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Hindu daily routine

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Ohm Narayanaya Namah

Thank you Sindu for your advice and water therapy particularly.


In daily routine I have included Surya Namaskaram also. I do not do

all the 10 postures but only the first three i.e extend my arms above

my head slowly breathing in while doing so, hold the breath for 3

seconds, then bring down the arms slowly breathing out -in3secs-,

bend and touch my own toes for 3 secs, then stand straight with arms

both on my side breathing-in slowly -3secs- then breath out-3secs-.

I repeat 3 times early in the morning and another 3 times after my

morning bath. In other words I accomplish Paadam thottu


I have learned, to avoid blood pressure, control intake of Salt.

Blood presure will be controled. I have no conclusive evidence in my

theory that Sugar has a connection to Cancer, but have observed in my

own family that those who have consumed more sugar are affected. But

my own personal experience about Sugar is that it helps to increase

the triglyceride -a vital component in Cholesterol- to a dangerous

level leading to heart attack that I suffered in 1999. I also had

read somewhere that Sugar in Greek or Latin or Roman means poison.

Our jaggery or chakkara is better than purified Sugar. But too much

of anything is dangerous.

By Lord Guruvayoorappan's blessing I am okay now. This works for me

but at the same time I will not say that it will work for all. I am

sure atleast some members of our group will find it useful.

Ohm Narayanaya Namah

Chandra Sekharan Menon





guruvayur , sindu kaipuzha <sindukaipuzha



> namaste.


> while it is heartening to receive inputs from some members, i am

adding two more routines to be observed (points 5 & 6). i will

append the inputs from the members in the respective points in the

future enabling the members to use their discretion as to what should

be followed:


> 1.

> when you wake up in the morning, which should be 48 minutes before


> write 'shree' on the left hand side of the bed by right hand.


> 2.

> turn to righthand side and sit up facing east chanting 'govinda,

govinda' and remember mother, father and guru.


> 3.

> join the palms and darshan lakshmi at the fingertips, saraswathi at

the centre of the plams and parvathy at the lower part of the palm



> karagravasathey lakshmi

> karamadhye saraswathi

> karamoole sthita gowri

> prabhathey kara darshanam


> 4.touch mother earth by both hands chanting:


> samudra vasaney devi

> parvatha sthana mandaley

> vishnu pagni namasthubhyam

> pada sparsham kshamaswamey


> and place both hands on the head.


> ------------

> courtesy: hindukkal ariyendava by dr. k. aravindakshan.

> ------------


> 5.

> wash your mouth and drink 1.5 Liters of water. (courtesy:

http://health.wiki.zoho.com/Water-Therapy.html). details are

hereunder (general.1.)


> this point is from the health point of view.


> 6.

> while getting ready to brush your teeth, chant:


> kleem kama devaya namah

> sarva jana priyaya namah


> namaste.

> sindu baby


> -----------


> general:


> 1.

> Water Therapy

> Tags:

Drink six [6] glasses of water (1.5 liter) everyday and avoid

medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis, doctor fees etc. You can

never believe before practicing. Here is the list of diseases that

can be cured by this water therapy:




> Head Ache

> Blood Pressure / Hypertension

> Anemia (Blood shortage)

> Rheumatism (Pain in joints/muscles)

> General Paralysis

> Obesity (Fatness)

> Arthritis

> Sinusitis

> Tachycardia

> Giddiness

> Cough

> Asthma

> Bronchitis

> Pulmonary Tuberculosis

> Meningitis

> Kidney Stones

> Urogenital Diseases

> Hyper acidity

> Gastro – entitis

> Dysentery

> Rectal Piodapse

> Constipation

> Hostorthobics

> Diabetes

> Eye diseases

> Ophthalmic Hemorrhage & Opthalmia (Reddish eye)

> Irregular Menstruation

> Leukemia

> Uterus Cancer

> Breast Cancer

> Laryngitis



> Early morning, after you get up from bed, (without even brushing

your teeth) drink 1.50 litters of water i.e. 5 to 6 glasses. You may

wash your face thereafter.

> Here it is very essential to note that nothing else, neither drinks

nor solid food of any sort should be taken within 1 hr. before and

after drinking these 1.5 litters of water.

> It is also to be strictly observed that no alcoholic drinks shall

be taken the previous night.

> If required, boiled and filtered water may be used for this

purpose. Is it possible to drink 1.50 litters of water at one time?

This is a BIG QUESTION? To begin with, one may find it difficult to

drink 1..50 litters of water at one time, but one will get used to it

gradually. Initially, while practicing you may drink four glasses

first and then the balance two glasses after a gap of 2

minutes.Initially you may find the necessity to urinate 2-3 times

within an hour, but it will become normal after quite some time.

> By research and experience, the following diseases are observed to

be cured with this therapy within the indicated days as below:


> Constipation:

> 1 day


> Acidity:

> 2 days


> Diabetes:

> 7 days

> Cancer:

> 4 weeks


> Pulmonary TB:

> 3 months

> BP & Hypertension:

> 4 weeks




> It is advised that persons suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism

should practice this therapy thrice a day i.e. morning, mid day and

night, 1 hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner for one week and

twice a day subsequently until the disease disappears.



> Consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method purifies

human body.


> It renders the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood,

known in medical terms as Haematopaises.


> That the mucousal folds of the colon and intestines are activated

by this method, is an undisputed fact, just as the theory that new

fresh blood is produced by the mucousal fold.


> If the colon is cleansed then the nutrients of the food taken

several times a day will be absorbed and by the action of the

mucousal folds they are turned into fresh blood.


> The blood is all-important in curing ailments and restoring health

and for this water should be consumed in a regular pattern.








> K.V Gopalakrishna <gopalakrishna.kv

> guruvayur

> Thursday, 11 October, 2007 9:51:05 PM

> Re: [Guruvayur/Guruvayoor] Hindu daily routine


> Dear all,

> Radhe Krishna!


> It is not at all difficult to trace out the daily routine (Nithya-

karmas) of a Hindu. Most of our people must have gone to

Sabarimala. What are the rituals followed during the 41 days of

Vratham ? I used to ask many people, " if you can follow all these

rules for fortyone days, why cant you do it for 365 days ? " At

this, many people just take it as a joke, laugh and walk away. The

Vratham rules for Sabarimala are quite stringent, and during my

boyhood days, I remember people used to say with fear and

devotion, " if we dont follow the rules correctly, some wild animal

will catch us. " Now there are no wild animals and hence people dont

observe stringent rules at all, let alone 41 days-- they get

initiated with Mala the previous day and push off in a vehicle.and

are back in 3 days time. Life has become fast.


> First thing, as soon as we get up, (preferably before sunrise) look

at the right palm as Sindu has written, because it is believed that

Goddesses Lakshmi, Saraswati and Parvathi have their abode on the

palm. One should remember that there is a deity looking after each

organ of ours, and that is an additional reason why we should not do

any bad things. When any of the organs get afflicted with sickness,

take medicine as prescribed by the doctor and also pray to the deity

concerned to help rapid cure. (As Guruvayoorappan is the Supreme

God of all those deities, one can pray repeatedly to Lord

Guruvayoorappan to take care of our health, and He will take care of

us.) Also it is a matter to be remembered that the Goddesses have

their abodes in our hand and we should not misuse that hand for bad

actions! (right as well as left)


> Before putting one's foot on the ground, one can touch the mother

earth, the floor under you with the right hand and apply to the eyes,

reciting the stotra, " samudra Vasane Devi, Parvatha-sthana mandithe,

Vishnu-pathni namasthubhyam, padasparsam kshamaswa mey " , requesting

mother earth to pardon us for treading on Her.. Then go to the

Pooja room or any picture of any God, one's Ishta-deivatham, and pay

respects and pray at least for a few seconds. After that, wash the

legs up to the knees, hands up to the elbow, clean the teeth, etc.,

and if one wants coffee or something, have it, and comed back, apply

a little Bhasmam on the forehead, prostrate before the God and if

one has the time, the Prathah-smarana stotrams can be recited. It

is not absolutely necessary that one should have his bath before

praying-- if the body and mind are otherwise clean, go ahead and

recite with Bhakti, the prathah-smarana manthras .


> Prathah-smarana manthras (with instructions. )


> 1. Braahme muhurthe prabodhah karthavyah (One should get up during

the Braahma Muhurta which is 1-1/2 hours prior to sunrise.)


> 2. Braahme Muhurthe utthaaya chinthayeth atmano hitham. Gurum

Vishnum namaskrithya, matharam pitharam thadha. (After getting up

during the Braahma muhurtha, one should contemplate upon what is good

for him for that day, then offer prostrations to Guru, Lord Vishnu,

mother and father.)


> 3. Braahme muhurthe Devanam Pithruunam cha samagamah. Jagarah

thathra karthavyah Pithrusammananam hi thath. (It is duriing the

Brahma Muhurtha that the pithrus and Gods will visit us. One should

be awake during that time as a mark of respect to the Gods and fore-

fathers. ) After washing feet, hands, face, etc., and wearing the

Bhasma or Chandanam on the forehead, one should recite the following:


> a) Kausalya-supraja Raama, poorva sandhya pravarthathe.

> Utthishta Nara-sardoola, karthavyam deivam ahnikam.


> b)Utthishtotthishta Govinda, Utthishta Garuda-dhwaja

> Utthishta Kamala-kantha, thrylokyam mangalam kuru.


> c)Utthishtotthishta Viswesa, utthishta Vrishabha-dhwaja

> Utthishta Girija-kantha, thrylokyam mangalam kuru.


> d)Vakra-thunda Maha-kaya koti-surya sama-prabha

> Nirvighnam kuru mey deva, sarva-karyeshu Sarvada.


> e) Sarada Saradambhoja -vadana vadanambuje

> Sarvada, sarvada-asmakam sannidhim sannidhim kriyath.


> f)Gurur-brahma Gurur-vishnuh Gurur-devo Maheswarah

> Guruh sakshat param Brahma thasmei Sri Gurave namsh.


> g)Yah Sivo namaroopabhyam ya davee sarva-mangala

> Thayoh samsmaranath pumsam sarvatho jaya-mangalam.


> h)Lakshmee-nivasa niravadya-guneika- sindho

> Samsara-sagara- samuttharaneika setho

> Vedantha-vedya- nija-vaibhava- bhaktha-bhogya

> Sree Venkatachalapathe- thava suprabhatham.


> i) Kani-kanunneram Kamalanethrante niramerum manja-thukil-


> Kanaka-kinkini- valakal mothiram aninju-kanenam Bhagavaney-- etc.


> j) Brahmaa-muraris- thripuraanthakas cha

> Bhanuh sasee bhoomisutho budhascha

> Guruscha sukrah sani-rahu-kethavah

> Kurvanthu sarve Mama suprabhatam


> k)Bhrigur-vasishtah Krathur-angiraascha

> Manuh Pulasthyah Pulahascha Gouthamah

> Dalbhyo Mareechih Chyavano-adha Dakshah

> Kurvanthu Sarve mama suprabhatham.


> l) Sanath-kumaarascha sanandanascha

> Sanaathano-apyasuri -simhakou cha

> Sapthah-swarah saptha-rasathalani

> Kurvanthu sarve mama suprabhatham.


> m)Saptha-arnavah saptha-kulachalasch a

> Saptharshayo dweepa-vanaani saptha

> Bhooradi-koormo Bhuvanani saptha

> Kurvanthu sarve mama suprabhatham.


> n)Prithwee sagandha sarasah-thatapah

> Sparso cha vayur-jwalitham cha thejah

> Nabhah sa-sabdam mahatha saheiva

> Kurvanthu sarve mama suprabhatham.


> o) Prahlada-narada- parasara- pundhareeka

> Vyasa-ambareesha- suka-sounaka- bheeshma- dalbhyan

> Rugmangada-arjuna- vibheeshana- aadeen

> Punyan-iman parama-bhagavathan smarami.


> p)Punya-sloko Nalo-raja, punya-sloko yudhishtirah

> Punyasloka cha Vaidehee Punyasloko Janrdanah.


> q) Brahmanam Sankaram Vishnum Yamam Ramam Danum Balim

> Saptha-ethan smareth nithyam Mahapathaka- nasanam.


> r)Ahalya Droupadee Seetha Thara Mandodaree thatha

> Pancha-kanyah smareth nithyam mahapathaka- nasanam.


> s)Kaarkodakasya Nagasya Damayanthyah Nalasya cha

> Rithuparnasya rajarsheh keerthanam kali-naasanam.


> t) Praathah prabhruthi saayantham saayaadi-praathar- anthathah

> Yat-karomi Jagannadha thad-asthu thava poojanam.


> u) Phala-sruthi


> Ittham prabhaathe paramam pavithram

> Pateth smareth va srinuvascha thadvat

> Dus-swapna-nasas- thwiha suprabhaatham

> Bhavet-cha nithyam Bhagavat-prasadath.


> Further, there are individual Prathah-smarana- sthothras for each

God. These may be given if somebody wants them.


> People wearing the sacred thread should perform the Sandhya-

vandanam during the right time, half hour plus or minus sandhya

time. There is no need of taking bath before performing

sandhyavandanam- -preferably if bath can be taken before that is

ideal-- the fact is that the timing is important, whether it is the

morning, afternoon (at mid-day) or the evening. Body and mind should

be pure.


> On Pradosham days, during the timing of Pradosham (Between 5 p.m

and 6.30 p.m., only Lord Siva and Sakthi should be worshipped.

Everyday, during the sandhya time, only prayer should be perfotmed

and nothing else. We will remember that Hiranyaksha and

Hiranyakasipu came into being on Diti's insistence to Kasyapa, her

husband that she must have sex during that time, in spite of

Kasyapa's advice to her.


> If anyone wants further clarifications, I shall write whatever I



> Regards to all,

> KVG.


> 4.


> Pravin balan wrote:

> Om Namo Narayanaya

> Dear Sindu,


> There is a malayalam book called Krishnarpanam written by Shri.

Gopalakrishnan Elampulakad. The cover picture is of Krishna with a

flute in his hand. This book has plenty of intruction as to what a

Hindu should do and not do. It cost about Rs 50.00. You should be

able to get this from the book shops near Guruvayoor. I got mine from

a shop near Kadampuzha Keshtram.


> Pravin


> Narayana Narayana Narayana


> Sunil Menon <menon_sunil@ > wrote:

> Dear Sindu,


> Good information Sindu.


> I agree with you that many of us starters require plain & simple

> instructions rather than difficult discourses to start practicing


> religion.


> However, to be frank, I never heard half of these things your

> mentioned. I think the reason is simple - Hinduism is a vast ocean


> knowledge. As an ocean,it has different shores, islands and colors.

> So, there is no standard across India to conclude this is what we


> to do to be a Hindu.


> But that - the openess - is the most important aspect and beauty of

> our Hinduism. It is a non restrictive religion unlike most of the

> Abrahamic religions where you are confined to certain practices &

> rituals to be included in that religion.


> But to make it simple & easy for starters, let us say we need some

> kind of tutorial to start that journey towards advanced learning of

> scriptures. So, I think it is a good start.


> Please share more info.


> Om Namo Narayanaya:

> Sunil.


> guruvayur@grou ps.com, sindu kaipuzha

<sindukaipuzha@ ...>

> wrote:

> >

> > namaste.

> >

> > in reference to emails from sri. sunil, sri. suresh, smt. saroja


> sri. krishna, i was looking for a more down-to-earth information


> (forgive me and correct me if i am wrong):

> >

> > 1.

> > when you wake up in the morning, which should be 48 minutes before

> sunrise:

> > write 'shree' on the left hand side of the bed by right hand.

> >

> > 2.

> > turn to righthand side and sit up facing east chanting 'govinda,

> govinda' and remember mother, father and guru.

> >

> > 3.

> > join the palms and darshan lakshmi at the fingertips, saraswathi


> the centre of the plams and parvathy at the lower part of the palm

> reciting:

> >

> > karagravasathey lakshmi

> > karamadhye saraswathi

> > karamoole sthita gowri

> > prabhathey kara darshanam

> >

> > 4.touch mother earth by both hands chanting:

> >

> > samudra vasaney devi

> > parvatha sthana mandaley

> > vishnu pagni namasthubhyam

> > pada sparsham kshamaswamey

> >

> > and place both hands on the head.

> >

> > ------------

> > courtesy: hindukkal ariyendava by dr. k. aravindakshan.

> > ------------

> >

> > more practices will follow once your input is received.

> >

> > with best wishes

> > sindu baby

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Suresh Nair <aol.suresh@ ...>

> > guruvayur@grou ps.com

> > Thursday, 4 October, 2007 10:15:52 AM

> > Re: [Guruvayur/Guruvayo or] Hindu daily routine

> >

> > Om Namo Narayanaya!

> >

> > Sanatana Dharma is a way of life, not a religion. A Hindu is

> somebody who follows Sanatana Dharma. In Sanatana Dharma itself


> are various sects and groups that suggest different ways of self

> realization. Irrespective of the sects and beliefs, the ultimate aim

> is self realization.

> >

> > For self realization, there is only one real way - the way of

> SADHANA; Spiritual practices. Spiritual practices does not have any

> relation with wearing Saffron cloths and enunciating everything.

> Spirituality is knowing the spirit, experiencing the self.

> >

> > There are a number of spiritual practices that helps one to lead a

> happy life. Some are the Art of Living of His Holiness Sri Sri

> Ravishankarji, Self realization foundation of Sri Sri Paramhansa

> Yogananda, Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and


> like that. One seeking the ultimate abode of the supreme soul can

> always take a single path of Spiritual Practices. Regular practice

> will definitely guide one to the goal.

> >

> > Another aspect of the sanatana dharma is the presence of a living

> guru. One seeker's like gets a direction when he reaches a Guru. A

> guru is inevitable in the path of self realization. Observe that,


> Arjuna got the ultimate knowledge of Gita when he accepted Hari as


> guru. In our scriptures it is told that " One without guru is -


> orphan " . Having a guru is more than having Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh

> together. Guru is " bindu-nAda- kalAtItA " , above the three aspects


> OM-kara.

> >

> > There are some other beautiful aspects too.

> >

> > The first one is celebrating the life - it was put in practice by

> Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. That is SATSANG - Singing, Dancing and being


> communion with the God within.

> >

> > Then it is Karma-Yoga. Serving other people in need. Look at any


> the living masters. They all do that. SEVA. Helping the needy,


> expecting anything.

> >

> > Then comes Knowledge and Meditation. We have the ultimate


> of Bhagavad Gita.

> >

> > Simply reciting the Sanskrit chanting, and reading the stories in

> religious books will not alone help. We got the human life for a

> cause. Finding that cause and reaching the self should be the goal


> one's life.

> >

> > Love and Regards

> > Suresh Nair

> > -

> > Sunil Menon

> > guruvayur@grou ps.com

> > Wednesday, October 03, 2007 7:22 AM

> > Re: [Guruvayur/Guruvayo or] Hindu daily routine

> >

> >

> > Good question Sindu.

> >

> > For many youngsters and people living away from home, this comes

up as

> > a constant question.

> >

> > Before putting out my personal version - that has derived from my

> > parents, community and my own readings - I would love to hear from

> > our scholarly members and other senior members.

> >

> > PLEASE answer what we need to be a Hindu on daily and long term


> >

> > Many Internet sites provide their own version of what you need to


> > to be a Hindu. After reading some of them, I felt that many of


> > are biased or promoting some political ideology along with the

> > religious teaching.

> >

> > So, before anyone quote from other websites, I like to hear from

> > someone who can answer it from our scriptures or from heart.

> >

> > Om Namo Narayanaya:

> > Sunil.

> >

> > guruvayur@grou ps.com, sindu kaipuzha

<sindukaipuzha@ ...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > namaskaram:

> > >

> > > i need a tutorial about a hindu's daily routine. what should


> > recite when they wake up? in what direction should they stand/sit?

> > what should be the body posture? i understand there are


> > before you brush your teeth, take bath, eat food, go to work


> > can anybody in this group elaborate on this?

> > >

> > > thank you, in advance, for your help..

> > >

> > > namaskaram

> > > sindu kaipuzha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> online at http://in.messenger ./ webmessengerprom o.php

> >

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