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Perfect Creation

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An old poem describes a woman walking through a meadow, meditating on nature. While strolling about, she came upon a field of golden pumpkins. In the corner of the field stood a majestic, huge oak tree.

She sat under the oak tree musing on the strange twists in nature which put tiny acorns on huge branches and huge pumpkins on tiny vines. She thought to herself, "God blundered with Creation! He should have put the small acorns on the tiny vines and the large pumpkins on the huge branches."

Nodding off, the woman stretched out under the oak tree for a nap. A few minutes after falling asleep she was awakened by a tiny acorn bouncing off her nose. Chuckling to herself, she rubbed her nose and thought, "Maybe God was right after all!" Srila Prabhupada instructs:

Every arrangement by God is perfect. Purnam. Whatever is created by God that is perfect. According to the Vedic version, God is the leader of all living entities. We are different from Him because He is all-perfect and we are not. We are very small. We have the qualities of God, but in very small quantity. Therefore we have only a little knowledge, that's all. With a little knowledge you can manufacture a 747 airplane, but you cannot manufacture a mosquito.”We have knowledge, but it is not as perfect as God's. “God is good.”All-good. Whatever He does, whatever He speaks, everything is good, perfect.

Because you are imperfect, you are seeing the universe and everything as imperfect. So it is your imperfectness. Just like you are seeing the sun planet just like a disc, but it is not a disc. But because you cannot see perfectly, you are thinking like that. So your conception of the universe is imperfect, because you are imperfect. Otherwise, everything is complete. The universe, because it is made by God, it cannot be imperfect. God is perfect, and anything created by God is perfect.Source: http://www.emmasoftware.com/show.php?a=1439143 & b=27664Radhe Shyam,Arun

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