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srimadbhagavatham-skandha1-chapters13,14 and15

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Chapter13-Vidura's return and end of Dhrtharashtra


Vidura returned from his thirthayathra acquiring brahmajnana from Maithreya and after he has been fed and rested Yudhishtira asked him about his thirthayathra.From this we learn the proper etquette to be observed when someone visits us or returns from a visit. First they should be offered food and should be allowed to rest before asking them about their business or their experiences on travelling. We normally pounce on anyone,especially a member of the family, who returns home, and want to learn everything before even giving them a glass of water! This is not to be done!

Vidura told them everything except the destruction of yadhukula in order not to upset them and lived ther for sometime. He knew that Dhrtharashtra was nearing his end and hence influenced him to leave the palace and retire to the forest to spend his last days.He told Dhrtharashtra to give up the attachment of the world pointing to him that even after losing all his children and kith and kin, he is living, supported by those to whom he and his sons had done great harm. Saying that it is not worth clinging to this life in such a manner, Vidura advised him to give up attachment and to leave the knigdom without the knowledge of any one and spend the rest of his days by meditating on the Lord. Dhrtharashtra thus enlightened, left the palace with his wife and went towards Himalayas with Vidura.

Yudhishtira was grieved in not finding them in the palace and became worried when Narada came there and told him not to worry thinking that Dhrthrashtra and Gansdhari were old and cannot survive without his support.Narada said that this body is made up of five elements and is bound to be destroyed one day or other. He advised Yudhishtira to try to see the Lord alone, who is the inner self of all, through the manifestations of that self into all beings. Narada told Yudhishtira that Krishna is waitng for the end of His incarnation and advised the pandavas to stay on earth as long as He remains there.Narada also told Yudhishtira that Dhrtharashtra with his wife was then in the hermitage of the rshis near Himalayas and entered into samadhi giving up all his attachments and he should not be disturbed. Dhrtharashtra, said the sage, is going to give up his body in five days when his hut will be on fire and Gandhari, his wife will also give her body up in the flames. Vidura also will be going again on Thirtha yathra after that.

Chapter14-Yudhishtira's anguish

Arjuna who was sent to Dvaraka to learn the news about yadhavas and Krishna did not return for a long time and that made Yudhishtira worry and he expressed his anguish as to whether the departure of Krishna from this earth as predicted by Narada has already taken place.He became anxious because he could see all bad omens around, like the rivers and lakes becoming turbid like his mind and the fire has lost its brilliance, the calves no longer drink milk from their mothers and the cows too were not giving milk. They were shedding tears and the idols of gods were sweating as though crying and the villages have lost lustre.

Chapter 15-Krishna dead parts and Arjuna returns

Arjuna returned from Dvaraka and seeing his face without its lustre Yudhishtira asked him the reason.Arjuna informed him that Krishna has left this world.Arjuna lamented about it narrating the incidents in their life when they were saved and helped by Krishna, like the incident when he took a few vegetables left in the vessel and saved them from the wrath of Durvasa,who came when there was no food left,instigated by Duryodhana, and due to Krishna's act he and his disciples felt satisfied without eating food.Then Arjuna related the protection given to him during the battle by Krishna who served as his charioteer.

He was grieved to think that he treated the Lord as his own companion and friend without realising the greatness of Krishna, thus echoing the sentiments expressed by him during the discourse of Bhagavatgita, 'sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham---thathkshAmaye thvAm aham aprameyam,' when he asked the forgiveness of Krishna for treating him lightly.Then Arjuna told Yudhishtira that he had lost his valour when Krishna left this earth and was defeated by hunters while returning from Dvaraka with the womenfolk.He also informed Yudhishtira that except a few all the rest of the yadhavas were destroyed by their own doing due to the curse of the sages whom they ridiculed an the Dvaraka itself was immersed in water. At this juncture through the grace of the Lord he remembered the teaching of the Gita and regained his mental equipoise.

Kunthi learning about Krishna's departure left her body and attained His feet through ananya bhakthi, unswerving devotion.Yudhishtira decided to leave this earth and go to heaven shedding his mortal coil and made Parikshith the king of Hasthinapura and Vajra, the son of Aniruddha, the king of Mathura.Then he renounced the world and started walking towards north till his body fell of its own accord, followed by his brothers and Droupadhi, who saw the age of kali advancing on earth. Vidura also left his body in PrabhAsathirTha and attained his abode as Yamadharma, who being cursed, was born as a sudra and while he was on earth as Vidura, the Sungod was acting on his behalf as the god of death.












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