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Lord Guruvayurappan cured it without surgery

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Marutpuresha ! The Lump that Disappeared By Dr. Ponnamma in Jan 1968 Only when we suffer, we can realize the kindness of Guruvayurappan. Even when your body and mind undergo extreme suffering, if you resort to Bhagavan you will get relief. I am recalling my mother’s experiences. The 74-year-old woman was bed-ridden with one side of her body exhausted for 16 years. She spent her time fully absorbed in thoughts of Sri Krishna.

Later, she was afflicted with diabetes and there were symptoms of heart diseases also. As if all this were not enough, a lump was detected in her right breast. Blood was coming from it. We got her examined by specialists in Thiruvananthapuram Medical College. They diagnosed it as cancer and advised removal

of breast which involved major surgery. As the patient was not healthy enough to withstand the operation, they didn’t do it. We were therefore advised to take her to Cancer hospital in Chennai. We reserved seats in the train with great difficulty. We took the patient to the Cancer Hospital at Adyar. The doctor there examined her and confirmed that it was the beginning of cancer. But they felt that the condition of the patient was very bad. Even if the tumor was not

removed, she would pass away due to diabetes and heart disease, they opined. Since there was no point in torturing the patient with a major operation, it would be better to take her back home, I thought. “It would take at least 10 days to get railway ticket and reservation. Meanwhile, some treatment could be tried”, I pleaded with the doctor. He agreed and also booked a cot in the pay ward. Mother understood everything. But she was calm and said nothing. That night, we were mentally disturbed thinking that having taken so much trouble and come all the way from Kerala, nothing could

be achieved. When it was dawn, mother called me and said happily: “Our Bhagavan came and told me- it was nothing serious and all would be well. Call my son and let me tell him too.” “Our Bhagavan”, referred to by mother was our family deity Sri Hari. In the morning my brother came and she told him: “ I had a dream last night in which our family deity told me that I would be cured”. After two days, Dr. Krishnamoorthy who first saw her came. He was happy at the cheerful face of the patient. He said: “Let me examine again", and did so. He felt that the surgery could be conducted without making her unconscious, by giving an injection at the spot. He wanted a specialist doctor to assist him. We agreed. Next day, the patient was taken to the Operation theatre. They had kept everything ready for a major operation. An Anesthetist gave injection around the affected part of the breast to make it numb. Mother was quite conscious and silently chanting “Narayana”. I was standing near her head and she was holding my hand tight. Being a doctor myself, I thought I would understand everything about the operation. It would require at least 20 stitches, so big was the wound. It was difficult to stand the sight. I thought I would close my eyes. At the same time, I felt at peace as if I was standing in front of the deity at Guruvayur temple. When I opened my eyes, I saw the doctor was hesitating to start. He said: “What is this? There was a lump here, but it is not to be seen . Where has it gone?” It was as big as a lime. It appeared that the

injection needle must have burst the lump which contained only liquid which would have spilled around. The tumour known as cyst is like a balloon filled with water. In that case it is not cancer. The doctor said after two days the hole made by the needle would close itself. The necessary test to detect cancer was conducted. The doctor finally declared that she was quite alright and since there is a doctor with the patient, she could be discharged after three days. That day, at the time when the swelling burst at the touch of the injection needle, cancer was ruled out and a major operation averted. If this is not God’s grace what is it? Three days after the operation, mother’s health improved remarkably. She was happy and cheerful. The hospital nurses were saying : “In spite of having so much illness in her body, how is this woman so cheerful and loving”. On the fourth day we were allowed to go back to our native place. After another three days, all the stitches were removed. Thereafter her health also improved considerably and she lived for another two and half years happily. Once, she experienced slight fever. She said she was not feeling hungry and asked for only milk. She lay quietly chanting God’s names. The next day morning, she was extremely tired. There was no sickness as such. She did her daily chores as usual and accepted Guruvayurappan’s Prasad. She told us to sit near her and recite slokas. We had lighted the lamp before the picture of Shri Guruvayurappan. She bowed before the deity and chanted ‘Narayana’ and lay down with her eyes closed. All the members of the family also did Nama japa with her. Without any trouble or pain, she passed away as if she was asleep. She had attained the Lord’s feet – a fruitful life attained God’s feet like a flower offered to the deity. This was due to the great fortune of always thinking of Bhagavan and chanting holy names. The above was an extract from a great book –Sri Krishna The Lord of Guruvayur Divine Experiences by Sri K.R.Vaidyanathan, Bhavan’s Book University. It has the English translation of real experiences of our Bhagavan’s grace narrated by readers of the “Sri Guruvayurappan”–a monthly magazine of the Sri Guruvayurappan Sankeerthana Trust, founded by Thirunamacharya Shri Anjam Madhavan Nambudiri (1918-1988), a scholar devotee who held vast audiences spellbound by his inimitable discourses on Bhagavata and the Namasankirtan. I request all our group members(who are rs of the “Sri Guruvayurappan” monthly magazine) to provide me with the scanned pages of Anubhava Katha columns. I wish to translate it into English so that we all can be blessed by knowing more and more about our Guruvayurappan’s Karunyam. So, if any of you out there has any volume, any month, any year-old or new issues, kindly help me in this project by sending those pages to me. Thanks in advance.

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