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Americans Welcomed to Sanatana Dharma

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Hari OM!

Dear Ones,

Eight Americans Welcomed into the Sanatana Dharma TraditionJune 1, 2008Omaha, NE, USAIn a historic religious event that occurred on Saturday, May 31, 2008,eight Americans were formally welcomed into the ancient tradition ofSanatana Dharma (Hinduism) in a sacred initiation (diksha) ceremony atthe Hindu Temple of Nebraska. The ceremony was overseen by Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. FrankMorales, Ph.D.), the Resident Acharya (Spiritual Preceptor) of thetemple, and Professor Alekha Dash, who conducted the traditional fireceremony (yagya) central to any authentic Hindu initiation rite. Though Hinduism is not a religion that overtly seeks converts, manyAmericans and Europeans have nonetheless enthusiastically embraced thetradition in the past. This represents the first time in history,however, that such a large number of Americans have been welcomed intothe tradition at one time. In accepting Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya as their guru (spiritualteacher), these newly committed American Hindus vowed to devotethemselves to living a Dharma lifestyle, to meditate upon God eachday, and to express compassion toward all they encounter. Included among the new initiates were: two professors, a practicingpsychiatrist, a retired lawyer, and a nurse, among others. First Non-Indian Women Awarded with Brahmana ThreadIn a related historical development, Ms. Heather "Tulasi" Mortensenwas awarded brahmana initiation during the same ceremony, and awardedwith a sacred thread. Though traditionally Hindu women were known tohave been given sacred threads during Vedic times, this practice cameto a stop at some point in the history of Hinduism. Thus, thisthread-giving ceremony (known as upavita-samskara in Sanskrit)

represents the very first time in world history that a non-Indianwoman has been awarded such a sacred thread. Sri Acharyaji stated tothe large audience observing this event that "I know that thishistoric precedent is only the beginning of the reclamation of anancient and important Vedic tradition. My hope is that thisrepresents only the first of many thousands of women who I will seeawarded the sacred thread in my lifetime."The two hour event was followed by a celebration dinner in thetemple's auditorium. For further information, please contact us at info,(402) 896-4294http://www.dharmacentral.com


With Love & OM!

Krishna Prasad

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