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This is from Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage

their site is www.iish.net



THURSDAY MESSAGE (Serial No. 48, 12TH April, 2007)

IISH Communication


(Last few issues of the Thursday messages are very

important because

they contain the foundation literature of Indian

heritage) we are

continuing the explanation . After going through the

Vedic literature as

Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakaas and Upanishads we are

entering into the

Vedangas. The word Vedanga (do not get confused with

the word

Vedanta)means the organs/parts of the Vedas.

During the course of time we

will explain the subject matter and method of the

presentation in these

literature. At present we shall only glance through

the Vedangas. Hope

you and your family members will try to learn as

much as possible by

heart so that these names will remain in our memory

for ever.

There are six Vedangas. They are Siksha, Nirukta,


Chandasaastra, Kalpasaastra, Jyothisha. A number of

books are available on

these six Vedangas. It is said that 18 books on

each Vedanga are

available. Even though they are not strictly

classified under each Veda

, it is known they specific books discusses on

specific Vedas. Next

comes the Upavedas which are the subsidiaries of

Vedas. Infact they are

scientific literature which are specified for each

Veda. These

Upavedas are Arthasaastra, Dhanurveda, Gaandharva

Veda and Ayurveda +

Sthaapthya Veda. Artha saasthra is economics it is

the upaveda of

Rigveda. Dhanurveda is the upaveda of Yajurveda,

Gaandharva veda is the

upaveda of Saamaveda and Ayurveda + Sthaapathya

veda(Vaastu) are the

upavedas of Atharva Veda.. More details we will

discuss during the

course of time.


After the upavedas comes the Puraanaas. There are

eighteen puranaas and

same number of upapuranaas. The 18 puranaas are

Vishnu puraana,

bhavishya puraana , garuda puraana , agni puraana ,


puraana , sivapuraana puraana, markandeya puraana ,

linga puraana ,

brahmavaivartha puraana , mathsya puraana , koorma

puraana , varaaha

puraana , vaamana puraana , skanda puraana ,

brahmaanda puraana , padma

puraana, vaayu puraana , naaradeeya puraana.


There are les important puraanas which are known as

upa puranas which

are also 18 in number. They are Saamba puraana ,

devee bhagavatha

puraana, kaalika puraana , laghu naaradeeya

puraana, harivamsa

puraana, vishnudharmotthara puraana, kalki

puraana, mulgala puraana,

aadi puraana , aathma puraana , brahma puraana ,


puraana , narasimha puraana , kriyaayoga saara

puraana, soorya puraana ,

bruhad naaradeeya puraana , purushotthama puraana ,

bruhad Vishnu

puraana .


Darsanaas are separate class of literature which are

wrongly said as

philosophical texts. They are not philosophy but

visions of acharyaas.

Since they are the VISIONS the words darsana ( which

is seen). Nyaaya

darsana of Goutha ma Maharshi, Vaiseshika darsana

of Kanaada

maharshi, Saankhya darsana of Maharshi Kapila, Yoga

darsana of Maharshi

patanjali, poorva meemamsa darsana of Jaimini and

Uttara meemaamsa of

Maharshi veda vyaasa. These six darsanaas are

known as shaddarsana

and one more darsana which is powerful and high

standard atheism is

by Maharshi Charvaaka known as chaarvaaka darsana.


MESSAGE FROM IISH family members from world over

share the joy of

Vishu which is the astronomically important day.

Ancient Indians new

that earth revolves around the Sun. They counted the

number of

revolution from a certain point in the zodiac which

they fixed as Mesha

sankranti ( Alpha Aeries point). When the Sun ( when

viewed from earth)

crosses the last degree of the Sign of Meena and

entering into the

sign of Mesha, the time is known as Sanskrati (=

glorious change ) It

is scientific new year accepted by the scientific

world. This is

known in Sanskrit as Mesha Vishuvath short form

Vishu. Our greeting

to each and everyone of you and your family members






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