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Human beings have the sense, freedom and ability to

develop their own HABITS which forms the basis of

ACTIONS which are the CAUSES for the EFFECTS

(Results). ATTITUDES precedes BELIEFS which are

preceded by THOUGHTS. The only way to gain control and

mastery of THOUGHTS is by ASSOCIATION of

scriptures/good people/temples/good work and rituals.


Probably our ancient seers saw this (that is why they

are called 'seers')and put a network of temples all

over the country.


Good post Prasad Krishnaji.








--- PRASAD KRISHNA <pra_00_in wrote:


> INTRODUCTION TO AACHAARAAS : In India the aachaaraas

> are practiced

> for the following purposes and benefits -

> Aachaaraath labhathe hi ayu: aachaaraath

> dhanamakshayam aachaaraath

> labhathe suprajaa: aachaaro ahanthya lakshanam (

> Aachaaraas are

> practiced for the psychological and physiological

> health benefits and

> for a long life; aachaaraas are followed for

> prosperity and wealth;

> aachaaraas are followed for strong family and social

> bondage and by

> following the aachaaraas, one gets a fine

> personality and dharmic

> outlook/ vision) says our dharma saastra books and

> aacharyaas.


> In India everyone practiced their dharma through

> these aachaaraas

> for the above mentioned psychological,

> physiological, family relation

> based, social benefit based and national integration

> based benefits.

> IISH request all of you all to understand

> scientifically, rationally

> and logically the meaning and message of each and

> everyone of the

> aachaaraas and practice them in your life and teach

> those messages to

> the growing generations logically and systematically


> Achaaras are the foundations of Sanathana dharma (

> aachara prabhavo

> dharma) hence Hinduism ( a wrong word- it is Hindu

> dharma) is not a

> religion but a way of life i.e through these

> acharaas every one

> leads the dharmic life. Say for example the

> aachaaraas to be

> performed by mother is known as maathru dharma, by

> father pitru dharma by the

> son is putra dharma, by the husband bhartru dharma

> and by the wife

> patnee dharma. Even for the citizens we had poura

> dharma for teachers

> aachaarya dharma, for the kings Rajadharma .......

> and so on !Now, The

> sanaathana dharma is = The maathru dharma + pitru

> dharma + putra

> dharma + putree dharma + bhartru dharma +......+

> raja dharma. The

> sanathana dharma has the following literal meaning

> also Sanaathana =

> chira puratana (older than the oldest) + nitya

> noothana ( ever novel)

> Dharma = dhaaranaath dharma = the one which is

> duiding you is dharma.


> In sanathana dharma the followers have the freedom

> for criticizing

> the negatives, evaluating the merits, correcting

> superstitions and

> mistakes, modifying the ideas based on desa and

> kaala (place and

> time), adding any novel ideas beneficial for human

> beings, deleting

> which are irrelevant , accepting anything good for

> the benefit of

> individuals/family/society/nation, rejecting any

> outdated practices Any of

> their beliefs, thoughts, books, faiths, rituals,

> customs, concepts,

> can be subjected to the above processing/refining.


> Because of the above freedom Hindus have as many as

> 1280 basic

> dharmic books as (mathagranthas with tens of

> thousands of their

> commentaries) where as the people of other religion

> have ONLY ONE



> Because of the great freedom given by our Rishies

> for taking good

> from everywhere and rejecting bad at any time, Hindu

> dharma still

> remain strong even after more than a thousand years

> of foreign

> aggression and massacre. One should remember that

> there is no final

> authority for Hindu dharma whose words are the final

> answers for

> coming to a decision on anything. You know all other

> civilisation like

> Mesopotamia, Greek, Egyptians, Babylonia,,,,,,etc

> all got wiped out from

> the surface of the globe Earth. Bharatheeya dharma

> could not be

> killed. It is giving light to billions of people

> world over. It has

> become a great subject for learning and practicing !





> All the knowledge required for the progress of the

> human beings

> cannot be included in one book, y one saint. Hence

> our forefathers wrote

> hundreds of books for the benefit of the human being

> world over. That

> is sanathana dharma based literature. That is how we

> had not one

> book by more than 1280 books and tens of thousands

> of their

> commentaries as our dharma granthas


> Our aachaaras are explained in many of these books

> based on the

> subject connected with that as stories, history,

> ritual, customs,

> directives, guidance, etc to be followed in our

> life.


> You know that there are three factors which are the

> bases of modern

> physics, the time- the space and the

> perceiver/observer. In the same

> way these three parameters influence the Hindu

> aachaaraas also,

> the time and place of performing the eucharis and

> also the persons

> who are eligible to perform that dharma. Hence one

> should select sacred

> time, sacred place and cleanliness/suddhi of the

> body who are

> performing that karma, connected with the

> aachaaraas.


> The aachaaraas are explained in the books of

> puraanaas, itihasaas,

> dharmasastras, gruhyasootraas, sroutha sootraas,

> Upanishads, vedangas,

> upavedas, and darsanaas. The aachaaraas connected

> with each subject

> and individual are explained in the respective book

> ! continuous

> refinement of each aachaara has been taking place in

> the course of time

> with help of aacharyaas, who are the reformers of

> the aachaaraas.


> Everyone has the freedom to refine the achaarass by

> addition,

> deletion, modification and corrections. Depending

> upon the time, place and

> other parameters like country where these acharas

> are performed,

> However the refining of the aacharaas are done

> without loosing the

> spirit and message of the aachaaraas.


> The greatness of each and every aachaara is that

> science and

> spirituality integrate in all these aachaaraas. The

> merit of the science

> and the merit of value based scientific spirituality

> are to

> be utilized for personal/ family/society and

> national betterment.

> Which are the prime aims of following the acharas.



> The aachaaraas do have one or more merits which can

> be classified

> under FIVE categories. Psychologically beneficial

> aachaaraas,

> physiologically beneficial aachaaraas, aachaaraas

> strengthening family

> relation, acharaas building the social bondage and

> the aachaaraas

> beneficial for national integration.


> Psychologically beneficial Achaaras : Chanting a

> mantra/ keerthan/

> naamam. Faith in divine power ( We Indians never say

> god fearing but we

> are god loving - Eeswara Bhakti is what is required

> and not Eeswara

> bhayam) taking blessing from elders, listening to

> the puranic and

> related stories, taking food with family members,

> visiting friends and

> relatives, doing yoga, sharing the problems with

> friends and family

> members……….


> Physiologically beneficial aachaaras: Doing soorya

> namaskara which is

> an ideal exercise for all the movable skeletal

> joints, morning prayer


=== message truncated ===




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