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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Why is it difficult to deny the presence of God

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It is a nice article.But who denies the existence of God?Only atheists.The whole transformation in this world is that of God,and there be no doubt abt the same.Far too many human beings drift on in life aimlessly without any goal.Even among the rest,the aim in life is neither very exhalted nor seen till late in most cases.Rising the above from this brutal level at which humanity generally stands.Reaching God is a clearer statement in reference to all the religions alike. How is one to reach God?That is the vital question which serious minded hv always asked and are asking.Some describe as moksha or freedom from the bonds of samsara ie.recurring births and deaths.Others again say that total avoidance of sorrow and the attainment of permanent ,undiluted and best form of happiness or bliss is the goal.Are these different goals?No doubt they seem to be different.Samsara ie.rebirth into which one is forced by desire cannot but be deeply tinged with

sorrow.Attainment of bliss implies that samsaric sorrow is overcome.The highest attainable bliss is termed Divine Bliss.Hence Reaching God using the term God to denote sat-chit-ananda,covers all the above descriptions of the human goal -Ananda Brahmeti Vyajanat. The world of spiritt ,thru which one must move to reach God is anything but clear to the ordinary run of human beings.It is dark nisha to all,"sarva bhutanam".With this clouded vision,men can't pick their way thru this 'Night of the Spirit', without the help of the guide,who knows the way ie.a Guru ,which literally means 'the annihilator of darkness'.Of Gurus there are various sorts.Anyone that teaches is a guru.He that teaches abt God isa sat guru.The samartha sadguru is to make his devotees reach God.Again, there are gyanis who know God and realise God but hv the bliss of God to themselves-not caring to teach anything to any one.They are like

those who see and enter into a walled up paradise ,leaving helpless and ignorant crowds outside its walls to their fate.The ordinaty guru is one that after scaling its wall announces to the outside crowd the existence of the paradise and then jumps in.The samartha however gets back,climbs down the ladder ,mingles with the crowd and repeated pursuasion and help not merely by information takes the crowd up the ladder into paradise to share its joys. So it is absolutely essential that one shuld hv a sadguru in the path of spiritualism.But it is very difficult to find such people and whatever gurus we hv got ,don't know can be accepted as sadgurus as all are intetrested in material comforts and there may be some sadgurus in some unlocated places and it all depends on ones karmic effects to get such a Guru who can guide the person in realisation of the Reality.There are of course such gurus though living

incognito but to find them is the difficult thing.That depends on the aspirants who hv reached a stage in spiritual evolution and the Guru will automatically come in search of such persons.No doubt abt that.Such Gurus will guide,goad the aspirant towards Godhood.Till that time one has to wait for the time.The rudiments of the idea of God are either implanted or strengthened and the devotee is enabled to get a Guru-God for aiding his spiritual career.This was and is the greatest blessing most people can never hope for.Once they start with love to such a guru-God all their temporal and spiritual problems are solved.As Guru is supreme without whose guidance it is difficult to realise God and only deserving people will get such sadgurus and not all. Hare Krishna, agraman.rsunitaa <rsunitaa wrote: Good article from Times of IndiaWhy is it difficult to deny the presence of GodWe go through every change or transformation â€" in a world bound by dimensions of time and space â€" unconscious of the Supreme Force behind the same. The knowledge that God exists and is the source of our being as the Supreme Creator, comes with deep introspection and the urge to know the Truth. Even those who do not believe in God have no reason to deny His existence. God exists

at a level of reality that is beyond the five senses. We live, act and move in Supreme Force everywhere and all the time, but without actually acknowledging it. This lack of know-ledge, understandably, keeps us beholden to all kinds of delusions about Self as well as the world outside. We tend to follow convention. We imitate what is communicated to us by tradition and retain it by habit. The urge to know God, if any, gets lost in the haze of ritualism and dogmatism and we get trapped by ignorance and superstition. Knowing God is, therefore, essential. Only then we can know the real Self and understand the world phenomena surrounding us. Spiritual masters have always described God-knowledge as the principal objective of human life. The basic requirement for knowing God or to acquire God-knowledge is to nurture the urge to know in the seeker's mind. It may spring from a genuine quest for

Truth or some worldly tragedy that he may find it ordinarily difficult to bear, accept or explain. And this thirst for God-knowledge can be quenched only by the benevolence of the one who has already known God and is competent to reveal the Truth. No amount of reading and reciting of Holy Scriptures â€" which are otherwise treasures of knowledge about God â€" can bestow one automati-cally with God-knowledge. A true Master reveals the presence of God and explains the traits of the Supreme Power. We come to know that all that is visible exists in God, while God, too, exists in every particle of the universe. The difference between the two, however, is that whereas the Creator is eternally present â€" permanent and imperishable â€" Creation is subject to transformation and decay. God-knowledge by itself is, however, not adequate. Real bliss comes only when we apply this

God-knowledge to our daily experience, conduct and beha-viour. We 'realise' the presence of God all the time everywhere so much so that spiritual knowledge manifests itself in every thought and action. We have seen the ocean, known all about its waves and the cooling effect of its water, but to realise all this, we must not only stand on the beach, but also enter the water. Similarly, God-realisation takes us above worldly duality and keeps us linked with the supreme source of love, peace and bliss. We find in every human being the image of the Creator and realise the fundamental kinship with every fellow-being. God-realisation is the manifestation of God-knowledge in practical day-to-day life. The mind remains inclined towards Soul and guided by viveka or wisdom that is positive, productive and useful. To maintain this state of mind, to save it from negativity and to infuse

spiritual perspective, guidance from spiritual gurus could be greatly beneficial.

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