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Krishna-katha : The Frog's Half-rupee Coin

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OM NAMO NARAYANAYA QUOTE The living entity is intelligent. One therefore has to utilize his intelligence over the mind and the senses. When the mind and senses are purified by the proper use of intelligence, then the conditioned soul is liberated; otherwise, if the intelligence is not properly utilized in controlling the senses and mind, the conditioned soul continues to transmigrate from one kind of body to another simply for sense gratification. - Srila Prabhupada, Krishna Book - Prayers by the Personified Vedas Krishna-katha The Frog’s Half-rupee Coin A frog, living in a pond, by chance picked up a half-rupee coin. Upon getting the half-rupee coin the frog became puffed-up and thought, “Is there anyone else as rich as I am now? If the king’s elephant comes this time to drink water here, I will chain him up. I won’t let him drink water here again!” Meditating thus, the frog sat tightly on the half-rupee coin on the bank of the pond. Shortly after, the keeper of the king’s elephant arrived at the pond along with the elephant for taking a bath. The frog immediately jumped off and threw himself near the feet of the elephant, leaving the half-rupee coin behind. It wasn’t long before he lost his life under the elephant’s feet. Those who are simply puffed-up with their great sphere of mundane activities in this material world, prove themselves to be insignificant like ‘the Half-rupee coin of the frog’ whenever they are confronted with a situation of real assessment. The great valour of an untiring worker in this material world may be crushed underfoot at any moment under the pressure of the mundane spell, as it is nothing but a gift from the material nature. Thus the Bhagavad-gita says : prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate “The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself to be the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried out by nature.” (Bhagavad-gita 3.27) The activities performed under the influence of different modes of nature, are considered by the living entity to have been done by himself under the illusion of “I am the Lord.” Such a puffed-up person under illusion thinks himself to be the lord of enjoyment in this world and thus wants to lord it over the world. They fail to realize, however, that mother nature can at any moment crush down their tall edifice of boasting as a great worker. There is no use of independence and its related conceit in this material world. Today’s king may be tomorrow’s beggar on the street. Today’s pauper may become puffed-up with unlimited wealth and opulence. So the great saint sings: “The King’s

kingdom is like the dancer’s dance, in an instant it can be finished. In the same way, Maya, the supreme controller, acts. O mind, be always fearful of her!” Source: http://www.emmasoftware.com/show.php?a=1439143 & b=38208 Radhe Shyam, Arun

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