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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Fwd: Bhagavan Krishna became , Kururamma's Son .....!!!!

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Jai Sreekrishna Dear Shri Krishna Daya Thank you for this great story of KANNAN which shows how much he value HIS innocent Bhaktas. HE goes beyond HIS way to help them . We all know stories of Kururmma, Poonthanam, Vilwamangalam, Manjula etc. ., but everytime we get to read such stories, our love for HIM increases and never loses the charm. Please continue posting such great stories of my KANNAN Humbly SyamalaKrishnadaya <krishnadaya wrote: Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas , Kururamma was a pious Brahmin lady . She became a widow at the tender age of (16) . Being childless , she was destined to live in solitude . But Kurooramma faced the life, by taking refuge in `Ishta Devata' Sri Krishna . Various Devotees involve with Sri Krishna in different ways such as the `prema-bhakti' (love) of Gopikas or Dasya-bhakti ( servitude) of Uddava or Sakhya-bhakti ( friendship) of Arjuna . Kururamma like Yeshoda had motherly love towards Krishna . After becoming widow , Kuruarmma's routine included an early morning Bath followed by works in the kitchen , worship in Guruvayoor temple on every monday ,

Ekadasi fasting and …. Constant Nama-japam . In fact , the nama-japam became just like breathing ; and it elevated her to the highest level of bhakti-yoga . Years passed . Kururamma became aged . All her relatives died one after the other and she was alone . Kururamma became aware that she has none except Krishna . She prayed for Him ardently . One day , Bhagavan appeared and asked what boon she wanted . Kurururamma prayed with folded hands : " O Krishna ! I don't have anyone . You be with me always . Don't abandon me like Yashoda " . Bhagavan smiled , nodded His head and disappeared . Soon, an orphan Brahmin kid called "Unni" came to Kururamma . He was a very mischievous child and he helped her in the household works . "Unni" was Sri Krishna Himself . But due to His Yoga-maya , Kururamma could see Him only as her child .

Since Unni's arrival , she lived in great joy , loving and chastising him as own child . Vilwangalam swami (Bilwamangalam Takura) was the renowned Vaishnava Acharya of that period . He was famous for performing Puja by seeing Sri Krishna in front . It was Kurooramma's great wish to have one such Puja performed at her home by Vilwangalam Swami . She requested the Acharya with great humility and he agreed . Unfortunately , Kururamma had an envious neighbor called `Chemmangatt Amma' who was immensely rich and

influential . When heard about this Puja , Chemmangatt Amma took it as an opportunity to humiliate Kururamma . She used her influence to cancel Vilwangalam's commitment to Kururamma and booked that Puja for herself . Poor Kururamma was unaware of this sabotage . On the dawn of the Puja, Kururamma was washing her cloths in the nearby tank . A few drops of water unintentionally fell upon , Chemmangatt Amma who had finished her bath. She felt polluted and took a second plunge in water to purify. She sarcastically told Kururamma : " Hey Widow , now I am doubly clean . Today , Villwamangalam is coming to my house for doing Puja " . Kururamma was shocked to hear this and she said : " But, Vilwamangalam Swamy has already promised to perform Puja at my home today " . Chemmangatt Amma and her arrogant servants laughed at Kururamma and made fun of her . Kururamma was greatly hurt by this

public humiliation . Soon after reaching home , she sent a person to Vilwamangalam's home to confirm Swami's Puja . But Vilwamangalam apologetically refused saying he couldn't upset the powerful Chemmangatt family . Kururamma was heartbroken when she heard about this refusal . But , Unni pacified her by assuring that Vilwamangalam will come for Puja as agreed before . Kururamma believed Unni . But she lamented : " O Unni ! Because of that confusion , I didn't make any arrangements for the puja . I don't know what needs to be done . You see, Vilwamangalam Swamy is a Mahatma and therefore we shouldn't upset Him . O Bhagavan, I really messed up everything and I don't know what to do now !! ". Unni consoled her : "Mother , don't worry at all . I will do all the needful now itself . You , just take rest .

" He quickly completed all jobs such as cleaning the floor, washing the Puja-instruments and utensils, bringing flowers and other Puja-materials , preparation of food offerings for the puja, etc, etc . After his daily worship, Villwamangalam started for Chemmangatt Amma's house for the Puja . But the pilot who was to lead his way by blowing conch (shankh) to announce his presence could not produce any sound from his conch . It was a bad omen and Villwamangalam was bewildered . Then he remembered his failure to keep up the promise to Kururamma . And he decided that it is Bhagavan's

wish that he should go to Kururamma's house to do Puja there . On this thought itself, the conch started functioning and filled the air with its resonant sound . The Acharya then started his journey towards Kururamma's house . Vilwanagalam and His Sisyas (Brahmachari-disciples) finally arrived at Kururamma's home . According to tradition , a Brahmin lady should not talk direct to any man other than her husband . Hence, hiding behind the door , Kururamma asked Unni to welcome Vilwamanagalam Swami . When Unni welcomed ,

Vilwamangalam looked at him ; but due to `Maya" he couldn't recognize Bhagavan . After taking bath , Vilwamangalam got ready for the Puja . Meanwhile , his Sisyas were standing amazed . They are the ones who prepare items for the Puja because none else knows it's requirements . But, alas ! this midget Kid has arranged everything perfectly . They stared at Unni enviously . And he gladly teased them by winking . Vilwamangalam was pleased by the perfect arrangements in

place . While touching the Puja-materials, a divine bliss filled his heart . The Puja commenced . At first, the seat was sanctified for seating Bhagavan . Then the invoking of Sri Krishna . Swami closed his eyes and meditated Bhagavan . While Vilwamangalam was invoking Krishna with great concentration, Unni stood straight in front . Seeing this , the shocked Sisyas were facing a dilemma and they whispered each other : " This fool is standing in front of Acharya . How can we inform this to Him ? . See… the flowers offered are falling on his feet !…..' They tried to push out Unni . But , He stood His ground firm and the offered flowers kept on falling at His feet . Vilwanangalam Swami opened his eyes to see Sri Krishna on the offered seat , as usual . But here couldn't see Bhagavan and only Unni was standing in front . Vilwamangalam was annoyed . As ordered by him, Unni was moved from there to a corner . And then the invoking re-commenced . Again the offered flowers kept on falling at the feet of Unni , though he was standing in the corner . Immediately , Vilwamangalam Swami realized that this helper of Kururamma is Bhagavan Himself . He looked at Unni again …. and there He was ! ` Bhagavan Sri Krishna in all His Suprmeme Glory '!!!!! Vilwamangalam tried to rush forward to prostrate . But Bhagavan stopped him with a gesture which meant : " Keep this as

secret . Let Me continue as Kururamma's Unni ". The Puja ended auspiciously and Vilwamangalam departed with his Sisyas . Kururamma was extremely happy . However, she made a comment to Unni : " Hey Unni ! I wonder why Vilwamangalam Swamy repeatedly bowed down to both of us and cried while leaving " . Unni's only response was his mind-captivating smile which filled `Sat-Chit-Anandam ' in Kururamma's heart

. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev . Tired of spam? Mail

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The simple life of Kururamma alwaya always evoke

emotions filled with devotion to our lord.







--- Syamala Nair <syamalaraghunath wrote:


> Jai Sreekrishna



> Dear Shri Krishna Daya



> Thank you for this great story of KANNAN which

> shows how much he value HIS innocent Bhaktas. HE

> goes beyond HIS way to help them . We all know

> stories of Kururmma, Poonthanam, Vilwamangalam,

> Manjula etc. ., but everytime we get to read such

> stories, our love for HIM increases and never loses

> the charm.


> Please continue posting such great stories of my



> Humbly

> Syamala

> Krishnadaya <krishnadaya wrote:

> Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to

> Bhagavan Sri Krishna and all Vaishnavas ,

> Kururamma was a pious Brahmin lady . She became a

> widow at the tender age of (16) . Being childless ,

> she was destined to live in solitude . But

> Kurooramma faced the life, by taking refuge in

> `Ishta Devata' Sri Krishna .

> Various Devotees involve with Sri Krishna in

> different ways such as the `prema-bhakti' (love)

> of Gopikas or Dasya-bhakti ( servitude) of Uddava

> or Sakhya-bhakti ( friendship) of Arjuna .

> Kururamma like Yeshoda had motherly love towards

> Krishna .

> After becoming widow , Kuruarmma's routine

> included an early morning Bath followed by works in

> the kitchen , worship in Guruvayoor temple on every

> monday , Ekadasi fasting and …. Constant Nama-japam

> . In fact , the nama-japam became just like

> breathing ; and it elevated her to the highest

> level of bhakti-yoga .

> Years passed . Kururamma became aged . All her

> relatives died one after the other and she was alone

> . Kururamma became aware that she has none except

> Krishna . She prayed for Him ardently . One day ,

> Bhagavan appeared and asked what boon she wanted .

> Kurururamma prayed with folded hands :

> " O Krishna ! I don't have anyone . You be with me

> always . Don't abandon me like Yashoda " .

> Bhagavan smiled , nodded His head and disappeared

> .

> Soon, an orphan Brahmin kid called " Unni " came to

> Kururamma . He was a very mischievous child and he

> helped her in the household works .

> " Unni " was Sri Krishna Himself . But due to His

> Yoga-maya , Kururamma could see Him only as her

> child . Since Unni's arrival , she lived in great

> joy , loving and chastising him as own child .

> Vilwangalam swami (Bilwamangalam Takura) was the

> renowned Vaishnava Acharya of that period . He was

> famous for performing Puja by seeing Sri Krishna in

> front .

> It was Kurooramma's great wish to have one such

> Puja performed at her home by Vilwangalam Swami .

> She requested the Acharya with great humility and

> he agreed .

> Unfortunately , Kururamma had an envious neighbor

> called `Chemmangatt Amma' who was immensely rich and

> influential . When heard about this Puja ,

> Chemmangatt Amma took it as an opportunity to

> humiliate Kururamma . She used her influence to

> cancel Vilwangalam's commitment to Kururamma and

> booked that Puja for herself . Poor Kururamma was

> unaware of this sabotage .

> On the dawn of the Puja, Kururamma was washing

> her cloths in the nearby tank . A few drops of water

> unintentionally fell upon , Chemmangatt Amma who had

> finished her bath. She felt polluted and took a

> second plunge in water to purify. She sarcastically

> told Kururamma :

> " Hey Widow , now I am doubly clean . Today ,

> Villwamangalam is coming to my house for doing

> Puja " .

> Kururamma was shocked to hear this and she said :

> " But, Vilwamangalam Swamy has already promised

> to perform Puja at my home today " .

> Chemmangatt Amma and her arrogant servants laughed

> at Kururamma and made fun of her . Kururamma was

> greatly hurt by this public humiliation . Soon after

> reaching home , she sent a person to

> Vilwamangalam's home to confirm Swami's Puja . But

> Vilwamangalam apologetically refused saying he

> couldn't upset the powerful Chemmangatt family .

> Kururamma was heartbroken when she heard about

> this refusal . But , Unni pacified her by assuring

> that Vilwamangalam will come for Puja as agreed

> before .

> Kururamma believed Unni . But she lamented :

> " O Unni ! Because of that confusion , I didn't

> make any arrangements for the puja . I don't know

> what needs to be done . You see, Vilwamangalam

> Swamy is a Mahatma and therefore we shouldn't upset

> Him . O Bhagavan, I really messed up everything and

> I don't know what to do now !! " .

> Unni consoled her :

> " Mother , don't worry at all . I will do all the

> needful now itself . You , just take rest . "

> He quickly completed all jobs such as cleaning

> the floor, washing the Puja-instruments and

> utensils, bringing flowers and other Puja-materials

> , preparation of food offerings for the puja, etc,

> etc .

> After his daily worship, Villwamangalam started

> for Chemmangatt Amma's house for the Puja . But the

> pilot who was to lead his way by blowing conch

> (shankh) to announce his presence could not produce

> any sound from his conch . It was a bad omen and

> Villwamangalam was bewildered . Then he remembered

> his failure to keep up the promise to Kururamma .

> And he decided that it is Bhagavan's wish that he

> should go to Kururamma's house to do Puja there . On

> this thought itself, the conch started functioning

> and filled the air with its resonant sound . The

> Acharya then started his journey towards

> Kururamma's house .

> Vilwanagalam and His Sisyas

> (Brahmachari-disciples) finally arrived at

> Kururamma's home . According to tradition , a

> Brahmin lady should not talk direct to any man

> other than her husband . Hence, hiding behind the

> door , Kururamma asked Unni to welcome

> Vilwamanagalam Swami .

> When Unni welcomed , Vilwamangalam looked at him ;

> but due to `Maya " he couldn't recognize Bhagavan .

> After taking bath , Vilwamangalam got ready for

> the Puja .

> Meanwhile , his Sisyas were standing amazed .

> They are the ones who prepare items for the Puja

> because none else knows it's requirements . But,

> alas ! this midget Kid has arranged everything

> perfectly . They stared at Unni enviously . And he

> gladly teased them by winking .

> Vilwamangalam was pleased by the perfect

> arrangements in place . While touching the

> Puja-materials, a divine bliss filled his heart .

> The Puja commenced . At first, the seat was

> sanctified for seating Bhagavan . Then the

> invoking of Sri Krishna . Swami closed his eyes and

> meditated Bhagavan . While Vilwamangalam was

> invoking Krishna with great concentration, Unni

> stood straight in front . Seeing this , the shocked

> Sisyas were facing a dilemma and they whispered

> each other :

> " This fool is standing in front of Acharya . How

> can we inform this to Him ? . See… the flowers

> offered are falling on his feet !…..'

> They tried to push out Unni . But , He stood His

> ground firm and the offered flowers kept on falling

> at His feet . Vilwanangalam Swami opened his eyes to

> see Sri Krishna on the offered seat , as usual . But

> here couldn't see Bhagavan and only Unni was

> standing in front . Vilwamangalam was annoyed . As

> ordered by him, Unni was moved from there to a

> corner . And then the invoking re-commenced .

> Again the offered flowers kept on falling at the

> feet of Unni , though he was standing in the

> corner . Immediately , Vilwamangalam Swami realized

> that this helper of Kururamma is Bhagavan Himself .

> He looked at Unni again …. and there He was !

> ` Bhagavan Sri Krishna in all His Suprmeme Glory

> '!!!!!

> Vilwamangalam tried to rush forward to prostrate .

> But Bhagavan stopped him with a gesture which meant

> :

> " Keep this as secret . Let Me continue as

> Kururamma's Unni " .

> The Puja ended auspiciously and Vilwamangalam

> departed with his Sisyas . Kururamma was extremely

> happy . However, she made a comment to Unni :

> " Hey Unni ! I wonder why Vilwamangalam Swamy

> repeatedly bowed down to both of us and cried while

> leaving " .

> Unni's only response was his mind-captivating

> smile which filled `Sat-Chit-Anandam ' in

> Kururamma's heart .

> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

> SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev .







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> protection around









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