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Tulasi Mahatmyam

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!! Sri Rama Jayam !!

The word 'vana' means forest. Vrindavana is the name given to the forest where Srimati Vrinda-devi (Tulasi-devi), grows profusely. Another name of Tulasi is Vrinda-devi (one who awards residence in Vrindavana).

The Vrindavana forest is named after Vrinda-devi, who performed penances here for 60,000 years. She was born as the daughter of Emperor Kedera, a very pious king that attained Goloka Vrindavana. His daughter Vrinda-devi, after sanctifying the forest by her penance, also attained Goloka. Ever since, the forest has been known as Vrindavana. Pleased by Vrinda-devi's austerities Lord Vishnu granted a boon to the Vrindavana forest: "Any penances performed here will quickly fructify and bear excellent results." Later Tulasi-devi, daughter of King Kusadhvaja, performed penances here and attained perfection. Tulasi's second name is Vrinda.

In the Padma Purana there are thirty chapters describing Tulasi's appearance. Her glorious attributes are recounted throughout the Vedic literature. "Just by looking at Tulasi, all of one's sins are removed. Just by touching Her, one's body becomes purified. All diseases are removed by praying to Her. Fear of death is destroyed by watering Her. Just by planting or transplanting Her, one achieves realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If someone offers Her leaves at the lotus feet of Sri Krsna, Tulasi will award liberation and devotion to Lord Sri Krsna."

Sri Krsna is very fond of Tulasi, also called Maharani. Vayu Purana states: "The Supreme Lord Hari does not accept anyone's worship without Tulasi." The poet Chandrasekhara says that Krsna does not care for even one of fifty-six offerings or thirty-six curries if they are offered without a Tulasi leaf. "All the places of pilgrimage on this planet and in the millions of universes, take shelter in a Tulasi leaf." (Padma-Puran). "Sri Krsna who is very affectionate toward His devotee, sells Himself to devotee who offers merely a Tulasi leaf and a palmful of water."

As the embodiment of the lila-shakti (pastime potency) Vrinda-devi is the organizer of all the transcendental pastimes of Sri Sri Radhika-Krsnacandra. Vrinda keeps many storerooms throughout the forests of Vrindavana. She is always busy, along with Her maidservant and forest goddesses, working to bring the pastimes of Radha-Govinda to complete fulfillment.

"According to the Goswamis, Vrinda-devi has a very unique and elevated position in Sri Sri Radha-Krsna's pastimes. She arranges the secret and intimate meetings and is a very close associate of Srimati Radhika.Vrindavana is completely under Vrinda-devi's grace." Without the mercy of Vrinda-devi it is not possible to enter into the confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna, not even as a listener in an audience. By the mercy of Vrinda-devi even the impossible can become possible. Even being allowed to enter Sri Vraja Mandala indicates that one has received the grace of Vrinda-devi."

How to attain shelter ? :

How to take shelter of Krishna in Vrindavana has been demonstrated by Srimati Radharani Herself and the Garga-samhita has recorded the story for our edification.

One time, desiring to know what kind of worship would please Krishna, Srimati Radhika approached Her friend Chandranana, the best of the knowers of religion. After reflecting for a moment Chandranana informed Srimati Radhika that Lord Krishna's association could be achieved through serving Tulasi in nine ways:


1) gazing at Her

2) touching Her

3) remembering Her

4) glorifying Her

5) bowing down before Her

6) offering prayers to Her

7) planting Her


8) watering Her and worshiping Her

The astounding results of serving Tulasi in such ways include guaranteed residence in Lord Krishna's transcendental abode for as many ancestors and descendants as there are branches, sub-branches, seeds, flowers and leaves on the Tulasi a person has planted.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu & Tulasi :

The Caitanya Bhagavata states that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's disciples would keep a Tulasi tree beside Him. The Lord would sit, taking darshan of Srimati Tulasi Maharani and chant His prescribed number of rounds. "Just as a fish cannot live when taken out of water, so I cannot remain alive in separation of Tulasi Maharani," Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu used to say.


Chaitanya Charitamrita Madhya Lila chapter 24 Verse 261

tulasi-parikrama kara, tulasi-sevananirantara krsna-nama kariha kirtana

Circumambulate the Tulasi plant; just supply water to the root of Tulasi-devi; and so continuously perform the holy chanting of Krishna nama.

After planting the Tulasi tree before your house, you should daily circumambulate that Tulasi plant, serve Her by giving Her water and other things, and continuously chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra.




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