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[Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Forget About Knowledge: Just Be Yourself

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What we call life, that is from birth to death, is only an infinitesimal part of our whole existence as ‘ I ‘ from the time of creation, .'Avyakthaadheeni bhoothani vyaktha madhyaani bharata, avyaktha nidhanaanyeva thathra kaa paridevana.'- Gita chapter 2-28 We do not know where we were , what we were doing before birth and also where we go, what we will do after death. The life as we envisage is only the middle, forming a minute part of our whole existence. Nevertheless we should

definitely know the purpose of life however small it may be. Practically speaking, without philosophical interpretations, it is my opinion that one should leave this earth as a better person than what he was when he came into the world, in whatever manner he wants to accomplish this. Philosophically speaking, the purpose life is the ultimate purushartha, that is, mukthi or release from the bondage of samsara,the cycle of birth and death. For this you should know who is the real 'You ' for which all the scriptural knowledge come to the assistance. Self-realisation is the

birth right of everyone because it is nothing but realising your real Self. You have to do it whether you wish for it or not because the long winding journey from creation through life after life heads towards this ultimate destination only. It is like climbing uphill when sometimes you seem to be going down but eventually you have to reach the top. When you have climbed to a certain height the peak seems to be easy to reach. Before that time your journey seems to be endless and riddled with doubts and fears and you are tempted to stop losing faith. But having started there is no way but to plod on and here the faith in God and our Masters come to rescue. Without knowing our real Self we imagine ourselves to be different identifying our self with body mind and intellect due to ignorance which Sankara calls adhyasa or

superimposition. Enlightenment is not a myth but it is the right of every human being. Vivekananda said that he did not get any enlightenment after his guru left this world, because his guru deliberately concealed the samadhi experience from him as he had to fulfil his mission in this world. Surely he would have attained salvation once he left his mortal coil. Not everyone is destined to become jeevanmuktha, that is realised soul in this life itself. They are only chosen few who are given the command by God to lead the mankind, like Ramakrishna, Ramana etc. Moreover we are not supposed to chase

enlightenment. It has to come of its own accord. All sadhanas like study of the scriptures, doing japa, worship, meditation and the ashtangayoga techniques like pranayayama etc are only to purify our inner equipment. You see God is in every heart because He is our real Self. Our karma born out of avidya or ignorance conceals Him from shining out like a chimney covered with soot through which no light shines. All the mental and physical disciplines are to clean the chimney so that the light shines through of its own accord. This is what Krishna says in Gita, 'theshaam aadhithyavath jnanam prakaasayathi thathparam. When you worship don't ask Him for enlightenment or mukthi but only ask for bhakthi which will lead you to mukthi.He alone knows when you are ready for it and will give it in due time. It may happen in this life itself or the next or several lives after but if one makes an effort it never becomes in vain. ‘Na hi kalyanakrth kaschith dhurgathim thaatha gacchathi,’ says Krishna, and there is no effort wasted and there is noprathavaaya or counter effect even if the ffort is discontinued, ''nehaabhikramanaasoasthi prathavaayo na vidhyathe'. The only qualification for success is to be a

'sraddhaavaan' have faith.. detached person definitely feels the loss but he is able to face it or any other calamity with stoic courage and calmness and as he becomes the tower of strength to others who are equally affected. sarojaRamanaujam Dr. Saroja Ramanujam, M.A., Ph.D, Siromani in sanskrit. Please visit http://www.geocities.com/sarojram18 http://freewebs.com/asrama3

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Dear Dr. Varsha! You are fully right... not knowing to laugh or to cry. Bur Sri Krsna said in Bhagabat-Gita that we have to lament nor for the living neither for the dead. So instead of arguing with people who are too puft-up to understand that exist a Supreme Person, and that This is Krsna, better is to speak of Krsna. So the impersonalist or atheist will also benefit. And to think that without Sri Guru is possible to understand Krsna katha is simply foulishness. But I am not entiteled to impose to someone what to think... Krsna in his form of Kala will teach everybody. And when they will be ready they will meet their Guru. I pray for them to have this chance as soon as possible. I have it and I am so gratefull: "om ajnana timmirandasya jnanan jnana salakaya caksur unmilitam jena tasmai sri gurave namaha" So I have to be ever gratefull to Sri Guru because he have taken me out of the ignorance, guiding me with the torch of light. Jaya Sri Krsna! Jaya Gurudeva! Your servant. Bh. Ovidiu Varsha <drvknaik wrote: Dont know what to do - to laugh or to cry or to sympathize or ignore for having such a view. Finally decided to scribble few lines and express my view .To be yourself u

need to KNOW who are u? KO AHAM?Only HUMANS are privileged to gain knowledge and step in a higher level of ADHYATMA. After many highs and lows of various BIRTHS you get a human life - a chance to seek liberation. Liberation from life and death cycle. The moment u realize u r not different from THE SUPREME , U r SUPREME YOURSELF - u r liberated. But that is not achieved so easily. Hence knowledge "GYANA" is very important.Now if u use ur knowledge to gain number of cars and houses , number of jewels and properties then u r on all together a different track. A track of competition - with urself and others -and with the world and THAT TRACK DOESNT TAKE YOU TO ACTUAL PURPOSE OF LIFE FOR HUMANS.The lost beings do not know their purpose - their aim of life . When they see the various richness and comforts of the mundane world they think thats all they have to achieve. There is the mistake. And knowledge becomes harmful.

Half knowledge - wrong knowledge lack of knowledge to use KNOWLEDGE etc. all produce side effects. Side effects of loosing ur original track - the track to achieve all the four PURUSHARTHAS - DHARMA , ARTHA , KAMA & MOKSHA.JAI SRI KRISHNA!!!Dr. VarshaDubaiguruvayur , "Soumya Vinod" <soumya0406 wrote:>> Forget About Knowledge: Just Be Yourself> > How can i be myself if I don't know myself?> > Whether you know or not, you cannot be other than yourself. To be yourself,> knowledge is not needed. A rosebush is a rosebush. Not that the rosebush> knows that it is a rosebush. A rock is a rock. Not that the rock knows that> it is a rock. Knowledge is not needed. In fact, it is because of knowledge> that you are missing being yourself.> > Knowledge is

creating the problem. The rosebush is not confused. Every day> it goes on being a rosebush. Not even for a single day does it become> confused. It does not start some morning growing mari-golds; it goes on> being a rosebush. Knowledge is not needed for being. In fact, you are> missing your being because of knowledge.> > I was reading about a certain man named Dudley: To celebrate Uncle Dudley's> 75th birthday, an aviation enthusiast offered to take him for a plane ride> over the little West Virginia town where he had spent all his life. Uncle> Dudley accepted the offer.> > Back on the ground, after circling over the town 20 minutes, he was asked:> "Were you scared, Uncle Dudley?No", was the hesitant answer, "but i never> did put my full weight down".> > In an airplane, whether you put your full weight down or not, the weight

is> carried by the airplane. Whether you know yourself or not is not the point.> Knowledge is disturbing you. Just think if there was a rock also on that> airplane with Uncle Dudley, the rock would have put the whole weight down.> Uncle Dudley is unnecessarily worried. He could have rested, he could have> relaxed just like the rock, but the rock has no knowledge and Uncle Dudley> has knowledge.> > The whole problem of huma-nity is that humanity knows, and because of> knowing, the being is unnecessarily forgotten.> > Meditation is how to drop knowledge. Meditation means how to become ignorant> again. Meditation means how to become a child again, a rosebush, a rock.> Meditation means how just to be and not to think.> > When i say to you to be yourself, i mean meditate. Don't try to be anybody> else. You cannot be! You can try,

and you can deceive yourself and you can> promise yourself and you can hope that someday you will become somebody> else, but you cannot become. These are only illusions that you can go on> having. These are dreams. They are not going to become realities ever. You> will remain yourself whatsoever you do.> > Why not relax, Uncle Dudley! Put your full weight on the airplane. Relax. In> relaxation, suddenly you will start enjoying your being, and the effort to> be somebody else will stop. That is your worry how to be somebody else, how> to be like somebody else, how to become like a Buddha, how to become like> Patanjali. You can only be yourself. Accept it, rejoice in it, delight in> it. Relax.> > Zen Masters say to their disciples, "Beware of Buddha. If you meet him on> the way, kill him immediately". What do they mean? They mean there

is a> human tendency to become imitators. There is a book, Imitation Of Christ. In> a way, that title is very symbolic. It shows the whole mind of humanity.> People are trying to imitate, to become somebody else.> > Nobody can become a Christ. There is no need. Existence will be bored if you> become Christ. It wants somebody new, something original. It wants you, and> it wants you to be just yourself.> > Excerpted from The Alpha and The Omega. Courtesy: Osho International> Foundation. Website: www.osho.com.>

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