whole.Welcoming more on this from our members.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA--- vinita manikantan <vinitamanikantan >wrote:> > Dear Chandrasekharan Nairji and Jayashreeji> > I wish to add some thing more on your discussion.> > we are living in the age of Kali, called Kaliyuga.> > In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of> self-realization for the age) is much more> difficult.> For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma

is> ashtanga-yoga. People would have to live alone in> the> forests and engage in severe austerities and> meditation for thousands of years to come to the> platform of self-realization. Such a process is> difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In> the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special> benediction. Since we have lost all good qualities,> and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord> gives us the simplest and quickest method for> self-realization - chanting His holy names.> > harer nama harer nama> harer namaiva kevalam> kalau nastyeva nastyeva> nastyeva gatir anyatha> > "In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain> the supreme destination of life except the chanting> of> the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no> other> way, no other way."> > i wish to add

some thing about Kaliyuga and kaliyuga> Dharma> > Pleas read more> > Your Servant> > Vinita Manikantan> > Of all the yugas the Kali-yuga has been described in> the shastras as the worst. The Bhagavata Purana> describes and defines the qualities of Kali-yuga as> follows:> > yada mayanritam tandra> nidra himsa vishadanam> shoka-mohau bhayam dainyam> sa kalis tamasah smritah> > "When there is a predominance of cheating, lying,> sloth, sleepiness, violence, depression,> lamentation,> bewilderment, fear and poverty, that age is Kali,> the> age of the mode of ignorance."> > Why these qualities develop is further explained:> > prayena martya bhagavantam acyutam> yakshyanti pashanda-vibhinna-cetasah> > "In the Kali-yuga the human beings will not offer>

sacrifice to God because their intelligence will be> diverted by atheism."> > dharmam vakshyanty adharma-jna> adhiruhyottamasanam> > "Those who know nothing about religion will mount a> high seat and presume to speak on religious> principles."> > vedah pashanda-dushitah> > "The Vedas will be contaminated by the speculative> interpretations of atheists."> > Thus with the degradation of religion, and the rise> of> atheistic thought, all sacrifice to God will be> stopped. Human life is unique among all forms of> life> in that it alone offers the opportunity for> spiritual> advancement. Due to the fully blossomed mental> faculties, the human is able to inquire into the> source of everything, the absolute truth. Without> this> inquiry, the human being is essentially no better> than> a

common animal. The scriptures describe such people> as dvi-pada pashu, or "two legged animals"). Thus> such> a society without spiritual endeavour is nothing> more> than an animalistic society of cats and dogs. Among> the cats and dogs we do not expect there to be peace> and harmony. Likewise, when human beings live in> animalistic consciousness, we cannot expect there to> be any peace in the society - there will be only war> (kalih). Thus the situation becomes the "age of> war",> or kali-yuga.> > Some of the other qualities of the age are described> as follows:> > na rakshishyanti manujah> sthavirau pitarav api> > "Men will no longer protect their elderly parents."> > durbiksha-kara-karshitah> > "The people will become emaciated by famine and> taxation."> > nityam

udvigna-manaso> > "Their minds will constantly be disturbed and> agitated."> > rajanash ca praja-bhakshah> > "The politicians will virtually eat their citizens."> > dasyutkrishta janapada> > "The cities will be dominated by theives."> > vittam eva kalau nrinam> janmacara-gunodayah> dharma-nyay-vyavasthayam> karanam balam eva hi> > "In the Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered> the> sign of a man's good birth, proper behaviour and> fine> qualities. And law and justice will be applied only> on> the basis of one's power."> > vipratve sutram eva hi> > "One will be known as a brahmana simply by wearing a> thread (not by one's qualities or knowledge)."> > tatash canu-dinam dharmah> satyam shaucam kshama daya> kalena balina rajan>

nankshyaty ayur balam smritih> > "Truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy,> duration> of life, physical strength and memory will all> diminish day by day because of the powerful> influence> of the age of Kali."> > The four yugas (satya, treta, dvapara, and kali)> rotate like seasons. Just as certain seasons have> particular qualities (summer is hot, winter is> cold),> so each cosmic age has particular qualities. In the> Satya yuga (the age of truth) the entire population> is> religious and self-satisfied. Their aim is only self> realization. All of the godly qualities are present> in> the Satya yuga.> > Due to the influence of time, all things degrade and> decay. Thus as the age passes from Satya-yuga to> Treta-yuga, the subtle qualities of people degrade,> and thus there is a loss of

truthfullness,> austerity,> mercy, etc. As the time passes from one age to the> next, one quarter of all good qualities and religion> are lost. Thus as the Treta-yuga begins, only 75% of> the people are interested in spiritual activities.> Then as the Dvapara-yuga begins, only 50% of the> population is interested in God consciousness.> Finally> as the Kali-yuga begins, only 25% of the population> is> interested in religion, and this number gradually> reduces to zero, at which time the Lord incarnates> as> the Kalki avatara to put an end to the Kali yuga and> bring about a new cosmic cycle of time beginning> again> with the Satya-yuga.> > Just as the good qualities of the people degrade, in> the same way their life spans also decrease from age> === message truncated

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Dear Shri Ganapathy Ramanji Thank you for the mail. First of all let me with all frankess inform you that I did not feel anything bad about your statement. Infact I am happy that I have been corrected where I am wrong . You have correctly said, I did not understand the subject properly. I focused my attention only on the benefits of nama japam and was all the more eager to share my experience with the group . I just overlooked the fact about God realisation for which one has to take mantra from a "Guru" and is a thorny path and is not that easy. Thank you for drawing my attention to this and I accept your comments/clarification in very good spirit and value your comments. Await much more such information from members like you Sincerely Syamala GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 wrote: Dear Syamala, It is really appreciable that your faith and bhakthy helped you in getting your illness cured.However I am afraid that you hv not properly studied the subject which I wrote.As you,yourself have said that I hv stressed nama japa as the foundation for spiritual

advancement.I dealt a subject abt God Realization and not the merits of nama japa and hence I emphasised that nama japa alone won't take one in the higher dimensions of spiritualism.I think there is some confusion in your reading what I hv written.As we don't hv much idea abt the earlier yugas except from puranas it is my view that blaming Kali yuga alone is not a correct approach.Even during the earlier yugas there were weapons of mass destruction like so many astras and many were adept in using the same.So too there were many medicines though not in the form of tablets but from nature given plants for getting illness cured which they adopted.As we hv wars and other things in earlier yugas all those things were there and jealousy, interest in expanding empire were there even in those times.Sure in those times they had plenty of time for doing yagas and other things but that did not prevent the evil forces from

disturbing them also.So what we hv now is that all those things are in a new shape.That is all.Even with plenty of time available they could not develop much the countries but spent the time in scheming and other things and we hv no idea abt the common people except the rulers and their machinations.Now those things are there for our own vision.While in those times many things were done thru mantras now all are done by scientific development.So the status quo is always there and only the methods hv changed. Anyways your mail is commendable for your experiences.Regarding tulsi leaves even now in almost all vishnu temples they give the same as theertham as tulsi leaves hv got great effect in relieving many illness and that is why we worship tulsi more than other plants.So there is no point in blaming kali yuga for all the ills as the same were common in the earlier yugas also.As we depend for those

things some puranas we take the same as granted.Lord Krishna who in His time was considered as a super magician is now regarded as God.So too as time goes by what people we say magicians may become God.It is only Time that decides everything.I appreciate your reply and if you could understand what I hv written then perhaps you may agree to some extent.That is your privilege and I hv nothing to say and this I hv written not as a rebuttal of your belief but only as a clarificatory statement.Hope you will take this in good spirits.Such comments will only enhance the maturity of the Group I believe, and in this you hv done a good job.God Bless. Hare Krishna, agraman. Syamala Nair <syamalaraghunath > wrote: Dear Shri Ganapathy Ramanjai My knowledge in this is very much limited. I also agree with Shri Ganapathy Ramanji that only nama japam is not sufficient but ofcourse nama japam is a must. In the Bhagavatham, Bhagawan mentioned how he can be worshiped at the four yugas. For Kaliyuga, it is mentioned Nama Sankeertanam. According to me during Satyuga, Tretayuga and Dwapara Yuga, people had time to do the tapa, dhyanam, yangam etc., as there were nothing much to distract their attention. However, in Kaliyuga, God knew , people willl never be able to do all the above as circumstances will be such and at times will even forget that one super power is there. May be because of that it is said nama sankeertanam will give the same benefit of other yangas done in other yugas. Nama japam can be done anywhere and

everywhere. Thus mankind will take HIS name atleast once in a while in the busy schedule of life and he can guide such people in the right direction. However, my firm belief is that nama japam can do miracles in curing diseases. Sincere prayer always have more value than medicine. We all know how Shri Melpathurji got cured of his vata rogam. Last year, I had boils all over my body. I took medicine, but there was no improvement. Finallly I decided to do archana for Guruvayoorappan with tulsi leaves every day chanting some slokas and also reciting "roga hara Shri Guruvayoor stotram" ( from Agre Pashyami - a publication of Giri Trading). Also I started keeping water in kindi and after archana pick up some tulsi leaves and put in the water. Next day morning I drink that water and also take the smell of the tulsi

leaves lying at HIS feet. This I did after saying" This is my sidhaushadam and I have no other solace except HIM" . No one will believe. It worked. Now I am free from this, but even today I continue doing the archana and drinking the teertham with all humility. A humble devotee Syamala GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: I agree with you Balagopal.There is a general trend that whatever happens that are bad it is becozof Kali Yuga as if nothing had happened in the earlier yugas.But even from Puranas which form the foundation of the happenings of the earlier yugas there were all sorts

of evil things like war,jealousy,lust,anger, mutual distrust,scheming etc and why shuld we blame Kali Yuga only,I am still unable to fathom.It is also true that the learned people had said that Nama sankeertan is sufficient in Kali Yuga.How can they know that?Is it possible to spend the full day doing Nama sankeertan.That is way away from tangent of pragmatism.In fact in Kali Yuga more things are done good also due to the development of all fields and prosperity of mankind in general.Poverty,illiteracy and all such things are not the property of Kali Yuga only and the same were there even earlier yugas.So blaming everything ill as due to Kali yuga carries no weight.We hv been trained from our childhood in such a way without allowing independent thinking and just repeating the old puranas of the earlier yugas when milk and honey were supposed to flow contrary to facts.So

instead of blaming this yuga for anything and everything man must strive to develop him first and not to buckle under the theory of all ills are due to Kali Yuga. Of course nama smaran is only one of the ways for development of bhakthy and that alone won't lead to the finall consummation as ignorantly thought as the process in this are not properly understood and can't be understood from our present state of evolutionary aspects and hence it is advised by the great people just say nama for all the ills as one teaches a child in the KG class.But when the child grows and reaches post graduation level still lingering on the subject of KG class,will not that look funny?The foundation is built in KG class and it is for the child to develop its knowledge by studying various other subjects and then only progress comes even in material world and then there is no necessity to talk abt the spiritual

world which is not for all to access and only highy qualified souls can reach that and just by thinking by doing simply nama smarana all can be achieved in spirtual world shows only some misguided perceptions.Then why the great people said that?It is only to develop the individual soul to develop by starting somewhere as advanced teachings can't be understood and so just for beginners the same were taught.So by saying nama smarana alone nobody is going to get any God realisation.To counter this some people like Thyagaraya and others can be quoted.But they left eveything and spent the full time doing nama japa.Can anybody do the same now in the present day world without thinking abt other commitments?So too much need not be studied abt nama japa alone as a panacea for all illness.Nama japa is only one of the ways of developing bhakthy but that alone won't make reach Godhood as one thinks.It is always heartening to think abt Realisation but what

is that nobody can answer as the path is very arduous and just by reading some texts nothing can be proceeded with uness more practical,experiences are there which alone can make one understand the subjects and that requires so many things which had been repeated by me umpteen times and hence no more repetition is required. This does not confer as if a I am a great soul and on the verge of Realisation which may take several births but I say this with my acquaintances with some Realised souls and after hearing their experiences which unfortunately I hv not been able to enjoy so far though occasionally some glimpses can be seen.That is all.Hence my conclusion that spiritualism is a thorny way and one can succeed only thru the Grace of Guru and vigorous practices.As I always say this is only my views and there may be better souls who hv greater experiences and knowledge and sometimes they may be right in their own ways.So my belief that bookish knowledge and writings can be made by anybody by learning but to enter the domain is not as easy as one thinks or imagines.Then what is the alternative?One has to put his foundation strong like nama japa,and other things before embarking on higher courses and never imagine that nama japa alone will lead one to Moksha,a concept which nobody can define except Realised sages.Other things are only stories good for reading like fairy tales.I am not for controversy on this as all hv their own views but just touched what I felt. Hare Krishna. balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: HARI AUMThinking of it, this 'only chanting of names' is ONLYa way out when one is short of all other avenues toseek HIM.I think as soon as we acquire the habit of chantinghis name, which shall be done 24*7 while engaging inall other activities of life, one is also supposed toproceed further into the realm of KNOWLEDGE (Jnana)todispel the darknened ignorance and realise the self.With just namsankeertan one can build a bed but willbenefit more if the water of knowledge is allowed toflow thru irrigating the humanity as a whole.Welcoming more on this from our members.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA--- vinita manikantan <vinitamanikantan >wrote:> > Dear Chandrasekharan Nairji and Jayashreeji> > I wish to add some thing

more on your discussion.> > we are living in the age of Kali, called Kaliyuga.> > In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of> self-realization for the age) is much more> difficult.> For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma is> ashtanga-yoga. People would have to live alone in> the> forests and engage in severe austerities and> meditation for thousands of years to come to the> platform of self-realization. Such a process is> difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In> the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special> benediction. Since we have lost all good qualities,> and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord> gives us the simplest and quickest method for> self-realization - chanting His holy names.> > harer nama harer nama> harer namaiva kevalam> kalau nastyeva nastyeva> nastyeva gatir

anyatha> > "In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain> the supreme destination of life except the chanting> of> the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no> other> way, no other way."> > i wish to add some thing about Kaliyuga and kaliyuga> Dharma> > Pleas read more> > Your Servant> > Vinita Manikantan> > Of all the yugas the Kali-yuga has been described in> the shastras as the worst. The Bhagavata Purana> describes and defines the qualities of Kali-yuga as> follows:> > yada mayanritam tandra> nidra himsa vishadanam> shoka-mohau bhayam dainyam> sa kalis tamasah smritah> > "When there is a predominance of cheating, lying,> sloth, sleepiness, violence, depression,> lamentation,> bewilderment, fear and poverty, that age is Kali,> the>

age of the mode of ignorance."> > Why these qualities develop is further explained:> > prayena martya bhagavantam acyutam> yakshyanti pashanda-vibhinna-cetasah> > "In the Kali-yuga the human beings will not offer> sacrifice to God because their intelligence will be> diverted by atheism."> > dharmam vakshyanty adharma-jna> adhiruhyottamasanam> > "Those who know nothing about religion will mount a> high seat and presume to speak on religious> principles."> > vedah pashanda-dushitah> > "The Vedas will be contaminated by the speculative> interpretations of atheists."> > Thus with the degradation of religion, and the rise> of> atheistic thought, all sacrifice to God will be> stopped. Human life is unique among all forms of> life> in that it alone offers the opportunity for>

spiritual> advancement. Due to the fully blossomed mental> faculties, the human is able to inquire into the> source of everything, the absolute truth. Without> this> inquiry, the human being is essentially no better> than> a common animal. The scriptures describe such people> as dvi-pada pashu, or "two legged animals"). Thus> such> a society without spiritual endeavour is nothing> more> than an animalistic society of cats and dogs. Among> the cats and dogs we do not expect there to be peace> and harmony. Likewise, when human beings live in> animalistic consciousness, we cannot expect there to> be any peace in the society - there will be only war> (kalih). Thus the situation becomes the "age of> war",> or kali-yuga.> > Some of the other qualities of the age are described> as follows:> > na rakshishyanti

manujah> sthavirau pitarav api> > "Men will no longer protect their elderly parents."> > durbiksha-kara-karshitah> > "The people will become emaciated by famine and> taxation."> > nityam udvigna-manaso> > "Their minds will constantly be disturbed and> agitated."> > rajanash ca praja-bhakshah> > "The politicians will virtually eat their citizens."> > dasyutkrishta janapada> > "The cities will be dominated by theives."> > vittam eva kalau nrinam> janmacara-gunodayah> dharma-nyay-vyavasthayam> karanam balam eva hi> > "In the Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered> the> sign of a man's good birth, proper behaviour and> fine> qualities. And law and justice will be applied only> on> the basis of one's power."> >

vipratve sutram eva hi> > "One will be known as a brahmana simply by wearing a> thread (not by one's qualities or knowledge)."> > tatash canu-dinam dharmah> satyam shaucam kshama daya> kalena balina rajan> nankshyaty ayur balam smritih> > "Truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy,> duration> of life, physical strength and memory will all> diminish day by day because of the powerful> influence> of the age of Kali."> > The four yugas (satya, treta, dvapara, and kali)> rotate like seasons. Just as certain seasons have> particular qualities (summer is hot, winter is> cold),> so each cosmic age has particular qualities. In the> Satya yuga (the age of truth) the entire population> is> religious and self-satisfied. Their aim is only self> realization. All of the godly qualities are present>

in> the Satya yuga.> > Due to the influence of time, all things degrade and> decay. Thus as the age passes from Satya-yuga to> Treta-yuga, the subtle qualities of people degrade,> and thus there is a loss of truthfullness,> austerity,> mercy, etc. As the time passes from one age to the> next, one quarter of all good qualities and religion> are lost. Thus as the Treta-yuga begins, only 75% of> the people are interested in spiritual activities.> Then as the Dvapara-yuga begins, only 50% of the> population is interested in God consciousness.> Finally> as the Kali-yuga begins, only 25% of the population> is> interested in religion, and this number gradually> reduces to zero, at which time the Lord incarnates> as> the Kalki avatara to put an end to the Kali yuga and> bring about a new cosmic cycle of time beginning>

again> with the Satya-yuga.> > Just as the good qualities of the people degrade, in> the same way their life spans also decrease from age> === message truncated ===________ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers./ Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for

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Hare Krishna,


Dear Syamala,


Good Understanding. Fruitful Discussion and Healthy Argument is very important for the Growth not only for the Group but also for the Individual . Nothing wrong on about it.Admitting and accepting is the goodness sign of the Spiritual growth.


Pl keeps continue till get it clear.


With Love,


Syamla Nair <syamalaraghunathguruvayur Sent: Monday, 31 July, 2006 5:43:11 PMRe: [Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Re: Quiet Appreciation



Dear Shri Ganapathy Ramanji


Thank you for the mail.


First of all let me with all frankess inform you that I did not feel anything bad about your statement. Infact I am happy that I have been corrected where I am wrong . You have correctly said, I did not understand the subject properly. I focused my attention only on the benefits of nama japam and was all the more eager to share my experience with the group . I just overlooked the fact about God realisation for which one has to take mantra from a "Guru" and is a thorny path and is not that easy.


Thank you for drawing my attention to this and I accept your comments/clarificat ion in very good spirit and value your comments.


Await much more such information from members like you









GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:




Dear Syamala,


It is really appreciable that your faith and bhakthy helped you in getting your illness cured.However I am afraid that you hv not properly studied the subject

which I wrote.As you,yourself have said that I hv stressed nama japa as the

foundation for spiritual advancement. I dealt a subject abt God Realization and not the merits of nama japa and hence I emphasised that nama japa alone won't

take one in the higher dimensions of spiritualism. I think there is some confusion

in your reading what I hv written.As we don't hv much idea abt the earlier yugas except from puranas it is my view that blaming Kali yuga alone is not a correct

approach.Even during the earlier yugas there were weapons of mass destruction like so many astras and many were adept in using the same.So too there were many medicines though not in the form of tablets but from nature given plants for

getting illness cured which they adopted.As we hv wars and other things in earlier yugas all those things were there and jealousy, interest in expanding empire were there even in those times.Sure in those times they had plenty of time for doing yagas and other things but that did not prevent the evil forces from

disturbing them also.So what we hv now is that all those things are in a new shape.That is all.Even with plenty of time available they could not develop much the countries but spent the time in scheming and other things and we hv no idea abt the common people except the rulers and their machinations. Now those things are there for our own vision.While in those times many things were done thru mantras now all are done by scientific development. So the status quo

is always there and only the methods hv changed.

Anyways your mail is commendable for your experiences. Regarding tulsi leaves

even now in almost all vishnu temples they give the same as theertham as tulsi leaves hv got great effect in relieving many illness and that is why we worship tulsi more than other plants.So there is no point in blaming kali yuga for all the ills as the same were common in the earlier yugas also.As we depend for those things some puranas we take the same as granted.Lord Krishna who in His time was considered as a super magician is now regarded as God.So too as time goes by what people we say magicians may become God.It is only Time that decides everything.I appreciate your reply and if you could understand what I hv written then perhaps you may agree to some extent.That is your privilege and I hv nothing to say and this I hv written not as a rebuttal of your belief but only as a clarificatory statement.Hope you will take this in good spirits.Such comments will only enhance the maturity of the Group I believe, and in this you hv done a good job.God Bless.


Hare Krishna,





Syamala Nair <syamalaraghunath@ > wrote:




Dear Shri Ganapathy Ramanjai


My knowledge in this is very much limited. I also agree with Shri Ganapathy Ramanji that only nama japam is not sufficient but ofcourse nama japam is a must. In the Bhagavatham, Bhagawan mentioned how he can be worshiped at the four yugas. For Kaliyuga, it is mentioned Nama Sankeertanam. According to me during Satyuga, Tretayuga and Dwapara Yuga, people had time to do the tapa, dhyanam, yangam etc., as there were nothing much to distract their attention. However, in Kaliyuga, God knew , people willl never be able to do all the above as circumstances will be such and at times will even forget that one super power is there. May be because of that it is said nama sankeertanam will give the same benefit of other yangas done in other yugas. Nama japam can be done anywhere and everywhere. Thus mankind will take HIS name atleast once in a

while in the busy schedule of life and he can guide such people in the right direction.


However, my firm belief is that nama japam can do miracles in curing diseases. Sincere prayer always have more value than medicine. We all know how Shri Melpathurji got cured of his vata rogam.


Last year, I had boils all over my body. I took medicine, but there was no improvement. Finallly I decided to do archana for Guruvayoorappan with tulsi leaves every day chanting some slokas and also reciting "roga hara Shri Guruvayoor stotram" ( from Agre Pashyami - a publication of Giri Trading). Also I started keeping water in kindi and after archana pick up some tulsi leaves and put in the water. Next day morning I drink that water and also take the smell of the tulsi leaves lying at HIS feet. This I did after saying" This is my sidhaushadam and I have no other solace except HIM" . No one will believe. It worked. Now I am free from this, but even today I continue doing the archana and drinking the teertham with all humility.


A humble devotee








GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:




I agree with you Balagopal.There is a general trend that whatever happens that are bad it is becozof Kali Yuga as if nothing had happened in the earlier yugas.But even from Puranas which form the foundation of the happenings of the

earlier yugas there were all sorts of evil things like war,jealousy, lust,anger,

mutual distrust,scheming etc and why shuld we blame Kali Yuga only,I am still

unable to fathom.It is also true that the learned people had said that Nama sankeertan is sufficient in Kali Yuga.How can they know that?Is it possible to

spend the full day doing Nama sankeertan.That is way away from tangent of

pragmatism.In fact in Kali Yuga more things are done good also due to the

development of all fields and prosperity of mankind in general.Poverty, illiteracy and all such things are not the property of Kali Yuga only and the same were there even earlier yugas.So blaming everything ill as due to Kali yuga carries no

weight.We hv been trained from our childhood in such a way without allowing

independent thinking and just repeating the old puranas of the earlier yugas when milk and honey were supposed to flow contrary to facts.So instead of blaming this yuga for anything and everything man must strive to develop him

first and not to buckle under the theory of all ills are due to Kali Yuga.


Of course nama smaran is only one of the ways for development of bhakthy and that alone won't lead to the finall consummation as ignorantly thought as the

process in this are not properly understood and can't be understood from our

present state of evolutionary aspects and hence it is advised by the great people just say nama for all the ills as one teaches a child in the KG class.But when the child grows and reaches post graduation level still lingering on the subject of

KG class,will not that look funny?The foundation is built in KG class and it is for the child to develop its knowledge by studying various other subjects and then only progress comes even in material world and then there is no necessity to talk abt the spiritual world which is not for all to access and only highy qualified

souls can reach that and just by thinking by doing simply nama smarana all can be achieved in spirtual world shows only some misguided perceptions. Then why the great people said that?It is only to develop the individual soul to develop by starting somewhere as advanced teachings can't be understood and so just for beginners the same were taught.So by saying nama smarana alone nobody is going to get any God realisation. To counter this some people like Thyagaraya and others can be quoted.But they left eveything and spent the full time doing nama japa.Can anybody do the same now in the present day world without thinking abt other commitments? So too much need not be studied abt nama japa alone as a panacea for all illness.Nama japa is only one of the ways of developing bhakthy but that alone won't make reach Godhood as one thinks.It is always heartening to think abt Realisation but what is that nobody can answer as the path is very arduous and just by reading some texts

nothing can be proceeded with uness more practical,experienc es are there which alone can make one understand the subjects and that requires so many things which had been repeated by me umpteen times and hence no more repetition is required.

This does not confer as if a I am a great soul and on the verge of Realisation which may take several births but I say this with my acquaintances with some Realised souls and after hearing their experiences which unfortunately I hv not been able to enjoy so far though occasionally some glimpses can be seen.That is all.Hence my conclusion that spiritualism is a thorny way and one can succeed only thru the Grace of Guru and vigorous practices.As I always say this is only my views and there may be better souls who hv greater experiences and

knowledge and sometimes they may be right in their own ways.So my belief

that bookish knowledge and writings can be made by anybody by learning but to enter the domain is not as easy as one thinks or imagines.Then what is the alternative? One has to put his foundation strong like nama japa,and other things before embarking on higher courses and never imagine that nama japa alone will lead one to Moksha,a concept which nobody can define except

Realised sages.Other things are only stories good for reading like fairy tales.I

am not for controversy on this as all hv their own views but just touched what I felt.


Hare Krishna.





balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:



HARI AUMThinking of it, this 'only chanting of names' is ONLYa way out when one is short of all other avenues toseek HIM.I think as soon as we acquire the habit of chantinghis name, which shall be done 24*7 while engaging inall other activities of life, one is also supposed toproceed further into the realm of KNOWLEDGE (Jnana)todispel the darknened ignorance and realise the self.With just namsankeertan one can build a bed but willbenefit more if the water of knowledge is allowed toflow thru irrigating the humanity as a whole.Welcoming more on this from our members.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA--- vinita manikantan <vinitamanikantan@ >wrote:> > Dear Chandrasekharan Nairji and Jayashreeji> > I wish to add some thing more on

your discussion.> > we are living in the age of Kali, called Kaliyuga.> > In other yugas, the yuga-dharma (process of> self-realization for the age) is much more> difficult.> For example, in the satya-yuga, the yuga-dharma is> ashtanga-yoga. People would have to live alone in> the> forests and engage in severe austerities and> meditation for thousands of years to come to the> platform of self-realization. Such a process is> difficult even in the exalted age of satya-yuga. In> the kali-yuga the Lord gives us one very special> benediction. Since we have lost all good qualities,> and since we have no proper qualification, the Lord> gives us the simplest and quickest method for> self-realization - chanting His holy names.> > harer nama harer nama> harer namaiva kevalam> kalau nastyeva nastyeva> nastyeva gatir

anyatha> > "In the age of Kali there is no other way to attain> the supreme destination of life except the chanting> of> the names of Sri Hari. There is no other way, no> other> way, no other way."> > i wish to add some thing about Kaliyuga and kaliyuga> Dharma> > Pleas read more> > Your Servant> > Vinita Manikantan> > Of all the yugas the Kali-yuga has been described in> the shastras as the worst. The Bhagavata Purana> describes and defines the qualities of Kali-yuga as> follows:> > yada mayanritam tandra> nidra himsa vishadanam> shoka-mohau bhayam dainyam> sa kalis tamasah smritah> > "When there is a predominance of cheating, lying,> sloth, sleepiness, violence, depression,> lamentation,> bewilderment, fear and poverty, that age is Kali,> the>

age of the mode of ignorance."> > Why these qualities develop is further explained:> > prayena martya bhagavantam acyutam> yakshyanti pashanda-vibhinna- cetasah> > "In the Kali-yuga the human beings will not offer> sacrifice to God because their intelligence will be> diverted by atheism."> > dharmam vakshyanty adharma-jna> adhiruhyottamasanam> > "Those who know nothing about religion will mount a> high seat and presume to speak on religious> principles."> > vedah pashanda-dushitah> > "The Vedas will be contaminated by the speculative> interpretations of atheists."> > Thus with the degradation of religion, and the rise> of> atheistic thought, all sacrifice to God will be> stopped. Human life is unique among all forms of> life> in that it alone offers the opportunity for>

spiritual> advancement. Due to the fully blossomed mental> faculties, the human is able to inquire into the> source of everything, the absolute truth. Without> this> inquiry, the human being is essentially no better> than> a common animal. The scriptures describe such people> as dvi-pada pashu, or "two legged animals"). Thus> such> a society without spiritual endeavour is nothing> more> than an animalistic society of cats and dogs. Among> the cats and dogs we do not expect there to be peace> and harmony. Likewise, when human beings live in> animalistic consciousness, we cannot expect there to> be any peace in the society - there will be only war> (kalih). Thus the situation becomes the "age of> war",> or kali-yuga.> > Some of the other qualities of the age are described> as follows:> > na rakshishyanti

manujah> sthavirau pitarav api> > "Men will no longer protect their elderly parents."> > durbiksha-kara- karshitah> > "The people will become emaciated by famine and> taxation."> > nityam udvigna-manaso> > "Their minds will constantly be disturbed and> agitated."> > rajanash ca praja-bhakshah> > "The politicians will virtually eat their citizens."> > dasyutkrishta janapada> > "The cities will be dominated by theives."> > vittam eva kalau nrinam> janmacara-gunodayah> dharma-nyay- vyavasthayam> karanam balam eva hi> > "In the Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered> the> sign of a man's good birth, proper behaviour and> fine> qualities. And law and justice will be applied only> on> the basis of one's power."> > vipratve

sutram eva hi> > "One will be known as a brahmana simply by wearing a> thread (not by one's qualities or knowledge)."> > tatash canu-dinam dharmah> satyam shaucam kshama daya> kalena balina rajan> nankshyaty ayur balam smritih> > "Truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy,> duration> of life, physical strength and memory will all> diminish day by day because of the powerful> influence> of the age of Kali."> > The four yugas (satya, treta, dvapara, and kali)> rotate like seasons. Just as certain seasons have> particular qualities (summer is hot, winter is> cold),> so each cosmic age has particular qualities. In the> Satya yuga (the age of truth) the entire population> is> religious and self-satisfied. Their aim is only self> realization. All of the godly qualities are present> in> the

Satya yuga.> > Due to the influence of time, all things degrade and> decay. Thus as the age passes from Satya-yuga to> Treta-yuga, the subtle qualities of people degrade,> and thus there is a loss of truthfullness,> austerity,> mercy, etc. As the time passes from one age to the> next, one quarter of all good qualities and religion> are lost. Thus as the Treta-yuga begins, only 75% of> the people are interested in spiritual activities.> Then as the Dvapara-yuga begins, only 50% of the> population is interested in God consciousness.> Finally> as the Kali-yuga begins, only 25% of the population> is> interested in religion, and this number gradually> reduces to zero, at which time the Lord incarnates> as> the Kalki avatara to put an end to the Kali yuga and> bring about a new cosmic cycle of time beginning> again> with the

Satya-yuga.> > Just as the good qualities of the people degrade, in> the same way their life spans also decrease from age> === message truncated ===____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers. /



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