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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] The glory of Bhagavad Gita

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hare krishna thank you Mr, parameswaran for effort you put to share the stories from Bhagavat Gita... you efforts and time you spend to do it for all of us in the group is highly appreciable.... really its good to read stories like these which glorifies the importance of Gita and Lord Krishna..... i wish to ask all of the elder members in this group to share the stories and facts they know with us...... whenever i open my mail i wish to see one new story about Krishna, pls enlighten us by sharing the stories like these.... hparamu <param wrote: A few days back, I happened to chance upon an old Malayalam book from a second hand book stall. The title of the book is "Srimad Bhagavad Gita Mahatmyam". It was written by Shri.C.A.S. Menon of Eroor, Thripunitura . The book was published by Shri. Tumkur Govindan Kutty and Swami Chinmayananda has written a foreword to it. The book is a wonderful compilation of stories from Padma Purana. Each story tells the greatness and glory of the Chapters of the Bhagavad Gita. The emphasis is not on Bhagavad Gita as a philosophical treatise but as a highly potent stotra or mantra which is a cure for all worldly illnesses.I thought it was my duty to share with all of you the gist of each story. I have made an to write on each chapter a day. All are requested to forgive my

amateurish writing.Hare Krishna,ParameswaranPunya dhanam – The Story of SusharmaThe Glory of CHAPTER 1Susharma, though he was born a Brahmin indulged in all sorts of vices – like drinking, womanizing, eating meat etc. He died a miserable death , bitten by a snake. After suffering for his Karma in the realms of hell , he was born again in earth as a bull in a lame man's barn. The lame man tortured the bull in all sorts of ways. In due course of time, the bull fell ill and was rendered immobile. It had to spend its life in hunger and got severe beatings from it's master. After a few months the bull's illness became critical, it started frothing from it's mouth, eyes bulged out but still it was not dying. The lame man used the opportunity to throw out the bull, he pulled it by it's tail and legs and finally managed to throw it in the street.The bull was gasping for breath, it desired

to die but still was living. The men who passed by sympathized with it. Then a Brahmin came and proclaimed – "If I have done any punya in my life, I give to this bull, let it get cured". Soon all the onlookers joined him and started telling – "We donate he effects of our good deeds to this bull".A famous prostitute of the village also came and told – " I have sinned my entire life, but if I have done any punya, I give to this poor animal" . The villages scorned at her and started murmuring – even hearing her talk will bring misfortune, what good she can bring ! The prostitute went back with her head lowered. As soon as she went the bull made a big noise and then died.Chitragupta, while taking stock of the merits and sins of the bull described – " more than the little punya which the bull received from various people, that given by the prostitute is immeasurable. Based on this, it is to be born as a Brahmin

again and given a chance to do meritorious deeds. He is also to be given the ability to remember his past birth."The bull was born as a Brahmin in its next birth in the same village. The Brahmin became conscious of his past birth in his youth and went to see the prostitute . The prostitute had become old and haggard , when she saw the Brahmin she was amused.He bowed before her and told – "Years ago, because of the punya you gave to a bull, the soul is born again in a good family and that is me ! I would like to know what is the great punya you have done so that I merit this !She replied – I don't know anything about it, my parrot chants a mantra every day. I spend some time in the morning hearing it. That is my only Punya. Let us go and ask the parrot !They went to the parrot and asked the parrot about it. The parrot smiled and told them– " My only possession is the knowledge of the first

chapter of Bhagavad Gita and remembrance of my past birth. In my last birth I was a great scholar. But I was overwhelmed with pride and arrogance. I defeated even great people in arguments and insulted them. Due to the sins I committed I was born as a parrot in my next birth. As soon I was born, I was snatched by an eagle from my parents . I managed to escape from it and in the process fell in hot burning sand. Luckily by the grace of God, some young disciples of a Great Maharshi happened to pass by. They took pity on me and took me along with them to their Ashram.They used to recite the first Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita every day. I also learnt the Shlokas and used to recite it. I was happily living in the Ashram when a hunter snatched me from the Ashram and put me in a cage and brought me to this village to sell along with other birds he had caught. This great Swamini bought me from the hunter. She feeds me and

showers affection on me. Every day I recite the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and my Swamini hears me for a few minutes."The Brahmin and the prostitute heard what the parrot told with awe !The parrot told both of them – " Recite the first Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita every day ! That will prevent you from further falling into the cycle of births and rebirths. You can become a Jivan Mukta just by reciting it"The Brahmin paid his respect to the Parrot and the prostitute and started walking back to his house, reciting the first Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.


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By narrating the stories and listening to them, all of

us are blessed.


Once you post all the stories I suggest that they are

compiled, edited for any mistakes, grammatical and

otherwise and bring out AS A SPECIAL ISSUE OR AS A

PART OF THE 'navaneetham'.


I think it is a rare piece. Those who have a deeper

knowledge about 'gita' may throw more light on this

aspect of Padma Purana & Gita.


Thanks a miu for the contribution and very eagerly

and anxiously waiting for the remaining stories.











--- hparamu <param wrote:


> A few days back, I happened to chance upon an old

> Malayalam book from

> a second hand book stall. The title of the book is

> " Srimad Bhagavad

> Gita Mahatmyam " . It was written by Shri.C.A.S. Menon

> of Eroor,

> Thripunitura . The book was published by Shri.

> Tumkur Govindan Kutty

> and Swami Chinmayananda has written a foreword to

> it.


> The book is a wonderful compilation of stories from

> Padma Purana.

> Each story tells the greatness and glory of the

> Chapters of the

> Bhagavad Gita. The emphasis is not on Bhagavad Gita

> as a

> philosophical treatise but as a highly potent stotra

> or mantra which

> is a cure for all worldly illnesses.


> I thought it was my duty to share with all of you

> the gist of each

> story. I have made an to write on each chapter a

> day. All are

> requested to forgive my amateurish writing.


> Hare Krishna,


> Parameswaran



> Punya dhanam – The Story of Susharma

> The Glory of CHAPTER 1


> Susharma, though he was born a Brahmin indulged in

> all sorts of

> vices – like drinking, womanizing, eating meat

> etc. He died a

> miserable death , bitten by a snake. After suffering

> for his Karma in

> the realms of hell , he was born again in earth as a

> bull in a lame

> man's barn.


> The lame man tortured the bull in all sorts of ways.

> In due course of

> time, the bull fell ill and was rendered immobile.

> It had to spend

> its life in hunger and got severe beatings from

> it's master. After a

> few months the bull's illness became critical, it

> started frothing

> from it's mouth, eyes bulged out but still it was

> not dying. The lame

> man used the opportunity to throw out the bull, he

> pulled it by it's

> tail and legs and finally managed to throw it in the

> street.


> The bull was gasping for breath, it desired to die

> but still was

> living. The men who passed by sympathized with it.

> Then a Brahmin

> came and proclaimed – " If I have done any punya in

> my life, I give

> to this bull, let it get cured " . Soon all the

> onlookers joined him

> and started telling – " We donate he effects of our

> good deeds to this

> bull " .


> A famous prostitute of the village also came and

> told – " I have

> sinned my entire life, but if I have done any punya,

> I give to this

> poor animal " . The villages scorned at her and

> started murmuring –

> even hearing her talk will bring misfortune, what

> good she can

> bring ! The prostitute went back with her head

> lowered. As soon as

> she went the bull made a big noise and then died.


> Chitragupta, while taking stock of the merits and

> sins of the bull

> described – " more than the little punya which the

> bull received from

> various people, that given by the prostitute is

> immeasurable. Based

> on this, it is to be born as a Brahmin again and

> given a chance to do

> meritorious deeds. He is also to be given the

> ability to remember his

> past birth. "


> The bull was born as a Brahmin in its next birth in

> the same village.

> The Brahmin became conscious of his past birth in

> his youth and went

> to see the prostitute . The prostitute had become

> old and haggard ,

> when she saw the Brahmin she was amused.


> He bowed before her and told – " Years ago, because

> of the punya you

> gave to a bull, the soul is born again in a good

> family and that is

> me ! I would like to know what is the great punya

> you have done so

> that I merit this !


> She replied – I don't know anything about it, my

> parrot chants a

> mantra every day. I spend some time in the morning

> hearing it. That

> is my only Punya. Let us go and ask the parrot !



> They went to the parrot and asked the parrot about

> it. The parrot

> smiled and told them– " My only possession is the

> knowledge of the

> first chapter of Bhagavad Gita and remembrance of my

> past birth. In

> my last birth I was a great scholar. But I was

> overwhelmed with

> pride and arrogance. I defeated even great people

> in arguments and

> insulted them. Due to the sins I committed I was

> born as a parrot in

> my next birth. As soon I was born, I was snatched by

> an eagle from my

> parents . I managed to escape from it and in the

> process fell in hot

> burning sand. Luckily by the grace of God, some

> young disciples of a

> Great Maharshi happened to pass by. They took pity

> on me and took me

> along with them to their Ashram.


> They used to recite the first Chapter of the

> Bhagavad Gita every day.

> I also learnt the Shlokas and used to recite it. I

> was happily

> living in the Ashram when a hunter snatched me from

> the Ashram and

> put me in a cage and brought me to this village to

> sell along with

> other birds he had caught. This great Swamini bought

> me from the

> hunter. She feeds me and showers affection on me.

> Every day I recite

> the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and my

> Swamini hears me for a

> few minutes. "


> The Brahmin and the prostitute heard what the parrot

> told with awe !


> The parrot told both of them – " Recite the first

> Chapter of the

> Bhagavad Gita every day ! That will prevent you from

> further falling

> into the cycle of births and rebirths. You can

> become a Jivan Mukta

> just by reciting it "


> The Brahmin paid his respect to the Parrot and the

> prostitute and

> started walking back to his house, reciting the

> first Chapter of the

> Bhagavad Gita.












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The story is very nice and shows that the namasankirthana which is not only reciting the names but anything connected with scriptures such as the vedic passages, will bring result even without knowing the meaning. All that is requires is onl faith.The orstitute and parrot signify only that. This is a laudable attempt on the part of Paramesvaran and I think this should be include in the articles of navaneetham also. This reminds me of the four slokas in the ninth chapter of Bhagavatgita where Krishna says, api chEt sudhurAcharo bajathE mAm ananyabhAk sAdhurEva sa manthavyah samyavyavasithOhi sah(BG9-30) Even if one"conduct is extremely wicked if he worships Me exclusively( that is, when he repents and worship with faith) he is to be considered as a good man. kshipram bhavathi dharmAthma Sasvath SAnthim

nigacchathi kaounthEya prathijAneehi na mE bhakthah praNaSyathi (BG9-31) Soon he becomes righteous and gets everlasting peace. Know for certain and proclaim Arjumna that My devoteenever perishes. mAmhi pArtha vyapASrithya yEpi syuh pApayOnayah sthriyO vaiSyAsthaTHAsudrAh thEpi yAnthi parAmgathim(BG9-32) Seeking refuge in Me ,Arjuna,those even of low birth, women, artisans and serfs attain the supreme goal. kim punarbrAhmaNAh puNyAhbhakthArAjarshayasthaTHA anithyam asukham lOkam imam prApya bajasva MAm(BG9-34) How much more those of meritorious birth and royal sages attain the supreme! So having come into this world of transcience and misery worship Me. The story given is a proper illustration of the above

slokas.The underlying implication is that one ges ahuman birth that too like the brahmin in the story very rarely, may be after thousands of births. Tp owaste that life in wordly pursuits ans sensual pleasures and wiked deeds osis the worst kind of sin which is illustrated by the plight of the brahmin.The prostitute signifies that the result of karma depends on the mental atttude more than the physical action.There are several stories to show this. The parrot denotes the result of arrogance of learning and shows what happens to one who uses his knowk ledge only to furthe his interest and to establish his own glory by humiliating others instead of imparting that knowledge to all for the welfare of mankind. saroja ramanujam balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal wrote: HARI AUMBy narrating the stories and listening to them, all ofus are blessed.Once you post all the stories I suggest that they arecompiled, edited for any mistakes, grammatical andotherwise and bring out AS A SPECIAL ISSUE OR AS APART OF THE 'navaneetham'.I think it is a rare piece. Those who have a deeperknowledge about 'gita' may throw more light on thisaspect of Padma Purana & Gita.Thanks a miu for the contribution and very eagerlyand anxiously waiting for the remaining stories.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA --- hparamu <param (AT) bhelmpc (DOT) co.in> wrote:> A few days back, I happened to chance upon an old> Malayalam book from > a second hand book stall. The title of the book is> "Srimad Bhagavad > Gita Mahatmyam". It was written by Shri.C.A.S. Menon> of Eroor, > Thripunitura . The book was published by Shri.> Tumkur Govindan Kutty > and Swami Chinmayananda has written a foreword to> it. > > The book is a wonderful compilation of stories from> Padma Purana. > Each story tells the greatness and glory of the> Chapters of the > Bhagavad Gita. The emphasis is not on Bhagavad Gita> as a > philosophical treatise but as a highly potent stotra> or mantra which > is a cure for all worldly illnesses.> > I thought it was my duty to share with all of you> the gist of each > story. I have made

an to write on each chapter a> day. All are > requested to forgive my amateurish writing.> > Hare Krishna,> > Parameswaran> > > Punya dhanam – The Story of Susharma> The Glory of CHAPTER 1> > Susharma, though he was born a Brahmin indulged in> all sorts of > vices – like drinking, womanizing, eating meat> etc. He died a > miserable death , bitten by a snake. After suffering> for his Karma in > the realms of hell , he was born again in earth as a> bull in a lame > man's barn. > > The lame man tortured the bull in all sorts of ways.> In due course of > time, the bull fell ill and was rendered immobile.> It had to spend > its life in hunger and got severe beatings from> it's master. After a > few months the bull's illness became critical, it> started frothing > from

it's mouth, eyes bulged out but still it was> not dying. The lame > man used the opportunity to throw out the bull, he> pulled it by it's > tail and legs and finally managed to throw it in the> street.> > The bull was gasping for breath, it desired to die> but still was > living. The men who passed by sympathized with it.> Then a Brahmin > came and proclaimed – "If I have done any punya in> my life, I give > to this bull, let it get cured". Soon all the> onlookers joined him > and started telling – "We donate he effects of our> good deeds to this > bull".> > A famous prostitute of the village also came and> told – " I have > sinned my entire life, but if I have done any punya,> I give to this > poor animal" . The villages scorned at her and> started murmuring – > even hearing her talk will bring

misfortune, what> good she can > bring ! The prostitute went back with her head> lowered. As soon as > she went the bull made a big noise and then died.> > Chitragupta, while taking stock of the merits and> sins of the bull > described – " more than the little punya which the> bull received from > various people, that given by the prostitute is> immeasurable. Based > on this, it is to be born as a Brahmin again and> given a chance to do > meritorious deeds. He is also to be given the> ability to remember his > past birth."> > The bull was born as a Brahmin in its next birth in> the same village. > The Brahmin became conscious of his past birth in> his youth and went > to see the prostitute . The prostitute had become> old and haggard , > when she saw the Brahmin she was amused.> > He bowed

before her and told – "Years ago, because> of the punya you > gave to a bull, the soul is born again in a good> family and that is > me ! I would like to know what is the great punya> you have done so > that I merit this !> > She replied – I don't know anything about it, my> parrot chants a > mantra every day. I spend some time in the morning> hearing it. That > is my only Punya. Let us go and ask the parrot !> > > They went to the parrot and asked the parrot about> it. The parrot > smiled and told them– " My only possession is the> knowledge of the > first chapter of Bhagavad Gita and remembrance of my> past birth. In > my last birth I was a great scholar. But I was> overwhelmed with > pride and arrogance. I defeated even great people> in arguments and > insulted them. Due to the sins I committed I

was> born as a parrot in > my next birth. As soon I was born, I was snatched by> an eagle from my > parents . I managed to escape from it and in the> process fell in hot > burning sand. Luckily by the grace of God, some> young disciples of a > Great Maharshi happened to pass by. They took pity> on me and took me > along with them to their Ashram.> > They used to recite the first Chapter of the> Bhagavad Gita every day. > I also learnt the Shlokas and used to recite it. I> was happily > living in the Ashram when a hunter snatched me from> the Ashram and > put me in a cage and brought me to this village to> sell along with > other birds he had caught. This great Swamini bought> me from the > hunter. She feeds me and showers affection on me.> Every day I recite > the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and

my> Swamini hears me for a > few minutes."> > The Brahmin and the prostitute heard what the parrot> told with awe !> > The parrot told both of them – " Recite the first> Chapter of the > Bhagavad Gita every day ! That will prevent you from> further falling > into the cycle of births and rebirths. You can> become a Jivan Mukta > just by reciting it"> > The Brahmin paid his respect to the Parrot and the> prostitute and > started walking back to his house, reciting the> first Chapter of the > Bhagavad Gita.> > > > > > ________ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers./ Dr. Saroja Ramanujam, M.A., Ph.D, Siromani in sanskrit. web address: http://www.geocities.com/sarojram18

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Om Namo Narayanaya. This is a very nice interpretation that Dr. Sarojaji gives below. The key phrase "mental attitude is more important than physical actions" is so important. I appreciate Shri Parameswaranji's efforts and look forward to more such motivational pieces. Veena.Saroja Ramanujam <sarojram18 wrote: The story is very nice and shows that the namasankirthana which is not only reciting the names but anything connected with scriptures such as the vedic passages, will bring

result even without knowing the meaning. All that is requires is onl faith.The orstitute and parrot signify only that. This is a laudable attempt on the part of Paramesvaran and I think this should be include in the articles of navaneetham also. This reminds me of the four slokas in the ninth chapter of Bhagavatgita where Krishna says, api chEt sudhurAcharo bajathE mAm ananyabhAk sAdhurEva sa manthavyah samyavyavasithOhi sah(BG9-30) Even if one"conduct is extremely wicked if he worships Me exclusively( that is, when he repents and worship with faith) he is to be considered as a good man. kshipram bhavathi dharmAthma Sasvath SAnthim nigacchathi kaounthEya prathijAneehi na mE bhakthah praNaSyathi (BG9-31) Soon he becomes righteous and gets everlasting peace. Know for

certain and proclaim Arjumna that My devoteenever perishes. mAmhi pArtha vyapASrithya yEpi syuh pApayOnayah sthriyO vaiSyAsthaTHAsudrAh thEpi yAnthi parAmgathim(BG9-32) Seeking refuge in Me ,Arjuna,those even of low birth, women, artisans and serfs attain the supreme goal. kim punarbrAhmaNAh puNyAhbhakthArAjarshayasthaTHA anithyam asukham lOkam imam prApya bajasva MAm(BG9-34) How much more those of meritorious birth and royal sages attain the supreme! So having come into this world of transcience and misery worship Me. The story given is a proper illustration of the above slokas.The underlying implication is that one ges ahuman birth that too like the brahmin in the story very rarely, may be after thousands of births. Tp owaste that life in wordly pursuits ans sensual pleasures and wiked deeds osis the worst kind of sin which is illustrated by the plight of the brahmin.The prostitute signifies that the result of karma depends on the mental atttude more than the physical action.There are several stories to show this. The parrot denotes the result of arrogance of learning and shows what happens to one who uses his knowk ledge only to furthe his interest and to establish his own glory by humiliating others instead of imparting that knowledge to all for the welfare of mankind. saroja ramanujam balagopal ramakrishnan <rbalpal (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: HARI AUMBy narrating the stories and listening to them, all ofus are blessed.Once you post all the stories I suggest that they arecompiled, edited for any

mistakes, grammatical andotherwise and bring out AS A SPECIAL ISSUE OR AS APART OF THE 'navaneetham'.I think it is a rare piece. Those who have a deeperknowledge about 'gita' may throw more light on thisaspect of Padma Purana & Gita.Thanks a miu for the contribution and very eagerlyand anxiously waiting for the remaining stories.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA --- hparamu <param (AT) bhelmpc (DOT) co.in> wrote:> A few days back, I happened to chance upon an old> Malayalam book from > a second hand book stall. The title of the book is> "Srimad Bhagavad > Gita Mahatmyam". It was written by Shri.C.A.S. Menon> of Eroor, > Thripunitura . The book was published by Shri.> Tumkur Govindan Kutty > and Swami Chinmayananda has written a foreword to> it. > > The book is

a wonderful compilation of stories from> Padma Purana. > Each story tells the greatness and glory of the> Chapters of the > Bhagavad Gita. The emphasis is not on Bhagavad Gita> as a > philosophical treatise but as a highly potent stotra> or mantra which > is a cure for all worldly illnesses.> > I thought it was my duty to share with all of you> the gist of each > story. I have made an to write on each chapter a> day. All are > requested to forgive my amateurish writing.> > Hare Krishna,> > Parameswaran> > > Punya dhanam – The Story of Susharma> The Glory of CHAPTER 1> > Susharma, though he was born a Brahmin indulged in> all sorts of > vices – like drinking, womanizing, eating meat> etc. He died a > miserable death , bitten by a snake. After suffering> for his Karma in

> the realms of hell , he was born again in earth as a> bull in a lame > man's barn. > > The lame man tortured the bull in all sorts of ways.> In due course of > time, the bull fell ill and was rendered immobile.> It had to spend > its life in hunger and got severe beatings from> it's master. After a > few months the bull's illness became critical, it> started frothing > from it's mouth, eyes bulged out but still it was> not dying. The lame > man used the opportunity to throw out the bull, he> pulled it by it's > tail and legs and finally managed to throw it in the> street.> > The bull was gasping for breath, it desired to die> but still was > living. The men who passed by sympathized with it.> Then a Brahmin > came and proclaimed – "If I have done any punya in> my life, I give > to this

bull, let it get cured". Soon all the> onlookers joined him > and started telling – "We donate he effects of our> good deeds to this > bull".> > A famous prostitute of the village also came and> told – " I have > sinned my entire life, but if I have done any punya,> I give to this > poor animal" . The villages scorned at her and> started murmuring – > even hearing her talk will bring misfortune, what> good she can > bring ! The prostitute went back with her head> lowered. As soon as > she went the bull made a big noise and then died.> > Chitragupta, while taking stock of the merits and> sins of the bull > described – " more than the little punya which the> bull received from > various people, that given by the prostitute is> immeasurable. Based > on this, it is to be born as a Brahmin again and>

given a chance to do > meritorious deeds. He is also to be given the> ability to remember his > past birth."> > The bull was born as a Brahmin in its next birth in> the same village. > The Brahmin became conscious of his past birth in> his youth and went > to see the prostitute . The prostitute had become> old and haggard , > when she saw the Brahmin she was amused.> > He bowed before her and told – "Years ago, because> of the punya you > gave to a bull, the soul is born again in a good> family and that is > me ! I would like to know what is the great punya> you have done so > that I merit this !> > She replied – I don't know anything about it, my> parrot chants a > mantra every day. I spend some time in the morning> hearing it. That > is my only Punya. Let us go and ask the parrot !>

> > They went to the parrot and asked the parrot about> it. The parrot > smiled and told them– " My only possession is the> knowledge of the > first chapter of Bhagavad Gita and remembrance of my> past birth. In > my last birth I was a great scholar. But I was> overwhelmed with > pride and arrogance. I defeated even great people> in arguments and > insulted them. Due to the sins I committed I was> born as a parrot in > my next birth. As soon I was born, I was snatched by> an eagle from my > parents . I managed to escape from it and in the> process fell in hot > burning sand. Luckily by the grace of God, some> young disciples of a > Great Maharshi happened to pass by. They took pity> on me and took me > along with them to their Ashram.> > They used to recite the first Chapter of the> Bhagavad Gita

every day. > I also learnt the Shlokas and used to recite it. I> was happily > living in the Ashram when a hunter snatched me from> the Ashram and > put me in a cage and brought me to this village to> sell along with > other birds he had caught. This great Swamini bought> me from the > hunter. She feeds me and showers affection on me.> Every day I recite > the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and my> Swamini hears me for a > few minutes."> > The Brahmin and the prostitute heard what the parrot> told with awe !> > The parrot told both of them – " Recite the first> Chapter of the > Bhagavad Gita every day ! That will prevent you from> further falling > into the cycle of births and rebirths. You can> become a Jivan Mukta > just by reciting it"> > The Brahmin paid his respect to the Parrot and

the> prostitute and > started walking back to his house, reciting the> first Chapter of the > Bhagavad Gita.> > > > > > ________ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers./ Dr. Saroja Ramanujam, M.A.,

Ph.D, Siromani in sanskrit. web address: http://www.geocities.com/sarojram18 Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Jai Sreekrishna Dear Shri Parameswaranji Thank you for the efforts you are putting in to pass on the stories to the group. I am eagerly awaiting for the next story on the glories of Bhagavat Gita and Kannan Humbly Syamalahparamu <param wrote: A few days back, I happened to chance upon an old Malayalam book from a second hand book stall. The title of the book is "Srimad

Bhagavad Gita Mahatmyam". It was written by Shri.C.A.S. Menon of Eroor, Thripunitura . The book was published by Shri. Tumkur Govindan Kutty and Swami Chinmayananda has written a foreword to it. The book is a wonderful compilation of stories from Padma Purana. Each story tells the greatness and glory of the Chapters of the Bhagavad Gita. The emphasis is not on Bhagavad Gita as a philosophical treatise but as a highly potent stotra or mantra which is a cure for all worldly illnesses.I thought it was my duty to share with all of you the gist of each story. I have made an to write on each chapter a day. All are requested to forgive my amateurish writing.Hare Krishna,ParameswaranPunya dhanam – The Story of SusharmaThe Glory of CHAPTER 1Susharma, though he was born a Brahmin indulged in all sorts of vices – like drinking, womanizing, eating meat etc. He died a miserable death ,

bitten by a snake. After suffering for his Karma in the realms of hell , he was born again in earth as a bull in a lame man's barn. The lame man tortured the bull in all sorts of ways. In due course of time, the bull fell ill and was rendered immobile. It had to spend its life in hunger and got severe beatings from it's master. After a few months the bull's illness became critical, it started frothing from it's mouth, eyes bulged out but still it was not dying. The lame man used the opportunity to throw out the bull, he pulled it by it's tail and legs and finally managed to throw it in the street.The bull was gasping for breath, it desired to die but still was living. The men who passed by sympathized with it. Then a Brahmin came and proclaimed – "If I have done any punya in my life, I give to this bull, let it get cured". Soon all the onlookers joined him and started telling – "We donate he effects of our

good deeds to this bull".A famous prostitute of the village also came and told – " I have sinned my entire life, but if I have done any punya, I give to this poor animal" . The villages scorned at her and started murmuring – even hearing her talk will bring misfortune, what good she can bring ! The prostitute went back with her head lowered. As soon as she went the bull made a big noise and then died.Chitragupta, while taking stock of the merits and sins of the bull described – " more than the little punya which the bull received from various people, that given by the prostitute is immeasurable. Based on this, it is to be born as a Brahmin again and given a chance to do meritorious deeds. He is also to be given the ability to remember his past birth."The bull was born as a Brahmin in its next birth in the same village. The Brahmin became conscious of his past birth in his youth and went to see the

prostitute . The prostitute had become old and haggard , when she saw the Brahmin she was amused.He bowed before her and told – "Years ago, because of the punya you gave to a bull, the soul is born again in a good family and that is me ! I would like to know what is the great punya you have done so that I merit this !She replied – I don't know anything about it, my parrot chants a mantra every day. I spend some time in the morning hearing it. That is my only Punya. Let us go and ask the parrot !They went to the parrot and asked the parrot about it. The parrot smiled and told them– " My only possession is the knowledge of the first chapter of Bhagavad Gita and remembrance of my past birth. In my last birth I was a great scholar. But I was overwhelmed with pride and arrogance. I defeated even great people in arguments and insulted them. Due to the sins I committed I was born as a parrot in my next birth.

As soon I was born, I was snatched by an eagle from my parents . I managed to escape from it and in the process fell in hot burning sand. Luckily by the grace of God, some young disciples of a Great Maharshi happened to pass by. They took pity on me and took me along with them to their Ashram.They used to recite the first Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita every day. I also learnt the Shlokas and used to recite it. I was happily living in the Ashram when a hunter snatched me from the Ashram and put me in a cage and brought me to this village to sell along with other birds he had caught. This great Swamini bought me from the hunter. She feeds me and showers affection on me. Every day I recite the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and my Swamini hears me for a few minutes."The Brahmin and the prostitute heard what the parrot told with awe !The parrot told both of them – " Recite the first Chapter of the

Bhagavad Gita every day ! That will prevent you from further falling into the cycle of births and rebirths. You can become a Jivan Mukta just by reciting it"The Brahmin paid his respect to the Parrot and the prostitute and started walking back to his house, reciting the first Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.

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Jai Sreekrishna Thank you Smt. Sarojaji for further explaining on the glory of Bhagavad Gita quoting slokas from the 9th chapter of Srimad Bhagavad Gita "with meaning" Otherwise, it would not have been possible for me understand and enjoy the same. The conclusion given by you on the different characters of the story imparts lots of knowledge . Thank you very much for your kind gesture and am really lucky to be in association with you Humbly Syamala Saroja Ramanujam <sarojram18 wrote: The story is very nice and shows that the namasankirthana which is not only reciting the names but anything connected with scriptures such as the vedic passages, will bring result even without knowing the meaning. All that is requires is onl faith.The orstitute and parrot signify only that. This is a laudable attempt on the part of Paramesvaran and I think this should be include in the articles of navaneetham also. This reminds me of the four slokas in the ninth chapter of Bhagavatgita where Krishna says, api chEt sudhurAcharo bajathE mAm ananyabhAk sAdhurEva sa manthavyah samyavyavasithOhi sah(BG9-30) Even if one"conduct is extremely

wicked if he worships Me exclusively( that is, when he repents and worship with faith) he is to be considered as a good man. kshipram bhavathi dharmAthma Sasvath SAnthim nigacchathi kaounthEya prathijAneehi na mE bhakthah praNaSyathi (BG9-31) Soon he becomes righteous and gets everlasting peace. Know for certain and proclaim Arjumna that My devoteenever perishes. mAmhi pArtha vyapASrithya yEpi syuh pApayOnayah sthriyO vaiSyAsthaTHAsudrAh thEpi yAnthi parAmgathim(BG9-32) Seeking refuge in Me ,Arjuna,those even of low birth, women, artisans and serfs attain the supreme goal. kim punarbrAhmaNAh puNyAhbhakthArAjarshayasthaTHA anithyam asukham lOkam imam prApya bajasva MAm(BG9-34) How much more those of meritorious

birth and royal sages attain the supreme! So having come into this world of transcience and misery worship Me. The story given is a proper illustration of the above slokas.The underlying implication is that one ges ahuman birth that too like the brahmin in the story very rarely, may be after thousands of births. Tp owaste that life in wordly pursuits ans sensual pleasures and wiked deeds osis the worst kind of sin which is illustrated by the plight of the brahmin.The prostitute signifies that the result of karma depends on the mental atttude more than the physical action.There are several stories to show this. The parrot denotes the result of arrogance of learning and shows what happens to one who uses his knowk ledge only to furthe his interest and to establish his own glory by humiliating others instead of imparting that knowledge to all for the welfare of mankind. saroja ramanujam balagopal

ramakrishnan <rbalpal (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: HARI AUMBy narrating the stories and listening to them, all ofus are blessed.Once you post all the stories I suggest that they arecompiled, edited for any mistakes, grammatical andotherwise and bring out AS A SPECIAL ISSUE OR AS APART OF THE 'navaneetham'.I think it is a rare piece. Those who have a deeperknowledge about 'gita' may throw more light on thisaspect of Padma Purana & Gita.Thanks a miu for the contribution and very eagerlyand anxiously waiting for the remaining stories.RegardsBalagopalNARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA --- hparamu <param (AT) bhelmpc (DOT) co.in> wrote:> A few days back, I happened to chance upon an old>

Malayalam book from > a second hand book stall. The title of the book is> "Srimad Bhagavad > Gita Mahatmyam". It was written by Shri.C.A.S. Menon> of Eroor, > Thripunitura . The book was published by Shri.> Tumkur Govindan Kutty > and Swami Chinmayananda has written a foreword to> it. > > The book is a wonderful compilation of stories from> Padma Purana. > Each story tells the greatness and glory of the> Chapters of the > Bhagavad Gita. The emphasis is not on Bhagavad Gita> as a > philosophical treatise but as a highly potent stotra> or mantra which > is a cure for all worldly illnesses.> > I thought it was my duty to share with all of you> the gist of each > story. I have made an to write on each chapter a> day. All are > requested to forgive my amateurish writing.> > Hare Krishna,>

> Parameswaran> > > Punya dhanam – The Story of Susharma> The Glory of CHAPTER 1> > Susharma, though he was born a Brahmin indulged in> all sorts of > vices – like drinking, womanizing, eating meat> etc. He died a > miserable death , bitten by a snake. After suffering> for his Karma in > the realms of hell , he was born again in earth as a> bull in a lame > man's barn. > > The lame man tortured the bull in all sorts of ways.> In due course of > time, the bull fell ill and was rendered immobile.> It had to spend > its life in hunger and got severe beatings from> it's master. After a > few months the bull's illness became critical, it> started frothing > from it's mouth, eyes bulged out but still it was> not dying. The lame > man used the opportunity to throw out the bull, he>

pulled it by it's > tail and legs and finally managed to throw it in the> street.> > The bull was gasping for breath, it desired to die> but still was > living. The men who passed by sympathized with it.> Then a Brahmin > came and proclaimed – "If I have done any punya in> my life, I give > to this bull, let it get cured". Soon all the> onlookers joined him > and started telling – "We donate he effects of our> good deeds to this > bull".> > A famous prostitute of the village also came and> told – " I have > sinned my entire life, but if I have done any punya,> I give to this > poor animal" . The villages scorned at her and> started murmuring – > even hearing her talk will bring misfortune, what> good she can > bring ! The prostitute went back with her head> lowered. As soon as > she went the

bull made a big noise and then died.> > Chitragupta, while taking stock of the merits and> sins of the bull > described – " more than the little punya which the> bull received from > various people, that given by the prostitute is> immeasurable. Based > on this, it is to be born as a Brahmin again and> given a chance to do > meritorious deeds. He is also to be given the> ability to remember his > past birth."> > The bull was born as a Brahmin in its next birth in> the same village. > The Brahmin became conscious of his past birth in> his youth and went > to see the prostitute . The prostitute had become> old and haggard , > when she saw the Brahmin she was amused.> > He bowed before her and told – "Years ago, because> of the punya you > gave to a bull, the soul is born again in a good> family and that

is > me ! I would like to know what is the great punya> you have done so > that I merit this !> > She replied – I don't know anything about it, my> parrot chants a > mantra every day. I spend some time in the morning> hearing it. That > is my only Punya. Let us go and ask the parrot !> > > They went to the parrot and asked the parrot about> it. The parrot > smiled and told them– " My only possession is the> knowledge of the > first chapter of Bhagavad Gita and remembrance of my> past birth. In > my last birth I was a great scholar. But I was> overwhelmed with > pride and arrogance. I defeated even great people> in arguments and > insulted them. Due to the sins I committed I was> born as a parrot in > my next birth. As soon I was born, I was snatched by> an eagle from my > parents . I managed to

escape from it and in the> process fell in hot > burning sand. Luckily by the grace of God, some> young disciples of a > Great Maharshi happened to pass by. They took pity> on me and took me > along with them to their Ashram.> > They used to recite the first Chapter of the> Bhagavad Gita every day. > I also learnt the Shlokas and used to recite it. I> was happily > living in the Ashram when a hunter snatched me from> the Ashram and > put me in a cage and brought me to this village to> sell along with > other birds he had caught. This great Swamini bought> me from the > hunter. She feeds me and showers affection on me.> Every day I recite > the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and my> Swamini hears me for a > few minutes."> > The Brahmin and the prostitute heard what the parrot> told with awe

!> > The parrot told both of them – " Recite the first> Chapter of the > Bhagavad Gita every day ! That will prevent you from> further falling > into the cycle of births and rebirths. You can> become a Jivan Mukta > just by reciting it"> > The Brahmin paid his respect to the Parrot and the> prostitute and > started walking back to his house, reciting the> first Chapter of the > Bhagavad Gita.> > > > > > ________ India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something newhttp://in.answers./ Dr. Saroja Ramanujam, M.A., Ph.D, Siromani in sanskrit. web address: http://www.geocities.com/sarojram18 Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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