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Hayagriva Manthram & Stress Management of Exams

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Om Namo Bhagavathe VasudevayaDear all devotees,I would like to dedicate this post to all students who are appearing for the exams or waiting for the results and parents too.Kindly chant the following Manthra regularly which has got very good positive impact on the forthcoming results.“HAYAGRIVA MANTHRAM” Gnyanandha mayam

devam Nirmalam sphadikagrithim Aadharam sarva vidhyanam Hayagrivam upasmahae 1. Understanding Stress: Common reactions Common Physical reactions: v Muscle tension v Indigestion v Sleep difficulties v Rapid uneven or pounding heartbeat v Frequent urge to pass urine v Fast, shallow breathing v Chest discomfort v Change in appetite, constipation or diarrhea v Change in appetite, constipation or diarrhea v Backache/headache v Cramps Common Psychological reactions: v Feeling under pressure, frustration and aggression v Feeling tense and unable to relax v Feeling mentally drained out v Fussy, gloomy or suspicious, being constantly frightened or irritable v Inability to concentrate or complete the task. Stress Management: The Physical approach: (A) Eating healthy: v Balancing food choices over time is what counts. v Breakfast provides the energy needed through an active morning. v Children who skip breakfast may have trouble concentrating. v Fast foods supply more fat, salt & calories than good nutrition. v Fast foods in moderation won’t ruin a healthful diet, especially when consumed with green salads. v Replace finger chips with an apple. v Add roughage to your diet – Dalia, Corn etc. will help prevent stomach discomfort and you will feel lighter. v The golden rule for food safety is to keep hot foods hot & cold foods cold. v Parents should teach good habits by example. (B) Good Sleep v Insomnia (the inability to fall or stay asleep) can be caused by stress & anxiety of Exam. v Disturbances of sleep wake cycle during exams. v If sleep struggles continue, talk them over with your doctor. © Physical activity and Yoga v Exercise: planned & structured subset of leisure time physical activity

undertaken for improving or maintaining physical fitness. v Physical fitness: includes cardio-respiratory fitness, muscle strength, body composition and flexibility. v Sport: any choice of outdoor game for a brief period. For example badminton, squash, tennis, etc. The Psychological approach: Stress can lead to both anxiety & depression. However, some amount of anxiety is imperative for good performance. Increased disinterest in studies. Seeing more TV, sleeping more Irritable/ crying / cranky Nervous and irritable Feelings of frustration and aggression Preoccupied, absent minded Symptoms like headaches, fainting spells, vomiting Wanting to be alone Major changes in eating or sleeping habits Lack of attention and concentration Forgetfulness Inability to complete tasks or make study plans Staying out longer, stop communicating with their parents and have health problems. SOME TIPS FOR STUDENTS TO DEAL WITH STRESS: Make realistic study plans Assess

priorities, assets and difficulties Follow a normalized routine atmosphere at home should be recommended. To take frequent breaks. Not to strip off TV or entertainment and outings. Feel comfortable about oneself. That imagining extreme consequences and worst situations is of no use and needs to be discouraged. It is helpful to make the student see what he can accomplish in the remaining time is not negligible. Constant encouragement and reassurance is essential from all significant members in the school and family. It is important that the student is clear about how to take the examination, how to tackle questions and how to manage time. Students tend to magnify failures and try to talk to them out of it. They should not demean themselves, manage time. Advise them to contact the teachers or counselors if they feel low or anxious or disinterested in studies. 2. Psychosomatic Symptoms These refer to physical symptoms that the student shows but there is no biological basis for them and the root cause is in psychological factors. The counselor needs to first look for biological causes of any symptom, only when they are eliminated should the symptoms be considered as psychosomatic. Symptoms v Nagging headaches v Backache v Fainting spells. v Diarrhea/gastric trouble v Asthmatic attacks v Breathlessness v Vomiting v Feeling tensed and unable to relax v Writing camps bloomed or v Absent vision CERTAIN DO’S The counselor needs to help students to

see the mind body connection and understand how the anxiety is manifesting in pain. The counselor needs to help the student to develop alternative coping strategies and thus defocus from the pain. CERTAIN DONT’S Do not deny the symptoms with statement like “ you don’t have any physical problem” or “stop using this as an excuse”. Usually the student is genuinely in trouble and is not pretending pain. Do not encourage symptoms by repeatedly enquiring about them or suggesting remedies for the pain. 3.

High risk Behavior: Drug abuse, self harm, aggression Basic Features It is behavior that is potentially harmful to self or others. Behavior relating to consumption and abuse of psychotropic drugs or commonly used medicines like cough syrups, sleeping pills, painkillers, without prescription. Behavior related to smoking and consumption of alcohol. Self-harming behavior like Suicide, Wrist slashing, Hitting self, Starving deliberately etc. Harm to others in the form of abusive and aggressive behavior like rash driving or violence to others in any form. No medication for High performance. Dos & Don’ts Dos: v Discourage the behavior. v Keep

communication channels open v Talk about the negative and long-term effects. v Teach (quick) relaxation/breathing v Teach anger management v Teach to evaluation consequences. v Talk about the need for sharing this information with parents/teachers. v Make the child understand that monitoring by parents or counselors is essential for early recovery. Don’ts: v Do no prescribe medication. v Do not punish or reprimand harshly. v Do not moralize or made person feel guilty. Help him to think of it as a problem needing help. v Assertively say ‘No’ to student’s demands for taking drugs like cough syrup, pills etc. to relieve anxiety or improve concentration. Even short-term, temporary relief with the help of these drugs should be highly discouraged. 4. Handling Suicide The student who is calling is seriously considering you as the last resort and hence it is important to be careful and helpful. A lot many suicides are impulsive while others are well planned. Impulsive students are likely to decide on the spur of the moment. Hence it is important to buy time. Indicators for increased chance for suicide Withdrawal behavior for few days Mention of suicide repeatedly. Suicide note Disinterest in studies. Changes in eating and sleeping patterns A history of serious psychological problems. A history of impulsive, poorly controlled and destructive behavior. A history of continuing academic problems and learning difficulties. Adjustment difficulties with family, school, peers etc. Interventions Periodically, keeping in touch over the phone will reduce

the intent of ending their lives. Counseling needs to be practical and useful. Long lectures with a moralistic tone are not advised. These make the already depressed student guiltier and his intent stronger. The student should be advised to contact a professional counselor as soon as possible. If not efforts should be made to encourage him to meet his teachers or school counselors or talk to his parents. The more he talks about his problems to various people, he is likely to feel much better. A student who is severely depressed and expresses absolute helplessness about future is more at risk than a student who talks about

casual things. No medicines should be prescribed over the phone. 5. Must Dos for students: For improved concentration, motivation, work blocks v Know your concentration span, study with breaks. v Work out best time for concentration. v Group study for difficult subjects. v Do not let previous results discourage you – identify your

weak areas from previous exams. And work on them. v Time management plan must be made for all subjects. v Choose a study place with minimum distractions and

autosuggest to your self about your resolution. v Try to coincide study time with the time, you would be giving an exam. v In case of average achievers, master what

you know and are comfortable with. v For low achievers, master the essential information first. v Prioritize the workload. Give your best

concentration time to the toughest subject. v Repeat your learnt work so the recall in exam is easy. Work not repeated or revised is easily forgotten. v Try to plan your revision time by drawing up a timetable. Build in time for the things you enjoy – like watching you favorite TV programme, going out with your friends, or going to play football in the park. v Give yourself a few treats – pamper yourself with a long hot bath, or listen to your favorite CD for an hour after you have finished your revision. v Relax with what you know before entering the exam hall. v Do not get anxious about the result – cross that bridge when you come to it…options await. 6. Must Dos for parents v Student can fail to do well if they fail to cope with stress. Parents should guide their children in planning, organizing and setting a timetable. v To avoid a stress situation for the child the parents must provide right kind of motivation and a conducive environment. v Help the child to develop self-discipline self-direction, self-confidence and a sense of achievement. v Just good schooling and tuition are not substitutes for emotional cushioning. v Help the child in maintaining his confidence especially when he seems discouraged by his dropping marks or grades. Do not displace your anxiety on the child. v The achievement goals should be realistically set according to the child’s capability. v Do no mix academic issues with family conflicts. v Praise your child when he does well. Encourage the child’s performance with positive statements like, “well done”, “you can do better”, rather than saying “that was not enough”. v Work out your child’s schedule with him instead of nagging him. There could be learning problems. v Do not harp on previous failures or results. v Under achievement may be due to some children believing it is safer not to try than to try and fail. v If achievement expectations are too high then some children would prefer

to be criticized for being lazy than being considered not good enough. v Humor relieves tension. Be light and humorous with the child. v Try to gain your child’s confidence and discuss his problems with him. Help him to find a solution. v Exams are not the end of the world. v Accept that expectation for every one to do well is unrealistic, as many won’t pursue this for long. 7. MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON EXAMS n How do I deal with exam related stress? Recognize your negative thoughts. Once you closely examine these thoughts you'll see how unrealistic they are. Challenge the thoughts that say you are a failure and that you can't succeed. Remind yourself that it was just another exam and with effort, you will do better in your next attempt. n What if I do badly? Replace self-criticism with self-correction. Judging yourself harshly now won't help you do better in the future. Take the position of an observer. What if a good friend told you he had failed? Would you call him a failure? Most probably you would emphasize his good points and help him put the situation in perspective. n How do I deal with my family's disappointment if my results are not good? Be open and honest with them. Share what

you feel about the result and what you think went wrong. Reassure them of your concern and efforts. Above all, do not have a negative bias against your parents because sometimes they need more reassuring than you do. n What if I don't get the marks I'm expecting? Concentrate on your achievements and be realistic about your expectations as well. Usually we know when we have made a mistake, so take these into account while drawing up expected marks. If you are still dissatisfied with the results, the option of rechecking is always open. n We have heard of

irregularities in the assessment system. What if my marks are adversely affected? Have faith in the system. There will always be rumours about unfair checking, but one cannot ignore the fact that results over all these years have more often than not, been fair. n

I think there is too much pressure and I can't cope with it. Take professional help. If you feel that there is pressure and you are unable to handle it and your self-esteem is coming down and you are unable to cope, then you must consult a psychiatrist to help you tide over this phase. n Everyone tells me to concentrate on my studies. Don't stop enjoying life. One of the common mistakes an individual makes is to totally change his lifestyle. This is under the assumption that if he isolates himself from all leisure and fun times with friends and family and only study, then he will do better. n How much sleep is required? The human body requires an average of 8 hours of sleep per day. But there is no hard and fast rule. Each one of us has to understand our body rhythm and know by trial and error how many hours of sleep keeps us fit. n What happens if we sleep less than what our body requires? If you sleep less for a day or two your body copes up by taking more sleep over next two days. If continued for long then the body gets into what is known as sleep deprivation syndrome because it accumulates so many hours of Sleep Debt. Then you get symptoms of feeling tired and sleepy, headaches, body aches, poor digestion, inability to concentrate, irritability, short tempered ness etc n Should I study in the morning or at night? First understand whether you are an owl or a lark. IF you can get up early in the morning and feel fresh then you must sleep early and get up early and study. If on the other hand you can study late at night but cannot feel fresh when you get up early to study then you must sleep late after studying and get up later in the morning. n How do you get a good night

sleep? Try to keep a fixed time every night for sleeping as far as possible. Avoid afternoon prolonged sleeping, a short nap may be helpful. One hour before bed-time avoid stimulating your sensory system by too much noise like loud music, too much TV, arguments or fights. Three hours before sleep time avoid taking any food or liquids, which contain caffeine, like aerated coal drinks, drinks containing chocolate. n To keep awake for studying students drink lots of coffee. What is the harm? Caffeine in small doses acts as a stimulant and keeps you awake, so a cup once a day may be Ok. Excessive coffee drinking gives side effects like tremors, fast pule rate, irritability, acidity and stomach pain. Coffee also causes addiction. n Why exercise during exam time? Most children will say they have no time for exercise during exam days. They are already stressed out with lack of time, how can they waste time in exercise? The fact is that exercise is all the more necessary during exam time because not only is it a “stress buster “ but also has many other health benefits needed to keep fit during exam. n What does exercise do? God has given us our body which is a perfect machine!. But as with any a machine to keep in good running condition, it requires maintenance or it will develop problems in various parts or rust due to disuse. Similarly if all our body parts are not moved effectively, as in exercise, the body parts will fail and then you will get physical problems like lack of stamina, excessive sleep, headache, muscle pains, fatigue etc. You will also get mental problems like feeling low or depressed, inability

to concentrate, poor memory etc n What are the various forms of exercise? Aerobic exercise, running, jogging, swimming, specific aerobic exercises, strength training, lifting weights and working on machines are some examples.

Resistance or strength training increases lean body-mass which includes muscles, these in turn burn more energy daily as compared to fat mass. More muscles mean more strength and also more calories burnt, so less fat on body. Strength training helps to tone muscles and improves endurance. It reduces risk of osteoporosis so makes our bones very strong. Exercise increases co-ordination and reduces risk of injuries resulting from weak muscles. n How does exercise help? Regular aerobic exercise (swimming, bicycling jogging) improves the function of our cardiovascular system. This makes the circulation better, the lungs process oxygen more effectively so you have less exertion. Heart pumps blood with fewer heart beats (the athletes pulse is always slow). It stimulates the growth of capillaries that increases blood supply hence better oxygenation to muscles. All this makes your body more efficient and gives you more endurance capacity giving you more stamina for working. You can sit longer hours without discomfort. This will make you study harder and better. n How does exercise help you be better mentally? Regular aerobic exercise releases some good chemicals in our body. These are called endorphins. These make you feel happy. They counter the effects of stress, depression and anxiety that all students suffer from during exam time. So after exercising you get a “Natural kick”

which is longer lasting and safe unlike drugs or stimulants like caffeine. It also helps you in weight loss and that will make you feel good about your self. n What are long-term benefits of exercise? Regular exercise will not only help

you during exam but later in life you will have longer life and less risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer and mental depression. n Why do adolescents feel hungry all the time? The body demands more calories during adolescence. Boys require about 2800 calories and girls about 2200 per day. Teens who are big and tall and participate in lot of physical quire more. DO NOT MISS BREAKFAST If you miss breakfast then by the time you have lunch nearly 10 -12 hours have gone by after your last meal. This means your blood sugar level has gone and you have nothing to provide your body with energy. This low blood sugar or hypoglycemia causes short-term memory problems, difficulty in concentration problem solving. DO NOT HAVE A VERY HEAVY DINNER You will feel very heavy and sleepy and will not be able to study well. 8. OTHER FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q.1: If a student fails in the pre Board examination conducted by the school, can he/she be detained from appearing in Class X or XII Board’s exam? Ans. No, if he/she is otherwise eligible. Q.2: Is it possible for a student who has failed in Science stream in Class XII to change subjects to pass at subsequent examination? Ans. Yes, but with prior permission of the Board. Q.3: What is the eligibility criteria for a student to appear as a private candidate in Board examination? Ans. The Board prescribes following conditions under which a candidate can appear privately: - I. Failed candidates II. Teachers serving in educational institutions III. Women candidates who are bonafide residents of NCT of Delhi and IV. Physically handicapped students Q.4: What is the procedure of appearing in additional subject? Ans. An additional subject may be offered within 6 years of passing the examination of the Board. The subject should be provided in the scheme of studies prescribed by the Board. Q.5: Is it compulsory for a student to repeat the practical examination also if he/she fails in theory? Ans. The candidate has an option to appear for practical examination again or retain the previous year practical marks for two consecutive years. Q.6: What are the exemptions provided in examinations to physically challenged and dyslexic candidates? Ans. Dyslexic/spastic/physically handicapped students have the option of studying one compulsory language as against two and any four subjects from the following: I. Mathematics, II. Science, III. Social Science, IV.2nd language (Music, Painting, Home Science and Introductory Information Technology) i. Additional one hour (60 minutes) for each paper is provided to the students ii. Physiotherapy exercises are considered equivalent to Physical and Health Education iii. Amanuensis is provided to such students. Q.7: I wish to improve my performance in Chemistry and Maths. Is it possible and how? Ans. A candidate who has passed Class X or XII examination of the Board may re-appear for improvement of performance in one or more subjects in the main examination in the succeeding year only. The candidate may appear privately; those re-appearing for whole examination can also appear as regular candidate if admitted by the school. - For subjects involving practical work, if the candidate has passed the practical examination, he or she will be allowed to appear only in theory part. Q.8: Does the Board provide any supplementary material for students preparing for X & XII examinations? Ans.

Yes, the Board publishes Sample Question Papers and marking Schemes in main subjects in Class X & XII which can be purchased from any of the Board’s offices. Q.9: Are the questions of Sr. Sec. Exam. strictly based on NCERT books? Ans.: NCERT books are recommended for studies as they cover the prescribed syllabus. It is, therefore, advisable to concentrate on these books. Q.10: Is it compulsory to pass in theory and practical exams. separately? Ans.: Yes, it is compulsory to pass separately in the subjects involving theory and practical in Class XII. Q11: Is a student required to appear in all subjects in

improvement examination? Ans.: No, the student can appear in one or more than one subject(s) as per his/her choice. However, improvement exam. can be taken only in the successive year of passing Class X/XII exams. Q.12: What are the kinds of questions asked in Physics, Chemistry and Biology and how should one attempt the questions? Ans.: The Board publishes Sample Question papers in all the main subjects every year along with Marking Schemes. It is better to procure a copy of each publication. Board’s website can also be visited at cbse.nic.in Q.13: Is there negative marking for exceeding word limit? Ans.: No, the

marks are not cut for exceeding the word limit. However, it is better to restrict to the specified word limit. This should be practiced at the time of revision, which will also help in completing the paper within the allotted time. Q.14: How many sets of question papers are distributed in examination hall in Board’s examination? Ans.: The Board prepares three sets of questions papers in all the main subjects having equal

difficulty level. Q.15: Is it possible to score 80% in Maths in Class X after studying from the NCERT books, latest CBSE Sample Question papers and other Sample Papers? Ans.: Marks would entirely depend upon the preparation and performance during examination. It is, therefore, advisable to remain focused and

do your best. Q.16: Will a student lose marks if he/she opts for Hindi as a medium for writing +2 examination? Ans.: Certainly not. The Board gives option of medium to the students to answer questions in Hindi or English and even in Urdu. The marks are deducted only in case of wrong answers. Q.17: What are the changes in the pattern of Examination in Class XII this year? Ans.: The changes in question paper design and weightages are mentioned in Sample Question Papers in each stream. A copy of Marking Scheme can also be bought from the Headquarter or Regional Office. Q.18: If a student

decides to drop one year, what will be the syllabus applicable for the next examination, the old or the new? Ans.: The candidate will have to study the syllabus recommended for the year in which he/she plans to give the examination. Q.19: What are the rules for condonation of attendance? Ans. :I. A candidate must have 75% attendance as on 1st February of the year of examination. Shortage up to 15% may be condoned by the Chairman. Cases of candidates with attendance below 60% shall be considered for condonation of shortage of attendance only in exceptional circumstances like prolonged serious illness such as cancer, AIDS or T.B. II Death of a parent III. Authorized participation in sponsored tournaments and Sports meet of at least inter school level and NCC/NSS camps. Q.20: Are marks deducted for missing steps in Maths? Ans.: Yes, marks are deducted for missing steps. It will be better to get a copy of the Marking Scheme to know about the weightage and steps and practice accordingly. Q.21: Is the candidate allowed to see the answer script in case the result is

not as per the expectations? Ans.: No. There is no provision of showing answer scripts. The candidate can apply for scrutiny, for reconfirmation of marks. Q.22: If a candidate passes in the additional subject but fails in one of the main subjects, what will the result show? Ans.: The candidate will be considered as having passed the examination in such a case. A language will replace a language only. For further details the scheme of examinations and bye-laws can be referred to. Q.23: Is it compulsory to use ink pen for writing answers in Board exams? Ans.: Always use blue or royal blue ink

pen while writing the answers. Also try to write in neat and legible handwriting. Q.24: How can one get good marks in Maths? Are there any guess papers published by the Board? Ans.: The preparation in Maths essentially depends upon written practice and revising the entire syllabus. Try to solve each and every problem given in the exercises in NCERT textbook. The

Board does not publish any guess papers. It will be better to practice from the Sample Question papers. Q.25: Will the question paper of Maths be different than the two blue prints given in the Sample Question Paper for Class X? Ans. Based on the same design any number of the question papers can be prepared. The paper setter may generate another blue print in addition to two blue prints included in the document.

Q.26: Will the examiner cut marks if the answers are not written in serial order? Ans.: No marks are cut. However, it is advised that the answers should be written in correct serial order as far as possible. Q. 27: What is the procedure followed in marking the answers? Ans.: Each answer is divided into steps and marks are given in accordance to the weightage assigned for these steps. It is advised that a copy of Marking Scheme be procured to get a clear idea. Q. 28: In Class X Board exam. can the answers to the questions written in random order? Ans.: Answers to the questions can be written in random order as long answers are numbered correctly. However since the answer scripts of Science and Technology will be evaluated by two examiners, answer should be written section-wise. Within the section any order may follow. Q. 29 Does poor handwriting affect performance in the Board exams? What is the correct speed rate to follow? Ans.: Answers should be written in a hand which can be read easily by the examiner. Being neat and legible is important. There is no speed rate prescribed. It is better to divide time and plan answers while reading the question paper in the beginning. Q. 30: If one gets good marks in the pre-boards what does it indicate? Will the marks in the Board also be good as

well? Answer: Getting good marks in the Pre-boards clearly indicates that one has prepared well. Being consistent in preparations will definitely fetch good marks in board exams as well. Q. 31: Is it true that longer answers in Hindi fetch better marks, as opposed to English? Ans.: The marks are not related to the length of the answers but to the relevant value points which must be covered both in Hindi as well as in English and even in other subjects.

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It is far easier to conquer others than to conquer oneself, because the former can be attained by recourse to outside means, while the latter can be achieved only with one's own mind. Mahatma Gandhi(1869-1948)PRASAD KRISHNA <pra_00_in wrote: Om Namo Bhagavathe VasudevayaDear all devotees,I would like to dedicate this post to all students who are appearing for the exams or

waiting for the results and parents too.Kindly chant the following Manthra regularly which has got very good positive impact on the forthcoming results. “HAYAGRIVA MANTHRAM” Gnyanandha mayam devam Nirmalam

sphadikagrithim Aadharam sarva vidhyanam Hayagrivam upasmahae 1. Understanding Stress: Common reactions Common Physical reactions: v Muscle tension v Indigestion v Sleep difficulties v Rapid uneven or pounding heartbeat v Frequent urge to pass urine v Fast, shallow breathing v

Chest discomfort v Change in appetite, constipation or diarrhea v Change in appetite, constipation or diarrhea v Backache/headache v Cramps Common Psychological reactions: v Feeling under pressure, frustration and aggression v Feeling tense and unable to relax v Feeling mentally drained out v Fussy, gloomy or suspicious, being constantly frightened or irritable v Inability to concentrate or complete the task. Stress Management: The Physical approach: (A) Eating healthy: v Balancing food choices over time is what counts. v Breakfast provides the energy needed through an active morning. v Children who skip breakfast may have trouble concentrating. v Fast foods supply more fat, salt & calories than good nutrition. v Fast foods in moderation won’t

ruin a healthful diet, especially when consumed with green salads. v Replace finger chips with an apple. v Add roughage to your diet – Dalia, Corn etc. will help prevent stomach discomfort and you will feel lighter. v The golden rule for food safety is to keep hot foods hot & cold foods cold. v Parents should teach good habits by example. (B) Good Sleep v Insomnia (the inability to fall or stay asleep) can be caused by stress & anxiety of Exam. v Disturbances of sleep wake cycle during exams. v If sleep struggles continue, talk them over with your doctor. © Physical activity and

Yoga v Exercise: planned & structured subset of leisure time physical activity undertaken for improving or maintaining physical fitness. v Physical fitness: includes cardio-respiratory fitness, muscle strength, body composition and flexibility. v Sport: any choice of outdoor game for a brief period. For example badminton, squash, tennis, etc. The Psychological approach: Stress can lead to both anxiety & depression. However, some amount of anxiety is imperative for good performance. Increased disinterest in studies. Seeing more TV, sleeping more Irritable/ crying / cranky Nervous and irritable Feelings of frustration and aggression Preoccupied, absent minded Symptoms like headaches, fainting spells, vomiting Wanting to be alone Major changes in eating or sleeping habits Lack of attention and concentration Forgetfulness Inability to complete tasks or make study plans Staying out longer, stop communicating with their parents and have health problems. SOME TIPS FOR STUDENTS TO DEAL WITH STRESS: Make realistic study plans Assess priorities, assets and difficulties Follow a normalized routine atmosphere at home should be recommended. To take frequent breaks. Not to strip off TV or entertainment and outings. Feel comfortable

about oneself. That imagining extreme consequences and worst situations is of no use and needs to be discouraged. It is helpful to make the student see what he can accomplish in the remaining time is not negligible. Constant encouragement and reassurance is essential from all significant members in the school and family. It is important that the student is clear about how to take the examination, how to tackle questions and how to manage time. Students tend to magnify failures and try to talk to them out of it. They should not demean themselves, manage time. Advise them to contact the teachers or counselors if they feel low or anxious or disinterested in studies. 2. Psychosomatic Symptoms These refer to physical symptoms that the student shows but there is no biological basis for them and the root cause is in psychological factors. The counselor needs to first look for biological causes of any symptom, only when they are eliminated should the symptoms be considered as psychosomatic. Symptoms v Nagging headaches v Backache v Fainting spells. v Diarrhea/gastric trouble v Asthmatic attacks v Breathlessness v Vomiting v Feeling tensed and unable to relax v Writing camps bloomed or v Absent vision CERTAIN DO’S The counselor needs to help students to see the mind body connection and understand how the anxiety is manifesting in pain. The counselor needs to help the student to develop alternative coping strategies and thus defocus from the pain. CERTAIN DONT’S Do not deny the symptoms with statement like “ you don’t have any physical problem” or “stop using this as an excuse”. Usually the student is genuinely in trouble and is not pretending pain. Do not encourage symptoms by repeatedly

enquiring about them or suggesting remedies for the pain. 3. High risk Behavior: Drug abuse, self harm, aggression Basic Features It

is behavior that is potentially harmful to self or others. Behavior relating to consumption and abuse of psychotropic drugs or commonly used medicines like cough syrups, sleeping pills, painkillers, without prescription. Behavior related to smoking and consumption of alcohol. Self-harming behavior like Suicide, Wrist slashing, Hitting self, Starving deliberately etc. Harm to others in the form of abusive and aggressive behavior like rash driving or violence to others in any form. No medication for High performance.

Dos & Don’ts Dos: v Discourage the behavior. v Keep communication channels open v Talk about the negative and long-term effects. v Teach (quick) relaxation/breathing v Teach anger management v Teach to evaluation consequences. v Talk about the need for sharing this information with parents/teachers. v Make the child understand that monitoring by parents or counselors is essential for early recovery. Don’ts:

v Do no prescribe medication. v Do not punish or reprimand harshly. v Do not moralize or made person feel guilty. Help him to think of it as a problem needing help. v Assertively say ‘No’ to student’s demands for taking drugs like cough syrup, pills etc. to relieve anxiety or improve concentration. Even short-term, temporary relief with the help of these drugs should be highly discouraged. 4. Handling Suicide The student who is calling is seriously considering you as the

last resort and hence it is important to be careful and helpful. A lot many suicides are impulsive while others are well planned. Impulsive students are likely to decide on the spur of the moment. Hence it is important to buy time. Indicators for increased chance for suicide Withdrawal behavior for few days Mention of suicide repeatedly. Suicide note Disinterest in studies. Changes in eating and sleeping patterns A history of serious psychological problems. A history of impulsive, poorly controlled and destructive behavior. A history of continuing academic problems and learning difficulties. Adjustment difficulties with family, school, peers etc. Interventions Periodically, keeping in touch over the phone will reduce the intent of ending their lives. Counseling needs to be practical and useful. Long lectures with a moralistic tone are not advised. These make the already depressed student guiltier and his intent stronger. The student should be advised to contact a professional counselor as soon as possible. If not efforts should be made to encourage him to meet his

teachers or school counselors or talk to his parents. The more he talks about his problems to various people, he is likely to feel much better. A student who is severely depressed and expresses absolute helplessness about future is more at risk than a student who talks about casual things. No medicines should be prescribed over the phone. 5. Must Dos for students: For improved concentration, motivation, work blocks v Know your concentration span, study with breaks. v Work out best time for concentration. v Group study for difficult subjects. v Do not let previous results discourage you – identify your weak areas from previous exams. And work on them. v Time management plan must be made for all subjects. v Choose a study place with minimum distractions and autosuggest to your self

about your resolution. v Try to coincide study time with the time, you would be giving an exam. v In case of average achievers, master what you know and are comfortable with. v For low achievers, master the essential information first. v Prioritize the workload. Give your best concentration time to the toughest subject. v Repeat your learnt work so the recall in exam is easy. Work not repeated or revised is easily forgotten. v Try to plan your revision time by drawing up a timetable. Build in time for the things you enjoy – like watching you favorite TV programme, going out with your friends, or going to play football in the park. v Give yourself a few treats – pamper yourself with a long hot bath, or listen to your favorite CD for an hour after you have finished your revision. v Relax with what you know before entering the exam hall. v Do not get anxious about the result – cross that bridge when you come to it…options await. 6. Must Dos for parents v Student can fail to do well if they fail to cope with stress. Parents should guide their children in planning, organizing and setting a timetable. v To avoid a stress situation for the child the parents must provide right kind of motivation and a conducive environment. v Help the child to develop self-discipline self-direction, self-confidence and a sense of achievement. v Just good schooling and tuition are not substitutes for emotional cushioning. v Help the child in maintaining his confidence especially when he seems discouraged by his dropping marks or grades. Do not displace your anxiety on the child. v The achievement goals should be realistically set according to the child’s capability. v Do no mix academic issues with family conflicts. v Praise your child when he does well. Encourage the child’s performance with positive statements like, “well done”, “you can do better”, rather than saying “that was not enough”. v Work out your child’s schedule with him instead of nagging him. There could be learning problems. v Do not harp on previous failures or results. v Under achievement may be due to some children believing it is safer not to try than to try and fail. v If achievement expectations are too high then some children would prefer to be criticized for being lazy than being considered not good enough. v Humor relieves tension. Be light and humorous with the child. v Try to gain your child’s confidence and discuss his problems with him. Help him to find a solution. v Exams are not the end of the world. v Accept that expectation for every one to do well is unrealistic, as many won’t pursue this for long. 7. MOST FREQUENTLY

ASKED QUESTIONS ON EXAMS n How do I deal with exam related stress? Recognize your negative thoughts. Once you closely examine these thoughts you'll see how unrealistic they are. Challenge the thoughts that say you are a failure and that you can't

succeed. Remind yourself that it was just another exam and with effort, you will do better in your next attempt. n What if I do badly? Replace self-criticism with self-correction. Judging yourself harshly now won't help you do better in the future. Take the position of an observer. What if a good friend

told you he had failed? Would you call him a failure? Most probably you would emphasize his good points and help him put the situation in perspective. n How do I deal with my family's disappointment if my results are not good? Be open and honest with them. Share what you feel about the

result and what you think went wrong. Reassure them of your concern and efforts. Above all, do not have a negative bias against your parents because sometimes they need more reassuring than you do. n What if I don't get the marks I'm expecting? Concentrate on your achievements and be realistic about your expectations as

well. Usually we know when we have made a mistake, so take these into account while drawing up expected marks. If you are still dissatisfied with the results, the option of rechecking is always open. n We have heard of irregularities in the assessment system. What if my marks are adversely affected? Have faith in the system. There will always be rumours about unfair checking, but one cannot ignore the fact that results over all these years have more often than not, been fair. n I think there is too much pressure and I can't cope with it. Take professional help. If you feel

that there is pressure and you are unable to handle it and your self-esteem is coming down and you are unable to cope, then you must consult a psychiatrist to help you tide over this phase. n Everyone tells me to concentrate on my studies. Don't stop enjoying life. One of the common mistakes an individual

makes is to totally change his lifestyle. This is under the assumption that if he isolates himself from all leisure and fun times with friends and family and only study, then he will do better. n How much sleep is required? The human body requires an average of 8 hours of sleep per day. But there is no hard and fast rule. Each

one of us has to understand our body rhythm and know by trial and error how many hours of sleep keeps us fit. n What happens if we sleep less than what our body requires? If you sleep less for a day or two your body copes up by taking more sleep over next two days. If continued for long then the body gets into what is known as

sleep deprivation syndrome because it accumulates so many hours of Sleep Debt. Then you get symptoms of feeling tired and sleepy, headaches, body aches, poor digestion, inability to concentrate, irritability, short tempered ness etc n Should I study in the morning or at

night? First understand whether you are an owl or a lark. IF you can get up early in the morning and feel fresh then you must sleep early and get up early and study. If on the other hand you can study late at night but cannot feel fresh when you get up early to study then you must sleep late after studying and get up later in the morning. n How do you get a good night sleep? Try to keep a fixed time every night for sleeping as far as possible. Avoid afternoon prolonged sleeping, a short nap may be helpful. One hour before bed-time avoid stimulating your sensory system by too much noise like loud music, too much TV, arguments or fights. Three hours before sleep time avoid taking any food or liquids, which contain caffeine, like aerated coal drinks, drinks containing chocolate. n To keep awake for studying students drink lots of coffee. What is the harm? Caffeine in small doses acts as a stimulant and keeps you awake, so a cup once a day may be Ok. Excessive coffee drinking gives side effects like tremors, fast pule rate, irritability, acidity and stomach pain. Coffee also causes addiction. n Why exercise during exam time? Most children will say they have no time for exercise during exam days. They are already stressed out with lack of time, how can they waste time in exercise? The fact is that exercise is all the more necessary during exam time because not only is it a “stress buster “ but also has many other health benefits needed to keep fit during exam. n

What does exercise do? God has given us our body which is a perfect machine!. But as with any a machine to keep in good running condition, it requires maintenance or it will develop problems in various parts or rust due to disuse. Similarly if all our body parts are not moved effectively, as in exercise, the body parts will fail and then you will get physical problems like lack of stamina, excessive sleep, headache, muscle pains, fatigue etc. You will also get mental problems like feeling low or depressed, inability to concentrate, poor memory etc n What are the various forms of exercise? Aerobic exercise, running, jogging, swimming, specific aerobic exercises, strength training, lifting weights and working on machines are some examples. Resistance or strength training increases lean body-mass which includes muscles, these in turn burn more energy daily as compared to fat mass. More muscles mean more strength and also more calories burnt, so less fat on body. Strength training helps to tone muscles and improves endurance. It reduces risk of osteoporosis so makes our bones very strong.

Exercise increases co-ordination and reduces risk of injuries resulting from weak muscles. n How does exercise help? Regular aerobic exercise (swimming, bicycling jogging) improves the function of our cardiovascular system. This makes the circulation better, the lungs process oxygen more effectively so you have less exertion.

Heart pumps blood with fewer heart beats (the athletes pulse is always slow). It stimulates the growth of capillaries that increases blood supply hence better oxygenation to muscles. All this makes your body more efficient and gives you more endurance capacity giving you more stamina for working. You can sit longer hours without discomfort. This will make you study harder and better. n How does exercise help you be

better mentally? Regular aerobic exercise releases some good chemicals in our body. These are called endorphins. These make you feel happy. They counter the effects of stress, depression and anxiety that all students suffer from during exam time. So after exercising you get a “Natural kick” which is longer lasting and safe unlike drugs or stimulants like caffeine. It also helps you in weight loss and that will make you feel good about your self. n What are long-term benefits of exercise? Regular exercise will not only help you during exam but later in life you will have longer life and less risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer and mental depression. n

Why do adolescents feel hungry all the time? The body demands more calories during adolescence. Boys require about 2800 calories and girls about 2200 per day. Teens who are big and tall and participate in lot of physical quire more. DO NOT MISS BREAKFAST If you miss breakfast then by the time you have lunch nearly 10 -12 hours have gone by after your last meal. This means your blood sugar level has gone

and you have nothing to provide your body with energy. This low blood sugar or hypoglycemia causes short-term memory problems, difficulty in concentration problem solving. DO NOT HAVE A VERY HEAVY DINNER You will feel very heavy and sleepy and will not be able to study well. 8. OTHER FREQUENTLY ASKED

QUESTIONS Q.1: If a student fails in the pre Board examination conducted by the school, can he/she be detained from appearing in Class X or XII Board’s exam? Ans. No, if he/she is otherwise eligible. Q.2: Is it possible for a student who has failed in Science stream in Class XII to change subjects to pass at subsequent examination? Ans. Yes, but with prior permission of the Board. Q.3: What is the eligibility criteria for a student to appear as a private candidate in Board examination? Ans. The Board prescribes following conditions under which a candidate can appear privately: - I. Failed candidates II.

Teachers serving in educational institutions III. Women candidates who are bonafide residents of NCT of Delhi and IV.

Physically handicapped students Q.4: What is the procedure of appearing in additional subject? Ans. An additional subject may be offered within 6 years of passing the examination of the Board. The subject should be provided in the scheme of studies prescribed by the Board. Q.5: Is it compulsory for a student to repeat the practical examination also if he/she fails in theory? Ans. The candidate has an option to appear for practical examination again or retain the previous year practical marks for two consecutive years. Q.6: What are the exemptions provided in examinations to physically challenged and dyslexic candidates? Ans. Dyslexic/spastic/physically handicapped students have the option of studying one compulsory language as against two and any four subjects from the following: I. Mathematics, II. Science, III. Social Science, IV.2nd language (Music, Painting, Home Science and Introductory Information Technology) i. Additional one hour (60 minutes) for each paper is provided to the students ii. Physiotherapy exercises are considered equivalent to Physical and Health Education iii. Amanuensis is provided to such students. Q.7: I wish to improve my performance in Chemistry and Maths. Is it possible and how? Ans. A candidate who has passed Class X or XII

examination of the Board may re-appear for improvement of performance in one or more subjects in the main examination in the succeeding year only. The candidate may appear privately; those re-appearing for whole examination can also appear as regular candidate if admitted by the school. - For subjects involving practical work, if the candidate has passed the practical examination, he or she will be allowed to appear only in theory part. Q.8: Does the Board provide any supplementary material for students preparing for X & XII examinations? Ans. Yes, the Board publishes Sample Question Papers and marking Schemes in main subjects in Class X & XII which can be purchased from any of the Board’s offices. Q.9: Are the questions of Sr. Sec. Exam. strictly based on NCERT books? Ans.: NCERT books are recommended for studies as they cover the prescribed syllabus. It is, therefore, advisable to concentrate on these books. Q.10: Is it compulsory to pass in theory and practical exams. separately? Ans.: Yes, it is compulsory to pass separately in the subjects involving theory and practical in Class XII. Q11: Is a student required to appear in all subjects in improvement examination? Ans.: No, the student can appear in one or more than one subject(s) as per his/her choice. However, improvement exam. can be taken only in the successive year of passing Class X/XII exams. Q.12: What

are the kinds of questions asked in Physics, Chemistry and Biology and how should one attempt the questions? Ans.: The Board publishes Sample Question papers in all the main subjects every year along with Marking Schemes. It is better to procure a copy of each publication. Board’s website can also be visited at cbse.nic.in Q.13: Is there negative marking for exceeding word limit? Ans.: No, the marks are not cut for exceeding the word limit. However, it is better to restrict to the specified word limit. This should be practiced at the time of revision, which will also help in completing the paper within the allotted time. Q.14: How many sets of question papers are distributed in examination hall in Board’s examination? Ans.: The Board prepares three sets of questions papers in all the main subjects having equal difficulty level. Q.15: Is it possible to score 80% in Maths in Class X after studying from the NCERT books, latest CBSE Sample Question papers and other Sample Papers? Ans.: Marks would entirely depend upon the preparation and

performance during examination. It is, therefore, advisable to remain focused and do your best. Q.16: Will a student lose marks if he/she opts for Hindi as a medium for writing +2 examination? Ans.: Certainly not. The Board gives option of medium to the students to answer questions in Hindi or English and even in Urdu. The marks are deducted only in case of wrong answers. Q.17: What are the changes in the pattern of Examination in Class XII this year? Ans.: The changes in question paper design and weightages are mentioned in Sample Question Papers in each stream. A copy of Marking Scheme can also be bought from the Headquarter or Regional Office. Q.18: If a student decides to drop

one year, what will be the syllabus applicable for the next examination, the old or the new? Ans.: The candidate will have to study the syllabus recommended for the year in which he/she plans to give the examination. Q.19: What are the rules for condonation of attendance? Ans. :I. A candidate must have 75% attendance as on 1st February of the year of examination. Shortage up to 15% may be condoned by the Chairman. Cases of candidates with attendance below 60% shall be considered for condonation of shortage of attendance only in exceptional circumstances like prolonged serious illness such as cancer, AIDS or T.B. II Death of a parent III. Authorized participation in sponsored tournaments and Sports meet of at least inter school level and NCC/NSS camps. Q.20: Are marks deducted for missing steps in Maths? Ans.: Yes, marks are deducted for missing steps. It will be better to get a copy of the Marking Scheme to know about the weightage and steps and practice accordingly. Q.21: Is the candidate allowed to see the answer script in case the result is not as per the expectations? Ans.: No. There is no provision of showing answer scripts. The candidate can apply for scrutiny, for reconfirmation of marks. Q.22: If a candidate passes in the additional subject but fails in one of the main subjects, what will the result show? Ans.: The candidate will be considered as having passed the examination in such a

case. A language will replace a language only. For further details the scheme of examinations and bye-laws can be referred to. Q.23: Is it compulsory to use ink pen for writing answers in Board exams? Ans.: Always use blue or royal blue ink pen while writing the answers. Also try to write in neat and legible handwriting. Q.24: How can one get good marks in Maths? Are there any guess papers published by the Board? Ans.: The preparation in Maths essentially depends upon written practice and revising the entire syllabus. Try to solve each and every problem given in the exercises in NCERT textbook. The Board does not publish any guess papers. It will be better to practice from the Sample Question papers. Q.25: Will the question paper of Maths be different than the two blue prints given in the Sample Question Paper for Class X? Ans. Based on the same design any number of the question papers can be prepared. The paper setter may generate another blue print in addition to two blue prints included in the document. Q.26: Will the examiner cut marks if the answers are not written in serial

order? Ans.: No marks are cut. However, it is advised that the answers should be written in correct serial order as far as possible. Q. 27: What is the procedure followed in marking the answers? Ans.: Each answer is divided into steps and marks

are given in accordance to the weightage assigned for these steps. It is advised that a copy of Marking Scheme be procured to get a clear idea. Q. 28: In Class X Board exam. can the answers to the questions written in random order? Ans.: Answers to the questions can be written in random order as long answers are numbered correctly. However since the answer scripts of Science and Technology will be evaluated by two examiners, answer should

be written section-wise. Within the section any order may follow. Q. 29 Does poor handwriting affect performance in the Board exams? What is the correct speed rate to follow? Ans.: Answers should be written in a hand which can be read easily by the examiner. Being neat and legible is important. There is no speed rate prescribed. It is better to divide time and plan answers while reading the question paper in

the beginning. Q. 30: If one gets good marks in the pre-boards what does it indicate? Will the marks in the Board also be good as well? Answer: Getting good marks in the Pre-boards clearly indicates that one has prepared well. Being consistent in preparations will definitely fetch good marks in board exams as well. Q. 31: Is it true that longer answers in Hindi fetch better marks, as opposed to English? Ans.: The marks are not related to the length of the answers but to the relevant value points which must be covered both in Hindi as well as in English and even in other subjects. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.


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