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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Know the True Value

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Dear Krishna Prasadji,

Thanks for such a wonderful message. It is one to be

meditated upon by everyone, so that we can use this

human body for spiritual perfection. It should also

remind us how privileged a birth we all have got and

now we have to use it as best as possible in

glorifying Sri Guruvayurappan !


I feel reminded of Poonthanam's statement in the


" kashTam kashTam niroopaNam kooDAthe

chuTTu thinnunnu janmam pazhuthe naam "


A very apt story to illustrate these lines of the






--- Krishna Prasad <rkrishp99 wrote:


> A king once got separated from his kinsmen while

> chasing a deer. He wandered

> alone in the forest. As dusk fell, he knocked at the

> door of a tiny cottage

> in the jungle. It was opened by a poor woodcutter

> who gave the 'stranger' a

> warm welcome. He offered him his own bed to sleep

> along with some simple but

> tasty food.


> In the morning, while taking leave of the wood

> cutter, the king disclosed

> his real identity and asked him, what he could give

> in return for his

> hospitality. The wood cutter being a simpleton

> asked, " Can you give me a

> place where I can cut trees and sell them? " The king

> took him far away to

> the edge of another jungle and said, " This is yours

> from today. Do what you

> like with it. "


> The wood cutter would cut trees and burn them to

> make coal, because they

> were too heavy for him to carry to the market place.

> Several months passed.

> The woodcutter was very happy. When the monsoon

> season started, there was

> heavy rainfall and the wood became wet. The ground

> was full of slush, so it

> was impossible to burn the wood to make coal. He had

> no choice but to carry

> the wet logs of wood to the market to sell it. When

> he showed the wood to

> the buyer, the buyer offered a sum that was a

> hundred times more than he was

> paying earlier. The wood cutter was confused!

> Earlier he was supplying coal

> whereas now it was wood and that too, wet wood!

> Where was the catch? The

> buyer told him that the wood that he had brought was

> no ordinary wood, it

> was real Sandalwood! The wood cutter realized what a

> fool he had been. He

> had cut and burnt hundreds of Sandalwood trees to

> make coal, little

> realizing the value of this precious wood. Had he

> known, by now he could

> have been a very, very

> rich man.


> We also need to understand the value of this

> precious human body awarded to

> us by Supreme Lord. Without realizing its importance

> and proper utility we

> are burning it at both ends in the fire of our

> worldly desires. Most of our

> energies are burnt in doing futile things that

> eventually have neither value

> nor meaning. But, by the time we realize that we are

> wasting our lives, it

> is perhaps too late. The whole life burnt in

> hoarding wealth, making friends

> and getting material pleasures, brings us to a

> miserable state at the end of

> life. At that time when nobody cares, we turn our

> face towards God, but

> where is the energy to do any devotion (Angam

> Galitam Palitam Mundam, Dashan

> Vihinam Jatam Tundam, Vrido Yati Grahitva Dandam)?


> The sooner we realize the better chance we shall

> have. Let's not waste our

> precious human birth like that foolish woodcutter.

> The one who attains a

> permanent place in spiritual world using this

> temporary and perishable body

> is really intelligent (Yat satyam narteneha mritiu

> vapnota mamritam). Let's

> make best use of this rare opportunity by performing

> devotional service unto

> supreme Lord and get rich in spiritual wealth!



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> Krishna Prasad


> Dare to give up the comfort of the 'known' and

> venture into the 'unknown'

> The more we know, the more we will come to realize

> what we do not know.

> If we want to achieve our true potential and live

> life to the fullest.


> As Poojya Gurudev said it,


> " Open your eyes. Burst your shell.

> Spread your wings and fly! "


> Swami Chinmayananda

> Hate not the sinner - hate the sin; and always hate

> the sin even with an

> excess of hatred. "








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