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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Panchajanyam hrsheekesah-chapter15-The cosmic form-adhyaya11

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By your postings, Madam, you have literally graced

this chat group. The slokas you have narrated are

perhaps the most poignant and pregnant with deep

insights of the creation and annihialtion of this


It is just commonsense to notice that all things are

born into the world i.e the 'present' from 'future'and

proceeds towards the 'past'. It is 'TIME' that does

the trick. That is why bhagavan says-'I AM TIME


The subsequent verses too are extremely potent as to

its contents on the very existence of our 'being'.

Study them and get yourselves revealed of the 'truth'

about ourselves.









--- sarojram18 <sarojram18 wrote:



> Chapter 15-The cosmic form-Adhyaya11




> Arjuna, having understood the imminence of theLord

> now expresses a

> desire to see the transcendent form and to have a

> direct realisation of

> the Supreme Being. He asks Krishna to show Himself

> in His entirety.The

> Lord in order to remove the traces of ego in Arjuna

> consents to do so

> and describes His cosmic form as Arjuna would see

> it.


> paSya mE parTha roopANi SathaSothasahasraSaH


> nAnAviDHAni dhivyAni nAnAvarNAkrtheeni cha


> The Lord said:


> Oh Arjuna, see My forms hundreds upon

> thousands,manifold, divine, of

> various hues and shapes.


> But knowing that Arjuna could not perceive all that

> with his existing

> eyes, Krishna gives him divine vision saying,

> 'dhivyamadhdhAmi thE

> chakshuH pasya n me yogam aisvaram.'


> Sanjaya who was relating to Dhrtharashtra about what

> happened on the

> battlefield was also blessed with the vision, being

> already given the

> power to see everything by Vyasa and now on seeing

> the cosmic form he

> exclaims ;


> 'anEkavakthranayanam anEkadhbhutha

> dharsanam----sarvAScharya mayam

> anantham visvathO mukham.'


> The cosmic form of the Lord was divine, and not

> limited by space or

> time and seemed to have multitudes of faces and eyes

> and facing all

> directions because of its being the foundation of

> the entire universe in

> the past present and future. The infinite splendour

> is described by

> sanjaya as 'dhivi soorya sahasrasya

> bhavedgyugapadhutthiThA;yadhi bhAH

> sadhrSee sa syAth bhAsasthasya mahAthmanaH,' It was

> of inexhuastible

> radiance that it can only be compared to a thousand

> suns rising

> simultaneously in the sky.Thus Arjuna saw the entire

> universe in one

> place.as an illustration of the word of Krishna in

> the previous chapter

> 'aham sarvasya prabhavah matthah sarvam

> pravarthathE, I am the source

> of all and everything proceeds from Me.'(.10-8) and

> 'na thadhasthi vinA

> yathsyAth may bhootham charAcharam,(10-39) nothing

> that is mobile or

> immovable exists without Me.'


> Here it is a popular misconception born out of

> seeing the visvaroopa in

> the films and on TV that it was a horrible spectacle

> consisting of many

> heads, eyes, and other limbs with tongues and eyes

> rolling, while fire

> comes out of the mouth etc. Even though it is

> described as such by

> Arjuna we should understand that Arjuna was trying

> to put into words

> which is beyond description. The Cosmic form is the

> BrahmasAkshAtkAra

> which cannot be specified as such through words or

> by perception as it

> is beyond all means of knowledge.If one can imagine

> going beyond time

> and space then only it is possible to understand

> the cosmic vision

> Arjuna has experienced. What presented before

> Arjuna was the Primal

> cause along with the effect, the manifest and the

> unmanifest, outside

> the concept of time


> Arjuna, overcome with amazement, with his hairs

> standing erect spoke

> thus:


> " I see all devas and all beings in You and I see

> your infinite form

> everywhere with no beginning, middle or end. You are

> a mass of

> light,blazing like the burning fire and the sun,

> immeasurable. I

> understand You as the imperishable, the Supreme One

> to be realised, You

> are the substratum of the universe, immutable,

> eternal protector of

> dharma and the eternal Purusha.I see You pervading

> the inerspace between

> the heaven and earth and all the quarters.The three

> worlds are greatly

> overwhelmed with fear seeing your form. "


> Arjuna imagines that all the worlds are afraid to

> see the cosmic form

> forgetting that he alone is able to see it then. He

> sees all the devas

> , rshis, and other celestial beings gazing at the

> Lord with amazement

> and bowing to Him, praising Him. Seeing Him thus all

> are shaking with

> fear , says Arjuna, like he himself does.


> Since Arjuna transcends the time by his divine

> vision, which could be

> seen only by doing so. he is able to see clearly the

> end of the war as

> though happening at present and he says that he sees

> the kauravas,

> including Bheeshma, Drona, Karna and others entering

> the mouth of the

> Lord, who is the Kala,the Time.


> Here is one of the occasions when Vyasa shows his

> poetic skill. Arjuna

> compares thr rushing of all the enemy forces into

> the mouth of the Lord

> to the torrents of the river rushing towards the

> sea.


> yaThA nadheenAm bahavo ambuvEgAh

> samudhramEvAbhimukhA dhravanthi


> thaThA thavAmee naralOka veerAh viSanthi

> vakthRanyabhivijvalanthi

> (.11-28)


> Suddenly, seeing the Lord as the annihilator,

> devouring all beings,

> Arjuna starts having a doubt as to the real identity

> of this Being. and

> asks ' AkhyAhi mE kObhavAn ugraroopO namosthu thE

> devavarapraseedha;

> vijnAthum ichAmi bhavantham Adhyam na hi prajAnAmi

> thava pravrtthim,

> (11-31) Tell me who You are, with this terrible

> form? salutations to

> You, Oh Supreme Being, be gracious. I desire to know

> You, the Primal

> one,I do not know Your activity.'


> The Lord begins to speak:


> kAlOsmi lokakshayakrthpravrddhO lOkAn samAharthum

> iha pravrtthah;rthEpi

> thvam na bhavishyanthi sarve yE avasThithAh

> prathyaneekEshu yODhAh.

> (11-32)


> " I am the world-destroying Time. I have started the

> annihilation of the

> worlds. Even without you no one of the warriors here

> will survive. "


> Krishna has made it very clear that it is the divine

> will and He is

> going to say that explicitly in the next sloka that

> Arjuna is only the

> instrument in the hands of the Lord.


> ThasmAth thavm utthishTa yaSO labhasva jithvA

> Sathroon bunkshva rajyam

> samrddham


> mayaivaithE nihathAh poorvamEva nimitthamathram

> bhava savyasAchin(11-33)


> Krishna says in this sloka that he has already

> slain these hostile

> warriors and asks Arjuna to stand up and fight and

> take the credit,

> remembering that he is only pretext for the

> destruction willed by the

> Lord.


> When Krishna stood on the side of Pandavas then

> itself the destruction

> of kauravas was like the writing on the wall and

> this fact was known to

> the wise men like Bhishma and also

> Karna.Still,

=== message truncated ===






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