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Krishna, Guruvayoorappa, Srimad Bhagavatam describes three different ‘levels' of Brahman realisation. The first is an impersonal state of blissfull consciousness, similar to ‘nirvana’ where one is aware of the great universal Brahman effulgence permeating everything ; the second is classified as Paramatma realisation, wherein one is actually able to see the Form of Godhead alongside one's own soul (atma); the third and ultimate realisation is described as Bhagavan , in this state one has a direct loving relationship with The Supreme Personality of Godhead

Himself, in one or more of His transcendental forms. Importance of Srimad Bhagavatam Excerpts from Bhagavatam Chapter 12 : SB 12.13.10 : It was to Lord Brahma that the Supreme Personality of Godhead first revealed the Srimad Bhagavatam in full. At the time, Brahma frightened by

material existence, was sitting on the lotus flower that had grown from the Lord's navel. SB 12.13.11-12 : From beginning to end, the Srimad Bhagavatam is full of narrations that encourage renunciation of material life, as well as nectarean accounts of Lord Hari’s transcendental pastimes, which give ecstasy to the saintly devotees and demigods. This Bhagavatam is the essence of all Vedanta philosophy because its subject matter is the Absolute Truth, which, while non-different from the spirit soul, is the ultimate reality, one without a second. The goal of this literature is exclusive devotional service unto that Supreme Truth. SB 12.13.13 : If on the full moon day of the month of Bhadra one places Srimad Bhagavatam on a golden throne and gives it as a gift, he will attain the supreme transcendental destination. SB 12.13.14 : All other Puranic scriptures shine forth in the assembly of saintly devotees only as long as that great ocean of nectar, Srimad Bhagavatam , is not heard. SB 12.13.15 : Srimad Bhagavatam is declared to be the essence of all Vedānta philosophy. One who has felt satisfaction from its nectarean mellow will never be attracted to any other literature. SB 12.13.16 : Just as the Ganaga is the greatest of all rivers, Lord Acyuta the supreme among deities and Lord Sambu (Siva) the greatest of Vaiṣṇavas, so Srimad Bhagavatam is the greatest of all Puranas

.. SB 12.13.17 : O brahmanas, in the same way that the city of Kasi is unexcelled among holy places,Srimad Bhagavatam is supreme among all the Puranas . SB 12.13.18 : Srimad Bhagavatam is the spotless Purana. It is most dear to the Vaiṣṇavas because it describes the pure and supreme

knowledge of the paramahaḿsas. This Bhagavatam reveals the means for becoming free from all material work, together with the processes of transcendental knowledge, renunciation and devotion. Anyone who seriously tries to understand Srimad Bhagavatam, who properly hears and chants it with devotion, becomes completely liberated. SB 12.13.19 : I meditate upon that pure and spotless Supreme Absolute Truth, who is free from suffering and death and who in the beginning personally revealed this incomparable torchlight of knowledge to Brahma . Brahma then spoke it to the sage Narada , who

narrated it to Kṛṣṇa-dvaipayana Vyasa . Sri Vyasa revealed this Bhagavatam to the greatest of sages, Suka and Suka mercifully spoke it toMaharaja Parikshit . SB 12.13.20 : We offer our obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vasudeva, the all-pervading witness, who mercifully explained this science to Brahma when he anxiously desired salvation. SB 12.13.21 : I offer my humble obeisances to Sri Suka , the best of mystic sages and a personal manifestation of the Absolute Truth. He saved Maharaja Parikshit, who was bitten by the snake of material existence. SB 12.13.22 : O Lord of lords, O master, please grant us pure devotional service at Your lotus feet, life after life. SB 12.13.23 :

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Hari, the congregational chanting of whose holy names destroys all sinful reactions, and the offering of obeisances unto whom relieves all material suffering. Importance of Bhakti Some argue that there is scope for devotion only till one acquires spiritual knowledge and when once he attains wisdom or jnana, the distinction between the individual soul and the Supreme Soul disappears and a jnani cannot therefore practise devotion. During the phase of devotion, the awareness of God's greatness and the knowledge that He is the Lord and we are His servants is imperative. This is against the non-dualistic philosophy because if a Jnani also happens to be a devotee, it has to be accepted that there is a sense of dualism in him. The knowledge possessed by a Jnani is true and infallible. In a jnani who has experienced God, where is the room for doubt and

confusion?. Hence, we have to believe whatever a Jnani has seen and experienced. If a Jnani worships God in devotion, we have to accept his sense of dualism as true and free from errors. For fear that their whole edifice of non-dualistic philosophy might crumble, the Advaitins argue that there is scope and necessity for devotion only till one achieves wisdom and thereafter, a Jnani cannot remain a devotee at all. They say that they are dualists as long as they are enveloped by Maya or illusion and when once they gain true knowledge, all this distinction between God and individual soul disappears.(From the point of view of the body, I am your servant; from the soul's I am your very

self.) Such an argument reduces the conception of devotion to absurdity. According to them, devotion is a false and illusive experience. If we think that there is no God distinct from and superior to us, how can we have sincere devotion to Him in our hearts? From the sincere practice of a devotion which is based on a fiction how can we ever attain salvation?(The destroyer of self through the worship of the unreal.) When

our shastras have severely rejected the pursuit of the non-real why did they give such a high place for devotion if it is to be practised only by the ignorant people? Lord Krishna says in Gita (11.54) :”I am to be really known, seen and attained (by the liberated) only through undivided devotion.” Thus, in hundreds of places, the Gita has reiterated that for the direct vision of God and attaining salvation, practice of devotion is absolutely necessary. In his

concluding remarks in the Gita, Sri Krishna says: "Oh Arjuna, because you are near and dear to Me, I vouchsafe to you this highest secret. Always think of Me, be My sincere devotee, worship Me with faith, I promise, you will certainly attain Me. Since you happen to be dear to Me, I am advising you; so listen to the words of Mine which are a supreme secret. Since you are certainly dear to Me, I am telling you that which is efficacious. Let your mind be full of Me, be devoted to Me, sacrifice for Me, salute Me; you will certainly get Me since you are dear to Me.When the Gita clearly gives such a high place to devotion and preaches that true devotion is the only means of attaining salvation, it is not proper to denigrate it as something unreal and illusory. Even the Gita which preaches the message of Bhakti would lose its importance if it were to preach such a falsehood. There will be nothing more ridiculous and more self-deceptive than the practice of devotion and worship of God, even after knowing fully well that God and the visible world are really not what they seem to be. We cannot believe for a moment that our scriptures preach such an absurd and inconsistent theory regarding the ultimate goal of life and the means of attaining that sacred goal. Devotion is not a mere toy of the ignorant people; on the other hand, it is the staff on which one leans, the sole support of one and all. Thus devotion,

which is essential both before and after the dawn of spiritual wisdom, cannot itself be born of illusion or invention of the mind. The conception of devotion is based on philosophic truths like the fundamental difference between the individual soul and the Supreme Soul, the supremacy, omnipotence and the primacy of God. From such a conception arises an unwavering faith and supreme love for God, and that is called devotion. From the realisation of the truth there will be a further blooming and enriching of this devotion only and we can never believe that the sun of knowledge would ever wither up the lotus of devotion. Narayaneeyam Shows Us the Easiest Path The Great book Narayaneeyam which has the stamp of approval by Sri Guruvayoorappan Himself, confirms the effectiveness of simple and faithful devotional service, in this age . (See attachment) . In this regard, I have great admiration towards the revelations of Symalaji . This Devotee has faithfully followed the injunctions of Narayaneeyam and therefore attaining Bhagavan’s grace in own life . May this example motivate more and more devotees to remain steadfast in their faith to Sri Guruvayoorappan ! . A humble servant of Guruvayoorappan.

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