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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] The lord is really mysterious AND MISCHEVIOUS TOO!

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Hari OM!


Dear ones,


Very true, Lord is Mysterious... which he makes my .....story MYSTERY..(Mysterious).... he is the script writer and often mischevious too

Unni Kannan is Mischevious AND MYSTERIOUS!!!


Looking for the day for Guruvayur Visit, and talk and see my UnniKrishnan! the mischevious one!


With Love & OM!

On 2/19/07, K.V Gopalakrishna <gopalakrishna.kv wrote:






Radhe Krishna!I am overwhelmed with sorrow on reading Sow.Jayashree's experiences I pray to the Lord to be kind to her and her family. That is all we can do, other than sympathising with her. God be with you, Jayashree! Mysterious, are His ways.RegardsKVG jayashree_662001 wrote:> Om Namo Narayanaya.>> I am posting after a long time.Well, the lord kept me very busy from> dec 20th onwards. my mother had a terrible fever and as a result lost

> her memory for a few minutes. My son and me rushed her to a doctor> who also happens to be my classmate and friend. she advised us to> place mum under observation but my mum was not at all willing coz she

> hated hospitals considering the fact that since 1992 my father was> being hospitalised for one reason or other. so far he has had around> 7 different major opertaions and was even completely paralysed once,

> but due to his sheer willpower overcame even that and then purchased> a car and drove it around.my mum has always been a true companion to> my father and people in my area always tell that she is a savitri who

> rescued my father from near death situations by being by his side> during his hospitalisations and reading Narayeenyam. Anyways,we did> not admit mother to hospital , but brought her home and followed the

> medications given by the doctor. I only thought of Lord> Guruvayurappan and beleive me, in two days mother was okay and fine> and even went out to Kochu Guruvayur Temple at matunga here.But my> doctor friend still insisted that i take her to a neurologist for

> check-up. meanwhile, my father too developed knee pains which were so> bad that the physiotherapist suggested that we meet a neurologist for> him.>> Therefore i took an appointment with a neurologist for both my

> parents at hinduja hospital here. my mother came very reluctantly> after much coaxing from my son and husband and my dad. the> neurologist checked my mother and said to do an MRI scan of the brain

> immidiately which we did. mother was so scared of the mri machine> that she pleaded with the technician to allow me to come into the> room and be with her.As she was so terrified , I told her to close

> her eyes and think that she is standing in Front of Guruvayurappan in> the temple.Poor thing she did just that for the next 45 minutes as> she underwent the test.later when she opened her eyes she immidiately

> told me to book for a 'kalabham chartal ' at Kochu Guruvayur temple> here. In fact she wanted it done on Feb 11th her wedding anniversary> and i did so.Three days later the neurologist phoned me saying that i

> should come to the hospital immdiately as the MRI report showed that> mum had a brain haemorage.he wanted us to do a CT brain angiogram> immediately to decide whether to perform a gamma knife radiation or

> brain surgery on my mum. i was shocked and could not even react but> decided to do the ct scan. Guruvayurappan heard my heartfelt prayers> because in the doctors own words -'a miracle had occurred' . there

> was no trace of the haemorragge in the ct scan'. in fact the> neurologist asked us to leave the mri film and ct film with him to> show it at a conference 2 days later to other doctors.>

> we were so overjoyed that i purchased sweets and offered to lord> guruvayurappan. there were two family weddings on jan 28th. and my> releived mother went out and purchased a costly saree for the> occassion.Evening of 28th she planned to go to my son's schhol to> watch him get awards for his good performance in ssc exams.however> the lord had other plans.my husband and son had gone to the airport

> on jan 25th at 9.pm, to pick up my mother in law who was coming for 5> days for the marriage.within 15 minutes i received a frantic call

> from my father that mummy and he have got burnt and to come> quickly .i rushed to my parents home which is barely 5 minutes from> my house.dad was burnt and bleeding from the brow in his attempt to

> save mummy whose sari had caught fire.mum too was burnt but she had> changed her clothes and was towelling her hair. i phoned a friend and> together we rushed them to a hospital. i was appalled to hear that

> mum had 70% burns and dad around 20% burns. in a span of 12 hours> they were shifted to 4 hospitals and eventually my mother had to be> moved to an exclusive burns hospital as doctor felt she had good

> chances, i looked after dad at one hospital and my sister, my mom at> other hospital. she was kept in seclusion as doctor did not want her> to catch an infection. she was doing fine but on the 10th day she

> developed lung infection and was kept on a ventilator. we were> allowed to see her and as i sat with her the night i kept praying to> lord guruvayurappan to do only whatever he thought best for her.feb

5> th, my mum passed away and feb 11th her wedding anniversary instead> of 'kalabham chartal' at temple we were flowing her ashes in the> banganga river.Guruvayurappa, only you know why all this has

> happened.I remember though my mother was on ventilator she opened her> eyes when I reminded her of the kalabham charth. she kept staring at> lord guruvayurappan's photo which i showed her. I trust the lord is

> personally taking care of her now. My dad's wounds have healed and he> is out of hopital . He has resigned himself to fate and we beleive> that whatever happened is only a test of our faith in the lord.people> all over attended mum 's funeral and helped us . everyone wondered> why such a simple caring and selfless person had to meet such a> tragic end, but certainly mysterious are the ways of our lord !


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If we want to achieve our true potential and live life to the fullest. As Poojya Gurudev said it, "Open your eyes. Burst your shell. Spread your wings and fly!"Swami ChinmayanandaHate not the sinner - hate the sin; and always hate the sin even with an excess of hatred. "

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