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yajna, dharma & Sisyphus

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‘YAJNA’ and ‘DHARMA’ are words repeated many times

over in the ‘Gita’. They have a very special

significance. As we go through the life and mission of

our Bhagavan we can notice the emphasis he had put on

these two aspects of living. He lived the example. The

power it generates is more enduring. When one’s

actions are more of ‘yajnic’ in nature it becomes more

‘dharmic’ and produces more effective results (dharmo

rakshati rakshathaha). Here the key is ‘effective’ not

just ‘efficient’. One can be ‘efficient’ but need not

be ‘effective’. This is a prime reason for very many

‘unhappiness’. ‘Happiness’ is the state everyone

yearns, aspires, strives and fights for. Ultimately

when one reaches the other side he feels that the

previous side is more greener. This is the tragedy of

not adhering to the principles of ‘dharma’. He is

destined to keep changing the tacks. Is this

‘Sisyphian’ activity taking us somewhere? Is there a

way out?


Bhagavan says:


‘balam balavatham chaham kamaragavivarjhitham

dharmavirudho bhutheshu kamosmi bharatharshabha’

(verse 11 chapter 7)

-qualifies the ‘desires’


‘yajnarthathkarmanonyatra lokoyam karmabandhanaha

thathartham karma kaunteya muktha sanga samachara’

(verse 9 chapter 3)

-type of ‘action’ to be done to achieve the qualified













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