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Kaarttika Mahatmya

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Hare Krishna


Kartika Mahatmya

(Extraction from 16th chapter of Hari Bhakti Vilasa)


Text 32

In the Skanda Puraana it is said

The pious result obtained by bathing in all holy

places and giving all charities is not equal to one

ten-millionth part of the result obtained by following

the vow of Kaarttika”.


Text 38

“O sage in the month of Kaarttika neither pious deeds

nor sins are ever destroyed”.


Text 41

In the Padma Puraana it is said: “ of the twelve

months, Kaarttika is the most dear to Lord Krishna. To

anyone who even slightly worships Lord Vishnu during

its time, the month of Kaarttika gives residence in

Lord Visnu’s transcendental abode”


Test 42

“As everyone knows, Lord Daamodara loves His devotees.

Lord Daamodara’s month, the month of Kaarttika, also

loves the devotees. The month of Kaarttika thinks even

the slightest devotional service is very big and



Text 44

“Lord Krishna is pleased by the offering of a single

lamp during the month of Kaarttika. Lord Krishna

glorifies anyone who lights a lamp for someone else to



Text 50

“It is further said: “O best of sages, a brhmana,

kshatriya . vaisya or sudra who follows the Kaarttika

vow will not take birth in a sinful family.


Text 52

He attains a great result who even very slightly

follows the very sacred Kaarttika vow, which is served

by the demigods, sages and pitaas.



Text 53-54

In the Skanda Puraana it is said: “charity, yajna,

japa and austerity performed in the month of Kaartika

bring a result, O best of brahmana, that will never be



It is further said: “One who during the month of

Kaarttika gives a small gift to Lord Vishnu attains a

result that will never be destroyed. This is

especially true when the gift is food.



Text 57

“One who regularly offers food to Lord Krishna during

the month of Kaarttika does not suffer troubles. For

as long as the fourteen Indras rule, he is free of

troubles ”.


Text 58-59

“One who during the month of Kaarttika eats prasadam

from a palaasa leaf plate destroys all sins committed

since the time of his birth. One who during the month

of Kaarttika eats prasadam from a palaasa leaf plate

attains all his desires. He attains the result of all

pilgrimages. He never sees hell”.


Text 61

“During the month of Kaartika giving sesame seeds in

charity, bathing in a sacred river, talking about the

Lord, serving the devotees and eating prasadam from a

palaasa leaf plate, all grant liberation”.


Text 54

“During the month of Kaarttika serving the devotees,

feeding the cows, talking about and worshipping Lord

Vishnu, and keeping a vigil until the last part of the

night bring , in the Kali-yuga, a very rare result.”


Text 68

“It is further said : “ O Naarada, I have personally

seen that a person who happily reads Bhag avad- Gita

during the month of Kaarttika does not return to the

world of birth and death”.



Text 69

“By circumambulating a temple of Lord Vishnu during

the month of Kaarttika one attains at every step the

pious result that will never be lost”.


Text 71

“A person who during the month of Kaarttika reads the

thousand holy name of Lord Hari and the story of

Gajendra’s liberation does not take birth again.”


Text 75

“During the month of Krishna, they who with love hear

the topics of Lord Visnu, even if they hear only half

verse or a fourth of a verse, attain the pious result

of giving a hundreds of cows in charity.


Text 76

“O great sage, please give up all other religious

pratice and simply hear the sacred scriptures in the

presence of the Deity of Lord Keshava during the

month of Kaarttika.”.


Text 80

“O tiger if sages, a person who during the month of

Kaartika hears the topics of Lord Hari becomes free

from the sufferings of hundreds and millions of



Text 81

“Lord Hari, the all powerful Supreme Lord forgives

thousands of offenses and a host of terrible sins

committed by one who worships Him during the month of



Text 92

The various parts of Kaarttika vow:

1. Keeping an all night vigil for the sake of Lord


2. bathing early in the morning.

3.serving Tulasi.

4. properly concluding the vow and

5. offering a lamp.


Text 99


In the Skanda Purana it is said:

When one offers a lamp during the month of Kaarttika,

his sins in many thousand and millions of birth perish

in half an eye blink.


Text 101

By offering a lamp during the month of Kaarttika one

attains a pious result of ten million times greater

than the result obtained by bathing at Kurukshetra

during the solar eclipse or by bathing in the river

Narmada during a lunar eclipse.


Text 103

Even if there are no mantras, no pious deeds, and no

purity, everything becomes perfect when a person

offers a lamp during the month of Kaarttika.


Text 106

“O brahmans, when the pitaas hear devotional songs and

verses in the month of Kaarttika, in that family will

be born a son devoted to his father.


Text 108

“By offering a lamp during the month of Kaarttika one

burns away a collection of sins as big as Mount Meru

and Mount Mandara. Of this there is no doubt.


Text 113

“O Naarad. no sins exist anywhere in the world that

will not be purified by offering a

lamp to Lord Keshava during Kaarttika”.


Text 119

“A person who offers a lamp in a temple of Lord Vishnu

during the month of Kaarttika attains eternal wealth,

good children, fame and glory.



Text 126

“By serving the Vaishnavas and lighting the lamps they

offer during the month of Kaarttika one attains the

result of performing many rajasuya and asvamedha



Text 127

“O tiger of kings, a person who in Lord Krishna’s

temple lights the lamp that other will offer during

the month of Kaarttika becomes free from the tortures

of Yamaraja”.





Hare Krishna






























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