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Srimad Bhagavatha Kathamritam... An Asuran becomes immortal!

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Dear Ones,


Srimad Bhagavatha Kathamritam...An Asura becomes immortal.????


Hare Guruvayurappa!!!


SB 7.3.1: Narada Muni said to Maharaja Yudhisthira: The demoniac kingHiranyakasipu wanted to be unconquerable and free from old age anddwindling of the body. He wanted to gain all the yogic perfections like

anima and laghima, to be deathless, and to be the only king of theentire universe, including Brahmaloka.SB 7.3.2: In the valley of Mandara Hill, Hiranyakasipu began performinghis austerities by standing with his toes on the ground, keeping his

arms upward and looking toward the sky. This position was extremelydifficult, but he accepted it as a means to attain perfection.SB 7.3.3: From the hair on Hiranyakasipu' s head there emanated aneffulgent light as brilliant and intolerable as the rays of the sun at

the time of dissolution. Seeing the performance of such austerepenances, the demigods, who had been wandering throughout the planets,now returned to their respective homes.SB 7.3.4: Because of Hiranyakasipu' s severe austerities, fire came from

his head, and this fire and its smoke spread throughout the sky,encompassing the upper and lower planets, which all became extremelyhot.SB 7.3.5: Because of the power of his severe austerities, all the

rivers and oceans were agitated, the surface of the globe, with itsmountains and islands, began trembling, and the stars and planets fell.All directions were ablaze.SB 7.3.6: Scorched and extremely disturbed because of Hiranyakasipu' s

severe penances, all the demigods left the planets where they resideand went to the planet of Lord Brahm?, where they informed the creatoras follows: O lord of the demigods, O master of the universe, because

of the fire emanating from Hiranyakasipu' s head as a result of hissevere austerities, we have become so disturbed that we could not stayin our planets but have come to you.SB 7.3.7: O great person, chief of the universe, if you think it

proper, kindly stop these disturbances, meant to destroy everything,before all your obedient subjects are annihilated.SB 7.3.8: Hiranyakasipu has undertaken a most severe type of austerity.Although his plan is not unknown to you, kindly listen as we submit his

intentions.SB 7.3.9-10: " The supreme person within this universe, Lord Brahma, hasgotten his exalted post by dint of severe austerities, mystic power and

trance. Consequently, after creating the universe, he has become themost worshipable demigod within it. Since I am eternal and time iseternal, I shall endeavor for such austerity, mystic power and trancefor many, many births, and thus I shall occupy the same post occupied

by Lord Brahma.SB 7.3.11: " By dint of my severe austerities, I shall reverse theresults of pious and impious activities. I shall overturn all the

established practices within this world. Even Dhruvaloka will bevanquished at the end of the millennium. Therefore, what is the use ofit? I shall prefer to remain in the position of Brahma. " SB 7.3.12

: O lord, we have heard from reliable sources that in order toobtain your post, Hiranyakasipu is now engaged in severe austerity. Youare the master of the three worlds. Please, without delay, takewhatever steps you deem appropriate.

SB 7.3.13: O Lord Brahm?, your position within this universe iscertainly most auspicious for everyone, especially the cows andbr?hman?as. Brahminical culture and the protection of cows can beincreasingly glorified, and thus all kinds of material happiness,

opulence and good fortune will automatically increase. Butunfortunately, if Hiranyakasipu occupies your seat, everything will belost.SB 7.3.14: O King, being thus informed by the demigods, the most

powerful Lord Brahm?, accompanied by Bhr?gu, Daks?a and other greatsages, immediately started for the place where Hiranyakasipu wasperforming his penances and austerities.SB 7.3.15-16:

Lord Brahma, who is carried by a swan airplane, at firstcould not see where Hiranyakasipu was, for Hiran?yaka?ipu' s body wascovered by an anthill and by grass and bamboo sticks. BecauseHiranyakasipu had been there for a long time, the ants had devoured his

skin, fat, flesh and blood. Then Lord Brahm? and the demigods spottedhim, resembling a cloud-covered sun, heating all the world by hisausterity. Struck with wonder, Lord Brahm? began to smile and thenaddressed him as follows.

SB 7.3.17: Lord Brahma said: O son of Kashyapa Muni, please get up,please get up. All good fortune unto you. You are now perfect in the

performance of your austerities, and therefore I may give you abenediction. You may now ask from me whatever you desire, and I shalltry to fulfill your wish.SB 7.3.18: I have been very much astonished to see your endurance. In

spite of being eaten and bitten by all kinds of worms and ants, you arekeeping your life air circulating within your bones. Certainly this iswonderful.SB 7.3.19: Even saintly persons like Bhrigu, born previously, could not

perform such severe austerities, nor will anyone in the future be ableto do so. Who within these three worlds can sustain his life withouteven drinking water for one hundred celestial years?SB 7.3.20: My dear son of Diti, with your great determination and

austerity you have done what was impossible even for great saintlypersons, and thus I have certainly been conquered by you.SB 7.3.21: O best of the asuras, for this reason I am now prepared togive you all benedictions, according to your desire. I belong to the

celestial world of demigods, who do not die like human beings.Therefore, although you are subject to death, your audience with mewill not go in vain.SB 7.3.22: Sri Narada Muni continued: After speaking these words to

Hiranyakasipu, Lord Brahma, the original being of this universe, who isextremely powerful, sprinkled transcendental, infallible, spiritual

water from his kamandalu upon Hiranyakasipu' s body, which had beeneaten away by ants and moths. Thus he enlivened Hiranyakasipu.SB 7.3.23: As soon as he was sprinkled with the water from

LordBrahma's waterpot, Hiranyakasipu arose, endowed with a full body withlimbs so strong that they could bear the striking of a thunderbolt.With physical strength and a bodily luster resembling molten gold, he

emerged from the anthill a completely young man, just as fire springsfrom fuel wood.SB 7.3.24: Seeing Lord Brahma

present before him in the sky, carried byhis swan airplane, Hiranyakasipu was extremely pleased. He immediatelyfell flat with his head on the ground and began to express hisobligation to the lord.

SB 7.3.25: Then, getting up from the ground and seeing Lord Brahmabefore him, the head of the Daityas was overwhelmed by jubilation. With

tears in his eyes, his whole body shivering, he began praying in ahumble mood, with folded hands and a faltering voice, to satisfy

LordBrahma.SB 7.3.26-27: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the supremelord within this universe. At the end of each day of his life, theuniverse is fully covered with dense darkness by the influence of time,

and then again, during his next day, that self-effulgent lord, by hisown effulgence, manifests, maintains and destroys the entire cosmicmanifestation through the material energy, which is invested with the

three modes of material nature. He, Lord Brahma, is the shelter ofthose modes of nature — sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna.

SB 7.3.28: I offer my obeisances to the original personality withinthis universe, Lord Brahma, who is cognizant and who can apply his mind

and realized intelligence in creating this cosmic manifestation. It isbecause of his activities that everything within the universe isvisible. He is therefore the cause of all manifestations.SB 7.3.29: Your Lordship, being the origin of the life of this material

world, is the master and controller of the living entities, both movingand stationary, and you inspire their consciousness. You maintain themind and the acting and knowledge-acquiring senses, and therefore you

are the great controller of all the material elements and theirqualities, and you are the controller of all desires.SB 7.3.30: My dear lord, by your form as the

Vedas personified andthrough knowledge relating to the activities of all the yajnicbr?hman?as, you spread the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies of the sevenkinds of sacrifices, headed by agnistoma. Indeed, you inspire the

yajnic br?hmanas to perform the rituals mentioned in the three Vedas.Being the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul of all living entities, you are

beginningless, endless and omniscient, beyond the limits of time andspace.SB 7.3.31: O my lord, Your Lordship is eternally awake, seeingeverything that happens. As eternal time, you reduce the duration of

life for all living entities through your different parts, such asmoments, seconds, minutes and hours. Nonetheless, you are unchanged,resting in one place as the Supersoul, witness and Supreme Lord, thebirthless, all-pervading controller who is the cause of life for all

living entities.SB 7.3.32: There is nothing separate from you, whether it be better orlower, stationary or moving. The knowledge derived from the Vedicliteratures like the Upanis?ads, and from all the sub-limbs of the

original Vedic knowledge, form your external body. You areHiran?yagarbha, the reservoir of the universe, but nonetheless, beingsituated as the supreme controller, you are transcendental to thematerial world, which consists of the three modes of material nature.

SB 7.3.33: O my lord, being changelessly situated in your own abode,you expand your universal form within this cosmic manifestation, thusappearing to taste the material world. You are Brahman, the Supersoul,

the oldest, the Personality of Godhead.SB 7.3.34: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme, whoin his unlimited, unmanifested form has expanded the cosmicmanifestation, the form of the totality of the universe. He possesses

external and internal energies and the mixed energy called the marginalpotency, which consists of all the living entities.SB 7.3.35: O my lord, O best of the givers of benediction, if you willkindly grant me the benediction I desire, please let me not meet death

from any of the living entities created by you.SB 7.3.36: Grant me that I not die within any residence or outside anyresidence, during the daytime or at night, nor on the ground or in thesky. Grant me that my death not be brought by any being other than

those created by you, nor by any weapon, nor by any human being oranimal.SB 7.3.37-38: Grant me that I not meet death from any entity, living ornonliving. Grant me, further, that I not be killed by any demigod or

demon or by any great snake from the lower planets. Since no one cankill you in the battlefield, you have no competitor. Therefore, grantme the benediction that I too may have no rival. Give me sole lordship

over all the living entities and presiding deities, and give me all theglories obtained by that position. Furthermore, give me all the mysticpowers attained by long austerities and the practice of yoga, for these

cannot be lost at any time.


With Love & OM!


Krishna Prasad-- dotcompals: www.dotcompals.in .Org domain Names for just 2.5 USDKrishna PrasadDare to give up the comfort of the 'known' and venture into the 'unknown' The more we know, the more we will come to realize what we do not know.If we want to achieve our true potential and live life to the fullest. As Poojya Gurudev said it, "Open your eyes. Burst your shell. Spread your wings and fly!"Swami ChinmayanandaHate not the sinner - hate the sin; and always hate the sin even with an excess of hatred. "

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