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Surrender to SriKrishna

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Hare Krishna! .


Bhagavad Gita describes Bhakti-yoga, as the ultimate

form of religious _expression .


Sri Krishna states in Gita (18.66) " Abandon all

varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me

completely with faith and devotion. I shall liberate

you from all sinful reactions. Do not grieve " .


The devotee has to surrender by his own free will

with the understanding that living people have the

free will to obey or disobey God. Though a person's

fate is primarily based on past karma , still he has

total free will to surrender to God or not. If he

surrenders to God heart and soul, God promises that

HE will take care of that devotee.


GOD is Great


If we love God without knowing His greatness, it

becomes blind faith. The more we become aware of His

greatness, the purer will be our devotion. That is why

all the Vedas praise the glory of God. In Gita, God's

greatness is described to strengthen our sense of



If we just cast a glance on the world, we soon become

aware of the marvellous power of God . The universe

proclaims the existence of God. The evolution of the

universe is not haphazard . It is created with a clear

plan. In the creation and the growth of every

phenomenon or object of this universe , we see the

combination of hundreds of natural forces. The

complexities of our anatomy, the physiological and

biochemical processes of digestion, and breathing, the

movement of planets and evolution of stars, to mention

only a few, reveal the grand purposeful design of the

Master Creator. If it had been an isolated instance or

two, we could have brushed it aside as mere

coincidence . But when we see numerous objects obeying

millions of natural laws and when we see a perfect

coordination between a multitude of forces in the

creation and evolution of the world, how could we ever

say that it is all a mere coincidence ?.


If we go on joining blindly even for years together

the letters of the alphabet at random, we cannot

produce by chance even a single stanza of Kalidasa's

Shakuntala . When such is the case, we can never prove

that this vast and well-designed universe is a mere

product of natural forces without any hand of the

living power of God behind it . The great scientist

Einstein is of the opinion that this well-structured

universe is the handiwork of a Being with a supreme

intellect . The more we see of this world and the

mysteries of nature, the more convinced do we become

of the existence of the Supreme Creator, God.


" How can we believe in something we cannot see.? " is a

question asked by Svetaketu to his father Uddalaka .

The father asked him to get a jug of water and put

some salt into it and asked him to taste the water.

The water was salty whatever part he tasted. The

father asked his son to show the salt in the water .

Of course the salt could not be seen because it had

dissolved and pervaded every part of the water in the

jug. Similarly though invisible to the naked eye, God

pervades every particle in the universe. God may be

invisible to the eye but HIS presence is felt inside

each and every object of the universe.


Lord Krishna says in Gita 7.7 " Everything in this

world is woven within me as a series of pearls is held

by the string " .


The universe is like a garland of beads and not a

litter of beads scattered all over. The fine thread

which runs through all the beads and holds them

together and makes them into a garland is God. But for

this thread, the beads would be scattered all over.

The one support on which all these beads hang and the

one power by which all the elements in the universe

function is the Almighty God. He is the support and

the power behind all activities in the universe. God

creates the whole universe through the medium of inert

matter, earth, water, air, heat, ether and sentient

spirit . God does not create the universe in the same

way as a potter does a pot . The potter makes the pot

out of clay but has no control over the properties of

clay . The potter sits apart from the material and

makes the pot . God is not like that . God does not

sit in a corner and create the universe . He gets into

and pervades every particle of the material universe,

endows it with its natural properties and makes it

function . Just as electricity flows through the

electric motor, the Godhead flows through each and

every atom in the universe and is responsible for the

unique composition of everything as the efficient

cause and the indwelling controller.


The more we explore the universe and delve into its

mysteries, the more do we become aware of the

greatness and the majesty of its creator .


According to Vedas, there is only One Supreme God .


In the Hinduism there are thousands of Gods. Which God

are we to worship? That is the problem before the

common Hindu . Followers of other religions like

Christianity and Islam make fun of Hindus . If there

are thirty crores of Hindus, they have thirty-three

crores of Gods!. Christians and Muslims have only one

God each and when in difficulty they pray to their God

to save themselves . But Hindus are bereft of this

one-pointed faith. In times of difficulty hundreds of

Gods appear in their minds. They will be confused and

they are at a loss to know which God to pray . As

such, they cannot pray intensely and thus they cannot

devote themselves one-pointedly . Since the Hindus

believe in a multitude of Gods, bereft of true faith,

they cannot derive the right benefits from their

prayers. This is one of the objections to Hinduism .


But if we honestly examine the Vedas, Upanishads and

Brahmasutras we find that there is no room for such a

criticism . In the Vedic religion , even though there

is a multiplicity of Gods, there is only one Supreme

God . Taittiriyopanishad 2:8:1 states " The wind

blows out of fear for Him; the sun rises out of fear

for Him " .When we critically examine the Vedic

scriptures, it is seen that Hinduism accepts only one

Supreme God who is the Lord of the whole universe and

there are a host of lesser Gods, each entrusted with

some limited tasks which they carry out under the

Lordship of one Supreme God, and distinct from Him.

Arjuna's eyewitness report of the Supreme God's vision

in Gita (11.21) states, " The hosts of Gods enter

You; others praise You with folded hands with fearful

reverence " .


Hence there is no truth in the criticism that

Hinduism is nothing but polytheism and that there is

no scope for intense meditation and devotion in this



Sri Krishna is the Supreme God


If it is established that there is one Supreme God,

who is He.? How can we find Him among the multitude of

Gods described in the Vedas and Puranas?. There is a

possibility of confusion in identifying this Supreme

Godhead . The greatest scriptural text Gita has

clearly stated who that Supreme God is and solved our



Sri Krishna states in Gita ( 7.21-22 & 9.23 )

" Whatever Deity or form a devotee worships, I make his

faith steady. However, his wishes are only granted by

Me . O Arjuna, even those devotees who worship other

lesser Deities with faith, they also worship Me, but

in an improper way because I am the Supreme Being. I

alone am the enjoyer of all sacrificial services and

Lord of the universe. "


From this, it is clear that, Maha-Vishnu does not

belong to the category of lesser Gods and that He

alone is capable of giving liberation to the aspiring

souls and that He is the Supreme Lord of the whole

universe. In the Gita, in many places, clear

distinction is made between the worship of lesser Gods

and the worship of Bhagavan Krishna and it is said

that devotion to Sri Krishna alone leads to salvation

and eternal bliss. From this it is clear that Sri

Krishna or Sri Hari is the Supreme God. In the

eleventh chapter of the Gita, it is said that, Sri

Krishna is Himself is the creator of the whole

universe, who is full of auspicious qualities, who is

free from all blemishes .


Bhagavan Krishna declares in Gita :


" O Arjuna, the Supreme God is situated in the heart

of all living beings and by His 'maya' (illusionary

energy) is causing them to work out their 'karma' ,

as if they are mounted on a machine. Seek refuge in

the Supreme God alone with loving devotion. By His

grace you shall attain supreme peace and the eternal


Fix your mind on Me, become My devotee, offer service

to Me, bow down to Me, and you shall certainly reach

Me. Abandon all varieties of religion and just

surrender unto Me completely with faith and devotion.

I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions. Do not



Worship Sri Krishna , the Supreme God


It is natural for anyone to love himself. But,

transcending the self, knowing that Bhagavan Sri

Krishna is infinitely superior to one's own self, and

being emotionally aware of HIS greatness to the point

of a trance of ecstasy and offer of love to HIM, could

be described as true Bhakti .


As advised in Srimad Bhagavatam's chapter - 3, the

Devotee should meditate on the Divine form of Bhagavan

Sri Krishna ( See attached Image) , as follows :



1. The devotee should first concentrate the mind

on Bhagavan Sri Krishna's 'Lotus Feet' , which are

adorned with the marks of a thunderbolt, a goad, a

banner and a lotus. The splendor of their beautiful '

Ruby Nails' resembles the orbit of the moon . One

should therefore meditate on the 'Lotus Feet' of

Bhagavan for a long time .

2. Fix in the heart the 'activities of

Maha-Lakshmi', who is always be found massaging the

legs and thighs of Bhagavan, very carefully .

3. Fix the mind on Bhagavan's 'Thighs' which are

whitish blue, like the luster of the linseed flower,

and appear most graceful .

4. Meditate on Bhagavan's rounded 'Hips', which are

encircled by a 'Girdle' that rests on the exquisite

'Yellow Silk' cloth that extends down to His ankles.

5. Meditate on Bhagavan's moonlike 'Navel' in the

center of His abdomen . From His navel, which is the

foundation of the entire universe, sprang the 'Lotus

Stem' containing all the different planetary systems.

6. Concentrate the mind on Bhagavan's 'Nipples',

which resemble a pair of most exquisite emeralds and

which appear whitish because of the rays of the

milk-white pearl necklaces adorning His chest.

7. Meditate on the mark of 'Srivatsa' ( a curl of

white hair) on Bhagavan's chest which is the 'Abode

of Maha-Lakshmi' .

8. Imprint on the mind the 'Neck' of Bhagavan,

which serves to enhance the beauty of the 'Kaustubha

gem', adorning His chest.

9. Meditate upon Bhagavan's 'Four Arms ', which are

the source of all Godly powers . Also concentrate on

the polished ornaments adorning the arms.

10. Duly contemplate Bhagavan's Discus, the

'Sudarsana Chakra' , which contains one thousand

spokes and a dazzling luster .

11. Mediate on the 'Pachajanya Conch', which looks

like a swan in Bhagavan's lotus like palm .

12. Concentrate the mind on 'Kaumodaki ',

Bhagavan's mace .

13. Mediate on the Nice garland 'Vanamala' on the

neck of Bhagavan, which is always surrounded by

bumblebees, with their nice buzzing sound.

14. Meditate upon the ' Pearl Necklace' on

Bhagavan's neck.

15. Fix the mind on the lotus like 'Countenance' of

Bhagavan. His 'Nose' is prominent, and His

crystal-clear 'Cheeks' are illuminated by the

oscillation of His glittering alligator-shaped

'Earrings' .

16. Meditate upon the beautiful 'Face' of Bhagavan,

which is adorned with 'Curly Hair' and decorated by

lotus like 'Eyes' and dancing 'Eyebrows'.

17. Contemplate with full devotion the compassionate

'Glances' frequently cast by Bhagavan's eyes, for they

soothe the most fearful threefold agonies of His

devotees. His glances, accompanied by loving Smiles,

are full of abundant grace.

18. Meditate on the most benevolent 'Smile' of

Bhagavan Sri Hari, a smile which, for all those who

bow to Him, dries away the ocean of tears caused by

intense grief.

19. Contemplate on Bhagavan's arched 'Eyebrows' ,

which are manifested by His internal potency in order

to charm the Cupid for the good of the Sages .

20. With devotion steeped in love and affection, the

Devotee should meditate within the core of his heart

upon the 'Laughter' of Bhagavan Sri Krishna . When

Bhagavan is laughing, one can see His small teeth,

which resemble jasmine buds rendered rosy by the

splendor of His lips. Once devoting the mind to this,

the Devotee should no longer desire to see anything

else .








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