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Progress in Bhakthy

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Bhagavane Guruvayoorappa , Dear Guruvayoorappa-Bhaktas , This is a very enlightening article by Sri.Ganapathy Ramanji . Whatever good or bad one experiences in this life are the results of his ‘karma’ (deeds) in previous birth . Notwithstanding the karmic-effects , one should boldly face life as an instrument of Sri Krishna . We all should learn from the personal examples Guruvayoorappan’s beloved devotees Poonthanam , Kururamma and Chembai Bhagavathar . Poothanam’s only child died as an infant and he was childless thereafter ;

Kururamma became a widow during her teenage itself ; and Chembai’s only daughter was childless . In spite of such heartbreaking calamities , these bhaktas never failed in their Bhakthy –yoga . And Guruvayoorappan blessed them with the equanimity of mind , enlightenment , His vision and the ultimate “Mukti” . Unlike the previous ages , Kali-yuga is very tricky . ‘Sattvic’ Gurus are very rare in this age of quarrel . Still, one can progress in Bhakti-yoga by ‘saranaagati’ to Bhagavan and Nama-sankirtana . As Sri Ramanji has stated , we all should think of Guruvayoorappan always and do the duty as an offering to Him . Om Namo Narayanaya !!!! Krishnadaya ------------- If we analyse carefully the ability of human beings to make efforts to realize their own divinity,we can find an enormous difference between individuals. Even the ability to grasp what is told to them varies widely.In this world of multiplicity one has to recognize qualitative and quantitative differences. All human beings are not in the same stage of evolution and hence it is unfair to expect them to be on the same level of understanding. These differences only stress the fact that the Supreme Consciousness in Its play has designed Its own manifestations in such a way that each one has to make his own effort to come up the ladder of ascent to the source.It is as part of the totality,that different aspirants exist at different levels in accordance with the grand design.It is part of the totality of the functioning. Warning against any discriminatory attitude towards such variations among aspirants,Swami Vivekanda says 'although the goal and the aim are the same.yet each one has to take a different road according to the tendencies of his mind,and although these roads are various they must all be true because they lead to the same goal'. So how much one benefit by becoming in contact with a Realised Soul or Ishta Devata varies with the evolutionary level of the individual,though the Realised Soul can give a push to the individual's spiritual evolution.It is something like that a piece of coal takes a long time to ignite,and a piece of charcoal a short time, while a heap of gun powder is ignited instantaneously, so it is with different types of men who come into contact with a Realised Soul.When the sun rises all the buds of lotus in the lake will not open up in full bloom.Only those which are full grown can blossom.So the rest hv to bide their time and grow.There are trees like jack tree which bear fruit from the root upto the topmost branch.Does that mean that the fruits near the

ground differ from the fruit on the tallest branch? They are all the same and there is no difference in taste.Of course some fruits may be tender,some unripe,some a little ripe,and some fully ripe,and hence they may differ in taste too,as it is natural.But never we can see bitterness in the bottom and sweetness in the top or sourness in the middle.Tender, green,and ripe are three stages or three characteristics. So too among the bhakthas or devotees or followers some may be in the initial stage,some up to a point and some very high.A teacher in a school may be at the same time a vedic scholar,but when teaching a child to read he can only say what is taught in the class.A mother may feed child from her,give soft food to another,tell the cook to serve food to another,and tell the eldest to serve himself. So all are moving in the pilgrimage towards God at their own pace according to the innate capacity and qualifications of the mental set up.What is appealing to one may not be accepted by another who

has travelled a less distance or reached a more advanced state.It is like a doctor advising one patient to drink curds and prohibits another from drinking it.When such is applicable to diseases how much more conditions and ,aspirations, mental situations shuld be applied in the spiritual path?If the Supreme Consciousness does not know the right prescription for each one of Its own manifestations, who else would know? Buddha said 'those who are destined to understand will understand even if I don't utter a word,those who are destined not to understand will not understand even if I talk incessantly. ' The Grace of Guru is like the ocean.If one comes with a cup he will get only a

cupful.It is no use complaining of the niggardliness of the ocean.,the bigger the vessel the more he will be able to carry.It is entirely upto the person.Such is the position of love towards God.A real bhaktha devotes his entire life to the Lord.But it is not like the lovers doting on each other,for there is lustful selfishness in their act.The devotee on the other hand invites others to share the devotion with them.Temperemental differences are set aside in this holy act.The mention of the Lord,made

to him by others is delightful.Repeated recount of His glories does not render them stale or repugnant.Rather they become increasingly absorbing.Holy communications create contentment and not frustration. Ethereal bliss is the fruit of all forms of Godly pursuit. So as said there are varying degrees in the march on bhakthy cult also.Initially a person may be interested a little and with advancement become more enthusiastic in remembering Him and with further advancement he gets immersed in a state

of Bliss.The process is long and can't be achieved overnight.Prahlada had the gift from the earlier years.Many other devotees cultivate the bhakthy after several years of dedication.Certain persons surrender their life to the service of the Lord and achieve Realisation like Sri Rama Krishna.So the stages of each person vary according to the intensity,devotion, love towards the Lord depending on their merits accumulated in earlier births.Even in wordly life we see some occupy top posts at a comparatively young age,whereas the same come to others at different stages of life depending on the merits and some never get such chances.The same is with spiritual aspects also.Unlike wordly affairs,dedication and love towards the Lord hv more effective results as in the mundane world so many factors count whereas in the

realm of spirituality dedication,sincere love towards the Lord, lack of jealousy and such things can push one towards Him faster than expected.Whereas in mundane affairs with increased responibilities more problems can be expected but in spiritual domain more happiness and Bliss will be the result.It is agreed that wordly affairs can't be avoied but if the same are done with a sense of offering to the Lord thinking Him always that it is He who is doing all the things the work becomes easier as the ego gets vanished and the same thinking will gradually elevate one in the spiritual plane and in course more contentment and peace and bliss will result.This is what Lord Krishna also enunciates in Gita to surrender to Him,think of Him always and do the duty as an offering to Him and He will protect such persons. Hare Krishna,agraman Get your email and see which of your friends are online - Right on the new .com


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