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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Indira Ekadashi : Mon 18th Sep, 2006

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Dear Vinitaji Thank you very very much for this . I do observe Ekadashi fast . Shall observe the Indira Ekadashi fast remembering conversation between Lord Krishna & King Yudhishtira and King Indrasena and Sage Naradamuni and the king and worship Lord with pure mind. Like this each and every Ekadashi must be having connection to some incidents like this. Shall appreciate if you could share the same as well Thank you once again Humbly Syamalavinita manikantan <vinitamanikantan wrote: Yudhisthira Maharaja said, "O Madhusudana, O killer ofthe Madhu demon,what is the name of the Ekadasi. that occurs duringthe dark fortnightof the month of Asvina [september-October]? Pleasedescribe its gloriesto me."The Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, replied, "This holy dayis called IndiraEkadasi. If a person fasts on this day, all his sinsare eradicated andhis forefathers who have fallen into hell areliberated. O best ofkings, one who simply hears about this Ekadasi.achieves the great meritearned by performing a horse sacrifice."In the Satya-yuga there lived a king named Indrasena,who was sopowerful that he destroyed all his enemies. Hiskingdom was calledMahismati-puri. The glorious and highly

religious KingIndrasena tookgood care of his subjects, and therefore he was richin gold, grains,sons, and grandsons. He was greatly devoted to SriVisnu as well. Heespecially enjoyed chanting My name, calling out'Govinda! Govinda!' Inthis way King Indrasena systematically dedicatedhimself to purespiritual life and spent much time meditating on theAbsolute Truth.One day, as King Indrasena happily and peacefullypresided over hisassembly, the perfect orator, Narada Muni, was seendescending from thesky. The king offered Devarsi Narada, the saint amongthe demigods,great respect by greeting him with joined palms,inviting him into thepalace, offering him a comfortable seat, washing hisfeet, and speakingsweet words of welcome. Then Narada Muni said toMaharaja Indrasena, 'Oking, are the seven limbs of your kingdom prospering?'Is your mindabsorbed in thinking of how you can

properly performyour occupationalduty? Are you becoming more and more devoted to theSupreme Lord, SriVisnu?'The king replied, 'By your kind grace, O greatest ofsages, everythingis quite well. Today, just by your presence all thesacrifices in mykingdom are successful! Please show me mercy andexplain the reason foryour visit here.'Sri Narada, the sage among the demigods, then said, 'Olion among kings,listen to my astonishing words. When I descended fromBrahmaloka toYamaloka, Lord Yamaraja praised me very graciously andoffered me anexcellent seat. As I glorified his truthfulness andwonderful service tothe Supreme Lord, I noticed your father in Yamaraja'sassembly. Thoughhe had been very religious, because he broke anEkadasi fastprematurely, he had to go to Yamaloka. Your fathergave me a message foryou. He said, "In Mahismati lives a king namedIndrasena. Please

tellhim about my situation here-that because of my pastsinful deeds I havesomehow been forced to reside in Yamaraja's kingdom.Please give himthis message from me: 'O son, kindly observe IndiraEkadasi and givemuch in charity so I can go upward to heaven.'Narada continued, 'Just to deliver this message, Oking, have I come toyou. You should help your father by observing the fastof IndiraEkadasi. By the merit you gain, your father will go toheaven.'King Indrasena asked, 'O great Naradaji, please bemerciful and tell mespecifically how to observe a fast on Indira Ekadasi,and also tell meduring what month and on what day it occurs.'Narada Muni replied, 'O king, please listen as Idescribe to you thefull process of observing Indira Ekadasi. ThisEkadasi. occurs duringthe dark fortnight of the month of Asvina. On Dasami,the day beforeEkadasi. rise early in the morning,

bathe, and then dosome service forGod with full faith. At noon, bathe again in runningwater and thenoffer oblations to your forefathers with faith anddevotion. Be sure notto eat more than once on this day, and at night sleepon the floor."'When you awaken on Ekadasi morning, cleanse yourmouth and teeththoroughly and then with deep devotion for the Lordtake this sacredvow: "Today I shall fast completely and give up allkinds of senseenjoyment. O lotus-eyed Supreme Personality ofGodhead, O infallibleone, please give me shelter at Your lotus feet." Atnoon, stand beforeSri Salagrama-sila and worship Him faithfully,following all the rulesand regulations; then offer oblations to yourforefathers. Next, feedqualified brahmanas and offer them some charityaccording to your means.Now take the food you offered to your forefathers,smell it, and thenoffer it to a cow. Next, worship

Lord Hrsikesa withincense and flowers,and finally, remain awake all night near the Deity ofSri Kesava.Early in the morning of the next day, Dvadasi, worshipSri Hari withgreat devotion and invite brahmanas to a sumptuousfeast. Then feed yourrelatives, and finally take your meal in silence. Oking, if youstrictly observe a fast on Indira Ekadasi in this way,with controlledsenses, your father will surely be elevated to theabode of Lord Visnu.'After saying this, Devarsi Narada immediatelydisappeared.King Indrasena followed the great saint's instructionsperfectly,observing the fast in the association of his relativesand servants. Ashe broke his fast on Dvadasi, flowers fell from thesky. The meritIndrasena earned by observing this fast released hisfather from thekingdom of Yamaraja and caused him to attain acompletely spiritualbody. Indeed, Indrasena saw him rising to

the abode ofLord Hari on theback of Garuda. Indrasena himself was able to rule hiskingdom withoutany obstacles, and in time he handed over the kingdomto his son andalso went to Vaikuntha.O Yudhisthira, these are the glories of IndiraEkadasi, which occursduring the dark fortnight of the month of AsvinaWhoever hears or readsthis narration certainly enjoys life in this world, isfreed of all hispast sins, and at death returns home, back to Godhead,where he liveseternally.

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